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Director How Do You Back Door Track Director Pack Shipments?

Does anyone remember how to back door track these shipments? I remember someone (Mary?) explained how to take the "show/shipment number" from the Product Adjustments page and then add 0's (?) to create a Fed-Ex tracking number.

I'm showing a shipment went out under 'show' G0138 on the 22nd. Is this the director pack? (Sorry to sound so lame, but with my primary computer dead, I am seriously back-logged trying to get back on top of things.)

Hey Kristin - you need to track it on FedEx side as a Reference number. add 01 to the PC tracking number

Mine is still not showing up :( - but my dots binder that shipped on the 13th was 463335g0140 so the FedEx reference number is 463335g014001

I have in my calendar that something is supposed to arrived tomorrow--new products!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks Linda! (and Debbie!) I was able to track it....but unfortunately it shows its going to Florida. :( HO had confirmed last week it would come here to PA (where I actually have a team with which to have a cluster meeting:eek:). Oh well, let me give HO another call. My meeting isn't until Monday so maybe the reroute hasn't caught up with Fed-Ex.
I can't track it. Grrrr. For some reason, I can never do it right!!!!Nothing is showing up in my adjustment to pick from, and I have 3 missing numbers that would make sense are the new products (or at least one of them).:( Unhappy!
I can't track mine either but often things show up before they appear on the adjustments page. I've tried a ton of numbers on the fed ex tracker and nothing shows there either. For me to get them tomorrow they would have had to ship at the latest yesterday.
I called and changeovers are starting to ship today.
DebbieJ said:
I called and changeovers are starting to ship today.

Boo hoo! That is a delay because we are supposed to receive them by tomorrow. Oh well, they will get here.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
When I first went to the Fed-Ex page and typed in the number, I got nothing. Then I re-read Linda's post and went back, scrolled down the initial page and say a place specifically for 'reference numbers'. That did the trick for me. (Hope this helps)
  • #10
Still doesn't work for me. I'm like Beth... they usually show up on the adjustment page AFTER I've received the shipment.

I REALLY :cry: wanted them today because my show for tonight is bumped to next week due to the snow we've been getting and I wanted something to play with. I GUESS I'll wait until tomorrow! :)
  • #11
I'm supposed to be getting two boxes tomorrow. We'll see what they are!!
  • #12
I can't see anything either. I even entered the next succession of numbers and nothing.... :(
  • #13
I just got my 2 boxes from Fed Ex.
  • #14
chefkugler said:
I just got my 2 boxes from Fed Ex.

  • #15
I hope yours comes tomorrow.
  • #16
No G shipments under adjustments for me. Drat! That's what happens when you live close to HO--they ship your stuff LAST! Wahhh!!!!!
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
No G shipments under adjustments for me. Drat! That's what happens when you live close to HO--they ship your stuff LAST! Wahhh!!!!!

:( Bummer! I show nothing either. But I know I've gotten thing before they show up. I tried the next several ref #s with FedEx and noithing.
  • #18
HOORAY! Mine shows a delivery date of tomorrow. They were shipped on January 27!:party:

I need to stop at Walmart tomorrow for a fresh pineapple!
  • #19
Mine will be here tomorow too! My dots binder was shipment g140 - so I've been looking for #141.....my director pack is listed as #139...guess it's been there all along and I didn't notice it.
  • #20
Huh...I just got creative and found that I have two boxes that should arrive tomorrow! yay! I bought a pineapple yesterday and can't wait to use the wedger!
  • #21
DebbieJ said:
Huh...I just got creative and found that I have two boxes that should arrive tomorrow!

Okay Spill! How did you do it?
  • #22
Okay so I got box 1 of 2 today. It had the white rectangle baker, the large bamboo bowl and the bamboo platter.

I cannot wait to get the rest!!!
  • #23
finley1991 said:
Okay Spill! How did you do it?

I changed the numbers. I actually went BACKWARDS from my Dots Binder shipment and tracked by reference #.

447038G013901 have to add teh 01 at the end.
  • #24
DebbieJ said:
I changed the numbers. I actually went BACKWARDS from my Dots Binder shipment and tracked by reference #.

447038G013901 have to add teh 01 at the end.

woo hoo!! that worked for me too. looks like they should come tomorrow!!
  • #25
pamperedlinda said:
Mine will be here tomorow too! My dots binder was shipment g140 - so I've been looking for #141.....my director pack is listed as #139...guess it's been there all along and I didn't notice it.

