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How Can I Improve Sales for a Repeat Fundraiser?

Phase 2 "presales" - The mini catalogs and order forms should be left out on the coffee tables in the homes of the cellists and first violins who are doing the presales. You have given away 20% of the proceeds from the bowls to date (assuming you have sold at least one bowl). One suggestion I had was to have a sign-up sheet at the rehearsal hall or wherever the presales are taking place. You could list the price of the bowl, the time of the sale, and the name of the person selling the bowl. I think it would be a good idea to have a sign-up sheet. You could list the price of the bowl
Gold Member
I have been asked by a group I did a fund-raiser for last year to do another one this year. I believe in the group and want very much to help them. However, last year their total sales were $1999.50 - not bad but for an organization with 65 members, it SHOULD have been much higher. I typically donate 5% of my commission to any organization that I do a fund-raiser for so that they get up to 20% for their group. On this groups fund-raiser last year, I barely broke even by the time I purchased catalogs for everyone, had order forms and information sheets printed, etc. I would like to do this for them again but need some suggestions:

for those of you who have done fund-raisers with groups this large, do you provide a catalog for EVERY member?

What about ONLY providing them with the web-site link where they can order on-line? The advantage I can see with this is that they will not have to keep track of money or orders and I will be able to check easily to see where we are on their goal.

Do you run the fund-raisers just for a limited time, say two weeks, or, for instance, from now until Feb. 26, giving them almost a full month to get orders?

I am going to talk to the lady that wants to do it this weekend about these things and will almost certainly go ahead and do it since I do want to support the group. However, I would appreciate any suggestions on how to maximize the end result without completely losing my commission. Thanks in advance!

I don't have a lot of advice, but what about using mini catalogs vs. full ones..Is there a central location where some of these people might be able to work off one or two catalogs and order forms (versus everyone taking one home?)
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Unfortunately, no - it is an orchestra whose members are spread over several counties. I've been thinking about possibly asking the board of directors to each take a portion of the group and be responsible for encouraging those members to get their orders and offering some kind of an incentive for those whose group gets the most orders.

Using mini-catalogs is a great idea and one I will suggest to them. Thanks!
Yes, I would suggest the mini's. I would use labels with CLEAR ordering instructions, somewhat of an "ordering for dummies" step by step on the labels. 25 minis is $3.50 vs. $12.50 the labels. I've found that the Office Max labels that are comparable to te Avery are 1/3 the price with your Retailconnect card. So a box of 30 sheets is about $5. That's 180 labels. YOu could probably get everyone what they need for roughly $30 out of pocket.
I think it would be reasonable to email them the order forms and info sheets and ask the organization to print them. Or provide some and have them make copies.
I think mini catalogs would be cost effective, especially with the full catalog being available online. People don't have to order online but they can still take a look at the catalog if they wish online.

Just my own thought process in reading over the posts for this: I would not 'suggest' mini catalogs to the organizer, by doing so you are giving them the choice of spending more of YOUR commissions. You need to decide how YOUR money is spent, especially if you are giving some of the commissions to the group anyway. Maybe offer them the choice of full size catalogs in lieu of receiving your 5%.
When you hold back, you hold back sales, bookings, recruit leads and the normal relationships that would otherwise occur. Here is what I would suggest instead:

Phase 1 batter bowls and "presales" -

Gather together the cellists and first violins (who know everyone, or at least think they do) [or whomever wants to come] to do a batter bowl building blitz one Saturday or for 2 hours before a rehearsal if folks have to come from far away. You go to Safeway ahead and buy ingredients (or often for a fundraiser, Safeway will donate them). Recipes are here
and cards to fasten to the bowls when completed are here for brownies
(email me directly [not on Csuccess] for copies of the other tags - they're not showing up on CCorner and I have them on another computer as PDF's)The batter bowls are made up to be sold for $20-25 donation, and the buyer keeps the bowl (and inside the Use & Care card taped to the lid with your card as well). Every bowl gets a mini catalog and order form, for the person to order at the 'big show', date set for about 1-2 months out.

