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How can I effectively recruit at shows?

In summary, the key to recruiting is to go into your shows with an open mind and be willing to discuss the business opportunity. You also need to play the ticket game and do full service checkout.
Gold Member
I have been doing this for about 6 1/2 years..I am pretty much a "hobbiest" and I have never really actively recruited..I honestly had no desire to recruit..however..I got my first recruit in October and I would like to more actively recruit and she was not from a show she was an old friend of mine who came to me about it. Also since September I am trying to pick up my business..because this is going to be my "fun money" and my full time job is my money to pay my bills.

So now there is a little bit of background here is my question.

How do you actively recruit at shows?

Do you talk about the current recruiting promotions? Or is that something that you would discuss with a potential when you actually meet with them one on one?

How much do you talk about recruiting during your demo?

Thanks in advance
I drop nuggets throughout my show, such as , oooh I love this! I love that I get to have all of this great stuff in my kitchen and they pay me to earn it. How cool is THAT?
Or I will mention something about earning a product for free, or mention trip experiences or fun times with members from my team.
AND.. I always play the ticket game. I have a portion of my show set aside to talk about the business opportunity.
the call content has changed from when I first listened to it but if you listen today or very soon- you may get Stacy Tennison, and some one else...but Stacy is talking about recruiting. This must be a regular call and the content changes, so I can't say how long it lasts. Grins88 gave me the call details originally (it's part of her upline calls I think).http://www.chefsuccess.com/f3/what-other-audio-files-59786/#post722259
I would suggest you do all the online training and teleclasses about recruiting. That will help you incorporate it into your shows. Share your desire with your director and she will help you!
Also make sure you do fill service checkout and as everyone! The online training is great too.
play the ticket game and do full service checkout. I have recruited 29 people in 1 year personally.
PCJenni said:
play the ticket game and do full service checkout. I have recruited 29 people in 1 year personally.

Okay - I've been doing the ticket game for the past two months (about 12 shows now)...and not one recruit from it. (I always do the full service checkout). I get lots of great questions, and people seem to have fun doing it, but no interest. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong???:confused:
I am new so I would love if someone would explain the ticket game please.
ChefBeckyD said:
Okay - I've been doing the ticket game for the past two months (about 12 shows now)...and not one recruit from it. (I always do the full service checkout). I get lots of great questions, and people seem to have fun doing it, but no interest. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong???:confused:

I know how you feel. I get great questions and people seem interested but don't want to sign! All have reasons or excuses etc! It is frustrating but I'm not going to give up. I have one potential that is unemployed and only wants to do PC pt and is afraid of it affecting her unemployment. So wants to find a FT job before signing. But I've kept in consistent contact w/her and feel good about her actually signing once she's comfortable with it.

I've only done my version of ticket game with leis at one show so far but I'm going to keep going with it. I'm doing a craft fair event saturday and I think I'm going to work on getting more recruit leads as well.
  • #10
I started selling two years ago and didn't recruit anyone in my first year. In my last year, I've signed 5 people. I talk about recruiting through out my show. I mess up (not on purpose, I'm just sloppy) and I tell people anyone can do this! I don't play the ticket game, i've never liked it; but I sprinkle recruiting terminology around the show.Host coaching and follow up is the key. Four of my five recruits were past hosts, AND I signed three of them four months after their shows.I'm now working with 4 other potential new leads, and hope to sign one or two of them. I don't hound prospects when I find out they are interested, but do keep in touch with them. I'll mail them the upcoming recruiting specials, and invite them to come to my director's monthly meetings.
  • #11
I actually printed out my commission statements, used a black marker to cover over the host's names & PHD#, and show people what I make. I do the booking/recruiting slide first. As I'm going through the recruiting slide, I briefly explain my personal experiences ... like "earn free vacations" then I throw in (with a HUGE smile) that I'm currently working on earning Maui!!! Afterward I ask if anyone is interested in seeing what I make? Someone always says yes! So then I pull out my earnings printouts and tell them how many cooking shows I did in ____ month & how much I made. THAT has made the biggest impact for me!!! I'm not a statistic in the brochure, I'm a tangible person that they can see. Therefore, it's more "realistic" that they too can achieve that goal. I also stress what I was making when I was just doing PC to "support my addiction to the product" and what I'm making since I started recruiting and making PC more of a business. The ones who are really interested in pursuing the business opportunity look at the huge jump in my pay and then come in with the mindset that they too want to recruit right off the bat & not wait 17 months like I did ... they want to make more for doing the same amount of work like I do now! ;)
  • #13
ChefBeckyD said:
Okay - I've been doing the ticket game for the past two months (about 12 shows now)...and not one recruit from it. (I always do the full service checkout). I get lots of great questions, and people seem to have fun doing it, but no interest. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong???:confused:

