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How Can I Increase My Bookings for July?

Sell getting together with friends - even a playdate with the kids. Stay at home moms with kids at home might like a change of pace.NEVER NEVER sound desperate! People RUNNNNNNNN!Get on the phone and call people.
How can I get a few more within the next couple of weeks? I can;t believe I can't sell free money.
Get on the phone and call people.3 contacts a day!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I used them all. I have no contacts at all.
As to the not being able to sell free money.............I also find most people aren't impressed with that. I have to get past hosts who had shows that were well over $500 the first time to rebook to sell this special. And I'm not even having a lot of luck with that. I'm on the phone, too. We're all in this together.
Sell getting together with friends - even a playdate with the kids. Stay at home moms with kids at home might like a change of pace.
Are you kids on any sports teams? Take catalogs with you to practices... Hang out (literally) in produce sections... When someone picks up a pineapple, say, "Have you ever cut one of these?" and go from there. You could even have the pineapple wedger in your bag! Offer to hand out recipe cards at the local supermarket that fits with their meat special...NEVER NEVER sound desperate! People RUNNNNNNNNNN!
DebbieJ said:
Get on the phone and call people.

3 contacts a day!

I love your "matter of fact" answers Debbie! You make me smile!
I'm finding July is hard for whatever reason. I've had 4 shows cxl in the last 2 days. All for reasonable "excuses" but still frustrating when I thought I had 8 and am now down to 4!!
Other than those mentioned, I don't have any other suggestions for July, but as for August, here is something I did yesterday:
I have two past hosts that both bought the Executive Cookware set with their host benefits. I emailed them both yesterday and told them about the August special and that if they did a simple catalog show (by collecting a mere $150 in orders) they could add a piece to their collection. And, because I always book a future show for the host under her current show, they would be eligible for the host benefit and the past host benefit.
One host emailed back and said that she definitely wanted to do this and in fact would probably make it a cooking show.
It always pays to ask!
  • #10
July is hard... look at our own lives.. my family went on vacation last week and I am going to NC next week... busy busy busy... host in your own home as a customer appreciation
  • #11
chefsteph07 said:
I love your "matter of fact" answers Debbie! You make me smile!
Our business is about basics. When you consistently do the basics, your business will thrive.July is hard if you think it is hard. I have 8 shows booked.
  • #12
DebbieJ said:
Our business is about basics. When you consistently do the basics, your business will thrive.

July is hard if you think it is hard.
I have 8 shows booked.

I think that's a key statement.

So far - 7 for July, and 6 for Aug....and w/o adding any extra incentives, other than promoting our incredible host benefits! (and living in the state w/ the highest unemployment for several years running!)

Be excited about what you do, and don't be apologetic for wanting to book in July. Let people know that this is the BEST month to have a show (isn't every month?:D) and that all of their friends will be glad to come for a fun time of learning new tips and recipes that are quick, easy, and inexpensive!
  • #13
I am in the same boat, I have a show Thurs. and one Sat. That's it! End of my calendar! I will be pushing the cookware special but would like a couple more July shows. I will share about one of my hosts that booked her show from her sister for just one week later. We didn't have time for the invites, etc...She got on her phone and email and had about 16-17 people come and had over a $700 show! Maybe even offer an incentive for booking within 10 days. (not sure on the incentive yet, those haven't been working out well for me, costing me more than they are worth)
  • #14
I only have one booking for July and it's tonight, but I am confident that this particular group will have at least one or two booking potentials. (A couple are parents from the school where I teach.)
I am having a garage sale this Friday and Saturday and will have a Pampered Chef table set up. (Trying to earn last-minute funds for my trip to Chicago next week!) Will talk it up to my neighbors and see about getting some bookings. I have hosts looking at their calendars for August and one booking for September, and to be proactive, I sent out a flyer for fundraiser parties to our local girl scout service unit to send out to all the leaders. I'm an active Brownie leader, so I have access to the president of the "service unit" and my flyer invites troops to ask a troop parent to host a party to earn funds for the troop (which they ALL need at the beginning of the new year).
  • #15
taterbug said:
Other than those mentioned, I don't have any other suggestions for July, but as for August, here is something I did yesterday:
I have two past hosts that both bought the Executive Cookware set with their host benefits. I emailed them both yesterday and told them about the August special and that if they did a simple catalog show (by collecting a mere $150 in orders) they could add a piece to their collection. And, because I always book a future show for the host under her current show, they would be eligible for the host benefit and the past host benefit.
One host emailed back and said that she definitely wanted to do this and in fact would probably make it a cooking show.
It always pays to ask!

