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How Do I Organize a Fundraiser as a New Consultant?

In summary, the first question is where can the how-to's about fundraising be found, the second is who makes the checks out to, and the third is whether a fundraiser is submitted in the same way as a regular show. The rules about fundraising can be found in the Consultant Policy Guide. The first question can be answered by looking through the paperwork that came with the kit or on the consultants corner site. The second question can be answered by choosing the show type to be "Fundraiser" on the set up page
I am a new consultant (1 show...kit arrived 2 weeks ago) I have a few questions about fundraising. First I must say I LOVE this website because anytime I am thinking of something to ask, the answers are already on here.

1st question.....Is there somewhere I can find the How to's about fundraising. Rules, Profit, my commission, etc. I have looked through my paperwork that came with the kit and also I have looked on the consultants corner site. I just can't seem to find anything except the Help Whip Cancer fundraising stuff. My fundraiser will not be for the HWC.

2nd....who do buyers make the checks out to? Me as the consultant?? I seen one flyer that had the checks made out to the organization?

3rd.....Do we submit a fundraiser show the same as any show through PamperedPlus?

All your help is much appreciated. I am trying to put together a fundraiser for a group that needs money before mid May. So I am wanting to get this started and submitted by the end of April.
Official rules about fundraisers can be found in the Consultant Policy Guide:

https://www.pamperedchef.com/images/cc/us/pdf/consultant_policy_guide.pdf (starting at page 5)

This document has a lot of great practical advice:


Checks are always made payable the same way, regardless of whether it's a cooking show or a fundraiser. Most consultants have checks made payable to themselves. Some ask the checks to be payable to the host, and then ask the host for one check or a credit card to cover everything. You could extend this to a fundraiser and have the checks payable to the group, and then have them give you one big check.

Yes, fundraisers are submitted in P3. When you go to set up the show, you can choose the show type to be "Fundraiser".
I would never have the checks made out to the host -- it's your business, not hers.I used to have the guests make checks payable to the host in cooking show situations, but after seeing the stress it caused to the host and realizing that it wasn't THEIR business, I don't do it any longer.In addition, I would rather have one SMALL check bounce than have one HUGE check bounce.The only exception is if someone pays for an order after the show is over -- I have them collect cash or checks from outside late orders and take her debit card as payment so that we can close the show over the phone quicker.Given all that, Fundraiser can be AMAZING!! I just read the post about someone having a $36,000 fundraiser....wild!
just a thought tho. if it is a reputable organization and you have a ton of people involved I think it's a better idea for the guests to write the checks out to the organization and they write you one check for all. I'm sure you don't want to cash 500 checks, just saying...it could happen. Plus if it is a reputable company, etc. their check wouldn't bounce most likely. You can always cash the check then submit the show. Only issue though if it is a huge show your bank might put a hold on a check that is quite large. Really it's up to you tho. However, at my cooking shows, catalog shows guests will make their checks out to me.
The beauty of this business is that we get to run our business the way that we decide fits our needs best. I have done over 1,100 shows and with the exception of 2 months I have always had the guests write the check to my hosts. I do this because the first consultant I shadowed told me she did it that way because she gives a lot of gifts away to guests that bring guests who don't know the host. She said that customers would write me a bad check in a heartbeat, but they would never write their friend or their friend's friend a bad check.

About 4 years ago I decided to have the checks written to me after hearing others voice the same opinion listed above. I had 3 bad checks within 2 months. It took me 3 more months to collect $85 from a Creative Memories lady. She ruined it for everyone. Once I tell my hosts why I do this they are almost always understanding. I have had a few say they aren't good with money and then I encouraged cash to me using a card. Yes, it is my business and not my hosts. But, my hosts know if they work with me I'll do my best to make their show fun, simple to do and profitable for them.
I want to add that the negative side of not having the checks written to me is when hosts won't close their shows. I've had 2 hosts take almost 4 weeks before I could get them to close.
I'm new to all of this, and the 4 shows that I have done have been for people close to me, so I haven't had to deal with the check situation yet, but my director told me she does "plastic for plastic", which means if they pay with a credit card she will give them a twixit clip. She said it has worked great and has really cut down on the number of checks written to her.
lesliec said:
"plastic for plastic", which means if they pay with a credit card she will give them a twixit clip.

That is a great idea. I think that is something we might start doing too.

Related to How Do I Organize a Fundraiser as a New Consultant?

1. What is the process for collecting fundraiser checks?

The process for collecting fundraiser checks varies depending on the specific fundraiser and the preferences of the host. However, typically the host will collect all checks and submit them to the Pampered Chef consultant, who will then process the payments and deliver the products to the host for distribution.

2. How long does it take for fundraiser checks to be processed?

Fundraiser checks are typically processed within 2-3 weeks from the date they are received by the consultant. This allows time for the funds to clear and for any necessary paperwork to be completed.

3. Can fundraiser checks be made out to the organization instead of the consultant?

Yes, fundraiser checks can be made out to the organization if requested by the host. However, it is important to inform the consultant of this preference before the fundraiser begins so that necessary arrangements can be made.

4. What happens if a fundraiser check bounces?

In the event that a fundraiser check bounces, the consultant will contact the host to inform them of the issue. The host will then be responsible for collecting the funds from the donor and submitting a new check to the consultant.

5. Is there a minimum amount of fundraiser checks needed to host a Pampered Chef fundraiser?

There is no minimum amount of fundraiser checks required to host a Pampered Chef fundraiser. However, the more checks collected, the more funds will be raised for the organization or cause. It is important for the host to promote the fundraiser and encourage as many participants as possible to maximize the impact.

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