You are not doing anything wrong. It is just not the right time for them. You just stay in contacted with them. I send a message out every month or 2 to check in with my potentials. I also let everyone know if there any incentives. I'll invite them to a take-a-look. You just never know when the time might be right. Don't forget to check in with them about having their own party. This a great way for them to get the feel of Pampered Chef. Keep on staying positive and it will happen.
  • #14
cookingwithlove said:
You are not doing anything wrong. It is just not the right time for them. You just stay in contacted with them. I send a message out every month or 2 to check in with my potentials. I also let everyone know if there any incentives. I'll invite them to a take-a-look. You just never know when the time might be right. Don't forget to check in with them about having their own party. This a great way for them to get the feel of Pampered Chef. Keep on staying positive and it will happen.

Well, I think I may go back to doing the 5 questions game. I had a lot of success with that. It's not that I haven't had recruits - I just signed one last week - but none from the Ticket game. I just keep reading about how peoples recruiting exploded once they started playing the ticket game, and that just hasn't happened.
The 5 question game was great for me, and then I also had a written record of who asked good questions that might need follow-up.
  • #15
you have to work what you feel works for you. That said, the ticket game has been a HUGE success for me and the 2 directors I have helped promote in the past year. I start the game by saying "we are going to play a game. The game is, ask me a question about my business and you get a ticket. At the end "hostess" will draw for a winner. That way you can beat her up on the way out and not me" Everyone laughs and it breaks the ice. If no one asks me a question I say "so no one wants to know how much money I make???" Everyone laughs and I say "because that is what you are all thinking but we don't talk about that right... well I do" I have a binder with 3 of my checks in it. 1 from when I was a consultant, 1 from when I just promoted to D and 1 current. I pass it to the first person and ask them to read the highlighted info on the comm statement. I then explain what the average consultant earns etc. That always gets the crowd going.

Related to How can I effectively recruit at shows?

What is "forThose Who Actively Recruit"?

"forThose Who Actively Recruit" is a platform designed for recruiters to connect with potential candidates and actively recruit them for various job opportunities. It provides tools and resources to make the recruitment process more efficient and effective.

How does "forThose Who Actively Recruit" work?

Recruiters can create a profile on "forThose Who Actively Recruit" and post job listings to attract potential candidates. They can also search for and connect with candidates who have profiles on the platform, and communicate with them directly to discuss job opportunities.

Is "forThose Who Actively Recruit" free to use?

Yes, "forThose Who Actively Recruit" is completely free for recruiters to use. There are no hidden fees or charges associated with creating a profile or posting job listings.

Can candidates also use "forThose Who Actively Recruit"?

No, "forThose Who Actively Recruit" is solely for recruiters and is not open to candidates. However, candidates may be invited to create a profile by a recruiter they are connected with.

How can "forThose Who Actively Recruit" benefit my recruitment process?

"forThose Who Actively Recruit" can help streamline and speed up the recruitment process by providing a centralized platform to connect with potential candidates and easily communicate with them. It also allows for targeted and efficient candidate searching, saving time and resources for recruiters.

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