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How Do I Install Pampered Partner Plus 3?

you must reboot your computer and then go to your "MY COMPUTER" icon, and open it up. Then go to your CD rom drive and right click. Once it is open you will the Pampered Partner Plus Software executable. You can then open it up and it should install for you.~By the way, I really like it. It is pretty and more professional. Asks you for your ID and has the logo on there. Looks much nicer. I am all ready for a supply order, but Carolyn said not to sumbit anything yet...so I am waiting. She said to keep using PP to submit anything.I really really like P3. For those of you that hate change..just keep
Silver Member
Ok tonight I downloaded PP3 and personally I love it. It puts all your reminders right up on your screen up front. It tells you what is in progress and what is completed and so on. The hard part is you have to enter stuff in.

For those of you having problems finding PP3..it is on the PP CD but it is sort of hidden. The CD is going to automaticall install. After installing 16.0 thru the wise installer and completing staller, you must reboot your computer and then go to your "MY COMPUTER" icon, and open it up. Then go to your CD rom drive and right click. Once it is open you will the Pampered Partner Plus Software executable. You can then open it up and it should install for you. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #2
By the way, I really like it. It is pretty and more professional. Asks you for your ID and has the logo on there. Looks much nicer. I am all ready for a supply order, but Carolyn said not to sumbit anything yet...so I am waiting. She said to keep using PP to submit anything. I really really like P3. For those of you that hate change..just keep playing with it. You''ll like it to. WE have to get rid of some of that paper....LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Oh by the way everyone...fabulous Kevin wants Credit for helping the P3...LOL. He wants his THUNDER!!! BLA BLA BLA...LMAO!
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I played around somemore with this. It is hard to add things at first too, but therer are pluses and minuses to add and delete. I was goiing crazy.
OHOOO Lalala I love PP plus it is so nice looking :)
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Ohhhh OK SO YOU GOT IT...Isn't it great. Did I help you? or u just figured it out???
I like it alot too. I played around with it yesterday. I actually did submit a supply order on it and will be submitting a show tonight. I loved the fact that it sends you an email confirmation. That is awesome.
This might be a stupid question (okay - probably is a stupid question) but - When I install PP+, does it erase my regular PP program? I would like to have both of them for a while- but wondered if I can have them both on the same computer?
Thanks Kevin (and Jill) for giving us the info.

I think I love it.

It is moving so slowly.

It is me or what?

Do we have to have internet connection every time we open it?

I just installed it about 1 hour ago and I have wireless internet on my laptop.

Thanks for helping us

  • #10
MY HUSBAND (!!!) was so excited he could hardly wait to install PP3... I told him there were changes, honestly he was excited... I got my changeover box about 20 minutes before I had to leave for a show...he always loads my car up ...and I was saying..."PLEASE do that after I leave!!!'' LOL
But it looks the same...i don't see any differences..and he was disappointed...LOL...
I don't know how to get to the new part? It looks the same...
Maybe he didn't reboot the computer?
I'll have to show him this thread when he's home from work.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
No it doesn't erase, you should have both icons on there. You can submit using both, but Carolyn advised me to continue to sumbit using PP instead of P3 right now. Mine isn't slow at all but I have fast internet connection. I don't know if that makes a difference.
  • #12
ChefNic said:
MY HUSBAND (!!!) was so excited he could hardly wait to install PP3... I told him there were changes, honestly he was excited... I got my changeover box about 20 minutes before I had to leave for a show...he always loads my car up ...and I was saying..."PLEASE do that after I leave!!!'' LOL
But it looks the same...i don't see any differences..and he was disappointed...LOL...
I don't know how to get to the new part? It looks the same...
Maybe he didn't reboot the computer?
I'll have to show him this thread when he's home from work.
It automatically installs the update to PP, not P3. There was another thread somewhere that gave explicit instructions how to install P3. You'll need to open the file on the CD that's called pamperedpartnerplusinstall.exe (or something like that). That will install it for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Jilleysue said:
Ok tonight I downloaded PP3 and personally I love it. It puts all your reminders right up on your screen up front. It tells you what is in progress and what is completed and so on. The hard part is you have to enter stuff in.

For those of you having problems finding PP3..it is on the PP CD but it is sort of hidden. The CD is going to automaticall install. After installing 16.0 thru the wise installer and completing staller, you must reboot your computer and then go to your "MY COMPUTER" icon, and open it up. Then go to your CD rom drive and right click. Once it is open you will the Pampered Partner Plus Software executable. You can then open it up and it should install for you. :D

Here it is again for ya'll. :D :D :D
  • #14
Is it safe to use? I thought I read somewhere else where they were asking us to hold off installing it/using it until all the bugs were worked out? Did I misunderstand something?
  • #15
From what I understand it is safe to install (it has kinks, not viruses or anything) and we can play with it, but we aren't supposed to submit until we are sure that we want to switch. You can import your reg PP info into P3, but you can't import P3 info back into PP if you wanted to switch back.

