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How Can I Prevent Toppings from Falling Off Chicago Hot Dog Bites?

In summary, the author thinks that the recipe would be more successful if the toppings were put on later and it was less messy to eat.
Gold Member
So i am practicing my recipes this weekend.. Loved the chicken wraps... Did the chicago hot dog bites today. Didn't use poppy seeds as my husband gets drug tested for work and it isn't worth the false positive.. BUT I used dry mustard since my daughter doesn't like mustard (she cant see it once it is baked on and covered...) I would use 4 hot dogs instead of 3. But.... It is so messy to eat... It was yummy just the toppings fell off. ... any thoughts to prevent that?
Chop the hot dog and roll it up like a cinnamon roll &slice to serve?
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  • #3
chefa said:
Chop the hot dog and roll it up like a cinnamon roll &slice to serve?

Sorry I Am being dense... huh?
I think what she meant was to roll all the biscuits together into a rectangle....add the toppings....then roll up and bake that way and slice to serve....


roll it up and slice like for cinnamon rolls then bake and they become a pinwheel.....
I'm interested in your starting over story. Can you send me an email at [email protected].:)
Well, made these tonight. My son loved it (we are a family of 5, and I actually cut it like a pizza, and yes, we polished off the whole thing), but I could put gravel on biscuits, and he would eat it.I feel like this would be really a messy, messy demo recipe. BUT, I was thinking, if you pressed the biscuits into the muffin pan, and did individual ones? THAT would be cute and easy to serve. Hmmm, might have to try that.
lkhartmann said:
... Did the chicago hot dog bites today. Didn't use poppy seeds as my husband gets drug tested for work and it isn't worth the false positive..

Holy cow! I didn't even think about that. I was this [] close to buying poppy seeds to do that recipe tonight. My husbands in the USMC and up for Staff Sgt next month. I know if you tell them they can decipher, but still..not worth the headache.
Amanda_RI said:
Well, made these tonight. My son loved it (we are a family of 5, and I actually cut it like a pizza, and yes, we polished off the whole thing), but I could put gravel on biscuits, and he would eat it.

I feel like this would be really a messy, messy demo recipe. BUT, I was thinking, if you pressed the biscuits into the muffin pan, and did individual ones? THAT would be cute and easy to serve. Hmmm, might have to try that.

Would you break apart the biscuits and do this in the MMP or in the stone 12 cup muffin pan? I might try this Saturday!
Well, I haven't tried it, but I would pull apart the biscuits, and put them in a regular muffin pan. (stoneware or metal)
  • #10
i want to make this ahead of time and bring to a meeting... do you think it would be ok lukewarm?
  • #11
I wouldn't put the toppings on until you got there. Put those in a bag or container, and save the mustard drizzle also. Then finish assembling when you arrive. If you planned to take it out of the oven just before you leave, then it would probably be just fine. That's what I'd do.
  • #12
I bet my kids would love this recipe!!! Does sound messy though...not that they would mind :)

P.S. about the poppy seeds...you'd have to eat A LOT of poppy seeds to show up positive on your test. They changed the standard years ago so that a "normal" amount of poppy seeds wouldn't trigger a positive. :)
  • #13
Yeah, there was a funny Seinfeld episode about the poppy seeds and Elaine testing positive. I wonder if that had anything to do with them changing the standard?
Still, I wouldn't risk it - snopes says people have gotten fired or been put back in jail for the false positive.
snopes.com: Poppy Seed Drug Test Results
  • #14
EMarth123 said:
I bet my kids would love this recipe!!! Does sound messy though...not that they would mind :)

P.S. about the poppy seeds...you'd have to eat A LOT of poppy seeds to show up positive on your test. They changed the standard years ago so that a "normal" amount of poppy seeds wouldn't trigger a positive. :)

I don't know how true this is. I worked at a silicone plant that was bought out from GE that did drug testing on everyone that worked there. We had a manager fail a drug test and they figured out it was the poppy seed bagel he had eaten the day before. And this was just about 3 years ago that I worked there...
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  • #15
The cheese is supposed to be the "glue" for the toppings.I made it for a meeting and topped it there. I also served the mustard on the side. Mustard is a very polarizing condiment. LOL
  • #16
I make this for shows that I know are going to have kids because most kids like hotdogs. The adults seem to enjoy the kinda messiness of it. I usually leave off the poppy seed too and sometimes the onions (or I nuke the onions with the hotdogs). I've also drizzled ketchup on top instead of using the tomatoes, same sort of flavor but it's a little easier. Depending on if I'm making something else too, sometimes I'll just use relish with most of the liquid squeezed out instead of the pickles.

Related to How Can I Prevent Toppings from Falling Off Chicago Hot Dog Bites?

1. What ingredients do I need to make Chicago Hot Dog Bites?

To make Chicago Hot Dog Bites, you will need hot dogs, hot dog buns, mustard, relish, chopped onion, tomato slices, pickle spears, sport peppers, and celery salt.

2. Can I use any type of hot dog for this recipe?

While any type of hot dog can technically be used, the most authentic and traditional Chicago Hot Dog Bites are made with beef hot dogs.

3. Do I have to use sport peppers for this recipe?

Sport peppers are a key ingredient in Chicago Hot Dog Bites, but if you can't find them or prefer a milder taste, you can substitute with pickled jalapenos.

4. Can I make Chicago Hot Dog Bites ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the hot dog bites ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator. Simply reheat them in the oven or microwave before serving.

5. Are there any toppings that can be added or substituted?

Some variations of Chicago Hot Dog Bites include adding cheese, bacon, or even a spicy relish. Feel free to get creative and add your own twist to the recipe!

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