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How Did I Transition from Stripping to Pole Dancing?

In summary, Diane is celebrating no longer being a stripper after 3 years of hard work. She jokes about how it took her longer than others to achieve this status. Her friends congratulate her and joke about how she could achieve a blue star if she responds to all their posts. Diane is grateful to be a part of this group and jokes about her chattiness. She also mentions the clean nature of her thread compared to others discussing the same topic.
Gold Member
<--------- I am finally no longer a stripper.:rolleyes:

Only took me 3 years to accomplish what some of you have done in three weeks - LOL!

Congratulations, Diane. You look great in yellow. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Thanks, Rae. I look better in blue, but at the rate I'm going, that'll be at least another 5 years.:D
Congrats Diane. Ya know, if you respond to every post from Ann, Janet, Kacey, Becky and myself you should be blue in a matter of days! LOL
Yeah Diane~any small goal achieved is great!:)
Way to go Diane - YOU wear it well!!!!
As of this last weekend I am no longer a stripper as well :)
  • Thread starter
  • #8
We need to go celebrate our non-stripper-hood!
Congrats!! I hope to achieve the "stripper" ranking someday!! LOL!!
  • #10
dianevill said:
We need to go celebrate our non-stripper-hood!

hmm, what do you have in mind? :blushing:
  • #11
pamperedlinda said:
Congrats Diane. Ya know, if you respond to every post from Ann, Janet, Kacey, Becky and myself you should be blue in a matter of days! LOL

Oh Linda, that made me laugh! What a great group to be a part of!:D :p
  • #12
ChefBeckyD said:
Oh Linda, that made me laugh! What a great group to be a part of!:D :p

Except does she mean a blue star or you'll be "blue" - sad in a matter of days! :rolleyes:
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  • #13
LOL Janet.

I don't think I could ever keep up with all of you. I'm constantly reading but apparently don't usually have too much to say (my DH would completely disagree with the latter part of that statement!)
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
Except does she mean a blue star or you'll be "blue" - sad in a matter of days! :rolleyes:

How could she be blue (Sad) with us around? Dazed and Confused....quite possibly....but sad? Naaahhh!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Confused, yeah, usually. Sad? Never. You all brighten my days :).
  • #16
dianevill said:
Confused, yeah, usually. Sad? Never. You all brighten my days :).

What you do say certainly makes an impact though Diane - I would have said, if I hadn't looked at the post count, that you had your yellow star long ago!
  • #17
Yeah, stars don't really mean much, at least I don't really pay attention anymore. The only things I usually notice is if someone's profile is empty or if they've only posted 1-2 times...
  • #18
Oh my gosh ... I have a ways to go. :)
  • #19
It still feels weird for me not being a stripper. Oh how I long for the blue star. That's my fav.
  • #20
dianevill said:
<--------- I am finally no longer a stripper.:rolleyes:

Only took me 3 years to accomplish what some of you have done in three weeks - LOL!


Oh, I see how you are---when I'm not here to defend myself you throw me under the chatty cathy bus. LOL

kidding! :)

Congrats on the yella star! :) You deserve it!
  • #21
pamperedlinda said:
Congrats Diane. Ya know, if you respond to every post from Ann, Janet, Kacey, Becky and myself you should be blue in a matter of days! LOL

Ahhh, see- I knew y'all were talkin' about me! :) I'm kidding- I totally agree Diane, at least just replying to my posts should get you into the 5000 post range in about a month! :)

love all of you, and if I had a busier life I wouldn't be posting so much, so be gentle with me, I'm fragile, like a petal on a delicate flower;) :p
  • #22
Kitchen Diva said:
Oh, I see how you are---when I'm not here to defend myself you throw me under the chatty cathy bus. LOL

kidding! :)

