How do you get your host to use the website?? I have not been able to get any of mine to send e-vites or do anything with their shows online. I am new and most of my shows so far have been catalog, but I have 2 on their now that are actual cooking shows that are coming up at the end of the month that have no guest list or anything. One of the host just got her host packet at the first of the week and is having oral surgery today, so I understand her, but the other one was actually a show that was booked for the first of the month and had to be rescheduled until the end. I called her on Monday and told her she needed to start sending out her invites and to make sure that she used the website and all the things she could do from it. I looked this morning and she still had nothing on there. I know they don't have to use it, but it would be nice to go on there and actually see some online orders and guest list.