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How Can We Attract Men to a Mothers' Day Shopping Show?

In summary, In my opinion, men only buy things when they have a specific need for them, not just in case they might use them some day. I think hosting a men-only mothers day shopping show would be a great way to get the guys interested. Men are suckers for tools, so making a show with demonstrations of cool gaget-y tools would be a good way to sell them. You could do a competition where the men have to make a dish with the tools, or pass out catalogs before the show. Good luck!
I have a theory that men only buy things when they have a specific need for them, not just in case they might use them some day... With that in mind, I want to hold a men-only mothers' day shopping show -- does anyone have ideas for how to get the guys interested in this?
I once did a couples show and the turn out was Wonderful!! You may be surprised that ALL the women stayed in the living room talking while ALL the guys were in the kitchen trying out the tool and helping me make the recipes!! The show closed with a high total, can't remember what it is at this moment...

Also did a show last month where 2 men showed, also 13 women, and the men were more interested in the tools. Let me tell you with 13 women, alot of talking was going on but the 2 men had more questions and comments about the tools. (the 2 men there were the ones who did the cooking in the house)

I would just tell your hosts to put on the invites that men are also welcome to show up!! Maybe do an drawing for the men, the ones who show up..
naekelsey said:
I once did a couples show and the turn out was Wonderful!! You may be surprised that ALL the women stayed in the living room talking while ALL the guys were in the kitchen trying out the tool and helping me make the recipes!! The show closed with a high total, can't remember what it is at this moment...

Also did a show last month where 2 men showed, also 13 women, and the men were more interested in the tools. Let me tell you with 13 women, alot of talking was going on but the 2 men had more questions and comments about the tools. (the 2 men there were the ones who did the cooking in the house)

I would just tell your hosts to put on the invites that men are also welcome to show up!! Maybe do an drawing for the men, the ones who show up..

I'm curious what recipe you demo-ed and which tools they were so interested in. TIA!
do a competition! men love that! you could do it as men only or men and women. I had all the ingredients measured out with all the tools they needed. The girls had to make the cherry/apple tart and the men had to make the chocolate pecan one. it was a blast. i had someone judge on appearance, taste, and cleanliness of workspace. the men were washing dishes as they went! everything was clean by the time the thing went in the oven! it was a huge hit!

men are suckers for tools. watch a man go into home depot and buy tools he "may" use someday. he bought them because they were cool. same with this. you have to show them the cool gaget-y stuff. he wont care about the stoneware or the tart pans, but sell him the DuPONT name on the cookware, the knives (forged of course), and all the little gagets. men LOVE the APCS for some reason. that was my brother's one request for his wedding shower (i wasn't even selling at the time!!!)

good luck!
I can't remember the maid dish that was made but I do remember we did two different dips. Both salsa dips but one with mango. The guys were asking questions about ALL the products at both the shows I mentioned..
I wonder that, too...I have heard guys are awesome at shows, but I have yet to get any to my shows!!
you know the best person's to ask are Jason and KG what got them started with the Pampered Chef business and how they got introduced to it....I wonder the same thing but that thought just poped into myhead as I was scroling through...
My husband always does a Pre Mothers Day party with his pals. It is always a great time. Last year the men brought their sons with them, and we did a few races. The APCS was a hit and was a timed event. Each "team" participated doing one apple each for a total of five apples per team. We used the microwave to make the moms apple crisp with it all. It was yummy!
Also we made the Pizza Twist and some beer bread and dips.

I passed the 50 squares chart at $2 a square, and drew a $100 shopping spree as well! It was a blast.. and truly, men love the products. Make sure you pass out plenty of catalogs before hand so that wives, and mothers can make out their wish lists!
You'd be amazed how many men love not only "home parties" but PC as well. All the "parties" I have been to there has always been men there. And they usually buy more!! Take my DH, we went to a spice show and he bought $100 worth of spices:eek:
  • #10
the best way to get my DH at a show would be to have a "car theme" I have noticed that if a guy lifts a hood of a car in the driveway all the neighborhood men seem to flock to it, It's like a calling to them LOL!
  • #11
I've had one guy attend a cooking show before. At this particular show there were about eight girls and the one guy. He was extremely interested, bought the most out of everyone there, and booked a show! I haven't done his show yet, but I can't wait. I'm sure it will be a hit! My husband loves our products too. He advertises them to our friends as much as I do.

Related to How Can We Attract Men to a Mothers' Day Shopping Show?

1. How can I convince my partner to attend a Pampered Chef show?

One of the best ways to get men to a show is to highlight the practicality and convenience of our products. Mention that our kitchen tools can make cooking easier and faster, which will appeal to their desire for efficiency. You can also emphasize the quality and durability of our products, as men tend to appreciate items that will last a long time. Lastly, remind them that attending the show is a great opportunity to support you and spend quality time together.

2. My significant other doesn't enjoy cooking, how can I get them interested in a Pampered Chef show?

If your partner isn't interested in cooking, try focusing on the social aspect of our shows. Let them know that it's a fun and interactive experience where they can socialize with others and try out delicious food. You can also mention that our products are not just limited to cooking, but can also be used for grilling, entertaining, and other tasks that may interest them.

3. What can I say to my husband to convince him that Pampered Chef is not just for women?

Remind your husband that cooking and hosting events are not just tasks for women, but for everyone. Highlight the versatility of our products and how they can cater to anyone in the household, regardless of gender. You can also mention that many of our top consultants and chefs are men, which proves that Pampered Chef is for everyone.

4. My partner is hesitant about attending a show because they think it will be a sales pitch. How can I address this concern?

Assure your partner that our shows are not just about selling products, but also about learning new cooking techniques and recipes. Emphasize that they will get to taste delicious food and see our products in action. Also, let them know that there is no pressure to buy anything, and they can simply enjoy the experience and take away useful tips and ideas.

5. My husband is not into cooking gadgets, how can I convince him to attend a Pampered Chef show?

Focus on the practicality of our products and how they can make everyday tasks easier and more efficient. Many of our tools are not just limited to cooking, but can also be used for outdoor activities, DIY projects, and more. Additionally, highlight the quality and durability of our products, which may appeal to your husband's desire for long-lasting and reliable items.

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