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How Can I Effectively Promote My Pampered Chef Business Door-to-Door?

In summary, the PC consultant suggests leaving catalogs on doorsteps with a small note asking people to contact her for a show or to order products.
Chef Diane
I was thinking about going door to door letting people in my area know I am here. Does anyone have a script or ideas on what to say when they answer?
I've been with PC for 2 years and have no shows:eek: , I am in real need to get a few on the calendar. HELP! :confused:
I havent actually gone up and rang the doorbell, but I did pass this out (and still do ever couple of months), and hang them on grocery store bulletin boards and such!


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Just be yourselfJust relax and get ready to find some new customers. Be armed with host specials for coming months, guest specials, a business card and mini catalogs.
Say something like this:

Hello my name is XXX XXXX and I wanted to meet you in person and let you know that I am the Pampered Chef consultant in your area. Are you familiar with Pampered Chef?
Yes -
Great then you know the awesome products we have to offer and that we have a new catalog that comes out every six months with new products. If you are ever interested in having a show or ordering some products please don't hesitate to call me. Here is my card and my website is on there is you would like to browse through the new products.
Well Pampered Chef has been offering high quality kitchen products for over 25 years through our catalogs. If you host a show in your home you can earn FREE products, half priced items, great host specials, and other benefits as well. Or host a catalog show, where you take order forms and catalogs to collect orders from your friends and family, and you can earn the same great benefits. If you are ever interested in having a show or ordering some products please don't hesitate to call me. Here is my card and my website is on there is you would like to browse through the new products.

At this point you could give her a mini catalog or is she doesn't sound interested just give her your card. You will know right away if they are interested, not that they can't change their minds later, but look at their body gestures. Are they looking at their clock, not opening the screen door, or standing in front of you with a smile and looking through the catalog right then and there? Bring your calendar just in case.

Be friendly and have a good time meeting your neighbors and potential customers and hosts. I will be doing the same thing next week. I haven't really made too much face to face contact with most of my neighbors yet and I have been here for 6 months already!!

Debbie :D
I don't think I could go door to door but I definitely could leave catalogs on the doorsteps with a little note saying who you are.
It is also a great way to get to know yoru neighbors!!
SilverCeladon said:
I don't think I could go door to door but I definitely could leave catalogs on the doorsteps with a little note saying who you are.

I had an Avon person do that last week. I picked up the catalog & looked through it. I already have a rep that I use though.
A training tape I listened to told a story: The PC consultant had moved and knew no one in her new area. She made banana bread in the mini-loaf pan and wrapped with a pretty bow. Then, she walked it around and knocked on doors - leaving it if they weren't there. I think she said something along the lines of asking them to her own party or hosting a party of their own.

I seem to do better with the few neighborhood invites that I've done on nice days where people are outside. You can catch them in a more leisurely mood. So perhaps baking some bread and having it ready for that first Saturday when folks are out taking down their Christmas lights. Say something about earning more money or learning to cook more low-fat meals as a news years resolution. Good luck.
I am the shy type so I could never do that. But I used to sell Avon and that is how I got my customers, leaving cattys at their doors. I should probably consider doing it for PC but use the minis instead as a teaser with a note and have them contact me to get a full catty and see what type of extra business I can pick up! Maybe in the new year!
  • #10
Yeah, I couldn't go door to door, but I will leave a catalog at the door, or even a flyer if I don't have the small catalog. :D I recruit my sister, husband and son. lol.. ;D
  • #11
I have just signed my contract and trying to get bookings. I don't know many of my neighbors but I did leave a catalog with a flyer. I left it on the door and actually spoke to a few people. One lady told me flat out she wasn't interested; so I pointed out my house and reminded her of my name and asked her to please keep me in mind if any of her friends were interested. She seemed receptive to that, and I didn't freak out. It is a little intimidating. Good Luck!
  • #12
Just make sure when you leave catalogs; put them in one of those clear bags & stick on their door handle. Don't put them in their mailboxes--the mailman will take them! I learned the hard way a couple years ago:rolleyes:
  • #13
Hey, Marla (sp?) started out selling AVON, went from door to door. Now look her!!
I don't think that we can do that with PC.
  • #14
Yep, soliciting is not really the way we do business. However, I've done a little of it as well.

