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How Can You Fix a Stuck Scoop Wheel?

In summary, the customer's scoop was not functioning properly and she was not able to use it. The scoop was past the warranty, so the company could not replace it for her. The customer said that the "wheel" part of the scoop was stuck and would not scoop out. The husband of the customer who had the same problem as the customer described was able to fix the scoop by bending the little keeper metal at the bottom of the handle.
Silver Member
I have a potential customer who is having problems with her scoop. I think it's past warrenty so I can't get it replaced for her.... she said the "wheel " part of it is stuck and won't scoop out! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it? TIA!
Have her hubby mess with it. I'm not sure what my husband did for my customer who had the same problem but he got it to work. It might just be the top got bent, etc. It should be too hard to fix. :) I'll ask if he remembers what he did and will let u know the outcome (if there is one! ha ha)
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  • #3
Thanks appreciate that! As my pot. customer became bitter when her warrenty was expired and said she will Never buy another PC item again! :(
If it's a good customer, offer to split a new one with her or even just buy her one. If not - less loss, but you don't want her to be bitter.
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  • #5
She's a potential, that I met at a fair booth. She has already done 1 exchange for an item (something she got as a gift) so I processed the return for her. But she has not purchased anythign from me. I offered her a 10% discount on a new one but that wasn't what she wanted! :(
It just might be a lady that goes tothese event (not just for PC but close) and she will bring in something that has broken or she doesn't like anymore and wants to exchange - do you know for a fact that the first product was a gift????

Three years ago when I was at my first booth at my local fair - A Tupperware lady - who shares the booth with 4 other ladies noticed that couple of the ladies were talking about a certain women - when it came down to it, it was the same lady - she kept coming to the booth when a different lady was there and told them a story that was almost the same and they each gave her NEW products - they think she has been doing this for years.

I know we all want to make our customers happy, but the scoop did have a warranty and unfortunately it broke after the warranty was up. Things happen. Our company doesn't have to even give people a warranty, but we do. Most negative people will say "they made the item so it would last only 1 year under warranty then break so we HAVE to purchase a new one."

I mean if you purchased a scoop at Walmart, and took it back a year later they will not give you a new one either!

You can sometimes go over board just to get a customer for life. You offered her 10% on a new one. She can either take it or not. I certainly would not purchase her a new one, that is what she is waiting for. You do this for everyone and you will be out a lot of money!!!

Just my 2 cents!

Kelly V.
People make me crazy that think our stuff should be warrantied forever! Geesh, things wear out:rolleyes: Good luck with this one Heather!
Here is a thought.

I use mine for cookie dough and the taco ring the dough and cheese are ALWAY getting stuck under the wire thingy that moves when you squeeze the handle. I soak mine in HOT water for about 15minutes, then I get a tooth pick or something like that (we have a dental tool that I keep in the kitchen for things like this) and slide it under the moving part almost always I will find something stuck under there, sometimes even when I can't see anything. It doesn't have to be big to stop up the works.
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  • #10
Thanks ladies, I did my best for her by offering her a personal discount, which wasn't to her satisfaction. I thought about buying her a new one but decide against it, as I don't usually do this for customers period. Why make an exception for someone who has done nothing for or with me business wise.

I just wanted to see if there was anyone else who had the same problem as she does with her scoop, so I can offer a quick solution = a happy possible customer in the future? Thanks!
  • #11
How to repair stainless steel scoopHere's something I saved from Chef Success on repairing the scoops. Don't know if this is the same issue or not but anyway:

Repair stainless steel scoop

1. Take a pair of pliers and bend the little keeper metal at the
bottom of the handle back just far enough so you can adjust the
This is the piece at the very bottom that keeps the ratchet piece
from coming out.

2. Then you move the ratchet piece (with the teeth) off of the
ratchet wheel to the place where the medal swing inside the scoop is back
into position.

3. Once there you have to bend the keeper back into place. You want
to get it as snug as you can so that it doesn't come out of alignment again.
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  • #12
Thanks Harriet, I will pass this info on to her! :)
  • #13
You're quite welcome, Heather and hope this helps. I saved this in case I needed it for a customer.
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  • #14
pamperedharriet said:
You're quite welcome, Heather and hope this helps. I saved this in case I needed it for a customer.
Thanks again Harriet, after I forwarded her this info she sounded VERY appreciative and said she would try this!;)
  • #15
Thanks Harriett! I have the same info. saved SOMEWHERE and have been looking for it since this post first appeared. I'm SO glad you were able to locate it for Heather!
  • #16
I think I have repeired 3 scoops at shows so far. At least it's pretty easy.

Related to How Can You Fix a Stuck Scoop Wheel?

1. How do I remove stuck food from my scoop?

To remove stuck food from your scoop, try soaking it in warm soapy water for a few minutes. Then, use a small brush or toothpick to gently scrape away the stuck food. Alternatively, you can also try using a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste and using it to scrub away the stuck food.

2. My scoop is made of plastic, can I use hot water to clean it?

No, it is not recommended to use hot water to clean plastic scoops as it can cause them to warp or melt. Instead, use warm soapy water and a gentle scrubbing brush to clean your plastic scoop. For tougher stains, you can also try using a paste of baking soda and water.

3. How do I prevent my scoop from getting stuck in the first place?

To prevent your scoop from getting stuck, make sure to avoid using it to scoop very sticky or dense foods. Additionally, try spraying your scoop with non-stick cooking spray before using it to prevent food from sticking to it. Regularly cleaning and drying your scoop after use can also help prevent buildup and sticking.

4. Can I put my scoop in the dishwasher?

It depends on the material your scoop is made of. Stainless steel and silicone scoops are typically dishwasher safe, but plastic scoops may warp or melt in the dishwasher. It is best to check the manufacturer's instructions or hand wash your scoop to be safe.

5. My scoop has rust spots, can I still use it?

If your scoop is made of stainless steel and has rust spots, it is likely safe to continue using it. However, it is recommended to clean and dry it thoroughly after each use to prevent further rusting. If the rust spots are on a plastic or silicone scoop, it is best to replace it to avoid any potential health hazards.

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