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How Can I Secure the Excellence Award in Sales?

In summary, Becky is close to earning the Excellence Award in sales. She has $8011 to earn the award in April and has 10 cooking and 2 catalog shows on calander for that month. She has been on the horn trying to get more. If she had worked harder in the past month she would not be scrambling now. She has set her goals and will work her plan. Good luck Becky and everyone else who is trying to earn the Excellence Award.
I am so close to earning the Excellence Award in sales that I can taste it! I am $8011 away. I have 10 cooking and 2 catalog shows on calander for April. So, I think I need 8 more. I've been on the horn trying to get more. I think I've got 2 to add, just waiting on an answer. I always do this..wait till the last minute and then think "well, if I would have worked harder in 'x' month I wouldn't be scrambling now!" Oh well, I've set my goals now I'll work my plan. Wish me luck :-D
Good luck Charity! I am close too! I have $5700 to do this month - have 9 kitchen shows, 2 boutiques (where I will take orders) and 4 catalog shows.....keep in touch and let me know how its going!
Doesn't it go through May?
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  • #4
Nope, April 1, 2009 to april 30, 2010.
I wish it went through May.. I'd have it in the bag! :)
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  • #5
lakamper said:
Good luck Charity! I am close too! I have $5700 to do this month - have 9 kitchen shows, 2 boutiques (where I will take orders) and 4 catalog shows.....keep in touch and let me know how its going!

Good luck to you too!!! With that many shows, you should be able to get it! Keep us posted :)
Go Go Go!!!

Becky - with this being the first year of the Excellence Award, it's a 13 month earning period. Next time around it's the regular 12 months starting on May 1. One of these years I'm really going to get it.
Becca_in_MD said:
Go Go Go!!!

Becky - with this being the first year of the Excellence Award, it's a 13 month earning period. Next time around it's the regular 12 months starting on May 1. One of these years I'm really going to get it.

Ahh, that's right, I forgot about that. Hmmm, if it was May, I might be able to do it, but I need over $10,000 - and that's not going to happen in April.
I'm close to. I need 6,387. I've got 7 cooking shows +++fingers they all hold and 2 baseball fundraisers going on. (12 parents total).

If everyone comes through I should hit it. Will be first timer!! :) So excited, but on pins n' needles.
I need $4402.99 to be exact and I missed it last year by righta t $2000 and I need that cash as conference so I'm working this month as hard as I can and praying harder!!!!!! Tomorrow we have a big multi vendor event for Relay for Life so I'm praying for lots of Trifle Bowl sales as well as loads of other sales! AND BOOKINGS TOO! I've got a few holes to fill since I opened up as many dates as I can squeeze in. I've got an amazing group trying to decide on doing a fund raiser and I know that would push me over but they need to say yes first so if you will pray for me... I'll pray for y'all too!!!!!!!
  • #10
Good luck to everyone!! I'm just over $1100 away, so I think I'll make it! But......I can't find my ring to send it in again to add the diamonds. YIKES!! I'll be on a major hunt for it this weekend! :( Wish me luck!
  • #11
Ring finding prayers going up for you!!!!!!!!!!
  • #12
I need $6,499.29...I have a fundraiser and 4 shows...Yikes! I've been working a second job since November, had more sales in November then I did the first four months combined then had a killer February. I couldn't believe it when I received the email saying I was on track in March.

So, today I picked up the phone to confirm my shows...lost one and no answer from another...bringing me to 4. That's okay! I have a great attitude! I know when I can work, and I have lots of leads!

My fundraiser is with 10 different oncology offices. I tweaked the DCB flyer and offered some bonuses that should bring in the sales. Here it is if you want to use it:

View attachment DCB SET TWO ON PAGE HWC.doc

Good luck to everyone! I'm picking up the phone and booking shows:) See you on stage! We can do this!!
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  • #13
You girls are awesome! Wishing everyone much luck and HUGE Sales!
  • #14
yea! I found my ring!! :) after all that, I'd better earn this thing!! :)
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  • #15
Way to go girls!!! Well, I added 2 kitchen shows and 1 catalog show yesterday. Well on my way!!!!!!!
  • #16
This is a great thread...it motivated me to keep calling. I just turned a maybe into a yes for April 25th!
  • #17
Okay, not to ask a dumb question, but what is the Excellence Award???
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  • #18
Chefgirl2 said:
This is a great thread...it motivated me to keep calling. I just turned a maybe into a yes for April 25th!

Woohoo! You go Elaine! Glad it's motivating you!!

I just added ANOTHER for April! I'm at 13 kitchen and 2 catalog.

The Excellence Award used to be called TPC (Top Perfomance Cluster). Check it out on consultant corner for all the details. But the main points is you get to walk across stage at conference, you earn a ring the first year you get the award (a new stone each year after that), you get $400 PC dollars and this year we are getting money at conference (i think). You earn it in sales ($55,000 or in Developing Leaders or in Recruiting)
  • #19
I am inspired!! 13 shows and 2 catalog shows!!