I had fun playing with it and wanted to be familiar with it because new consultants only get P3... and I have 4 super starters!
  • #16
I remember someone asking on a different thread if PP3 will only work if you have an internet connection up and running. A majority of my hosts do not have a wireless router in their homes. I have one so that is why I submit my shows when I get there. I haven't played with it yet but I may go ahead and download the new CD that was in the changeover kit just to see.
  • #17
Does anyone know about the internet connection? I was hoping that P3 would always work, but you could only download or submit while online. My connection is touchy and I have to reset the whole router everytime I disconnect, or I would disconnect my internet and check!
  • #18
Okay... I"ve installed and rebooted and redid that and went to My Computer and followed your instructions JillySue but all I've seen happen is the update to the existing program... I do not have an additional icon or a separate program which is what I expected. What am I doing wrong?
  • #19
I just went to my computer, right clicked on the PP cd, and chose explore. It opened a folder that had the PP+ logo, then I clicked on that and it installed.
  • Thread starter
  • #20
You can update to the existing, but you will still have both icons on your icon. You will have 16.0 and the new P3. That way you can play around with both. Yes you do need internet but honestly do you want internet at someones house. YOu wouldn't want to transmit until you get home and make sure everything is correct. Tranmitting would be the only reason you would want internet I would think right...Other wise you can get in to P3 and log everything..save everything. Am I wrong? What else would you need internet for?
  • #21
But I thoughtI read that the PP# program was also somehow connected to CC so that you could look up past host numbers and stuff if you or they did not have them?
  • #22
Okay... I don't want to mess anything up here so I"m really bugging you ... sorry in advance... I found out hot to start to finish the install... do I click to "import" or to "skip" on the question about the PP Path?
  • #23
quiverfull7 said:
Okay... I"ve installed and rebooted and redid that and went to My Computer and followed your instructions JillySue but all I've seen happen is the update to the existing program... I do not have an additional icon or a separate program which is what I expected. What am I doing wrong?

When you go to My Computer and click on it and then click on your CD Rom Drive you will see something about Pampered Partner Plus. It will try to install PP hit cancel and click on the P+ installation icon.

Try it out and let us know if you are still having problems.
  • #24
Don't forget in case you took the CD out to put it back in your CD Rom Drive. I am not trying to be a smart a** but sometimes it happens.
  • #25
quiverfull7 said:
Okay... I don't want to mess anything up here so I"m really bugging you ... sorry in advance... I found out hot to start to finish the install... do I click to "import" or to "skip" on the question about the PP Path?

I missed your reply before I sent my message--great news! I hit import so I could see what I had on PP to review.
  • #26
I really like it so far! Yes, it's different and you have to get used to the way it is set up but it's really not that hard to get used. Like everything else take your time adapting. The tour guide does help!
  • #27
okay.. .but I won't be transferring anything that makes it so I can't use the original PP right? I'm know.. I'm being a chicken but I'm not ready to lose the use of the PP I'm familiar with just yet.
  • #28
Does anyone know if it updates every time you sign in?
  • #29
Thank you Harriet and everyone!
  • #30
You are quite welcome--glad to help out where I can.
  • #31
pamperedharriet said:
Does anyone know if it updates every time you sign in?
I hope not because my updates took forever!!
  • #32
Anyone know how to look up the product numbers? I love the way I could do that on the old PP.
  • #33
The little magnifying glass is right next to where you enter the number...
  • #34
pampchefrhondab said:
Anyone know how to look up the product numbers? I love the way I could do that on the old PP.

Rhonda: I've done it. Put in your guest, click items and then click on + and there will be a box to enter the item--you will also see a search (looks like a spy glass) click on that and you can search like before.
  • #35
Looks like Gillian and I have been playing with the program!
  • #36
I got up in the middle of the night (preggo lady bladder) and got a whim to install my P3. I figured it all out in the dark in the middle of the night, LOL! I LOVE new toys!
  • Thread starter
  • #37
I love it love it love it. I have all my tasks in. They are poppin in. I have my suppy order in. It is just great. I like it ALOT!!!!!!!
  • #38
I can only imagine you utilizing every single feature of this program to stay organized! Then sorting and labeling everything you print out, LOL!
  • Thread starter
  • #39
HAHHAHA. I am already on it GIRLFRIEND!!!!
  • #40
Is anyone else having a problem getting the PP3 to run. I got it to install and then after I enter my id# and password I verify who I am and then it goes to update. After a few minutes I get an error telling me that the application update could not update successfully. I appear to have stumped the tech support guys. I was on the phone with them for 2 hours this morning and they couldn't figure it out.

  • #41
Haven't had that problem, Tracy. Sorry.
  • #42
I've installed it and gone through the tutorial. So far, it looks pretty good!Wish we could import/export contacts, though... Maybe one day!
  • #43
You only need to be online to submit your orders from what I saw in the help area.
  • Thread starter
  • #44
I imported my contacts.
  • #45
So didn't I. Today I added outside orders for the show I am closing tonight and a few minutes ago I put the payments in. Basically I am set to submit.

I even found the wish list for the customers section while I was looking around. A lot of hidden things--just need to explore and you find them!

So far I am happy with it. I really think I am ready to take the plunge and use it for now on.
  • #46
Reports?Maybe I missed some earlier info, but where did all the reports go? The report section in P3 is VERY limited.
  • #47
I was wondering also! I know some stuff moved (printing recipts and such) to tabs but there is a lot of reports missing!
  • #48
Which reports are you looking for? I know not all of them are there but you can find most one way or the other.
  • #49
I don't even know what I am missing, but a lot of them are gone! or moved I guess! I will play some more and figure everything out!
  • #50
Thanks Harriet
I followed exacly haw you said to load it and it worked great .!!! Than I played around with it today I do like it alot abit getting used to after 7 years . cause all 3 screens in front of you ;;; Tasks,the show and all of your shows on the bottem..
I did call tec sep today to ask about printing guest reciets cause I could not find it for the lifeof me ... You go to the Host name on the Right side where all your shows are then on top of that it says print highlight the host name then click on the print all of the guesrs names will show up the check off the box and continue thats how you can print them ..
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