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Can Horse Shampoo Help Your Hair Grow Faster?

um...animals.It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D
Hey All! A while back i had asked about hair products, well i just recently got my hair cut, and OH MY. it is short. so i wanted to know what you know about the Horse shampoo and if it really works.. or if you know anything else that will make this grow faster!! LOL!! if it was a little longer, i would LOVE It, but it is tooo short!!! LOL!! help!! help!! :cry: :( :cry:


:love: :p :D :blushing:
oh i love the new smiley!! :chef: HEHE!!
I used the Horse shampoo before. I don't know if it made my hair grow faster but it did make it very soft.
I tried it ages ago. It did not make mine grow faster. After I tried it I read somewhere that it did not actually make it grow faster that it weighed it down and made you think it was longer. Don't know if that is true or not but I know it did not help mine.

Prenatal vitamins ismaking mine grow like crazy. You can get them at Walmart over the counter. I don't think they will hurt to take them if you're not pregnant.:D
jrstephens said:
Prenatal vitamins ismaking mine grow like crazy. You can get them at Walmart over the counter. I don't think they will hurt to take them if you're not pregnant.:D

That was EXACTLY what I was going to say. Best hair and nails when I was on those!
It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #6
LOL! thanks everyone!! LOL! have any of you ever used Hair and Nail vitamins? LOL and i started back on vitamins today LOL!!!
dianevill said:
It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D

dianevill said:
It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D

So why don't we have premarital vitamins then? :confused: ;)
I bet you could make and market a placebo and make a lot of money!
  • #10
dianevill said:
It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D

HA HA HA !!!:D
  • #11
I dont' know about making your hair grow faster...if mine grew any faster as it is, I'd be Cousin It. BUT I used it for a while, and have been considering going back to it, because it made my hair SO soft and silky and kept it from tangling better than anything else I've ever used.
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  • #12
i may get some to try, lol. thanks!
  • #13
Basically the philosophy is that it doesn't have extra "gunk" that they put in for humans...lotions, perfumes, etc. It was also used in larger farming areas to save money since you got it in bigger bottles and cheaper. I do know for quite awhile in the 90's, people swore by Mane 'n Tail as a beauty product.Here is what it looks like:
Horse Grooming Supplies: Equine Mane 'n Tail Shampoo & ConditionerPrice isn't too bad for the size of bottle! I'm sure local Fleet Farms (if you have those stores by you) have it too.
  • #14
Funny, just read this review on it:Tiah Jones
Byram, MS
I not only use this on my horses, but also use it on my dog, my cat, and myself! I love the way it conditions the hair and makes it tangle free. Truly the best shampoo and conditioner alive.
  • #15
janetupnorth said:
Price isn't too bad for the size of bottle!

I'm sure local Fleet Farms (if you have those stores by you) have it too.

Our local feed stores all have it.
  • #16
walmart carries it too
  • #17
walgreens too.
  • #18
There you have it! ;) Funny how Walmart and Walgreens carry a "horse" product. I don't own horses and would never have thought of looking there.
  • #19
dianevill said:
It's not the pre-natal vitamins that make your hair and nails grow fast and strong. It's God's will. He's preparing you for children, because soon after birth you're biting your nails and pulling out your hair. LOL!:D
ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diane! Thanks for the great laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :thumbup: :D
As for the prenatal vitamins, I completely agree! Had great hair and nails when I was pregnant! I never knew that you could buy them at Walmart! Thanks for the info, Jen!;) :)
  • #20
There's a special blend that zoos use for their zebras.I've heard that NFL, NBA and NHL officials use it, too.
  • #21
I never heard of horse shampoo for growing hair... conditioning it yes, absolutely, some of the best stuff around for that. Isn't there a supplement... I'm think it's biotin or something like that... most places that sell vitamins have a hair and nail formula that's supposed to either grow hair or make hair/nails stronger (less likely to break). BTW, if you do online research for supplements, find articles and reports that are unbiased, in other words, not attached to selling products. Wait... okay just looked up in my Prescription for Nutrtional Healing book for Hair and for hair loss yup.. a number of things but definitely biotin and other b vitamins... here's other tidbits: "use apple cider vinegar and sage tea as a rinse to help hair grow"... "horsetail is a good source of silica, necessary for strong, shiny hair"... horsetail, btw is an herb... not tail of a horse... LOL... good "food sources of biotin include brewer's yeast, brown rice, bulgur, green peas, lentils, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds and walnuts"... lastly no rough treatment... "do not use a brush or fine toothed comb or towel dry your hair.... do not use a blower dryer or other heated appliances on your hair; let it dry naturally. Do not comb your hair until it is dry,as wet hair tends to break off. Use a pick to put wet hair in place"... not sure if any of that helps or not but at least some of it can be found in your house and is easy enough to try.
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  • #22
Hey Lisa, thanks. That is very helpful. I think i will go see how much it is to get Hair vitamins. Thanks!!
  • #23
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
There's a special blend that zoos use for their zebras.

I've heard that NFL, NBA and NHL officials use it, too.

Sorry KG, the NHL has mice not zebras...3 blind ones to be exact.
  • #24


I have always wanted to try this shampoo though... there was a girl in High School that used it and she had GORGEOUS long silky hair!!!
  • #25
Horse Shampoo!My mom is a hairdresser, and i can say horse shampoo doesn't make your hair grow any thicker or faster! The conditioner does have moisturizing qualities, however most professional prodcuts that you can buy are much better for your hair then Mane & Tail Horse Shampoo!