We also get a ribbon. I'm all about the ribbons...I want them so long that I trip over them. I don't know why I want them so badly...
  • #21
Chefgirl2 said:
I am inspired!! 13 shows and 2 catalog shows!!

We also get a ribbon. I'm all about the ribbons...I want them so long that I trip over them. I don't know why I want them so badly...
I don't know why I think that is so funny! I mean cute funny. :)
I earned in sales by the middle of Feb. I am shooting for recruiting too. I really want two categories.
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  • #22
OK... So, I think i have my 20 shows!! Now its up to me to keep them and encourage AWESOME show sales!!
Thanks for all the input on here. And CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have earned it already and those who are about to! :)
  • #23
Kudos to you gals for setting your goals and working hard to achieve them! It will be worth it!!!
  • #24
chefcharity said:
OK... So, I think i have my 20 shows!! Now its up to me to keep them and encourage AWESOME show sales!!
Thanks for all the input on here. And CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have earned it already and those who are about to! :)

Wow!!!! Great job, 20 shows. I am impressed. You can do this!! I earned Disney in December, 15 shows, it was my biggest month ever. If there is a will there is a way!
  • #25
chefcharity said:
OK... So, I think i have my 20 shows!! Now its up to me to keep them and encourage AWESOME show sales!!
Thanks for all the input on here. And CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have earned it already and those who are about to! :)

Wahoo! Good for you in setting a goal and going for it! See you on stage!! :)
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  • #26
$1272.00 in sales down......$6700.00 in sales to go! Wahoo!! I want this. I want this. I want this. :)

ps... now I'm just updating this for my own benefit! LOL! Keeps me going to think I'm being held accountable to someone.
  • #27
Yup, we're holding you accountable!! You had better do it ;)
  • #28
Keep up the good work Charity.
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  • #29
Becca_in_MD said:
Yup, we're holding you accountable!! You had better do it ;)

Thanks Becca! I appreciate it.

I know others are working for this too. So, please.. let us know how you are doing! Anyone else doing the big count down on sales?
  • #30
Well Im about 48,000 away...think Ill make it??? hahaha
  • #31
I have about $4800 to go!! I should have 12 shows (2 cat shows, 2 boutiques where I take orders and 8 more kitchen shows) to submit....I just got an email about a booking for the end of April,, I'll take it!! Way to go Charity! See you on stage :)
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  • #32
So, I sent a message to a host that is always concerned about her guests specials more so than her own. I told her about the Trifle bowl special and she booked a catalog show. Her last show was $1300! Most of that was outside orders :) So, one more show... YEA!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #33
Half way there in sales. I have 10 more shows to hold/collect... gonna make it! Now it isn't even about the ring, the title or the money. Now it is just about hitting that sales goal. I know a lot of ppl do $8000 months all the time, just not me. I'm so pumped that I'm going to make this happen!!!
  • #34
Anyone else have the points calc. disappear from cc? I now show a spa incentive tracker for upper level dir. Guess they think I'm going to promote really quick :)

I'm obsessed with checking my points as they update. Still crossing my fingers I'll earn Ex. Award but have had a couple clx so looking less likely at this point.
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  • #35
Ugh! Mine did too! Luckily I know where I am or I'd be going CRAZY!!!
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  • #36
$1400 more to go..... 4 kitchen shows left and 2 catalog shows .....
  • #37
You ladies totally inspire me!!!!! So proud of you Charity!!!!!
  • #38
Charity! way to go you're going to hit it! i just did another show today and now am $300 away....i have 2 more shows to do plus closing the shows I have had, so I'm pretty sure i'll hit it! got the email from the company and they sent me the plastic ring sizer so i could pick my size!!! wahoo i'm so excited!!
  • #39
Congrats!! I'm still holding out hope that I'll make it by to the penny. Still need 3363 but have 7 shows to close out/hold.
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  • #40
You girls are doing it! I will see you on stage!! :)
  • #41
i did it!!!!!!!!!! I'm actually over by $200 and I had a show last night as well. wahoo!! so excited! ordered my ring and everything :)
  • #42
Congratulations!!!! I've got $734.68 to go and I feel like my ear may fall off but I'm calling calling calling! I can't get this close and miss it!!!!!
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  • #43
Congratulations!!! That is awesome!
  • #44
Congratulations!!! I have $3,100 to go! I was at peace with not making it until my soon to be director/team leader told me I shouldn't give up. I offered her the $100 I'll get at conference if she gets me to make it. I must speak her language because I sent out an email last night offering the best bet in town! Win, Place or Show! Collect or buy $150 and you'll get a free trifle bowl. (SHOW!) Collect $300 or buy any 5 piece Cookware set get a FREE DCB and $40 of Free products!(PLACE!) Collect $400 or buy any 7 Piece set of cookware and get FREE DCB, half priced item of your choice and $60 of free product!(WIN!) Collect $500 or more and get FREE Trifle Bowl & FREE DCB, half priced item, & $90 of free products!!

Every $100 adds more free products.

The race starts at 6:00PM Wednesday and ends at noon on Friday! The only way to lose is to not play the game!

