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How Do You Get Recruits to Sign Up Immediately After a Show?

In summary, the conversation discusses the practice of recruiting consultants at shows and the ideal situation of having their first six shows lined up before signing. However, some consultants have had success signing recruits at the show itself, and it is recommended to have them identify specific dates that work for them and their families to do shows. It is also mentioned that erratic schedules can be accommodated through being a catalog consultant. Additionally, a tip is shared about asking the audience at a show to raise their hands if they would host a show if the current host became their consultant, which can lead to multiple bookings right at the show. Finally, it is stated that some prefer to have recruits with six committed shows before getting their kit to ensure a strong start in building bookings.
OK, one more stupid question I am sure, but Don Funt said on the recruiting cd I just listened to that he would sign recruits right after the show at the host's home....I thought the new consultants had to have their first 6 shows booked before they signed, or is it just that they have to type in 6 dates they will try to fill?

I would sign them up right there if that is how it works!
They just have to have their first 6 dates. You do NOT want to do a show in someone else's home before signing - you won't be covered by our Liability Insurance!!! What did you have to do when you signed up?
Those dates are in no way set in stone! Just pick 6 dates and sign way!

Kate, Janice is referring to the practice of recruiting right at the show and having Consultant Agreements ready for them to sign that night. An AD in my NEDs first line does this and it is awesome. She did her show for us at a meeting last month and it was incredible.
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  • #4
Thanks, Debbie. This is AWESOME! I guess I just had the impression that they had to have their first 6 shows lined up before they signed...it's just the way my Director had told me it should be done. I can see why that would be the ideal situation, but if I can sign them up at the show, I really think I will be able to sign MORE of them.

My recruiting is going really well, and some of my past leads would have probably signed if I had caught them the night of the show when the fire was lit, but the next day it is already waning and I lose them.

I have only been in PC since January, and last month started taking Consultant Agreements to my show for them to fill out, even though I have signed all 4 up online,


Last Monday all I wanted was 1 more recruit to be a FD now I want want 1 more to be a DIRECTOR!

Did I say, this is AWESOME!

PS. Watch for me at Conference (Wave 1)....I may be walking as a Director! Fingers crossed!
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One way to help them identify the dates is to talk to them about which night of the week works for them and their families for them to do shows. If it's weekends, mark down all Fridays and Saturdays and then their first task after they sign is to call people to have shows on those specific dates! They can control their calendar that way.

Helps with goal setting before the ink is even dry...
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  • #6
Great ideas! I had a show today and the host only had 2 show up, her sister and her mother....but she had over $500 in outside orders!

I told her how great she was at this and had she ever thought about doing what I do--and yes, she has! But, her schedule is erratic and changes all the time. I was thinking Catalog Consultant, but it is so hard to get bookings from these. Any suggestions?
jwpamp said:
Great ideas! I had a show today and the host only had 2 show up, her sister and her mother....but she had over $500 in outside orders!

I told her how great she was at this and had she ever thought about doing what I do--and yes, she has! But, her schedule is erratic and changes all the time. I was thinking Catalog Consultant, but it is so hard to get bookings from these. Any suggestions?

Did you tell her that the great thing about PC is that she can fit it around her erratic schedule?

Here's another tip that I have used for a host who is considering signing (granted there is more than 2 people at the show)...

At the show ask the audience to raise their hands if they were considering hosting a show. Then ask them who would host a show if Suzy Host was to sign up and become their consultant. You will usually see more hands raised and more than likely the host will have her 6 booking right there. I think that this is a great method for signing host as she can see how many and how easy it is to get bookings when you are starting out!
I like the idea of signing people right at the show, but I have found from experiance that I prefer that they have 6 commited shows, before they get thier kit. One or two shows are going to cancel, but if they start strong, they will continue to build bookings which is the main thing I worry about.

Maybe a work around would be to sign the agreement and decide on a date to submit the agreement. That way they have 1 week to get those bookings or even catalog shows. Then submit the agreement.

I know that we LOVE to see recruits sign up, but what good are they unless they qualify and continue to build thier business?
How do all of you have people who want to sign up right at the show? I have had interested people before, but they always want information to take home to their husbands and think about it for a while. How do you push them over the edge?

Related to How Do You Get Recruits to Sign Up Immediately After a Show?

What are the benefits of signing up at the show?

Signing up at the show allows you to take advantage of limited-time promotions and discounts that are only available to new consultants. You will also have the opportunity to start earning commission right away and build your business by using products you are already familiar with.

What is the cost to sign up at the show?

The cost to sign up at the show is $109 plus tax and shipping. This includes your starter kit, which includes over $650 worth of products and business supplies.

Do I have to host a show to sign up?

No, hosting a show is not a requirement to sign up as a consultant. However, hosting a show can be a great way to kickstart your business and earn even more rewards and benefits.

What kind of support will I receive as a new consultant?

As a new consultant, you will have access to training and support from your sponsor and other consultants in your team. You will also have access to online resources and tools provided by Pampered Chef to help you grow your business.

Can I sign up at the show even if I have no prior sales experience?

Yes, you do not need any prior sales experience to become a Pampered Chef consultant. Our training and support will provide you with all the necessary tools and resources to help you succeed in your new business.

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