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Urgent Help Rebuild Kitchens with BroadwayChef

In summary, David Meenan is organizing a drive to collect items for people who lost their homes in the storm. We are asking for Pampered Chef products to be donated to him and then he will distribute them to agencies who can help those who have lost their homes. We are also asking for people to do a Catalog Show and have the whole order shipped to him.
Staff member
Posted by BroadwayChef in the Chatbox today. I thought I'd post it in a thread forum so it didn't get "lost" in the chatbox cycle.

Kitchens for a Cause

Dear Directors and Consultants throughout the country,

As you know Sandy has left a devastating mark on the East coast wiping out homes in NJ, NY, Conn., and beyond. I have seen this first hand living on the Jersey Shore in the badly affect areas.

We are collecting Pampered Chef items here that will help people who lost their homes to rebuild their kitchens and the basic necessities to get started over again. You may have some extra items that you do not need that can really help someone. I know the agency’s here that can cut through the red tape to get items to those most in need as quickly as possible.

We are putting together Starter Kitchen Kits, which include just the basics. We will box them and then get them to where they are needed. If you have extra pampered chef items in your home, I ask you to please think about helping us all out here.

Just the basics are things we are looking for to be able to cook a simple meal:

Cutting Boards
Mixing/Batter Bowls
Oven pads/mitts
Frying pans/Skillets/Cookware, especially.
Kitchen tools; Spatulas, mix n scrapers, Bamboo tools

As items come in I will be getting them out to the agency’s that can distribute them properly. Please mail them directly to my home at:

David Meenan
204 Pine Place
Red Bank, NJ 07701

(732) 530-1753

I thank you so much in advance for just even keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
David Meenan
This is such a good idea. I am going to post this in my Facebook show that I am currently holding...and I will find a place to donate the "kitchen packs." I will work on a flyer today and post is when I am finished.
Or just ask people to commit to buying a set $ amount in a fundraiser that you can use to purchase items for the drive.
I had a bright idea! Advertise this to your customers as a fundraiser for products!Do your own Catalog Show and have the whole order shipped C/O David Meenan. As people donate a set amount of money, add them into P3 as a guest & charge them the correct amount that they are donating without specific products on their order. Once your event has ended, do one BIG guest order purchasing items on the list that add up to the amount donated at the end of your fundraiser. Be sure to use up any FREE Host Benefits earned. Don't forget the 60% off item that YOU can pay for as your donation! And any 50% off items that you'd like to donate as well. Think of the difference we could make if 100 of us did that! What if 1,000 of us did that? ;)
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  • #5
Sheila said:
I had a bright idea! Advertise this to your customers as a fundraiser for products!Do your own Catalog Show and have the whole order shipped C/O David Meenan. As people donate a set amount of money, add them into P3 as a guest & charge them the correct amount that they are donating without specific products on their order. Once your event has ended, do one BIG guest order purchasing items on the list that add up to the amount donated at the end of your fundraiser. Be sure to use up any FREE Host Benefits earned. Don't forget the 60% off item that YOU can pay for as your donation! And any 50% off items that you'd like to donate as well. Think of the difference we could make if 100 of us did that! What if 1,000 of us did that? ;)
I thought of setting this up as a show also and shipping to him directly.
I would suggest just giving him a quick call to let him know before submitting it- to let him know that a "show" is coming his way with a certain name on it, etc.Has anyone heard from some of our other consultant friends in the area? I'm thinking of at least Ginger. I know she's in there somewhere in NYC.
I just spoke with David (such a great guy!) and he said it's okay for us to get this going everywhere. He's set up to handle a HUGE volume of other consultants participating with this. He is heavily involved in lots of other fundraising efforts and so this is something he and his crew can handle and already has a lot of experience with.So he gave the go-ahead for everyone to ship things to him and he will get it in the hands of people who need it. All around him is destruction and towns just gone and under water. There are so many displaced people and people whose homes are destroyed, so they will need the basic necessities. Getting these kitchen items will help so they can use the money they get from insurance or FEMA and put it towards other things.
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  • #7
Thank you Amanda!!
Ginger is OK. She got her power back late last week.
I'm choosing to do the show in my name, but doing the "ship to" to him. I'm not in his downline, but I know that PC has a policy against anyone in his downline from having their upline as their host. And I wasn't sure how confused HO would be if a bunch of shows started coming in in his name without them knowing what's going on. LOLEither way works! ;)Here's my FB event if anyone needs ideas on how to do your event: https://www.facebook.com/events/365560813538723/
  • #10
I already set up a catalog show with David's address on my website and posted it on FB, and tonight at my show I am going to ask everyone to up their order by $11 to send small flexible cutting mats to them. I figured if 15 guests all ordered the cutting mats it will be a lot of cutting boards for them and easy for me to ship.
  • #11
Sheila said:
I had a bright idea! Advertise this to your customers as a fundraiser for products!