So far I have one person wanting me to call...I'm working...Starting this week i'm working 2 8 hour days instead of 3 5.5hour days...I need my sanity:)
  • #45
Chefgirl2 said:
Congratulations!!! I have $3,100 to go! I was at peace with not making it until my soon to be director/team leader told me I shouldn't give up. I offered her the $100 I'll get at conference if she gets me to make it. I must speak her language because I sent out an email last night offering the best bet in town! Win, Place or Show! Collect or buy $150 and you'll get a free trifle bowl. (SHOW!) Collect $300 or buy any 5 piece Cookware set get a FREE DCB and $40 of Free products!(PLACE!) Collect $400 or buy any 7 Piece set of cookware and get FREE DCB, half priced item of your choice and $60 of free product!(WIN!) Collect $500 or more and get FREE Trifle Bowl & FREE DCB, half priced item, & $90 of free products!!

Every $100 adds more free products.

The race starts at 6:00PM Wednesday and ends at noon on Friday! The only way to lose is to not play the game!

So far I have one person wanting me to call...I'm working...Starting this week i'm working 2 8 hour days instead of 3 5.5hour days...I need my sanity:)

SO.. .how is it going y'all? If you are like me.. .you're not left with much time to pop on here. I'm $199.74 away ... I can taste it y'all!
GOD IS SO GOOD! HE amazes me beyond what I can dream up!!!!!!
  • #46
OMG Diane you are going to get it now!! Keep going guys - you can do it!! How exciting is this????
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  • #47
WHEW!! Done! I have passed my goal by $1000!!! I sold over $9000 this month! I am in awwww. This is my highest month EVER! Thanks for the encouragment cs'ers! I appreciate it!
Congratulations to everyone who achieved. And for those who didn't.. congratulations on the goals you hit this month!
  • #48
Way to go everyone who has achieved it already.

Diane we know you can do it. Can't wait to see your post that you made it!
  • #49
Still need to close several shows. Taking them into account need 1013.70 still. Have a show this evening. Still xxx my fingers.

I did a 20% off sale. + spend $20 = SB Free, $40 = Rub free, $60 all gifts + Towel. It's got me over 400 in sales so far. :)

Host last night stood me up :( She felt bad when I called her to see where she was. I wanted to tell her she should feel bad. It wasn't due to lack of communication on my part and she had just rescheduled the show from a date 2 wks prior. Geez!
  • #50
Way to go ladies, you are all awesome! Mara
<h2>1. How close do I need to be to earn the Excellence Award in sales?</h2><p>The exact amount may vary, but typically you need to be within a certain percentage of your sales goal to earn the Excellence Award. In your case, it seems like you need to be within $8011 of your goal.</p><h2>2. How many shows do I need to add to reach my sales goal?</h2><p>The number of shows you need to add will depend on the success of each individual show and the average sales from each one. It's always a good idea to have a few extra shows on your calendar to ensure you reach your goal.</p><h2>3. What should I do if I'm close to my sales goal but running out of time?</h2><p>Don't panic! You still have time to reach your goal. Try reaching out to past customers for repeat orders or offering special deals to entice new customers. You can also try hosting online shows or reaching out to friends and family for support.</p><h2>4. Is it common to wait until the last minute to try and reach sales goals?</h2><p>Yes, it is very common for people to wait until the last minute to try and reach their sales goals. However, it's always a good idea to plan ahead and consistently work towards your goals throughout the month to avoid scrambling at the end.</p><h2>5. What can I do to increase my chances of reaching my sales goal?</h2><p>There are several things you can do to increase your chances of reaching your sales goal. Some ideas include offering special deals or discounts, hosting a virtual party, reaching out to past customers, and consistently promoting your business on social media. It's also important to stay organized and focused on your goals throughout the month.</p>

Related to How Can I Secure the Excellence Award in Sales?

1. How close do I need to be to earn the Excellence Award in sales?

The exact amount may vary, but typically you need to be within a certain percentage of your sales goal to earn the Excellence Award. In your case, it seems like you need to be within $8011 of your goal.

2. How many shows do I need to add to reach my sales goal?

The number of shows you need to add will depend on the success of each individual show and the average sales from each one. It's always a good idea to have a few extra shows on your calendar to ensure you reach your goal.

3. What should I do if I'm close to my sales goal but running out of time?

Don't panic! You still have time to reach your goal. Try reaching out to past customers for repeat orders or offering special deals to entice new customers. You can also try hosting online shows or reaching out to friends and family for support.

4. Is it common to wait until the last minute to try and reach sales goals?

Yes, it is very common for people to wait until the last minute to try and reach their sales goals. However, it's always a good idea to plan ahead and consistently work towards your goals throughout the month to avoid scrambling at the end.

5. What can I do to increase my chances of reaching my sales goal?

There are several things you can do to increase your chances of reaching your sales goal. Some ideas include offering special deals or discounts, hosting a virtual party, reaching out to past customers, and consistently promoting your business on social media. It's also important to stay organized and focused on your goals throughout the month.

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