Great idea! I always try to get an exact rebook date for my hosts, so they can take advantage of the "double hosts". For those who didn't pick a date, I pencil in within the 6 months. I'm going to call them and offer them this. Even with only $150 they can get two pieces.
  • #16
i am having the same problem for August at the moment, people on holidays etc. However I have found the sanity saving kids cooking shows have been popular so am plugging them more at the moment xGood luck everyone xxxx
  • #17
Kimberlymmj said:
I used them all. I have no contacts at all.

So you're saying you don't leave the house or answer the phone when it rings?
Because if you leave the house...you have contacts...
If you don't leave the house but you do answer the phone when it rings...you have contacts...

*the daycare provider for your kids
*the person behind the counter at the dry cleaners
*the barristas at your local starbucks
*the grocery store cashiers & service desk employees
* the lady behind you on line at the grocery store
*the telemarketer who calls your house (at dinnertime)
*your neighbor across the street...next door, behind your house

I don't want to insult you so please don't take this as me being mean...I don't mean it that way at all - I am wanting to help you...but "I have no contacts" is an excuse. Push past that and make contact with all the people I listed above...before another consultant does.
  • #18
dannyzmom said:
So you're saying you don't leave the house or answer the phone when it rings?
Because if you leave the house...you have contacts...
If you don't leave the house but you do answer the phone when it rings...you have contacts...

*the daycare provider for your kids
*the person behind the counter at the dry cleaners
*the barristas at your local starbucks
*the grocery store cashiers & service desk employees
* the lady behind you on line at the grocery store
*the telemarketer who calls your house (at dinnertime)
*your neighbor across the street...next door, behind your house

I don't want to insult you so please don't take this as me being mean...I don't mean it that way at all - I am wanting to help you...but "I have no contacts" is an excuse. Push past that and make contact with all the people I listed above...before another consultant does.

Oh - and just so you don't think I am a total b*tch...you should know...I only have 2 shows on my calender for August. Why?? Because I am not bothering to call my contacts...I am "too busy" (yup...a total excuse...so I am no better than anyone else. Maybe we can motivate each other??)
  • #19
lockhartkitchen said:
Great idea! I always try to get an exact rebook date for my hosts, so they can take advantage of the "double hosts". For those who didn't pick a date, I pencil in within the 6 months. I'm going to call them and offer them this. Even with only $150 they can get two pieces.

I'm new to PC, so I want to be sure I'm understanding this correctly...if a host books another show within 6 months (and you list it as booked through her 1st show) she's able to get 2 of the hsot special.

I'm really curious about this since one of my co-workers is doing a catalog show through me. I'm trying to get in as much as I can for my 1st 30 days, so she was thinking of splitting it into 2 shows so she can get the host special for July and August. So if I did it this way, she could really get 2 pieces of 60% off cookware in August????
  • #20
Yes. You would need to enter an August date for a booking from her July show when you submit it, otherwise it will not count. They have to be entered in P3 to count.
  • #21
Thanks so much for the info! This will def. convince her to split it into 2 shows, and may convince one of the others as well! I wish I'd known this before I became a consultant too, I may have had more shows...haha! What a great deal!
  • #22
JennLizFran said:
I'm new to PC, so I want to be sure I'm understanding this correctly...if a host books another show within 6 months (and you list it as booked through her 1st show) she's able to get 2 of the hsot special.

