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How Challenging Is It to Maintain Director Status While Working Full-Time?

...big dream and want to make it come true, you need to have a lot of hustle. Having a big dream and wanting to make it come true can be difficult if you don't have the hustle.
Chef Bobby
Gold Member
Once a Director, how hard is it to maintain the minimum amount of sales needed to stay a Director. Is it possible while working another full time job?
I feel like I will need more than just 5 recruits. Only one out of the three recruits that I have does more than one show a month. Thanks in advance for your opinions.
It is much harder to lose it than to get it. Have a goal for your personal sales to be as close to the $4000 required as you can, encourage your recruits to recruit and continue to intentionally recruit yourself. You'll be fine!

The first 3 months as director is a grace period - you cannot lose it during that time. Then you have 3 months before you lose it and 3 more months that you can get it back before losing it permanently (this is simplifying it a lot but basically is how it is). Any month that you do meet the requirements starts you up again so like I said, it's harder to lose it...
Like Beth said, maintaining is easier than attaining.
I've heard of alot of directors that work full time and run a successful PC business. Get the CD Working PC and another job from the supply order. Two wonderful directors on there with great advice.
It is a good idea to have more than 5 because people always come and go, but remember when you promote your recruits recruits count toward your 5 active consultants and their sales count toward your $4000.
I didn't know the Director sales quoto was $4000 - is that per month or qtr? I thought is was around $1200 - please clarify.
I'm so glad to hear that maintaining is easier than attaining!!
PartiesbyJamie said:
I didn't know the Director sales quoto was $4000 - is that per month or qtr? I thought is was around $1200 - please clarify.
I'm so glad to hear that maintaining is easier than attaining!!

$4000 is the first line cluster sales total...personal sales requirements total is lower which you are referring to (I'd have to look it up since it changed - don't have it in my head).
Here are the requirements in a nutshell (to which Beth's email above applies):

Directors must have a minimum of $750 in personal sales per month to maintain their directorship.
Their team must sell a minimum of $4000 (including their own sales).
They must maintain five active recruits on their team at all times.
To receive her/his overrides for the month, a director must have at least $1250 in personal sales.

Like Beth said, HO does gives directors leeway before removing their directorship. The three month periods help a lot. (Life happens!)
Override maintenance is at $750 personal sales. Being in the lead system is $1250 personal sales.
  • #10
If a director doesn't get the $1250, then isn't there something else they lose, like new product at change over time or something? My D rarely makes $1250 and has a hard time with the $750. The last two new seasons she didn't get the new product free, I think.
  • #11
to get new products free, you have to do $1250 in personal sales 3 out of the 4 months published with the SAT info (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec for the most recent one).
  • #12
Thanks, Ann. Right now I just need to get my 5 recruits, but I was wondering why my D wasn't getting the new product.
  • #13
chefann said:
Override maintenance is at $750 personal sales. Being in the lead system is $1250 personal sales.

Thanks for the correction Ann! (I was thinking correctly, but my brain wasn't connecting with my hand!.) $750 is for overrides. :)

  • #14
Happens to all of us at one time or another! Besides, when you're doing a lot more than the minimums, it's easy to forget what they are.
  • #15
I don't want to sound like Debbie Downer, but getting it was much easier for me then maintaining it! I quickly recruited 7 like a breeze and was a director a few months into my business. It was super exciting, but nobody told me it could be a challenge to stay a director. The momentum stopped because I did not have a handle on my own business. Any director should expect to do the $4,000 per month to keep your directorship the first year until your team can do that for you. I will personally not promote myself again until I have a consistant strong business with atleast 10 consultants on it! Although, I still continue to shgare the dream with everyone at every show!

First I was a big fish in a little pond on consultants and then when I turned into the little fish in the big pond of directorship... I kinda went belly up! So, if you have a consistant schedule of 8 shows per month, enough time to train and coach a team, and the ability to continue strong recruiting while teaching other to do the same... I say go for it!!!!

Just don't dive into it head first without realizing all the aspects of directorship! BEST OF LUCK!
  • #16
It took me years to earn directorship, I find it much easier to maintain.
I get home office leads and I want to keep it so I ask everyone. My director and her team helps me train.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Thanks everybody!
  • #18
chefallison53 said:
I don't want to sound like Debbie Downer, but getting it was much easier for me then maintaining it! I quickly recruited 7 like a breeze and was a director a few months into my business. It was super exciting, but nobody told me it could be a challenge to stay a director. The momentum stopped because I did not have a handle on my own business. Any director should expect to do the $4,000 per month to keep your directorship the first year until your team can do that for you. I will personally not promote myself again until I have a consistant strong business with atleast 10 consultants on it! Although, I still continue to shgare the dream with everyone at every show!

First I was a big fish in a little pond on consultants and then when I turned into the little fish in the big pond of directorship... I kinda went belly up! So, if you have a consistant schedule of 8 shows per month, enough time to train and coach a team, and the ability to continue strong recruiting while teaching other to do the same... I say go for it!!!!

Just don't dive into it head first without realizing all the aspects of directorship! BEST OF LUCK!

Very well said Allison. I too will have my eyes wide open and be more prepared when I RE-PROMOTE myself..... I NOW know what it takes... the idea of qualifying 5 - walking at Leadership - the fanfare of it all - seeing RED!!! was truly overwhelming for me. I thought I was pretty well organized....Hmmm. If it is a struggle now - it will be for a while until things mellow out. Especially if you live in a rural area. It is REALLY different for those who live in the city with .... PEOPLE!! LOL!!

Advise: Don't STOP asking - my Director gave me this analogy which I found very true with my 7 recruits:

1/3 - will be just starting their biz

1/3 - will be good salespersons and help with your 4K

1/3 - will be on their way out - not interesting in the biz anymore

So - if you only have 5-7 recruits... well - you do the math.... I was carrying my team in sales & that DID NOT work....

Just KEEP ASKING everyone.... build a strong team...

My .02
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Related to How Challenging Is It to Maintain Director Status While Working Full-Time?

What is the purpose of needing opinions from directors?

The purpose of needing opinions from directors is to gather input and insights from experienced leaders in the company. This can help inform decisions and strategies for the business.

How do I request opinions from directors?

You can request opinions from directors by setting up a meeting or sending an email with your specific questions or topics. It's important to provide enough context and information for the directors to give informed opinions.

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The group of directors for opinion gathering should include individuals who have a deep understanding of the company, its goals, and its industry. This could include top executives, department heads, and experienced managers.

How often should opinions be sought from directors?

The frequency of seeking opinions from directors can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the company. It's important to not rely too heavily on opinions and to also consider other data and information when making decisions.

What should I do with the opinions gathered from directors?

The opinions gathered from directors should be carefully considered and evaluated. It's important to look for common themes and patterns, but also take into account any differing viewpoints. Ultimately, the opinions should be used to make well-informed decisions for the company.

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