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How Can I Recover from a Disastrous Bridal Shower Experience?

In summary, the guest host did not appreciate how hard the original host had worked to put the event together.
I need to vent! I did my first bridal shower tonight. I have been planning for this for 3 weeks-- I have spent lots of time and money to do well at this show. I made oreo truffles and put them in the little favor bags, stamped place cards for the top of the favors----I worked really hard on this for nothing but a hard time! They told me that they didn't want it to be a "normal" pampered chef party--- they wanted me to bring a couple of products just so the guests could see what they were buying for the bride-- I wasn't allowed to bring anything that wasn't on her wishlist. No demo--just take orders and do a couple of games. The mother had me buy a tool turn about for her so I could decorate as a cake, well then the bride didn't want it. So the mother wants to exchange it...well I'm out 20.41 because I bought it so I would have it in time for the show. She told me there would def. be at least 25 people there--there was only 15. They had other games to play on their own, so by the time they did that and the bride told a story of her engagement that took at least 20 minutes..when it finally came time for me to do the door prize/give out order slips people were so tired that they wanted to order and leave!!! My only chance at getting people interested in booking and they weren't there!!!! Then the topper is the bride said to me as I'm cleaning up that when she did the wedding registry she took off a lot of stuff from the list that she had given me and people bought her stuff that "she really didn't think she could use"!!!!! SO now I have to deal with all that!!! The only good thing is it is sitting at around 400.00 and I still need to get her mother's order and then her own order. What a bummer!! I will never go out of my way again like I did for them, not unless I have more time. If they want me there just to take orders, then that's exactly what I will do!! Yea, and I never got to eat anything because she wanted me to wait until after all the guests had eaten, well by that time the orders started coming and then they cleaned up.... not that they need to feed me, but that made me feel like a 2nd class citizen!! HOW RUDE!!!!!:(
Aww, pckimboyers... You know what the best thing about dealing with ignorant people?

Getting to take their MONEY!!! BA HA HA!!

It was work and not worth it, butcha got their money!!! And they could have had sooo much more for free if they had scheduled shows. And they didn't! HA HA HA. Who's the 2nd Class Citizen now?!