Congrats on the yella star! :) You deserve it!
What's up with that!?:confused: ;) It took me 2 years to earn my non-stripper status! J/K! I do hate that saying, though! Probably because I do love to talk! :rolleyes: :blushing: I'm a weird one though, I can talk to a door knob and be happy sometimes, and at other times, I don't want to talk at all! Guess it's a mood thing:rolleyes: ;) :)
  • #23
Congrats, Diane! I just want to know how your thread about no longer being a stripper was able to stay so clean?:confused: My thread about the same thing turned into a pole dancing thread!:eek: :eek: I was scared to jump back into it! Talk about a hijack!!! Not sure how this Christian girl's thread got so bizarre! :confused: :p LOL!:)
  • Thread starter
  • #24
MissChef said:
Congrats, Diane! I just want to know how your thread about no longer being a stripper was able to stay so clean?:confused: My thread about the same thing turned into a pole dancing thread!:eek: :eek: I was scared to jump back into it! Talk about a hijack!!! Not sure how this Christian girl's thread got so bizarre! :confused: :p LOL!:)

LOL - guess I'm more Christian and everyone's afraid to offend?:rolleyes: Yeah, didn't think so...

Thanks everyone, for all the laughs and advice over the years. I truly would have much more time on my hands if I didn't have C. S. Oh wait, I mean my life would truly be incomplete without all of you!

Ya'll rock!
  • #25
Congratulations....I am almost there too!
  • #26
vwpamperedchef said:
Congratulations....I am almost there too!
oh my gosh, Vanessa, just type 4 more posts and you're there! Doooo it, dooooo it, doooo it!:D Come over to the dark side Vanessa! Come join us!:D ;) :balloon:
  • #27
so sad.....I just realized I haven't even reached stripper status yet, and I have been on this site for ages! gotta get my fingers typing to get that star!
  • #28
I wanna be a stripper too!
  • #29
Congrats, Diane! How does it feel to be clothed again?Are you going to pass your stripper shoes on to someone else? How about your pole?:D *snicker* ;)
  • #30
well, Ann...who did you pass yours to!? I want that star so bad now, I am going to be glued to this $%^& forum!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
chefann said:
Congrats, Diane! How does it feel to be clothed again?

Are you going to pass your stripper shoes on to someone else? How about your pole?

:D *snicker* ;)

It's much warmer now with clothes!

I have to keep the pole - it's permanently attached:cool: .

Kind of along the same lines, I have a friend who took pole dancing lessons. She really does have a pole in her basement. I was spared the details:blushing: .
  • #32
OMG Diane! I cannot imagine any friends of mine pole dancing and it scares me that there are actually lessons offered for that!

I just realized that I am 255 posts from my star....that's alot of posts. I am home with a sick kid today, so I am checking in here frequently, but I don't want to ve a post slut!
  • #33
Pole dancing is supposed to be a great way to stay in shape. I'd need the extra-support pole, rated for more weight. :) And I don't know how easily one can pole dance wearing long pants, since I rarely wear shorts and NEVER anything shorter than an inch above the knee (or sleeveless - YUK!).Hmm... maybe that's what I need to use as an incentive to get DH to start working on our kitchen - a promise to take pole dancing lessons. (And I can even use that to my advantage, since I'm Polish, so any style of dance lessons would be Pole dancing. :) )

Related to How Did I Transition from Stripping to Pole Dancing?

1. How did you transition from being a stripper to working for Pampered Chef?

After three years of working as a stripper, I decided it was time for a change in my career. I applied for a job at Pampered Chef and went through the interview process, showcasing my skills and experience in customer service and sales. After being offered the position, I happily accepted and began my new journey as a Pampered Chef consultant.

2. Did you face any challenges during your time as a stripper?

Working as a stripper definitely had its challenges, both physically and mentally. The job required a lot of physical stamina and confidence, and I often faced judgment and stereotypes from others. However, I am grateful for the experience and the lessons it taught me.

3. How does working for Pampered Chef differ from being a stripper?

Working for Pampered Chef allows me to use my skills in a different way. Instead of relying on my physical appearance, I now focus on providing excellent customer service and building relationships with clients. It's a more relaxed and fulfilling job for me.

4. What do you enjoy most about working for Pampered Chef?

I absolutely love the products and the culture at Pampered Chef. It's a company that values quality and customer satisfaction, and I am proud to be a part of it. I also enjoy the flexibility and the opportunity to connect with people through cooking and entertaining.

5. What advice do you have for others looking to make a career change?

My advice would be to never be afraid to try something new and to never give up. Making a career change can be scary and overwhelming, but by staying determined and open to new opportunities, you can find a job that brings you joy and fulfillment. Don't let others' opinions hold you back from pursuing your dreams.

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