If you want something to make it silkie smooth There is a great line of product (MY FAVORITE, actually) K-Pak Reconstruct... it's in a copper-ish bottle and it makes your hair so soft and shiny... very nice!!!!

Steer Clear of Horse Shampoo unless you want horse hair!!!!
  • #26
Article in re: to hair growthHair Advice Article
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

How To Make My Hair Grow Faster
Hair News Magazine
by: Damien R. von Dahlem

In short, no pun intended, you can't. Putting pregnancy and illness aside, hair pretty much grows at a maximum rate of half an inch per month no matter what you do. A little faster in the summer than in the winter.

Of all the hair questions that we receive at the Hairstyles Catalog, questions regarding the rate of hair growth is by far the number one question. Many people write to us with remedies that they have heard about that will make their hair grow faster; from washing their hair with eggs, to cutting their hair during a new moon. This is what we call, "Hair Voodoo". There is not an inch of truth to any of these remedies.

Hair is a fairly exact science called trichology and there is not much that we do not know about hair structure, chemistry and growth. Most of the Hair Voodoo out there dates back before the onset of modern science. All sorts of conclusions were drawn from what seemed like reasonable observation, but was more often than not just pure conjecture based on coincidence.

Although there is nothing that you can do to make your hair grow faster with current technology, there are a number of things that may actually slow the process such as; a poor hair care regimen, poor diet, illness, medication, male and female pattern hair loss, and emotional stress.

Some of these things don't actually affect the growth rate per se, but they affect the hairs' health and unhealthy hair will probably not grow to its fullest potential. Besides regular shampooing and conditioning with good quality products, the only other thing that you can really do is take an inexpensive daily multi vitamin such as Centrum or even Flintstones. Don't waste your money on super vitamins. Zinc and Biotin in particular seem to be good for hair and are both found in the above recommendations. Unless you are pregnant or very ill with cancer or the like, your body only requires so many vitamins per day and simply flushes out the excess. In other words, you can't put twenty gallons in a ten gallon tank.

I frequently hear of people taking pre natal pills to make their hair grow faster, even men. The reason that an expecting mother's hair may grow slower or faster has to do with hormonal activity and not the pills. So please, stop doing that.

Well, there it is. You may not like the answer, but that is the scientific facts of the matter. If you still insist on buying into the Hair Voodoo or the thousands of snake oil pitch men out there ready to separate you from your money, well, you know the expression.
  • #27
bsaxman, thank you for your post. I am a hairstylist and own a salon. I can't tell you all how many times a day I get asked these questions. As for horse shampoo, it has a ton of wax (panthenol) in it. That is why hair "feels" better and combs out easier. It was designed for horses, they have very coarse, environmentally (outside) damaged hair. I would say that 90% of my customers that have trouble with perms, color or highlights have some sort of wax build up on their hair which the chemicals can't penetrate. Anyway just my 2 cents.
  • #28
Yes!!! Ick!!! In my opinion, everyone needs a good hairdresser that they TRUST!
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  • #29
See that is another thing i have always heard, not to us Pantene , because of the wax build up. What can you use to clean your hair of that?? Thanks for the post. i have always wanted to know about this. I have stayed away from pantene because of that. I have curly hair, and i dont want it to way my curls down.
  • #30
There are different shampoos out there that you can use, depending on what kind of hair that you have. If you have curly hair you can find something that will really live-in them up. My best friend has gorgeous curly hair and she loves KMS Curl-UP (I think that's what its called) and she goes on and on about it. It is professional so you will pay a little more for it but you will be very suprised at how much of a difference
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  • #31
thanks for that info!!
  • #32
Growing up, we had well water and with my blonde hair, at times it started turning a shade of red (rusty water on high-lighted hair will do that.) Salon malibu treatments didn't seem to take out the rust. So, my hairdresser said before they had malibu treatments, they used Bar Keepers Friend. Add a little water to it to make a paste, spread on your hair, let sit for a few minutes, wash and condition well. It strips all the build up out of your hair. It will make your hair dry for a few days, so be sure to condition well, but I swear by it. I still use it about once every 3 months just to "clean out" my hair even though I don't have rusty water at my house.

Related to Can Horse Shampoo Help Your Hair Grow Faster?

1. Can horse shampoo really make my hair grow faster?

While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that horse shampoo can promote hair growth, some people claim to have seen results. Horse shampoo is designed to make a horse's mane and tail thicker and stronger, so it may have a similar effect on human hair. However, it is important to note that everyone's hair is different and results may vary.

2. How does horse shampoo differ from regular shampoo?

Horse shampoo is formulated with ingredients that are meant to strengthen and nourish a horse's hair, which is much thicker and coarser than human hair. It typically contains more protein and moisturizing agents than regular shampoo. Additionally, horse shampoo is not regulated by the FDA, so it may contain different ingredients than what is found in human hair care products.

3. Can horse shampoo be used on all hair types?

While horse shampoo is safe for human use, it is important to note that it may not be suitable for all hair types. Those with fine or thin hair may find that horse shampoo weighs their hair down and makes it appear greasy. It is always recommended to patch test a product before using it on your entire head of hair.

4. How often should I use horse shampoo?

Most horse shampoos are gentle enough to be used daily, but it is not necessary to use it every day. It is recommended to use horse shampoo once or twice a week, alternating with your regular shampoo. This will give your hair a break from the protein-rich formula and prevent any potential buildup.

5. Are there any other products that can help hair grow faster?

While there is no magic product that can make hair grow faster, there are things you can do to promote healthy hair growth. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein, staying hydrated, and reducing stress can all contribute to healthier hair. You can also try using products with ingredients like biotin, keratin, and collagen, which are known to support hair growth.

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