Just be sure to write off EVERYTHING for your show today.
Aww i am so sorry.I had my first bridal shower tonight too & i can relate this girl was horrible at first! It was a friend of a friend who came to a show i did for my mom & she expressed so must interest in hosting & a bridalshower & becoming a PC consultant! So i called her l8r & she said oh after i move call me after july 9th so i did-no answer i called a week later-no answer no return call then again then finally the mutual friend said-shes busy shes not avoiding you but you call too much-what!!?? 3times!?then she said i think you misunderstood shes too busy to become a PC consultant right now,then the bride emails me & says oh i wasnt my bridalshower/housewarming party in a week!!!! I was like what!!!!! so i got everything planned-borrowed my directors cake turnabout-did a basket with the indexcards & gifts in it to "pick a gift" was stressed the whole day cause she never did a wishlist!!!! so i did it for her! so i go to her house & set up & she was like oh this is amazing!!! so i felt great! then her scary military dad was like what are you here for!do i know you! i said no hello im colleen with PC he was like oh whatever! i was scared at first cause hello RUDE! but then i chatted with him & he was nice. Did a nice show of $589 in orders & she wants she shopping spree $$ to go towards her kit to sign up!!! YEYE!!!!!!!!!! ahh i am sorry though..deep breath dont go all out that much sweetie your not the party planner or party thrower! if they wanted u to stricktly take orders then they shouldnt have asked YOU to come out of pocket for a cake turnabout!tell the mom that you cannot return it & if SHE would like to buy something for her daughter then SHE can! say im sorry its not really my job to come out of pocket for gifts for her! PERIOD! you shouldve just got the $10 apron & left it at that.
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  • #4
Thank you ladies.... After a good nights rest I feel better today. I have found myself going out there too far with doing "extra" things for people. A lot of it my director suggests--but I don't have her budget! I have def. learned from this and I know I need to make some hard and fast rules when it comes to stuff like this. I said in the beginning I felt a lesson coming on and boy did I get one!! Thanks for replying! I'm just ready to move on to the next party! And yes Anne, Everything will be written off! Even the dress I had to buy because they even told me to wear a dress!!!! OHHH! Don't get me started again!! Did I mention before the shower the hostess called me a 6:30a on a sunday morning to talk about the planning?? Lots of little things I didn't even mention last night! Thanks ladies..... thank God for this site!
OMG they are RUDE! I just don't get how some people can be that way & not feel badly!How did you meet those rude people??!! I would stear clear their circle lol.
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  • #6
I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking that was rude! A friend of mine gave my number to a lady, these people are the daughter and grand daughter of the lady. Trust me when this is finally over (and I think I have a ways to go yet with the returns she'll have) I hope I'll never run into them again, not for business anyway!:)
Have you ever seen that show "Bridezillas" Or you could say, "Mother of the Bridezillas"
Sorry this happened to you, I hope this won't discourage you from trying another one.
I am just starting to expand this area of my business and I hope things go well. It does help to hear and prepare me that these things can happen so I am a little prepared anyways.
Hugs to you and a pat on the back, take a deep breath and move on.
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  • #8
Thank you so much Schel, It was definitely a learning experience and no, I won't turn away from this side of the business, but I will face it with much more knowledge!! Thanks for your support!
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  • #9
I have decided to go ahead and decorate the tool turn about again (they waited until I had removed all the ribbons to tell me that she didn't want it) with a glue gun and take it to my shows to maybe help with getting more shows. I will use this bad experience for good! :)
  • #10
pckimboyers said:
I have decided to go ahead and decorate the tool turn about again (they waited until I had removed all the ribbons to tell me that she didn't want it) with a glue gun and take it to my shows to maybe help with getting more shows. I will use this bad experience for good! :)
That's the spirit! You did your very best to make it extra special and manybe someone really great will see the decorated TTA and want you to be their Consultant!
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  • #11
Thank you Anne, I love your picture! It's so nice to be able to see who I'm talking with. I love your quotes too!
  • #12
OMG!!! Telling you to wear a dress AND calling you at 6:30 on a Sunday morning?!?!?!?!??!?!? You're a flippin' saint sweetheart!! Noone would be calling ME again after I was through with them if they called at 6:30 in the morning....Sunday or any other day! I can't believe the nerve! Kudos to you for putting up with that garbage!!
  • #13
pckimboyers,I can certainly relate. I've had two bridal disasters. I'm not to eager to jump into another one.The first one the host invited 20 people. 4 showed up one hour late. Only one spoke spanish. I had spent a fortune on the bridal board with her wish list on it, and purchased her the apron. Fortunately one of the guests bought the bride a set of cookware, so that helped. The secone bridal disaster was in May - the bride had 50 on her invite list - 8 showed up. When I got to the shower to set up I found out that she had also invited all 50 of the same people to three other showers. This one was the last of 4 showers. Did I mention I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get there?I've had 3 people sign up for bridal registries - I provided all three with cards. There has not been one purchase from the registries and no one has cards to return to me. All the registries have no expired.SOOOOOOOOOOOO - bridal showers???????? Officially it's not my thing.
  • #13
pckimboyers,I can certainly relate. I've had two bridal disasters. I'm not to eager to jump into another one.The first one the host invited 20 people. 4 showed up one hour late. Only one spoke spanish. I had spent a fortune on the bridal board with her wish list on it, and purchased her the apron. Fortunately one of the guests bought the bride a set of cookware, so that helped. The secone bridal disaster was in May - the bride had 50 on her invite list - 8 showed up. When I got to the shower to set up I found out that she had also invited all 50 of the same people to three other showers. This one was the last of 4 showers. Did I mention I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get there?I've had 3 people sign up for bridal registries - I provided all three with cards. There has not been one purchase from the registries and no one has cards to return to me. All the registries have no expired.SOOOOOOOOOOOO - bridal showers???????? Officially it's not my thing.
  • #14
OOPS - on the first bridal disaster - only ONE spoke English.
  • #15
pckimboyers said:
Thank you Anne, I love your picture! It's so nice to be able to see who I'm talking with. I love your quotes too!
You're welcome! Does the smile soften some of my posts? LOL
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  • #16
Lisa, I have to hand it to you-- I think your bridal troubles tops mine! I originally was going to have to travel far, but thank goodness they moved it closer because it was easier for the guests. How did the shows do---mine topped at 405.00-- the bride ordered her 1/2 price stuff and free stuff and that was it......I'm hoping the rest of the people that were suppose to show order from her registry. Anne, you just look like a sweet little thing and I bet you're just as cute when you're mad:)
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  • #17
I wouldn't say I'm a saint Jodi, but......it took everything in me to stay "sticky sweet" and smile the whole way through it. What really irritates me more than anything is that they act like its my fault she didn't want the tool turn about.....they act like its my fault that she didn't tell me she "paired down" her wedding registry and now didn't want some of the things the people bought, and they act like its my fault because they have to deal with exchanging all the stuff she doesn't want. If it were me, I'd keep the stuff and be gracious!! It was on the wishlist at some point...so what changed in a matter of a couple days??????
  • #18
pckimboyers said:
Anne, you just look like a sweet little thing and I bet you're just as cute when you're mad:)
The funny thing is people are shocked when I open my mouth and I'm POed... vulgarity usually ensues!
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  • #19
OMG! I just got an e-mail, now the bride is whining because she doesn't want her mom to have to deal with the exchanging! I told her exactly what would happen when she calls for the exchange (cause I sure as H@@@ not doing it) and I told her lastly, the only other option for her would be to keep all the stuff to save her mom the trouble, have a party when she gets settled in her new home after the wedding and then get all the stuff she wanted still for free!!! AHHHHH! Will it ever end????!!!!!
  • #20
Nope. People like this never change, or rarely go away. You may have some hope after the wedding. LOL
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  • #21
Oh Anne, I think you have my same sick sense of humor!! The wedding isn't until Sept. 30TH!!
  • #22
I am sorry to hear you and I had nearly the same experience, except I drove 6 hours to do mine, they invited 25 people and 4 showed, I had prepared 3 dishes, (out of my pocket). The show turned out to be $400, but with a 12 hour round trip it was not too much fun. The only saving grace was I saw both of my daughters who are friends with the bride.

