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How Can I Ensure a Successful Party with a Challenging Host?

In summary, the expert summarizer is saying that the host for the upcoming party is the daughter-in-law of the mother whose party was a disaster, and she lives with her. They are expecting another wash, and do not want to loose any more time or money on those people. They suggest sending a host coaching letter that mandates the provision of a guest list so the consultant can send the invites themselves. The letter should be tactful and the expert suggests that the host lacks tact. They provide instructions on how to grocery shop for a host and what to expect if the party is a flop. They also suggest getting each guest involved in an interactive show.
Okay, I had a HORRIFIC show back in the middle of December. (It was a booking from a large show I had the month before.)

It became quite clear at the start of the show that everyone attended for the free food (which I bought!), recipes and door prizes. :yuck:

I had ZERO sales. Only ONE person even bothered to open the catalog!! :cry::mad:

Well, I have the second booking (from the original party) coming up in Jan. The problem? The host for this party is the daughter-in-law of the mother whose party was a disaster! AND she LIVES with her!!! :grumpy: She and all the "looser" guests were super excited about the next party!:yuck: :eek:

I am fairly certain this will be another wash and I do not want to loose any more time or money on those people! Does anybody have a host coaching letter I can send that MANDATES her provision of a guest list so I can send the invites myself. I'd like to to say that it must be provided by the 3rd of January, with at least 25 contacts, to qualify for me to have her party?

It needs to be tactful and I very much lack this since I am so close to the situation. HELP!;):D
Call her and let her know what is expected. Don't expect her to read a letter. Tell her what her MIL got from the party and let her know that your average host usually gets XYZ. Ask her what she would like to earn for free and half price. Also be sure that she understands that she will be more FREE stuff once her show reaches $500. If you are not comforatable comparing the MIL party then just tell her what your average hosts gets and how they get there.

You aren't bringing the ingredients and stuff this time are you? Your host needs to be vested in the party in some fashion. If you are sending the invites and bringing the ingredients what has she invested to make the party a success?
I concur - remember, you're not doing her a favour, it's the other way around. It's BUSINESS! Perhaps incent the host with $5 off for 5 buying guests, $10 for 10, etc. Also encourage outside orders in the event that the guest list is the same. Perhaps they were all just waiting for the January show anyway?

I hear your frustration - but try your best to make it a positive. Good Luck!
Two things here. 1) I always grocery shop for my hosts. (too many mixups on what is actually needed for recipes mad eme do this.) BUT - and they know this - if the party is a flop - they pay me! I give them their total at the end of the party for their products plus the food. If I do not get it, I hold the party. I have only had to do this twice in 7 years. 2) I don't know if you remember the Pitcher Game? 1 point for each sale - 25 points you get a free Quick stir Pitcher. I do this instead, $1 off the host order for each order they get me. The orders I place on a party - if any - do not count.
I rarely have anyone not go for it this way. And do not be afraid to put your foot down. Give this women her instructions. "Here is your grocery list for your party." If she complians that you didn't make her MIL pay for food, tell her sorry that was last months deal. This puts it in her lap, not your wallet and unless you expliciatly told her you were buying, then there should not be a problem. If there is, well, then she won't be serving food now will she.
Mine doesn't mandate...but I have heard of consultants that won't mail out a show planner until they have 40 guests names and numbers.

I'm tempted to start doing this. They just tell people as they are getting close to the deadline that they have to pay the bills. Most will do it right away. If they need help getting to 40 then she they them. They also are using post calls to make the reminder calls.
I cannot imagine all the people coming and eating, etc. and no one ordering. I agree you need to do a lot of host coaching. John's "pitcher game" is an interesting incentive I haven't thought of before. The benefits are so wonderful for hosts in January you hate to do anything extra.I'd also encourage each guest to talk about their favorite PC piece and what they use it for. Will you do this as an interactive show? Getting them involved may be what it takes for this "group". Good Luck.
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I pray that it was just a fluke family. LOL Most of the guests at that large show didn't buy and they were the ones invited to the last host's show. I took all of your thoughts and combined them into a full hostess packet so I pray it will work. I took an "out" with this party giving her a deadline to provide me with her guest list, but I made it look like a new 09 policy for me. Hopefully it was kind enough but will get the point across.Both of my last two parties with these people were interactive AND had the "pampered dollars auction" at the end to encourage guests to get involved. They had FUN but on my dime and my time. Not again!
The problem isn't getting people there it sounds like. The problem is getting some one, anyone to buy something. So mailing invites still will not guarantee sales. So, you have to make it impossible for the host to pass up the "extras". Beside, if you do a $150 party that's at least $30 commission.
It is probably at most, 5 orders. You can't afford $5 of the $30 commission to get sales? And you write it off as a consultant gift for your taxes. Now you do not do this at every party if you do not want to. But you know going into
this one that it may be an issue. So to get it over with, maybe a bribe IS in order.
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your right. I decided to offer the quick stir pitcher for a certain amount of buying guests as well as free cookbook if she meets a certain level in sales. I also mentioned that the guest extra spending dollars only start with a $500.00 party sooo we'll see!Also, her MIL only had about 6 people, so if I do a bunch of invitations maybe it'll get her to think out of the box and bring in people outside their unbuying group of friends.
  • #10
Great stratagey. And good for you for taking back control. The thing is that you can not let yourself get caught up in their crap. The biggest thing is to make sure you do not get stuck with a bill for the food and that she knows she is paying for it by either doing the shopping herself or she has to hand you - I do use this as it is part of the host deal and that is why it is there - $15 when you walk in. Plain and simple. Never be afraid to cover your hindend! And liek I said, never give away money without stipulations and rules and goals set promptly. And yes push the invite thing. If you feel the need, get a bunch of addresses from her and send them your self. Her MIL sound slike she didn't even try so...

Related to How Can I Ensure a Successful Party with a Challenging Host?

What is "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking"?

"Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" is a cooking tool that helps you easily create delicious and healthy meals for your family and friends. It is designed to make meal preparation and cooking a breeze, saving you time and effort in the kitchen.

How does "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" work?

This tool includes a set of sharp blades that can easily chop, slice, and dice fruits, vegetables, meats, and more. Simply place the ingredients inside, secure the lid, and pull the cord to quickly and evenly chop your food. It is a simple, efficient, and safe way to prepare ingredients for your meals.

Is "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" dishwasher safe?

Yes, the blades and lid of "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" are dishwasher safe for easy clean-up. However, we recommend hand-washing the base to prolong its lifespan.

Can I use "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" for all types of food?

Yes, "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" can be used for a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meats. It can also be used for making sauces, dips, and dressings. However, we do not recommend using it for very hard or large ingredients as it may damage the blades.

Is "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" safe to use?

Yes, "Nightmare Host's Dil Booking" is designed with safety in mind. The blades are enclosed within the container and the lid is securely locked in place while in use. However, it is important to always use caution when handling sharp objects and keep this tool out of reach of children.

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