My neighborhood is a new development, so as people moved in, I would drop by and leave a note welcoming them to the neighborhood along with a catalog. I did get one show out of it. :)
  • #15
I love the idea of the catalogs, who you are, business card etc inside the clear bags. I will definitely do that for right after the holidays. Great idea and great way to get business booming. Door to door is a little weird for me as well, but as I walk the dog at night, why not leave those on the door. I think it would be great. Great way to get those end of the year catalogs ( if you have extras) off your shelves too.
  • #16
Jilleysue said:
I love the idea of the catalogs, who you are, business card etc inside the clear bags. I will definitely do that for right after the holidays. Great idea and great way to get business booming. Door to door is a little weird for me as well, but as I walk the dog at night, why not leave those on the door. I think it would be great. Great way to get those end of the year catalogs ( if you have extras) off your shelves too.

When I find I am inundated with old catalogs and I don't have fairs or events coming up, I stick them in mailboxes around the neighborhood or in my Mom's neighborhood, or leave them in doc's offices, hairdressers, banks, garage sales, you-name-it. I put a sticker on them - I attached it here...

I got one order from doing it that I know of for sure - it was a $10.50 order - big whoop...but I am sure somewhere along the way the catalog has fallen into hands that have placed weborders on my site (or at least I can hope).

I *do* find, and have heard form many upper level directors that unless you follow up with a phone call...you may as well have tossed the catalog in the trash, but I just don't know. I am a bit of a phone-a-phobe. LOL


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  • #17
You can also get cute stickers for this at thebooster.com
  • #18
dannyzmom said:
When I find I am inundated with old catalogs and I don't have fairs or events coming up, I stick them in mailboxes around the neighborhood or in my Mom's neighborhood,

Be careful about putting things in mailboxes. It's illegal (since you didn't pay to put it there). I know it seems silly, but just thought I'd let you know.
  • #19
And if you live on a military post or are near one and plan to go door to door there, it's prohibitted too. However, if the people are outside their houses on post they are fair game. I hate door to door and cold calling too. I'm just going to leave some at my dentists office, my tanning spa, a few gas stations, the local grocery store, etc. I've already gotten some in the school lounge and my very first order was my kids teacher.:)
  • #20
yes, beware that the mail man will take them and throw them out or call you up to warn you! I had that happen to me... I had my niece delivering some old catalogs door to door and to make it easier she said she put them in the mailboxes and then I got the call from the post master saying it was not allowed! Just FYI!
  • #21
You can go door to door, in "search of a party". This comes from Christie Northrup, the Lemon Aid Lady... Go with a clipboard and stack of (old if you have them) catalogs in tow. Knock, introduce yourself as a PC consultant and explain you are having a show in their neighborhood if they'd like to attend. Most will sign a clipboard with name & 1 contact - email or phone. You write down their address after you leave.

The two times I've done this, I got 12 names and a lady who replied, "Oh, I LOVE the Pampered Chef"--She's The Host! She was my best host in months - 1100 show! The other time, I wasn't that familiar with the neighborhood and actually doorbelled the same neighbors twice - not a good impression. I lost my nerve and never found that eager hostess. I did invite the names to an open house, and 1 of them came, though!

If you can afford to leave the catalogs, say - "Our catalogs are not for sale, but I can check with you in a few days to see if there is anything you'd like to purchase. May I have your phone number?"
  • #22
SilverCeladon said:
I don't think I could go door to door but I definitely could leave catalogs on the doorsteps with a little note saying who you are.

If you do this, you must get back with these people to follow up. So take notes on who you left them for.
  • #23
DebbieJ said:
Yep, soliciting is not really the way we do business. However, I've done a little of it as well.

My neighborhood is a new development, so as people moved in, I would drop by and leave a note welcoming them to the neighborhood along with a catalog. I did get one show out of it. :)

Why not let PC help you to meet your neighbors? You could homd the party AT YOUR PLACE, THE CLUB HOUSE, ETC.

When I've needed a few customers I have taken a new recipe made on a stone with a woven and brought it to my hair salon, my dr's office, my library - - my postal people... who ever I want to thank. Well it takes a bit to set up and thank/serve them, and you can talk to all who come over about the producyts and the upcoming specxials. I sold a rectangular bacause of an experience like that,
  • #24
scottcooks said:
You can go door to door, in "search of a party". This comes from Christie Northrup, the Lemon Aid Lady... Go with a clipboard and stack of (old if you have them) catalogs in tow. Knock, introduce yourself as a PC consultant and explain you are having a show in their neighborhood if they'd like to attend. Most will sign a clipboard with name & 1 contact - email or phone. You write down their address after you leave.