So I guess I am not the only one that has things like that happen to them...hahahaha
  • #23
Bummer!Kim-- That really stinks! I'm sorry your first bridal shower turned out to be so terrible. At least your making $$$! Hey, and just think--you still had a $1000 show this month, right?
  • #24
pckimboyers said:
Oh Anne, I think you have my same sick sense of humor!! The wedding isn't until Sept. 30TH!!
Better hunker down. Its gonna be a long one!
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  • #25
Oh well, I learned a lot from this one and I will be better prepared for the next. There's my clusta' sista' :) Joseph Cluster Does Rock!
  • #26
pckimboyers said:
Oh well, I learned a lot from this one and I will be better prepared for the next. There's my clusta' sista' :) Joseph Cluster Does Rock!

You're too funny!
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  • #27
I loss the pm you sent me!

Related to How Can I Recover from a Disastrous Bridal Shower Experience?

What is "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!"?

"My First Bridal Was a Disaster!" is a cookbook designed specifically for newlyweds or those about to get married. It contains easy and delicious recipes perfect for starting off married life together.

Who wrote "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!"?

The cookbook was written by Pampered Chef's own Executive Chef, Tim Hagedorn, and former test kitchen staff member, Katie Workman. They both have years of experience creating and testing recipes for Pampered Chef.

What types of recipes are included in "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!"?

The cookbook features a variety of recipes, including appetizers, main dishes, sides, and desserts. There are also recipes specifically for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as recipes for special occasions such as holidays and date nights.

Are the recipes in "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!" beginner-friendly?

Yes, all the recipes in this cookbook are designed to be easy and accessible for all skill levels. They include step-by-step instructions and helpful tips for beginners.

Can "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!" be used as a gift for a newlywed couple?

Yes, "My First Bridal Was a Disaster!" makes a great gift for newlyweds. It not only provides delicious recipes, but also helpful tips for cooking as a couple and starting off married life in the kitchen. It also comes with a beautiful cover, making it the perfect addition to any kitchen.

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