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How Can I Revive My Inactive Business?

In summary, milkangel is struggling to get her business back on track after going inactive for 3 months. She needs $150 commissionable in a calendar month to maintain her career sales, and after 2 months in a row without that, she loses her career sales. She has talked to her director but she doesn't seem to be much help. She also struggles to get the most out of her time and leads from her shows. She recommends scheduling weekly calls with her director to address her personal needs and see what she can do to get more bookings. She also recommends trying to get 20 No's before giving up on her booking blitz.
but i have submitted 3 i orders but d have a nother 2 odrers but need an extra 60 to get active again and i can not aford any thing right now. i had 4 shows in one weekend and on the nest week b ut now all have cancelld or wants to rescedual now what do i do? i have a booth in august. and 2 in sept and one in oct. can you help me please. itold my hubby a bout it and he said that i have worked so hard at this and he thinks that i should not give up
yet. so now what?
I could be wrong so hopefully someone else will chime in. I think when you go 3 months inactive you lose your carreer sales but it is 6 months before you are no longer a consultant. Call HO and check into it. Hope it works out for you.
punkie1019 said:
I could be wrong so hopefully someone else will chime in. I think when you go 3 months inactive you lose your carreer sales but it is 6 months before you are no longer a consultant. Call HO and check into it. Hope it works out for you.

Actually you are not active if you don't submit $150 commissionable in a calendar month and you lose career sales after 2 months in a row without $150 in a calendar month. After 6 months in a row you are no longer a consultant and you have to sign again if you want to give it another try.

milkangel, it is very hard to read your post and I am not sure what you are asking for. Your best bet is to call your director and ask for her help. You seem to struggle frequently and her/his help would really help guide you. You also seem to do an awfully lot of booths. Your director could also give you ideas on how to get the most out of the time and leads you get from them. Host coaching is the key to holding onto shows once they're on your calendar - along with booking in close.
Call anyone who has shown interest....any maybe's and let them know this month's host and guest special. You may get a couple of orders and some shows for July and August. You always want to have an extra or two shows scheduled beyond your goal because rescheduling/cancelling happens.

With good host coaching, you'll see your cancellation rate drop.

I agree with Beth. Schedule weekly calls with your director so you can work on your personal needs. You can then address what you are having problems with...bookings and lead follow up? You should also strive for at least 1 booking from every show (it'll keep your biz going), 2 or more will make your biz grow!

Take advantage of PC booking blitz. Call at least 20 people today (booth leads, out & about ctcs, previous customers and guests, list of 100). Who knows what you'll get and you may get some shows AND win a gift card!

You can do it. Good Luck!
Milkangel, it's wonderful your husband is encouraging you to keep going. It seems not that long ago he was telling you to give up, so he must be seeing how much having your own business is benefiting you.

I agree with the others. Get on the phone, and make phone calls. I don't know if you were at National Conference or not, but one of the things we learned there was to "Go for No." Try to get 20 No's before you give up on your booking blitz. You WANT to hear No. What you'll get is a few who say yes, and you'll have to suffer through entering those orders or booking those shows :p, but keep trying for the hearing No 20 times.
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  • #6
i have talked to my director but she has nothing else to say to help me. acually she has not ben much help to me. she lives over an hour away so i cant get to meetings that offten. i also ge more out of here than from her. thanks
That's too bad, milkangel. How about going to Consultant's Corner and listening to some of the audios from the Online Training? There are so many great audios with tips and ideas.

Did you connect with any consultants when you did go to the mtg? Is your recruiter available to help since your Director is not?

Ask your director to ask if they could find you a cluster mtg closer to you.

Lastly, I must ask....

What have you done to help you reach your goal of being actice?

What can you do to make it happen?

How many calls have you made to help you get that goal?

You can do this....you need less than 10 $15 orders to stay active!

Who can you call?
I am currently inactive now too, I had 1 indiv order in June, and now Im waitin on a host to get $150 so I can be active again. Try calls, e mails (I got 2 orders) from the Going, Going Gone flyer (from this site) and today I made plans to pamper a business on Saturday to get orders - I am not giving up! Try anything that you think will work!!
If your director is not helpful, go over her head and call your AD. Or go to HO and tell them you want a hospitality director.I have customers in Minnesota ... one actually asked me to help her do a book party and I mailed catalogs and recepts out there. There IS business out there if you look for it.
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no i have not conected with any cluster mates at all. oh ya she is an ad. the one abover her is not helpfull at all eather and my recruiter has quit. so i have no one to help me.
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what low fat recipies are there? i gave a catalog and a going gone flyer and the outlet flyer to my chyros today after getting adjusted we will see.
  • #12
I'm in a similar situation- I've got nothing on my calendar. But here's the thing - I know what I need to do, and I've not done it. I've NEVER picked up the phone to call past customers or do customer care. So I can't complain about my business being dead or stalled....since I've not done much to prevent it. I've listened to all of the conference workshops online (BTW- If you haven't listened to the audio training in the Online Training Center- there is a treasure trove of information and ideas there.), I've been to conference, I go to cluster meetings, etc.....I can get all of that information and have fellow cheffers give me advice, but I've found that the advice is always the same. I just have to put it into practice.I don't know your specific details about what you've tried, and what you haven't, but I'd challenge you to make those phone calls. I personally plan on "going for no" and am shooting for 20 NO's in the next 30 days. (if it's too big of a goal, I know I won't complete it). (http://www.goforno.com for more information on this concept. And watch out for conference notes in days to come.)Good luck.

Related to How Can I Revive My Inactive Business?

What does it mean to be "inactive" on Pampered Chef?

Being "inactive" on Pampered Chef means that you have not placed an order or hosted a party within the last 12 months. This status can affect your consultant benefits and discounts.

How can I become active again?

To become active again, you can either place an order or host a party. Once you do so, your account will be considered active again and you will have access to all the consultant benefits and discounts.

Will I lose my consultant status if I am inactive?

No, being inactive does not automatically cause you to lose your consultant status. However, if you remain inactive for an extended period of time, Pampered Chef may review your account and make a decision regarding your consultant status.

Can I still earn commission if I am inactive?

No, in order to earn commission, you must be an active consultant. This means that you must have placed an order or hosted a party within the last 3 months. If you are inactive, you will not receive commission on any sales during that period.

Can I still attend consultant events and trainings if I am inactive?

Yes, you can still attend consultant events and trainings even if you are inactive. However, keep in mind that you will not receive any consultant benefits or discounts unless you become active again.

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