Phase 2 - 10 mini hosts

Set all 65 members up as guests, and ask for 10 to be 'mini hosts' who would agree to have an express event at their homes, in an effort to collect more sales and more orders for the group. You come to their home for no more than 45 minutes with a pre-made appetizer or dessert and collect orders. Host coach like a regular show, you'll get 12-15 at each home, most of whom would NOT attend the 'big event' in phase 2. You get more orders this way! Give a modest product prize to the person who has the largest 'mini host show'. All these orders go to the big show. Rebook each host for a REAL show and you get bookings, plus they can see all the product they get for free. Win/Win!

Phase 3, the 'big show'

Then the day of the 'big show' itself, you setup a large hall with boutique tables, themed by cooking style. One with white and stainless cookware, stacked stainless bowls is Weddings. One with pastels, stemware and Simple Additions is casual entertaining. One with navy or purple, tiered server, cake pedestal, trifle bowl is entertaining with flair. One with a red/white checkered tablecloth is grilling (BBQ tools, etc.). One with lime green is outdoor living (Cool & serve, collapsible bowls, etc.). One with orange is baking (Stoneware). One with primary colors is kids in the kitchen (Decorator Bottles, Leakproof Glas COntainers). One with natural/burlap is bamboo. One with burgundy is DCB and MFP and cookbooks. One with your black PC table runner is the starter kit. People browse the boutique for 3 hours before the 'big show'. Have simple munchies - brownie bites on every other table. Cool & serve could have veggies & dip. Wedding table could have mints or nuts, etc. Keep it SIMPLE. It's not about feeding them!Then, do a chocolate demo (turtle skillet fudge cake or David Meenan's chocolate marshmallow crescent roll demo) link is here - just watch from about 3'20". Love it... "No-grease cooking"
The Pampered Chef - YouTubeand have someone else serve everybody while you collect orders and answer questions. You'll be tired, but this is easily a 2K or 3K venue. It's an ideal thing to do with your team helping. You would want to setup the boutique tables If you want to go further,

Phase 4 bingo game
Check with your state gaming office, but many states allow a one-time bingo game for a fundraiser. People pay $5 a card, or $25 for all the cards they can play at once. You play regular bingo 5 across, then 4 corners, then double bingo, then blackout. Those who win, get $ off on their Pampered Chef order. All cash paid to play goes to the organization. This nets easily a 50% profit; encourage folks to be generous in playing. Someone else can sell daubers from the party supply store for $5 each, reminding buyers $$ goes to the charity.I would be very generous with the catalogs, to assure high sales. If you have a 3K show, you're getting 300 even at 10%, so $50 for 100 catalogs is nothing. You need to 'farm' the leads you get from each order, ask everyone to host and remind them PC gives a contribution for each show booked, plus let them know of all they can get for free in hosting a typical show.Best of luck - let us know how it goes!
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Related to How Can I Improve Sales for a Repeat Fundraiser?

1. How can I make my repeat fundraiser more successful?

There are a few key ways to ensure a successful repeat fundraiser with Pampered Chef. First, make sure to promote the fundraiser to your network and encourage them to spread the word. You can also offer incentives, such as a free product or discount, for those who participate. Additionally, make sure to set a specific goal and track progress throughout the fundraiser to keep everyone motivated.

2. Can I choose different products for my repeat fundraiser?

Yes, you can choose different products for your repeat fundraiser. In fact, we recommend switching up the products each time to keep things fresh and exciting for your supporters. Our wide range of kitchen tools and cookware allows for a variety of options to choose from for each fundraiser.

3. How can I track my sales and earnings from the repeat fundraiser?

Pampered Chef provides a personal fundraising dashboard for each host, where you can track your sales, earnings, and progress towards your goal. You can also access this information on the Pampered Chef app or by contacting your Pampered Chef consultant.

4. Can I host a virtual repeat fundraiser?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers the option to host a virtual repeat fundraiser. This is a great way to reach a larger audience and make it easy for supporters to participate from the comfort of their own homes. Your Pampered Chef consultant can provide guidance on how to host a successful virtual fundraiser.

5. Are there any additional fees for hosting a repeat fundraiser with Pampered Chef?

No, there are no additional fees for hosting a repeat fundraiser with Pampered Chef. You will earn a percentage of the sales from your fundraiser, and there are no extra costs for shipping or handling. Your consultant will provide all the necessary materials and support to ensure a successful and profitable fundraiser for your cause.

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