Do your own Catalog Show and have the whole order shipped C/O David Meenan. As people donate a set amount of money, add them into P3 as a guest & charge them the correct amount that they are donating without specific products on their order. Once your event has ended, do one BIG guest order purchasing items on the list that add up to the amount donated at the end of your fundraiser. Be sure to use up any FREE Host Benefits earned. Don't forget the 60% off item that YOU can pay for as your donation! And any 50% off items that you'd like to donate as well. Think of the difference we could make if 100 of us did that! What if 1,000 of us did that? ;)

I like the idea as a whole, just don't like the "one big guest order". We don't want to stick it to PC by having a ton of huge orders shipping for $5.25! If we do we'll end up having yet another shipping rate increase in the spring. Make it fair to PC by dividing it up into reasonably "large" orders. Plus that way, you can add more guest specials to the order.

Just sayin'
  • #12
Yup, already realized $75 groups gets more guest specials. LOL
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  • #13
If you set it up as a fundraiser show for the American Red Cross, as mentioned in Marla's video, the products ordered go to David's group, and the proceeds go to American Red Cross....Matched by PC! Yes, you cut out the host benefits, but can still use the host special. But it gives $$ to the Red Cross too....so a double dip with aid. You can let your customers know this as well..that 20-30% of the sales price will go to the Red Cross, and the products go to the victims and their kitchen needs!
  • #14
Yep, that's how I'm doing mine, Bobbi. :) I'm also telling people that I'm donating my commission, because I don't want people thinking that I'm doing this just to profit or take advantage of the situation. I'm a Jersey Girl, originally, so this hits close to home for me. I'm not saying everyone needs to donate their commission, it's just what I feel comfortable with since I've got family & friends in NJ.
  • #15
I've received five invitations to Sandy Fundraiser Shows from other consultants on FB.While I completely understand why someone would just select all their FB friends and invite them, I wanted to remind you that not everyone sees it that way. We need to remember that per the guidelines from Home Office, our business posts should be opt-in, and they encourage using lists to differentiate your customers from other FB friends. Just something to keep in mind while spreading the word.
  • #16
I added consultants to help spread the word & put a blurb how consultants can host their own show or just donate unused products. ;)I spoke with David tonight. He's so excited and appreciative that this is taking off and so many people are pulling together to get this done. HO knows too so they won't flip if a bunch of shows start coming in under David's name. But I'm still opting to do it with me acting as host so that HO is not paying commission on the overage that I buy on the host order. ***David's happy to receive gently used donations as well! So look through your cabinets & drawers & see if there's anything that you are not using that you think would benefit those starting from scratch in their kitchens.
  • #17
I am overwhelmed by the response to this post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all those who will benefit. I have already been getting requests from people for the kits. This will cover the entire area affected throughout the East coast. You can also send items you may have that you are not using including gently used pc items. All accepted. Thanks so much again everyone!!!!
  • #18
By the way David, I'm sooooo sorry I called you at 3AM!!! I don't even know HOW that happened! I had been in the ER with my son, was talking to my friend who's a cop on night shift & the call dropped. I told the phone to redial & you answered! You weren't anywhere near her first/last name in the alphabet and you were SEVERAL calls back, so not even the call just before her! That was the freakiest thing to me. And I felt awful for calling you in the middle of the night like that. I would NEVER do that normally, I swear!!! But you sounded wide awake! :D
  • #19
Thats because my brother who has alzheimers was rushed to the hospital last night. Not a problem.
  • #20
First relief package arrived today from Advanced Director Pamela Weldin of Nebraska! The box is filled with everything that can be used for someone who has absolutely nothing to start with. Thanks!!!
  • #21
Glad I didn't wake you! Sorry you were in the ER too. My Grandmother had Alzheimer's. My heart goes out to you. I know how awful it can be for them & for the caregivers. :(WooHoo! First package!!! :DBy the way, I do have some non-PC items that I was using temporarily after my evac from Japan that I was about to sell in a Garage Sale. Do you want it too or just PC stuff?
  • #22
More boxes have arrived today from around the country! Thank you everyone who is taking part in this massive effort. The stories from people who have lost their homes are endless and heartbreaking. Anything you can do to help is so appreciated.
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  • #23
*bumping*I finally was able to setup my fundraiser show. I said that instead of doing a black friday sale, I was doing a "pay it forward" fundraiser, and explained what we were doing. I said they had 3 ways to help- the % of sales donated to American Red Cross (20-30%), the products they could purchase for the Starter Kitchen Kits, and that they could round-up their order to provide meals for Feeding America in the New Jersey/New York City area. Plus I said my commission earned would be turned around and put into additional product for the starter kitchen kits. (plus the host special items I'll donate).I hope it comes up with something for the cause!
  • #24
We finished sorting and packing up the first round of donations on Monday. All we can say is that it was an amazing and humbling experience. We have assembled and delivered Kitchen Kits to 30 families in NY and NJ. In addition, we were able to restock the destroyed kitchen of the Ocean Port Firehouse. This firehouse does significant community outreach! I have listed below the value of the donations so far.New product retail value: $6714.25
Additional New products: $600.00
Used Product Value: $1,000.00
Total Value of Donation: $8,315.25
It's not too late to do a fundraiser for the Sandy Relief! You can mail you orders directly to David!
  • #25
Not sure if you all have heard but we have sent out almost $9,000 in kits so far to those who need. That works out to about 30 kitchen kits. The sad part is I have a waiting list of several hundred names. We are doing the best we can, and I thank everyone who has been helping out so far. Please keep this going in the new year as it is still so devastaing here. Thanks again!
  • #26
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know we are getting ready for round two of Kitchens for a Cause. If anyone can do anything during January, that would be great! We can earn double free stuff to help out. The demand is overwhelming as I had mentioned but the looks on peoples faces when we were able to give them something has been so worth it. Thanks for everything, but please don't forget us now that the holidays are over. This is when we need you most!
  • #27
David please post again the address(es?) we can ship stuff too--I am thinking about doing this for my customer appreciation show in January--asking them to purchase something I can ship to you and just turning it into a second show. Please re-post the address or email me privately through Chefsuccess.
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Nanisu said:
David please post again the address(es?) we can ship stuff too--I am thinking about doing this for my customer appreciation show in January--asking them to purchase something I can ship to you and just turning it into a second show. Please re-post the address or email me privately through Chefsuccess.

