You will see it is 130 AM! Cole was sleeping great until we had a bunch of formula problems the last few weeks. We FINALLY have him on one that is working for the past week but he got so off schedule during the bad times that he has basically gotten his days and nights backwards.
He is just now falling alseep and hopefully soon will be asleep enough to stay that way!!! We kept him up when he woke up at 6 pm hoping that would help the going to sleep at 1 am but it did not.
Any advice? I will be a zombie when I have to go back to work on July 9th if this keeps up. Russell and I do swap nights staying up but it is getting exhausting. Actually is has done got exhausting!
He is just now falling alseep and hopefully soon will be asleep enough to stay that way!!! We kept him up when he woke up at 6 pm hoping that would help the going to sleep at 1 am but it did not.
Any advice? I will be a zombie when I have to go back to work on July 9th if this keeps up. Russell and I do swap nights staying up but it is getting exhausting. Actually is has done got exhausting!