Thanks for that tip! I looked at numbers before the binder and there it was! Two boxes to be delivered tomorrow!
  • #26

FedEx just dropped off 2 boxes at my house.....I opened and looked inside, but I have too much work to do this morning to explore too much.
  • #27
I checked late last night and FINALLY it showed up!!! YAY! And I checked again this morning and they are out for delivery! I need to get my calls done before they arrive though because that so won't happen once they get here!!!!! :)
  • #28
Yay!! Mine are also showing on the truck so I can't WAIT!!! Off to pack for my amazing race show tonight so I don't get side tracked!!! ;)
  • #29
So I go out to get some breakfast and there they were!!!!

I've unpacked them a played a bit and now I'm on the phone!!!!

PS: They really are awesome! Those Bamboo Platters! I'm in love!!!! :candyheart:
  • #30
The tracker is showing delivery today but that they're in St Louis MO - my orders never go through there! :eek::grumpy: Delivery here is usually late afternoon so we'll see but I have a show tonight anyway so no time to play. I guess I can wait one more day if I have to. :cry:
  • #31
Got mine!
What I really need is the supply that is supposed to come today!!
  • #32
got mine but still not done packing for my show tonight so no playing for me. Also trying to do my host packets for February! AGH!! All I want to do is PLAY!!!
  • #33
Well it looks like I'm getting nothing until at least tomorrow. I have 4 boxes coming - 2 supply and the 2 director. 2 are sitting in St. Louis for some strange reason - my boxes don't come that way. Another one got to Charlotte a few minutes ago and the last one says it's in Chicago. :mad::grumpy: :cry:

Orders always take 2 days, just 2 days, to get to me so they SHOULD be here today if FedEx would have routed them like they normally do. My last show took less than 48 hours from the time I SUBMITTED to delivery here.
  • #34
YEA! Just got box 1 of 2!!! I really love this new bamboo!!
  • #35
Received my supply order, my Director products (3 boxes) yesterday and one of my consultant's received her Sellathon today and said the Fed Ex man said he had a few more for me today too!:party:

I was stamping supplies like a mad woman last night trying to get it all down to one or two cases...now more....oh how very terrible...NOT!!!:approve:
  • #36
Just got mine! It's such an exciting time. Plus I ordered my paperwork yesterday and got it today. I can't wait to read all the reviews, tips, etc.
  • #37
I got my director pkgs today and I'm supposed to be getting 1 tomorrow so I'm guessing it's my sell a thon. It's 20lbs worth! I also get 30 reusable shopping bags tomorrow so it'll be a shopping day tomorrow again!!
  • #38
Ugg. I'm going to stop reading this thread. I ordered my paperwork on the 23rd and hopefully I'll finely get it tomorrow.
  • #39
Mine arrived just as I was running out, so I haven't taken anything out except the pineapple wedger. I bought a pineapple a couple days ago and hadn't cut it up yet.It is very cool, but could be difficult to use for anyone who is short. I couldn't get enough leverage and had to have my husband help me get it started! I'll need to stand on a stool to use this!
  • #40
DebbieJ said:
Mine arrived just as I was running out, so I haven't taken anything out except the pineapple wedger. I bought a pineapple a couple days ago and hadn't cut it up yet.

It is very cool, but could be difficult to use for anyone who is short. I couldn't get enough leverage and had to have my husband help me get it started! I'll need to stand on a stool to use this!

The gentleman demonstrating it at Leadership cut it in half. He told us that was a good way to do it if you need more leverage. I just asked my hubby to stop and get the pineapple for me. I am so excited about it!!!
  • #41
DebbieJ said:
....It is very cool, but could be difficult to use for anyone who is short. I couldn't get enough leverage and had to have my husband help me get it started! I'll need to stand on a stool to use this!

Thanks for the warning....
  • #42
i know i am an idiot :) the 29 min cookbook...was that supposed to be in the director package? i didn't get my SAT stuff yet :( maybe tomorrow....
  • #43
pckrissy said:
i know i am an idiot :) the 29 min cookbook...was that supposed to be in the director package? i didn't get my SAT stuff yet :( maybe tomorrow....

No. The 2 shows in December items are not in the director packet. Nor the Deep Covered Baker - for recruiting in November.
  • #44
thanks beth,
so i guess my SAT items and items for 2 dec shows are still to come...i am usually right on top of this..but for some reason i can't get a handle on it...thank you for your patience....i feel like a child who keeps asking the same question over and over...i know i have way too much on my plate right now but i am concentrating on my bookings, cc and recruiting and team morale that the details of the rest of my life are falling apart! i am praying and working on balance :)
  • #45
It's okay. {{{hugs}}} We all go through times that we think we'll break if we get one more thing on our plate. Step back and take a breath. No one thinks you're dumb or anything for not remembering every detail. It's okay to give yourself a break.:chef:
  • #46
thanks beth...i know no one thinks i am a dumb, just me :) i am used to knowing the details...in fact on another post they were discussing what you earned for each level of the SAT and i replied that it was for our June sales totally forgetting november! I keep telling myself to breathe...its been a hectic week..i know we all have them...people keep telling me its still the pregnancy hormones...he is 9mos old now..i want my hormones back to normal...lol...enjoy all your new products! thanks for listening (reading)...you must be an Awesome director & Mom :) {{hugs}} back at ya!
  • #47
pckrissy said:
thanks beth...i know no one thinks i am a dumb, just me :) i am used to knowing the details...in fact on another post they were discussing what you earned for each level of the SAT and i replied that it was for our June sales totally forgetting november! I keep telling myself to breathe...its been a hectic week..i know we all have them...people keep telling me its still the pregnancy hormones...he is 9mos old now..i want my hormones back to normal...lol...enjoy all your new products! thanks for listening (reading)...you must be an Awesome director & Mom :) {{hugs}} back at ya!