It is in the very first post.
  • #29
Thanks--preparing the invites this weekend, I will encourage my guests to donate.
  • #30
Hey everyone,
Just a quick Sandy update. With your help so far we have distributed over $25,000 worth of kitchen kits to people who lost their homes here because of Sandy. We still need your help! People are just starting to move into housing, and not permanent either. I mean temporary apartments are JUST opening up and they have empty kitchens. If anyone is able to help us out, we still need you! Please post so people do not forget about us. One of our towns today alone, just permitted the residents to go back in for the first time. Can you imagine?
I received a phone call from a senior woman and her husband who moved onto the military base yesterday with temporary housing, and was thrilled that they were able to cook a meal for the first time in what they called "their own place". Please pass the original post onto other consultants around the nation and your uplines as I have so many requests and as of now cannot fill these. We need your help. Maybe you have customers that can do a party? Maybe someone will do a community fundraiser? Maybe just a simple donation of a frying pan or batter bowl, anything at all so I can build these kits. Thanks so much. Below is part of the original post of what we need. (especially Skillets and Saute Pans)

Just the basics are things we are looking for to be able to cook a simple meal:

Cutting Boards
Mixing/Batter Bowls
Oven pads/mitts
Frying pans/Skillets/Cookware, especially.
Kitchen tools; Spatulas, mix n scrapers, Bamboo tools

As items come in I will be getting them out directly to the homes that need them most. Please mail any items directly to my home at:

David Meenan
204 Pine Place
Red Bank, NJ 07701

(732) 530-1753

God Bless you for all you have done so far!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
I forwarded your request to my upline SED and my local NED asking them to share with their downline.

Related to Help Rebuild Kitchens with BroadwayChef

1. What is the purpose of the "Help Rebuild Kitchens with BroadwayChef" campaign?

The purpose of this campaign is to collect Pampered Chef items that can be used to help people who have lost their homes to rebuild their kitchens and have the basic necessities to start over again.

2. Who is organizing this campaign?

BroadwayChef is organizing this campaign, with the help of directors and consultants throughout the country.

3. What items are being collected for the Starter Kitchen Kits?

The campaign is looking for basic kitchen items such as cutting boards, knives, mixing/batter bowls, oven pads/mitts, frying pans/skillets/cookware, and kitchen tools like spatulas, mix n scrapers, and bamboo tools.

4. How can I contribute to this campaign?

You can contribute by donating any extra Pampered Chef items you may have to the address provided in the post, or by spreading the word about this campaign to others who may be able to help.

5. How will the donated items be distributed?

The items will be boxed up and distributed to agencies that can help get them to those who are in need as quickly as possible. The campaign organizer, David Meenan, will be coordinating this process.

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