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How Can I Increase My Show Bookings While Working Full Time?

catty shows are shows that are booked as supplemental income and they can be a great way to boost your monthly sales. Sometimes people might be hesitant to book them because they don't know what they are getting into, but using the right words can help to open up those doors.
Just curious... on average, how many shows do you do each week?

I was trying to figure out how I can do PC full time instead of my 9-5 job and I did the goals worksheet. To make 2000 a month with an average of 400 a show in sales I have to do 20 shows a month!:eek:
Is $400 your average show? Try to bump up your average show amount which would give you less shows to do.
Also..don't forget that the more sales you have..the higher your commission rate...sorry..looking at it..I think you might have already taken that into consideration.
Also, the more shows you're doing, the more people you will be in front of. The more you will recruit, the more overrides you get...it adds up.

My AD, because of a move, has had slower than average sales months (between 2 and 3 thousand instead of 4 to 5), and is still making between 2 and 3 thousand because of overrides. It adds up fast...

Those numbers have really inspired me as far as recruiting goes...
My SD recently sound us a copy of one of her commission checks. She wasn't doing more than 6-8 SHOWS a month, but she had alot of individual orders, couple of catalog shows, etc. Her SHOW income was about 1/3 of her paycheck. The remaining 2/3 was from her team overrides...she made almost $3500 in that particular month.So building up your shows now, meet more people, recruit, etc...it all goes together. I would bet with a good team (shoot for director-level), a better-than-national show average (listen to the online audio training MP3s), and increasing your shows a little at a time, you'll get there and not have to do nearly 20 shows a month!
nikked said:
Also, the more shows you're doing, the more people you will be in front of. The more you will recruit, the more overrides you get...it adds up.My AD, because of a move, has had slower than average sales months (between 2 and 3 thousand instead of 4 to 5), and is still making between 2 and 3 thousand because of overrides. It adds up fast...Those numbers have really inspired me as far as recruiting goes...
What nikked said. The overrides for me really really add up. I do about 2 shows a week and my overall monthly commission is more than what I make teaching full time. Don't forget the beauty of supplemental catalog shows. I do between 8-10 cooking shows each month, but I always have at least 4 catalog shows going at the same time.
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  • #7
Thanks for all of the info. This is a great group...very helpful and supportive!
Thank you!!! :)
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Also...to answer a question...I am not quite sure what my average show sales are. When I go home tonight I will find out.
Raenstorm-Where in NH are you? I live in MA on the NH/MA border
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I live in Derry, NH.
  • #11
beckyjsmith said:
Don't forget the beauty of supplemental catalog shows. I do between 8-10 cooking shows each month, but I always have at least 4 catalog shows going at the same time.

Ok, I have a question... How do you get so many catty shows going in one month. I want to start boosting my monthly sales, but am limited on show dates because I work full time. Everyone recommends catty shows because their gravy, but I try to book them and no one seems interested. What words do you use to get catty shows?

Related to How Can I Increase My Show Bookings While Working Full Time?

1. How many shows do I need to do to earn free products?

To earn free products through Pampered Chef, you need to host a minimum of $200 in sales at each show. The number of shows you need to do will depend on the average sales per show and the value of the products you wish to earn for free.

2. How often should I do shows to be successful?

To be successful with Pampered Chef, it is recommended to do at least 2-3 shows per month. This will help you maintain a consistent income and build a strong customer base. However, the frequency of shows may vary depending on your personal goals and availability.

3. Can I do shows online, or do they have to be in-person?

Yes, you can do shows both in-person and online. With the rise of social media and virtual parties, online shows have become a popular option for Pampered Chef consultants. However, in-person shows can also be successful as they allow for a more personal and interactive experience with your customers.

4. How long should a show typically last?

A typical Pampered Chef show can last anywhere from 2-3 hours. This includes time for setting up, demonstrating products, and taking orders. It is important to keep the show moving and engaging to keep your guests interested and motivated to make purchases.

5. Is there a limit to the number of shows I can do in a month?

No, there is no limit to the number of shows you can do in a month as a Pampered Chef consultant. You can schedule as many shows as you can handle and fit into your schedule. Keep in mind that the more shows you do, the more opportunities you have to earn income and free products.

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