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How Can I Optimize My First Vendor Fair Experience?

In summary, the conversation discusses a vendor fair the speaker will be attending in April. They plan to bring old and new PC products to showcase, as well as promotional materials and host rewards. They are considering offering a small prize to encourage attendees to fill out a drawing slip. Other topics discussed include the possibility of doing a demo, bringing discontinued items, and following up with leads after the event.
Doing my first vendor "fair" on April 11th. I've gotten some great ideas from here but I need some input. I've been a consultant for only about 5 weeks.

There are about 8-10 different vendors and we are renting out a hall to try to get our name out there. I have an 8 or 12 foot table. Most of my PC products are from yrs ago. I don't have many new spring items so i'm going to bring what i have. I'm not doing cash and carry since I don't have any inventory. I've been asked to contribute to a basket something small that we will raffle off but i wasn't going to do my own raffle. I will have everyone fill out a drawing slip and they will all win a free cooking show but should I offer a small prize to get them to fill out the slip to begin with?

I'm was thinking of setting up my laptop with a PC DVD. I'm going to order the mini catalogs and recipe cards to hand out and I have about 25 old catalogs I can use with the poem. I plan on doing a tri-fold with specials for April and May and host rewards and maybe by then I'll know what June's special is. I have many flyers saved from the files to incorporate my own info with. I'm not sure if I should only have 1 set or if its OK to have more. I've found the DCB set, pie set, mini baker set as well as a flyer with many other sets put together. Is this something you use at shows or do you see it being successful at a multi vendor fair? I'll make sure I have recruiting info and host packets ready to go. One of the coupons I'm going to use is for a free cooking show if they book by June 30th and another is to get $25 if they recruit. I need to put my labels on everything. My business cards, labels and banner are due to arrive today from Merrill. My husband's cousin who is one of the other vendors and the organizer of this event is in charge of advertising. She's making flyers to put around town, putting it in several newspapers and making a big sign to put in front of the hall. We will all make a little something for refreshments. I wasnt sure if i should demo. I definitely want to showcase the trifle bowl and adjustable tiered tower. I may put flowers in the trifle and make a dessert that will last all day for the tower.

Can anyone think of anything else and what do you think so far of what I have planned?

When picking out your products to bring, just make sure you don't bring anything discontinued unless you plan to sell it. Someone will want it, and you'll be stuck.

There is an audio called Booths Build Business in the Online Training center. It is very insightful, and full of tons of good information.
Keep it simple. For a booth I would take the kit products and a few brand new things AND the DCB and trifle (since it's on sale). That's it. Do not demo. People are in and out so quick you won't have time anyway. I wouldn't even bring food - many states have laws against that unless you have a food license and besides people (esp. kids) will come just for the food. What you want is leads.

It's okay to bring something that's discontinued (although I wouldn't waste the space) IF you have a website. That could be used to promote the outlet.

Have fun. Have a drawing so you can get their info. And most important: FOLLOW UP!!
Congrats on getting yourself out there!

There are about 8-10 different vendors and we are renting out a hall to try to get our name out there. I have an 8 or 12 foot table. Most of my PC products are from yrs ago.

Noora is right, do not bring anything that is no longer available. That sets you up for disappointed guests, and some may wonder why it's there.

I will have everyone fill out a drawing slip and they will all win a free cooking show but should I offer a small prize to get them to fill out the slip to begin with?

Providing ingredients should be plenty. I would not add the expense of giving anymore. You want contacts, but you want contacts from people who ARE interested in PC rather than a free item. Follow up is VITAL, usually within the next 2 days, and calling the non interested people (those who may have done it for the free item) will be time consuming and maybe frustrating too.

I'm was thinking of setting up my laptop with a PC DVD. I'm going to order the mini catalogs and recipe cards to hand out and I have about 25 old catalogs I can use with the poem.

Great Idea!

I plan on doing a tri-fold with specials for April and May and host rewards and maybe by then I'll know what June's special is. I have many flyers saved from the files to incorporate my own info with. I'm not sure if I should only have 1 set or if its OK to have more. I've found the DCB set, pie set, mini baker set as well as a flyer with many other sets put together.

You could take a current catalog apart and put into sleeve protectors. In the front could be all the available sets...then have a sign that states that you have special combos available...ask me how kind of thing.

Is this something you use at shows or do you see it being successful at a multi vendor fair?

I tend to use them at events as I always forget to mention it at shows. I usually just mention to guests at shows that I have a collection of recipes for anyone who buys the DCB. That gets me the sale with no out of pocket costs. But it seems to be very successful for many at their shows. I'm just cheap! lol

I'll make sure I have recruiting info and host packets ready to go.

Good....make sure to also have your calendar and order forms handy.

One of the coupons I'm going to use is for a free cooking show if they book by June 30th and another is to get $25 if they recruit.

Make sure you state that it's after they qualify!

Can anyone think of anything else and what do you think so far of what I have planned?

You seemed to have put lots of planning, and it's all great! Good luck!

Hi there! It sounds like you have a great plan in place for your first vendor fair. I would suggest offering a small prize for filling out the drawing slip, it can be something as simple as a kitchen gadget or a gift card. This will incentivize people to fill out the slip and increase your chances of getting bookings. Setting up your laptop with a PC DVD is a great idea, as well as having mini catalogs and recipe cards to hand out. I would recommend having more than one set of flyers, as it's always better to have extra materials on hand in case you run out. As for the DCB set, pie set, and mini baker set, I think it's a great idea to showcase these at the fair. These are popular items and can attract potential customers to your table. In terms of demos, it's up to you and what you feel comfortable with. If you have the time and resources, it can be a great way to showcase the products and get people interested. Overall, it seems like you have a well thought out plan and I'm sure you will do great at the fair. Good luck and have fun!

Related to How Can I Optimize My First Vendor Fair Experience?

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