The two times I've done this, I got 12 names and a lady who replied, "Oh, I LOVE the Pampered Chef"--She's The Host! She was my best host in months - 1100 show! The other time, I wasn't that familiar with the neighborhood and actually doorbelled the same neighbors twice - not a good impression. I lost my nerve and never found that eager hostess. I did invite the names to an open house, and 1 of them came, though!

If you can afford to leave the catalogs, say - "Our catalogs are not for sale, but I can check with you in a few days to see if there is anything you'd like to purchase. May I have your phone number?"

How did the people signing up seem (excited?). I LOVE the $1000 mystery hgost catalog show where hosts just need to collect $100 in orders including their own. really successful and fun.
  • #25
Chef Diane said:
I was thinking about going door to door letting people in my area know I am here. Does anyone have a script or ideas on what to say when they answer?
I've been with PC for 2 years and have no shows:eek: , I am in real need to get a few on the calendar. HELP! :confused:

I'm going to use my slow month to searcg for fundraisers and bride followups. To get packets ready, in my car, at home. Offer cooking classes. Here's a flyer or twoi I likr posting :)
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  • #26
Wow Susan, things have been really slow and actually on the dead side for me, these flyers are such a great idea, thank you so very much for sharing them.
  • Thread starter
  • #27
its_me_susan said:
I'm going to use my slow month to searcg for fundraisers and bride followups. To get packets ready, in my car, at home. Offer cooking classes. Here's a flyer or twoi I likr posting :)

These are great Susan. I'm going to adjust them for me and with a little luck my business will be up and booming again. All it takes is that first couple of shows. :D
  • Thread starter
  • #28
dannyzmom said:
When I find I am inundated with old catalogs and I don't have fairs or events coming up, I stick them in mailboxes around the neighborhood or in my Mom's neighborhood, or leave them in doc's offices, hairdressers, banks, garage sales, you-name-it. I put a sticker on them - I attached it here...

I got one order from doing it that I know of for sure - it was a $10.50 order - big whoop...but I am sure somewhere along the way the catalog has fallen into hands that have placed weborders on my site (or at least I can hope).

I *do* find, and have heard form many upper level directors that unless you follow up with a phone call...you may as well have tossed the catalog in the trash, but I just don't know. I am a bit of a phone-a-phobe. LOL

cmdtrgd said:
You can also get cute stickers for this at thebooster.com

I cant seem to find them, do you know what catagory they would be under?
  • #29
Hi all...this is my first post...just got back from visiting family out of the country and decided to check out the site to get some ideas to give my team at our Jan 6th kick-off...I am always inspired after checking in. This time I thought I would share...maybe along with dropping off the catalog in a bag at the door also leave info on coming to a cooking class on Power Cooking (investment cooking...10 at a time cooking)? I would feel more comfortable offering my services to my neighbors than just soliciting their business. I have also thought about going door to door with my kids...all wearing PC logo of course...and collecting orders for a fund-raiser to our favorite charity. It would get the word out that I am their neighbor, I am a consultant and that I am trying to give back to the community. Well, those are my thoughts for now. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!

Related to How Can I Effectively Promote My Pampered Chef Business Door-to-Door?

What is "Ding Dong Pampered Chef Calling"?

"Ding Dong Pampered Chef Calling" is a phrase used by Pampered Chef consultants to introduce themselves when making sales calls or hosting online parties. It's a fun and catchy way to let customers know that they are being contacted by a Pampered Chef representative.

How do I know if I am being contacted by a legitimate Pampered Chef consultant?

All Pampered Chef consultants are required to use the official "Ding Dong Pampered Chef Calling" phrase when making sales calls or hosting online parties. If you are unsure, you can always ask the consultant to confirm their identity by providing their consultant ID number or contacting Pampered Chef directly.

Do I have to buy something if a Pampered Chef consultant contacts me?

No, you are not obligated to purchase anything if a Pampered Chef consultant contacts you. They may offer you the opportunity to host a party or make a purchase, but you are free to decline if you are not interested.

Can I request to be added to the "Do Not Call" list for Pampered Chef?

Yes, you can request to be added to the "Do Not Call" list for Pampered Chef by contacting their customer service team. This will ensure that you do not receive any future sales calls from Pampered Chef consultants.

Are there any special deals or promotions associated with "Ding Dong Pampered Chef Calling"?

While there may be occasional promotions or discounts offered by Pampered Chef consultants as part of their sales calls or parties, there are no specific deals or promotions associated with the "Ding Dong Pampered Chef Calling" phrase itself. However, it's always worth checking with your consultant to see if they have any current offers available.

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