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How Can I Best Support a New Consultant?

I'm hoping some of you have encountered this situation and can share some advice.

I was contacted last week by a gal who picked-up my card at a local business. She is interested in becoming a consultant. So we met and went over the Come Join Us Brochure, requirements, etc. She also came over Thursday for a mini recipe round-up I did with the three local gals on my team. She loved it and called me yesterday saying she wants to sign up on Tuesday.

So, what is my concern? She had never seen the products before Thursday and has never seen a show (she's 35). She is extremely bright, self-disciplined and self-motivated , but I want to be sure she is set up for success. Her first show will be over Labor Day weekend with friends coming in to visit (I will be out of town that weekend). Her MIL is also doing a show in early Sep. I plan to lend her the Interactive Cooking Show DVD and she is coming to a show I have on the 27th.

Any other suggestions? This isn't a woman who needs her hand held, but I don't want to throw her out there either. :eek:
Sounds like she'll be a keeper! I would ask her questions and let her responses lead you to what you need to give her next. Ask open ended questions about the training she has had so far, what she saw at your show (have her do the show critique), etc.

I'm sure you've already directed her to the on line training. Ask her to give you 3 things she learned or 3 things she thought were important points from each class.
Ummm....before I e-mailed HO about starting (yes, I am an HO lead), I had never been to a show and had never owned ANY Pampered Chef products.

I became a Director 9 months into my business, earned the Level 3 trip (Atlantis) my first year -- and the cruise last year-- and am on track for Level 4 Mexico this year.

I have been with the company for 30 months and have almost $150,000 in career sales, 23 recruits, and do $4000 - $8000 in monthly sales consistantly.

Any questions as to wether you should let her do her own thing?

I thought not!

She will be great! give her the encouragement to get started on the right foot, share your knowledge with her and keep her within eyeshot while letting her do her own thing...she sounds like she knows what she wants and knows how to get it!

Yeah for you!
Even though she doesn't know PC, does she have other DS experience?My former director didn't know anything about PC... hadn't seen the products or been to a show when she signed. A friend of hers told her she'd be good at it.The funniest part... she did shows for 9 months and then attended National Conference. While she was networking, people kept asking her "What recipes do you do?" She didn't know what they were talking about! She asked her director and that's when she found out that we normally demo a recipe at our shows, not just show the products. She had been doing shows for 9 months and had done ZERO cooking at any shows!PS: HOLY CRAP JANICE!!!! Way to work your biz!!!!!
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Thanks for the advice guys. I was especially wondering what your response was going to be, Janice. She reminds me very much of you! Well, I'll keep you posted. The plan is for her to sign Monday or Tuesday.
I would make sure to ask her why she is interested in PC and go from there. Find her heart tug and that will help you out so much! Good luck and awesome way to get a recruit!

Related to How Can I Best Support a New Consultant?

1. How can I ensure that my new consultant is set up for success?

First and foremost, it's important to provide your new consultant with thorough training and resources. This can include a detailed onboarding process, access to training materials and webinars, and shadowing experienced consultants at shows. Additionally, establish clear expectations and goals for your consultant to work towards, and provide ongoing support and guidance as they begin their journey.

2. What should I do if my new consultant has never seen the products or attended a show before?

In this situation, it's important to provide your new consultant with as much exposure to the products and shows as possible. Invite them to attend shows with you, lend them product catalogs and other marketing materials, and provide them with access to online resources such as videos and product demonstrations. This will help them become familiar with the products and feel more confident in selling them.

3. How can I help my new consultant stay motivated and disciplined?

One of the best ways to keep your consultant motivated and disciplined is by setting clear goals and providing ongoing support and encouragement. Regular check-ins and coaching sessions can also help them stay on track and motivated. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding their achievements can help them feel valued and motivated to continue working hard.

4. Is it necessary to have a mentor or experienced consultant to guide my new consultant?

While it's not necessary, having a mentor or experienced consultant to guide your new consultant can be extremely beneficial. They can provide valuable insights and advice, as well as share their own experiences and strategies for success. If possible, try to pair your new consultant with someone who has a similar personality and work style for the best results.

5. How can I ensure that my new consultant has a successful first show?

To set your new consultant up for success at their first show, make sure they have all the necessary materials and resources, such as order forms, catalogs, and product samples. Encourage them to practice their pitch and demo the products beforehand, and provide them with tips and strategies for engaging with customers. It's also important to follow up with them after the show to discuss their successes and areas for improvement.

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