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How Can I Successfully Set Up My Booth at the Community Yard Sale?

In summary, the expert recommends bringing a table, cookware, catalogs, and order forms to the community yard sale. They recommend talking to everyone that walks by and handing out recipe cards.
Gold Member
I booked a booth at a community yard sale (huge event at the Community College and advertised in the Baltimore Sun) -- my slot is RIGHT next to the main entrance so almost everyone will walk by. Last year they had something like 5000+ people come through. Members of the community buy yard sale booths and sell their yard sale items -- vendors pay a different price (more)and are the only ones allowed to sell new items. I'm set up as a vendor.

I've never done a fair so need some suggestions on how to best set up the booth (it's two car parking spaces) and what I should do as far as signage (I have a vinyl pampered chef table cloth.

I'd like to take HWC orders and do the whole day as a fundraising show. I also want to do a drawing for a prize to collect potential contacts (thinking trifle bowl for that). I also want to have something small to give away (candy or something -- but don't want it to melt in the sun.

Any other ideas? I have a bunch of mini catalogs and will also have order forms.

My cluster isn't nearby so I'm doing this solo.
Bring a table or two and put your PC tablecloth on it. I have the big poster thingies from Nancy's and laminated them. I stick that places. I like to bring a little of everything when I do booths...

2 or 3 pieces of cookware with a sign that says "Cookware Sale! 1/2 off! (when you host a show with min $300 sales)
Simple Additions all over! I have done several different things, but I like the 3 tiered stand with a $5 mini-cake topper on the top and wedding registry info on it, or with the HWC campaign, I put 2 med white plates on the bottom and the pink dots on the top with a sign in the slot that says, "Internet ONLY offer!"
TTA full of everything
Stainless bowls stacked on top of each other (put drawing slips in the top one...)
"Now Hiring" sign
I recently heard the "Be a SMARTIE, book a party!" and put smarties on the rectangle stand (that way you have non-melting candy)
Catalogs to take orders (and order forms)
Old catalogs or minis to hand out to take home
Flip chart with upcoming specials that I can flip through to show people

I bring too much, but I can't help it! I stand in front of the table and talk to EVERYONE! That's what I love most about PC is meeting new people! I hand out recipe cards with my info stamped on it. I am thinking of designing my own drawing slips for my next fair. I don't love our new slips with no yes/no/maybe. And that way I can put a spot on there for "would you like me to send you a current catalog?" (though I'm not sure I want to mail catalogs to everyone)

Anyhooo, long post, but I hope I helped! Good luck and have fun! Bring some water, standing in the sun all day is going to be rough! See if a family member can come watch your booth for a bit so you can mozy through the rest of the world and go to the bathroom/eat. The worst thing is when you take a big chomp of something and then someone asks you questions!
If you have a mat that you can put down to stand on, it helps your back from getting too much stress. I actually have a few in my kitchen that are used in restaurant kitchens - they are great! Also, a rug to put down to make it homey is nice.
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Thanks! The yard sale is fro 8:30 am to 1:30 pm so it won't be ALL day. I'm excited but a little nervous too. I especially like the recipe card idea...
I too would encourage you to use minis & Old catalogs. Ce sure to get contact info. The minute you hand them something, they feel free to walk away. Also, don't be afraid to take an order or book a show on the spot. In my experience many who express interest then have changed there mind by the follow up call, even if you follow up right away. Also, I might suggest you have a friend assist you for a day. Doing a booth alone can be overwhelming. And who knows the friend you ask may take interest in joining your team!:D

Related to How Can I Successfully Set Up My Booth at the Community Yard Sale?

1. What is the "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale" event?

The "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale" is an annual event organized by Pampered Chef where consultants set up booths at a local community yard sale to showcase and sell our products.

2. Can anyone attend the "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale"?

Yes, the event is open to the public. We encourage both Pampered Chef customers and non-customers to come and check out our products at discounted prices.

3. Will there be any special deals or promotions at the "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale"?

Yes, there will be exclusive discounts and promotions available only at the event. This is a great opportunity to get your favorite Pampered Chef products at a discounted price.

4. Do I need to bring cash to the "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale"?

While we do accept cash, we also accept credit and debit cards for purchases. However, we recommend bringing cash as some booths may have limited card processing capabilities.

5. Can I sign up as a consultant at the "Hwc Show at Community Yard Sale"?

Yes, we welcome potential consultants to come and learn more about our company and products at the event. Our current consultants will be available to answer any questions and help you get started with your own Pampered Chef business.

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