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Help Needed: Short $450 of $5000 Sales Goal Before July 30th!

Jessica, who is new:)Call the office and ask the receptionist if you can pamper their business, then when you get there ask about leaving catalogs and her hosting a quick catalog show.If you feel funny about it, maybe ask to do a quick demo (put together a trifle, finish off strawberry amaretto pastries, top off a cool veggie pizza, etc.) so that you feel like you did a mini-show and aren't sneaking up on them when asking for orders.
My First 90 Days ends on July 30th.... After I submit a show tomorrow I will be around $450 short of reaching $5000 in sales in my first 90 days. If there is some way of pulling the $$$ out of my you know what I would...I don't feel like I can hound my past host for help since they just hosted a show. Do you fellow cheffers have any good ideas???? Please help
Call everyone (guests, hosts, friends and family, etc.) and tell them you are SOOO close to "winning" a contest. Ask them if they would like to get any gifts for anyone who has a birthday or other event coming up and if they could ask their friends. You could offer 10% off or something...

YOU could also do some early holiday or other gift shopping to make up whatever you don't get.

Offer the host benefits to the person who gets you the most orders...
Anyone from your list of 100 who didn't host or attend a show already? Give them a call and mention that you're close to meeting a goal, and would appreciate an order. Give them a little gift (like a SBRC added to the order) of they order more than, say, $75.
Do an xmas in July sale for Monday?

Let your friends and family all know how close you are to a goal in an email doing a phone/online show?

Look at any upcoming occasions where you will need to buy gifts and create a show with each gift ordered under the giftees name but shipped to your address.

Pamper a local business tomorrow. Maybe your doctor's office or some other place you freqeunt regularly. Bring in food, catalogs, and order forms, and talk to the receptionist about being the host and collecting orders for you from co-workers and clients. Monday, stop by to pick up the orders praying that it makes a show.
tlennhoff said:
Pamper a local business tomorrow. Maybe your doctor's office or some other place you freqeunt regularly. Bring in food, catalogs, and order forms, and talk to the receptionist about being the host and collecting orders for you from co-workers and clients. Monday, stop by to pick up the orders praying that it makes a show.

Wait...i'm confused! Do you call the office BEFORE taking all the food and stuff? Will they usually do it??

Jessica, who is new:)
Call the office and ask the receptionist if you can pamper their business, then when you get there ask about leaving catalogs and her hosting a quick catalog show.
ooh...isn't that a bit tricky! I mean, shouldn't you tell them ahead of time you want to do a mini-party?
I could be misremembering how people do this. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the previous threads/files on this theme. Hopefully someone more familiare with "pampering a business" will show up soon and set us straight.
From a doctor's office point of view I would go to the smaller office's. Either way call and talk with the office manager and you might could do something during lunch. They maybe out there but the office's I have worked at don't turn away food. I bet if you call the offices you go to and/or your kids pediatrician more than likely you would get orders and talk with someone you know from that office.
  • #10
Good idea, but I just moved from VA to AL, and I don't know people yet...
  • #11
To add to what Beth said, remind people that they can order GIFT CERTIFICATES for your show... it doesn't have to be products...
  • #12
jsnow said:
Good idea, but I just moved from VA to AL, and I don't know people yet...

It is a good way to "get out" in the neighborhood and meet some people at local businesses. Just tell them you are new to the area and want to establish contacts and grow your business.

Almost ALL doctor/dentist/chiropractor/etc. offices have regular times set aside for drug reps/vendors to bring in food. And since they are used to having these times as sales pitches, it is really not going to surprise them that you want to do the same. (I'm sure non-medical business are the same way... but can't say for sure since I've never worked at one.)

If you feel funny about it, maybe ask to do a quick demo (put together a trifle, finish off strawberry amaretto pastries, top off a cool veggie pizza, etc.) so that you feel like you did a mini-show and aren't sneaking up on them when asking for orders.

Related to Help Needed: Short $450 of $5000 Sales Goal Before July 30th!

1. How can I increase my sales to meet the $5000 goal before July 30th?

There are a few strategies you can try to increase your sales. One option is to reach out to your friends, family, and acquaintances and offer special deals or discounts. You can also consider hosting a virtual party or event to showcase Pampered Chef products. Additionally, utilizing social media platforms and promoting your business through online channels can help attract new customers.

2. What are some effective ways to promote Pampered Chef products?

There are many ways to promote Pampered Chef products, including hosting parties, participating in local events or fairs, and utilizing social media and online marketing. You can also reach out to your network and ask for referrals or recommendations. Additionally, offering special deals or discounts can help attract new customers.

3. Is it possible to extend the deadline for the sales goal?

Unfortunately, the deadline for the sales goal is set by the company and cannot be extended. However, you can still continue to sell products and earn commission even after the deadline has passed.

4. What are some tips for selling Pampered Chef products to new customers?

When selling to new customers, it's important to highlight the benefits and features of the products, as well as share personal experiences or reviews from satisfied customers. You can also offer samples or demonstrations to showcase the quality and functionality of Pampered Chef products. Additionally, being knowledgeable about the products and offering excellent customer service can help attract and retain new customers.

5. Can I team up with other consultants to reach the sales goal?

Yes, you can team up with other consultants to reach the sales goal. Collaborating with other consultants can help expand your network and attract new customers. You can also share resources and ideas to help each other reach your sales goals.

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