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Have You Watched 'Get Smart' Yet?

eek!) I had a friend who did that a theater! It was the movie, get this, the Santa Claus. He hates the guy who played the main character. He played Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and I can't remember his name. For some dumb reason he got really upset about half way through the movie, did not find it funny in anyway shape or form, he said it made a mockery of divorce and he hated the fact that there was a contest for the kids affections shown in a "trite and demeaning way". Geez!
The hubby and I saw "Get Smart" tonight. It was a very funny movie!

I think many of you on Chef Success would get a huge kick out of it.

My hubby and I were just talking about this tonight. I'm not a big fan of Steve C...don't know how to spell his last name :) But last night they were showing clips of the movie. I was bursting out laughing each time! We are going on vacation in a week...maybe I can talk him in to it then.
See my thread in Chef's lounge--we got home an hour ago and are still laughing about it.
Thanks for the recommendations. I loved that show as a kid...looking forward to seeing the movie.
Interesting....last night on the news, it was talking about a local production company in Wichita did a lot of the graphics for that movie, plus several other big ones. (graphics on the computer screens in the movie, stuff like that)
I have been waiting to see it! Good to hear it is a good one!
We just saw it yesterday...pretty funny. Not going to get any Academy Awards or anything, but it was a good way to pass a couple of hours (laughing) on a Saturday afternoon! :)
We saw it yesterday too (and are not fans of the leading man either). Thought it was extremely funny! It was a great way to spend the afternoon with our 19 yo son.

I was supposed to be doing a show but it got changed to a catalog show with only the past host planning to go so it was a great way to change the mood of the day!
sklay723 said:
We just saw it yesterday...pretty funny. Not going to get any Academy Awards or anything, but it was a good way to pass a couple of hours (laughing) on a Saturday afternoon! :)

That made me think of a comment my SIL once made. She was commenting that she thought a movie The Furry Guy and I liked was a waste of time. We reiterated that we really liked it. She said, "Well, I suppose it's fine if all you want to be is entertained."

I said, "Well, yeah, that's pretty much all I expect from most movies." LOL!
  • #10
raebates said:
That made me think of a comment my SIL once made. She was commenting that she thought a movie The Furry Guy and I liked was a waste of time. We reiterated that we really liked it. She said, "Well, I suppose it's fine if all you want to be is entertained."

I said, "Well, yeah, that's pretty much all I expect from most movies." LOL!

I actually know someone who hated a movie she went to see so much she ASKED THE MANAGER FOR HER MONEY BACK. Who does that? I mean, you're the one who chose the movie you went to see, right? I love it when people feel like every movie should be Oscar-worthy and then they're disappointed when they're not. I have two two-year-old kids, and whenever DH and I get to go out and see a movie and have a "night off", we just want to know that we're enjoying ourselves. :)
  • #11
Every once in a while there's a movie that makes you leave the theater thinking and talking about some big concept. However, most of the time a movie is a way to escape for a couple of hours, eat popcorn and really big boxes of candy, and drink a huge vat of soda. If a movie makes me forget myself for 90-120 minutes, it's a winner in my book.
  • #12
Me too...I have not seen but I remember the original too and loved it! Don Adams was a hoot! And well, who could forget Barbara Feldon as 99! I heard Ann Hathaway was so worried about being able to make it work. Did she? I can't wait to see it either! I am glad you all posted the review!
I had a friend who did that a theater! It was the movie, get this, the Santa Claus. He hates the guy who played the main character. He played Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and I can't remember his name. For some dumb reason he got really upset about half way through the movie, did not find it funny in anyway shape or form, he said it made a mockery of divorce and he hated the fact that there was a contest for the kids affections shown in a "trite and demeaning way". Geez! I mean lighten up for crying out loud! (I found out later that he had been the product of a broken home and never really dealt with the issues he had about it. He got caught in the middle. But ALL the trailers told him what the movie was about and it told of the break up of the parents. So why did he go???
  • #13
Yeah, I can see asking for my money back if a PG-rated movie should really have been a hard R. Other than that, I figure I'm taking my chances. Walk out, maybe. Ask for my money back? No.
  • #14

Related to Have You Watched 'Get Smart' Yet?

1. What is "Get Smart"?

"Get Smart" is a popular cooking class offered by Pampered Chef. It is designed to teach participants how to make healthy and delicious meals using Pampered Chef products and techniques.

2. How long is the "Get Smart" class?

The "Get Smart" class typically lasts 2 hours. This includes a hands-on cooking demonstration, tasting of the prepared dishes, and time for questions and answers.

3. Do I need to bring any ingredients or supplies to the "Get Smart" class?

No, all ingredients and supplies will be provided by Pampered Chef. Just come ready to learn and have fun!

4. Can I attend a "Get Smart" class if I am not familiar with Pampered Chef products?

Absolutely! "Get Smart" classes are designed for both seasoned Pampered Chef users and first-timers. Our consultants will walk you through the products and techniques used in the class.

5. How can I sign up for a "Get Smart" class?

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