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Have You Earned Taste of Travel?

In summary, Gina is close to earning her ToT, but needs more recruits to qualify. She is also on track to earn the cruise incentive trip.
Gold Member
Anyone already earn ToT? Would love to WooHoo you if you have! :thumbup: I'm really close, but not there yet. I need my recruits to qualify. ;) How close are you guys? :chef:
I need recruits also...I'll have the points but just need to do some signing and qualifing! I need a vacation really bad and would love to visit New Orleans!!!
I'm on track - again the recruits are the issue. (Story of my life) :)
I'm just about there... 35,610 - I have 5 qualified recruits, plus I'll get 6,000 bonus points as long as I remain a Director by the end of July, which I know I will. But without those, I'm only 2390 away, which I'll do in sales at least by then. So, I'll be going to New Orleans!!! So Excited!!!! And well on my way to the bronze level incentive trip.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Wow Gina! 5 qualified?!?! That's amazing! Congrats!
lovecookn said:
Wow Gina! 5 qualified?!?! That's amazing! Congrats!
Thanks!!! working on #6 at the moment.....new recruit just submitted first show this evening - $848...She has a show saturday. hopefully she'll qualify soon!! :)
I've got some work to do but I'll be there! I have 3 signed 2 qualified so far. I have some leads to follow up with. I'm hoping to promote to Director for conference and the 10,000 pts for a little less pressure! It's going to take some work on my part but I'll be there!! :)
kcmckay said:
I've got some work to do but I'll be there! I have 3 signed 2 qualified so far. I have some leads to follow up with. I'm hoping to promote to Director for conference and the 10,000 pts for a little less pressure! It's going to take some work on my part but I'll be there!! :)

You can do it!!! :)
I have earned it points and recruits :) I will be there!!! Hope to see you all there! I have decided that if it was not for The Pampered Chef that I would not be able to go on Vacation. June 1st will be my first anniversary with PC and I have been on the shopping spree for 53 and will now be on the TOT and I am on track for a cruise :)
  • #10
hcjeep said:
I have earned it points and recruits :) I will be there!!! Hope to see you all there! I have decided that if it was not for The Pampered Chef that I would not be able to go on Vacation. June 1st will be my first anniversary with PC and I have been on the shopping spree for 53 and will now be on the TOT and I am on track for a cruise :)

Great Job!! Congrats!
  • #11
I am on track but need 1 more recruit to qualify. I have the recruit, she just hasn't turned anything in. Need to find someone to replace her with. It would also be nice to promote to Director by July 1 to get those extra 6,000 points and walk the stage!!
  • #12
Does anyone know when those Bonus Points for the TOT will be awarded?
  • #13
At the end of the earning period which was 7/31 and will be awarded as of your title on 8/1. Earned it, and looking forward to going in November! I almost didn't need those bonus points! :) But, I'll take them! ;)
  • #14
I'm waiting on the bonus points for promoting to Director :) I have 6 qualified recruits and I'm on track for the cruise!!!
  • #15
hmolah said:
At the end of the earning period which was 7/31 and will be awarded as of your title on 8/1. Earned it, and looking forward to going in November! I almost didn't need those bonus points! :) But, I'll take them! ;)

So your bonus points for promoting are already in?
  • #16
I called home office and they assured me that the bonus points would be added. The lady I spoke to said they have until Aug. 10th to get everything updated..... I'm waiting patiently to see it in "black and white".....
  • #17
The bonus points are in! I earned the TOT! Now just need the email from HO... never been on a PC trip before (obviously) LOL!

**** Doing the happy dance ******
  • #18
YAY!!!!! just checked and my bonus points are there too!!! WAHOOO! c'mon email from home office!!! I'm so stinkin' excited!!! I'm happy dancin' too Vanscootin!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~squeal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • #19
I had my points added today too!! So excited to go on this trip. I am also on track for the cruise!
  • #20
Congrats to all that earned the trip! Wish I was joining you but it wasn't in the cards for me this time. Oh well see you on a cruise! :)
  • #21
Congrats!!! Have fun and enjoy the adventure! Wahoooo!
  • #22
Anyone get a "congratulations" email from home office yet???? I'm still waiting for mine....
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Yes still waiting...
  • #24
ok,...so I'm not the only one? :) I was beginning to get worried!
  • #25
The email has arrived!
  • #26
REALLY?????? I haven't gotten one yet....... I'll be checking like crazy all day!!!
  • #27
........... I'm still waiting......... ugh!!! Do you think they are going by last names???? Or by date of achievement ?
  • #28
suzipooh said:
........... I'm still waiting......... ugh!!! Do you think they are going by last names???? Or by date of achievement ?

Girl, you've got to find something else to do! A watched pot never boils, right?

They could be going by any number of factors - last name, date earned, how fast they get through the audits, etc. :) Get busy with something else, and before you know it, you'll get what you are waiting for.
  • #29
Thanks Bobbi.... you're right ....I've been trying to keep busy,...but danggitt! I'm just so excited...but I want the confirmation...ya know? (sigh)......
  • #30
suzipooh said:
Thanks Bobbi.... you're right ....I've been trying to keep busy,...but danggitt! I'm just so excited...but I want the confirmation...ya know? (sigh)......

I wish I did know...but I can imagine! I would be too. But all the more reason to find a distraction. ;)
  • #31
suzipooh said:
........... I'm still waiting......... ugh!!! Do you think they are going by last names???? Or by date of achievement ?

They couldn't have gone by last name unless they started from the back.... my last name starts with a V.
  • #32
Hmmm,... did you earn it pretty early on? I got in by the skin of my teeth!!! :)
  • #33
the only way I earned it was with the 10,000 bonus points for promoting from C to D. Why don't you call career solutions?
  • #34
I think I'm gonna :)
  • #35
GOT IT!!!! It was in my "junk mail" because it didn't come from Pampered Chef.....WAHOOOO! It's official now!!! I'm so stinkin' excited!!!!
Go figure, I earn my first trip and my partner is leaving next month to go overseas for a year :(
But, I'm still excited about earning my first trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Related to Have You Earned Taste of Travel?

1. What is Taste of Travel (ToT)?

Taste of Travel (ToT) is a reward trip for Pampered Chef consultants who have met certain sales and recruiting goals. It is an all-expenses-paid vacation to a luxurious destination.

2. How can I earn ToT?

To earn ToT, you need to achieve a certain level of sales and recruiting within a given timeframe. The requirements may vary each year, so it's important to check with your team leader or the company website for the most up-to-date information.

3. Has anyone already earned ToT?

Yes, there are many consultants who have earned ToT in the past. Every year, Pampered Chef announces a new group of consultants who have qualified for the trip. You can find the list of qualifiers on the company website.

4. Can I still earn ToT if I'm not yet a consultant?

To be eligible for ToT, you need to be an active Pampered Chef consultant. However, if you are interested in joining our team and earning ToT, we would love to have you! Contact your local consultant or visit our website to learn more about becoming a consultant.

5. How close are you to earning ToT?

As a company, we are always striving to achieve our sales and recruiting goals to earn ToT. However, it ultimately depends on each individual consultant's effort and success. We are always cheering on our team members and supporting them in their journey to earn ToT!

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