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How Did a Dropped Knife Lead to a Stabbing Incident?

In summary, my friend/neighbor who is one of my consultants just called me. She grabbed her 5" utility knife out of the knife block and dropped it. She went to catch it and somehow managed to stab herself in the stomach!!!! She was laughing when she called me lol. She said she didn't even feel it and it had to go in at least 2-3 inches. She was going to drive herself to the ER but her hubby is a doctor and wanted to take her so he could do the stitches. She has a good story to tell about how sharp our knives are!!! I have had a bunch of
My friend/neighbor who is one of my consultants just called me. She grabbed her 5" utility knife out of the knife block and dropped it. She went to catch it and somehow managed to stab herself in the stomach!!!! She was laughing when she called me lol. She said she didn't even feel it and it had to go in at least 2-3 inches. She was going to drive herself to the ER but her hubby is a doctor and wanted to take her so he could do the stitches. She has a good story to tell about how sharp our knives are!!! I have had a bunch of people accidentally nick themselves but never had anyone stab themself :D
OMG..I am so glad that she was ok.
That is crazy!! She is one lucky lady!! I'm glad she is okay!
Rule #1 of dropping a knfe is DON'T try to catch it!
Oh no!I'd have to say that if mine hit my stomach, it probably wouldn't hit any major organs either ...
Wow! She's lucky it was just a minor injury and not something too serious!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
She was fine!! She said it didn't even hurt after they took the knife. I wouldn't have laughed had she not been laughing about it. I know how scary it is when you drop and knife and barely miss your foot!
Oh holy cow!! How scary!! I'm so glad she's ok!!
Yikes!!! I can't even imagine. :eek: That story reminds me to SLOW DOWN when I'm working around dangerous equipment! Thank goodness she's OK.
  • #10
DebbieJ said:
Rule #1 of dropping a knfe is DON'T try to catch it!

This is such "common sense", but I think a lot of us would agree that "instinct" can sometimes take over initially and you don't really "think" that you're catching a KNIFE of all things!! I recently got a cut on my wrist from a sharp piece of glass because I tried to catch a drinking glass that fell out of my hands and into the sink - DUH! Of course I shouldn't have tried to catch it, but I wasn't really thinking with my conscious mind at that moment, I guess!! My friend just told me she tried to catch a falling kitchen knife the other night, too! Same thing!!! Probably the same thing that happened to this customer.

That's awful that it stabbed her in the stomach - I hope she's going to be okay!! What a freaky story!!
  • #11
wow!! Glad she is okay.. and laughing about it! My very first show, I was using the 5" utility and cut my thumb... blood was everywhere...
Luckily, it was my teacher friends on a Friday night. Anyone who knows teachers, understands that they may let loose on Friday night and they were all laughing.

Good Selling Feature.............. our knives are sharp!!:D
  • #12
When I'm doing a demo, I always tell my guests "I do not talk and cut things at the same time, so bare with me here a sec...". One ER visit is enough thank you!My jaw was on the desk when I read that she stabbed herself in the stomach...Trying to figure out HOW she did that?! Me...when a knife falls, I don't even TRY to grab it...when it's going down- my legs/feet are giving it PLENTY of room to land. :D
  • #13
Whoa! Talk about a close call. I am so glad to hear she is OK and is in good spirits. I know I would have freaked out!
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  • #14
She is home. I had to go down to her house to get something and she has 4 stitches. She is doing great, laughing about it. Her hubby said he was sure he was going to get a hard time tomorrow at the office lol. He also told said that he knew this PC job would be dangerous! I almost wonder if she didn't try to catch it but when she picked it up she somehow stabbed herself. I still cant believe it. If that would have happened to me it prolly would have done more damage cause when things happen to anyone in this house they happen big!
  • #15
Geez don't even think about it! I know when I drop stuff and grab for it, one natural instinct I have is to try to hug it my body. I wonder if that is not what she did. Either way, OMG!
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  • #16
Definitely will make me slow down when I have my knives in my hand!!
  • #17
Wow! Note to self--don't grab a falling knife.
  • #18
GAK!! So glad that she is ok and in good spirits.
  • #19
Wow! I know this is no where near the same thing but I can sort of understand her saying she didn't feel it. I had kidney stones several years back and they are a tremendous pain. We were stationed in Germany at the time and I was in a German hospital being treated, so there was a language barrier there that needed to be crossed. Anyway, the nurse came at me with this giant needle and I was able to determine that it was for pain and then I determined that she intended to give it to me in the stomach. I was a little worried about it but in so much pain I didn't care what they wanted to do with it. I must say - I didn't even feel the shot - but it left a huge, black and blue mark for about two weeks. But seriously I would take a shot in the stomach any day. But not a knife in the stomach. I don't think I would want to tell my customers about that in much detail.
  • #20
I've been telling people the story. It's a great way to remind people that our knives are very sharp. And, when you drop a sharp knife you should step back and let it fall. Never try to catch a falling knife.
  • #21
When our house was brand new, I have to say it was all I could do from trying to catch a falling knife. I so wanted to protect my new vinyl flooring! :D We must have a bad case of the "dropsies" because there are so many knife cuts on my floor. This is why I should also start wearing shoes in the kitchen. A knife falls and I just worry I'm going to cut my foot. I am pretty good though and back away when they fall, but there was a time when i had to really restrain myself and not try to grab it trying to "save" my floor! :)
  • #22
wow - thank goodness she's ok and laughing about it!

Related to How Did a Dropped Knife Lead to a Stabbing Incident?

What is the "Forged Knife Incident"?

The "Forged Knife Incident" refers to a recent issue with certain Pampered Chef knives that were found to have been incorrectly forged, potentially affecting their durability and usability.

Which knives are affected by the "Forged Knife Incident"?

The "Forged Knife Incident" only affects certain models of our Forged Cutlery line, specifically the Forged Santoku, Forged Utility, and Forged Steak knives. Please refer to our official statement for a list of affected products.

What should I do if I have one of the affected knives?

If you have one of the affected knives, please stop using it immediately and contact our customer service team for further assistance. We will provide a replacement knife at no cost to you.

Is it safe to use other Pampered Chef knives?

Yes, all other Pampered Chef knives are safe to use. The "Forged Knife Incident" only affects certain models of our Forged Cutlery line.

How has Pampered Chef addressed the "Forged Knife Incident"?

We have taken immediate action to address the "Forged Knife Incident" and ensure the safety and satisfaction of our customers. We have also implemented additional quality control measures to prevent similar issues in the future.

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