I'm really curious about this since one of my co-workers is doing a catalog show through me. I'm trying to get in as much as I can for my 1st 30 days, so she was thinking of splitting it into 2 shows so she can get the host special for July and August. So if I did it this way, she could really get 2 pieces of 60% off cookware in August????

You will need to put your host down for booking again in P3. Then that 1st show needs to get submitted and received by HO. Then when she is given a host id # (you can do host lookup on CC), you enter that into the required field on the show #2. Then under show #2, you enter her name in as a guest and can enter in the host special. She will have to pay shipping on that purchase.
  • #23
My calendar for August suddenly cleared. That's because my uber-busy host (who has had a lot of problems at her business ... and works seven days a week) has now decided she wants to book in November. (Yay ... sell-a-thon ... but ...)

And one of my cousins who is getting married had TALKED about a pc bridal shower or registry ... just got her invite ... and it said she's registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

HOWEVER ... I just went to my cousin's daughter's graduation party. She is starting her own medical consulting business and her office manager said, "You sell Pampered Chef?" She is definitely ordering and may throw a party together.

And as for the engaged cousin ... I have decided to "bless and release" and looked at her Bed Bath and Beyond registry ... I saw she registered for a $20 smooth endge can opener and said, "Hmmm ... that doesn't have a guarantee!" So I bought one from my July Host's show.

I'm pretty much a "steady eddie" with a goal of staying active every month and not a lot more .. I have a full-time job so 1-2 cooking shows are about all I can handle. I do go out of my way for my catalog hosts because they save me time and hassle, so I'll take all those I can get.
  • #24
JennLizFran said:
Thanks so much for the info! This will def. convince her to split it into 2 shows, and may convince one of the others as well! I wish I'd known this before I became a consultant too, I may have had more shows...haha! What a great deal!

Look at Amanda's response, which details what you will need to do. I started last year, making it a habit to share this detail with all my host and let them know the benefit: double host special, and new products in a new season, which leads to great show sales for them. I get them to pencil in a date within the next 6 months. It makes it easy to know what my calendar will look like (just like it is now) if I follow this rule.
  • #25
I didn't know the "re-book from the current Host" until I read it on here and I really push that with each of my Hosts! You would be surprised how that "double Host special" really pumps them up!
  • #26
lockhartkitchen said:
Great idea! I always try to get an exact rebook date for my hosts, so they can take advantage of the "double hosts". For those who didn't pick a date, I pencil in within the 6 months. I'm going to call them and offer them this. Even with only $150 they can get two pieces.

How can you offer them two pieces?
  • #27
bpalmer said:
How can you offer them two pieces?

Because they get one as the host, and one as the the past host....
  • #29
View attachment online guest list.doc

I updated the host list. I realized I attached an older version someone else made. I ask that I get the list back within 48 hours, not several weeks (like the sheet I borrowed said).

Related to How Can I Increase My Bookings for July?

1. Why is it important to have more than 2 bookings for July?

Having more than 2 bookings for July is important because it helps you reach your sales goals and earn rewards and incentives from Pampered Chef. It also allows you to expand your customer base and potentially generate more bookings for future months.

2. What can I do if I only have 2 bookings for July?

If you only have 2 bookings for July, you can reach out to your existing customers and offer special promotions or discounts to encourage them to host a party. You can also ask friends and family to host a party for you or reach out to potential new customers through social media or word of mouth.

3. How can I increase my bookings for July?

There are several ways to increase your bookings for July. You can offer special incentives for customers who book a party during this month, such as free products or discounts. You can also be proactive in reaching out to potential customers and promoting your parties through social media, email, or in-person events.

4. What are the benefits of having more bookings for July?

The main benefit of having more bookings for July is that it helps you reach your sales goals and earn rewards and incentives from Pampered Chef. It also allows you to grow your business and potentially generate more bookings for future months. Additionally, having more parties in July can help you build your customer base and increase your overall sales.

5. Are there any resources available to help me increase my bookings for July?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers various resources to help consultants increase their bookings. These include training materials, marketing tools, and support from your upline and fellow consultants. You can also attend training sessions or workshops to learn new strategies for booking parties and growing your business.

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