My baby is 20 and I'm waiting to get my "hormones" back to normal. HAHA

Thanks for the compliment. You don't know what it means to me at this time - we all have our "issues". Take care, rest, hug your baby, and have fun. Life's too short to stress.
  • Thread starter
  • #48
Looks like my pack hasn't even gone out. :cry: At 8:00 last night a supervisor gave approval for overnight delivry (to arrive Saturday), but I just don't know if it will honestly get here in time for Monday's cluster meeting.

I didn't realize I was going to receive the director pack until a couple weeks ago when Beth posted the policies regarding qualification and waiver months (thank you Beth!). Afterwards I called HO and asked if they could send my pack to another state (where I hold my cluster meetings.) Because of the unique circumstances (long story), they agreed to change the shipping label.

Getting the director packs and SAT boxes out on a strict time-line must be a logistical nightmare. So I guess my pack got put aside until after the rush. Unfortunately, I head back home on Tuesday. ***deep sigh***

The company has been very good to me over the last few months, so this isn't a vent...just sharing a little sadness over trying to do best for my team and realizing it might be a bust.:(
  • #49
I hope it arrives in time.

Do you need a dinner and a glass of wine and a place to sleep on your way home?
  • Thread starter
  • #50
pamperedlinda said:
I hope it arrives in time.

Do you need a dinner and a glass of wine and a place to sleep on your way home?

Thanks Linda! :love0010: DH and I were discussing my route last night. I don't know yet if I'm going 95 or swinging left.

I'll know better by tomorrow.
<h2>1. What is the process for tracking Director Pack shipments?</h2><p>The first step is to go to the Product Adjustments page and locate the "show/shipment number" for the Director Pack. Then, add zeroes to the end of the number to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number. Finally, enter the tracking number on the Fed-Ex website to track the shipment.</p><h2>2. Can you explain the back door tracking method for Director Pack shipments?</h2><p>The back door tracking method involves taking the "show/shipment number" from the Product Adjustments page and adding zeroes to the end to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number. This allows you to track the shipment even if you don't have the actual tracking number.</p><h2>3. Is the shipment under 'show' G0138 the Director Pack?</h2><p>Yes, the shipment under 'show' G0138 is the Director Pack.</p><h2>4. Can you provide more information about the Director Pack shipment on the 22nd?</h2><p>On the 22nd, a shipment was sent out under 'show' G0138, which is the Director Pack. You can track this shipment using the back door tracking method explained above.</p><h2>5. How can I track my Director Pack shipment if my primary computer is not working?</h2><p>If your primary computer is not working, you can still track your Director Pack shipment using the back door tracking method. Simply follow the steps mentioned earlier to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number and enter it on the Fed-Ex website to track your shipment.</p>

Related to How Do You Back Door Track Director Pack Shipments?

1. What is the process for tracking Director Pack shipments?

The first step is to go to the Product Adjustments page and locate the "show/shipment number" for the Director Pack. Then, add zeroes to the end of the number to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number. Finally, enter the tracking number on the Fed-Ex website to track the shipment.

2. Can you explain the back door tracking method for Director Pack shipments?

The back door tracking method involves taking the "show/shipment number" from the Product Adjustments page and adding zeroes to the end to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number. This allows you to track the shipment even if you don't have the actual tracking number.

3. Is the shipment under 'show' G0138 the Director Pack?

Yes, the shipment under 'show' G0138 is the Director Pack.

4. Can you provide more information about the Director Pack shipment on the 22nd?

On the 22nd, a shipment was sent out under 'show' G0138, which is the Director Pack. You can track this shipment using the back door tracking method explained above.

5. How can I track my Director Pack shipment if my primary computer is not working?

If your primary computer is not working, you can still track your Director Pack shipment using the back door tracking method. Simply follow the steps mentioned earlier to create a valid Fed-Ex tracking number and enter it on the Fed-Ex website to track your shipment.

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