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Has Your Change Over Kit Shipped Yet?

In summary, Jennifer's SAT package is still in Illinois and it is not clear when it will actually be delivered. She is waiting for her Director's Benefis box and does not want to play with her new products before she leaves for her trip. COLLEEN has a trick to figure out the tracking number for the SAT package. HO said it was shipping out today and gave her the tracking number. FedEx does not have it in their system yet.
I could not stand it any longer and called HO this morning. She said it was shipping out today and gave me the tracking number. FedEx does not have it in their system yet.

She did not show anything of when to expect my SAT package to ship from June. I still have to submit my 2 shows for July.

I kept trying not to call b/c I know they do not want us to, but I could not stand it any longer!!!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #2
Estimated delivery July 26th. It shows that is SHIPPED July 23rd but then in the tracking it says it is still in IL, so, who knows when it will actually get here. Crazy!

I did not put enough 0's in the number when I tracked it earlier.
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Jennifer, you are too funny! I can't stand the waiting part and want my kit now!!!! Boy, I sound like my 3 year old.
jrstephens said:
I could not stand it any longer and called HO this morning. She said it was shipping out today and gave me the tracking number. FedEx does not have it in their system yet.

She did not show anything of when to expect my SAT package to ship from June. I still have to submit my 2 shows for July.

I kept trying not to call b/c I know they do not want us to, but I could not stand it any longer!!!:D

So I couldn't wait either because I'm waiting on my Director's Benefis box and I am going out of town for 10 days on Sunday and want to play with my stuff before I go!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I called and the lady I talked to wouldn't give me ANY info! She wouldn't give me the tracking # and just said that I would have it by Saturday!!!! I WANT MY FUN!!!!

Plus, I have calls to make today and I'd much rather procrastinate playing with my new products!!!!
I just tracked mine and it says that it will be delivered today also, but it is still in Illinois-I guess we will have to wait and see!

What a great surprise if it does show up today!!!!
Colleen you can track it by going to fedex.com, track by reference # and put in your consultant # followed by G and what your next supply # would be and then 01- example 508584G003401-does that make sense I hope!

Hope it comes soon so you can play with all your new toys!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhh! YOU'RE THE BEST! I'll try tracking it now!!!!
You guys are sneaky!!1 I hope you get it soon!! I know I can not wait to get mine either!!!
my3angelbugs said:
Colleen you can track it by going to fedex.com, track by reference # and put in your consultant # followed by G and what your next supply # would be and then 01- example 508584G003401-does that make sense I hope!

Hope it comes soon so you can play with all your new toys!!!!
What cool information! I will have to file that away.
  • #10
I actually that little trick on here when we were all waiting for our Spring/Summer changeover kits.

I love chefsuccess for all the sneaky tricks!!!!
  • #11
Need help! My Consultant # is 253225 and my most recent supply order was 225... I tried putting in 253225G002261 but it came up invalid. HELP!!!!
  • #12
I found mine but there is no estimated delivery date, it just show that the information has been transmitted to fed-ex.
  • #13
finley1991 said:
Need help! My Consultant # is 253225 and my most recent supply order was 225... I tried putting in 253225G002261 but it came up invalid. HELP!!!!

  • #14
Thanks... 253225G022601 didn't work either! BUMMER! I do have a personal order #230 and that's the last noncommissioned order...

Okay... now I'm definitely going to solve this!!!!! :)
  • #15
You can see what numbers HO has used by going to Online Adjustments on CC, and click the "Can't remember show number", then select "all" and find. All the shipments for you this year will come up. You can look for the "g" listings. :D
  • #16

We are in Michigan, and they ship the ones that are a further distance away first - so that they all arrive around the same time. Here in GR, we get our deliveries in a day after they ship. So, yours may not be scheduled to ship until today or tomorrow for Saturday delivery.
  • #17
I guess try 253225G023101 and see if that works.
  • #18
Thanks Ann! My last G is 230... so I'm guessing my tracking # would be 253225G023101? But that's not working either! I think I'm just one number off and now I'm just getting more confused!

I just realized I was tracking by tracking # and not reference # and did that and it still didn't work!

Now I just feel like a loser!!!
  • #19
cant get mine to work. Not sure why.
  • #20
finley1991 said:
Thanks Ann! My last G is 230... so I'm guessing my tracking # would be 253225G023101? But that's not working either! I think I'm just one number off and now I'm just getting more confused!

I just realized I was tracking by tracking # and not reference # and did that and it still didn't work!

Now I just feel like a loser!!!


Read my above post!
  • #21
Okay... nothing is working. I guess that's a sign that I need to be PATIENT!!!! And normally, that's one of my better attributes. But not when it comes to free product!!!!

I guess I'l be having a great time on Saturday... maybe I should pack and do laundry tomorrow so Saturday will be free!!! :D
  • #22
  • Thread starter
  • #23

I would call HO back and ask for the tracking number. They have always given me the number with no problem when I have called them.
  • #24
Don't feel like a loser-it is possible that it hasn't shipped yet so they don't have any tracking-which is also why HO would not give you the info cause they didn't have any!
  • #25
finley1991 said:
Thanks... 253225G022601 didn't work either! BUMMER! I do have a personal order #230 and that's the last noncommissioned order...

Okay... now I'm definitely going to solve this!!!!! :)

It may have shipped but not be in FedEx's system until after tonight.
  • #26
Since i just placed a supply order i subtracted one from the supply number and found mine. These would have shipped before the supply orders placed on or after the 24th.
  • #27
Colleen, I volunteer to come and help you play with them so it doesn't take all day. You're, what - probably 8 miles from me, max. (I'm at 8 Mile and Inkster.) :D
I keep thinking that we should get together for a cup of coffee or something. You seem like such a great person. :) (awww.... hugs....)
  • #28
Hm. I have something that had shipped on the 18th with no estimated delivery date and then there is another set that had shipped on the 23rd says it is due here today but it still says its in IL. I wasn't expecting my kit to come until the 1st but since everyone was doing it I thought I would too haha.
  • #29
I have tried everything and can't find it!
I know Directors should receive their boxes by Saturday but I NEEEEED to see the shipment on my screen!!!!
  • #30
MelissaK said:
Hm. I have something that had shipped on the 18th with no estimated delivery date and then there is another set that had shipped on the 23rd says it is due here today but it still says its in IL. I wasn't expecting my kit to come until the 1st but since everyone was doing it I thought I would too haha.

I found the same thing on mine. If i use 0009 it shows it shipped on 7/18 but no delviery date and then if I use 0010 it shows I should be getting a package today. I wonder if the one that doesn't show shipment info could be the two items for holding two shows in June???
  • #31
I found both of mine - had to go up a few numbers.

However, one is listed as 7/18 at 2:40 p.m., one as 7/24 at 9:46 a.m. Both have package data transmitted but NO pickup from Addison so they aren't really "in the system" yet.
  • #32
Colleen I will play with yours but I need your zip code.
  • #33
Colleen - you may have to play and go down a few numbers from the supply order just placed since these were in the system on 7/18...or maybe go up a few...
  • Thread starter
  • #34
kdawn1124 said:
I found the same thing on mine. If i use 0009 it shows it shipped on 7/18 but no delivery date and then if I use 0010 it shows I should be getting a package today. I wonder if the one that doesn't show shipment info could be the two items for holding two shows in June???

OHOHOHOH! I just tired the ref no before the one they gave me for my COK and it shows the same thing for me!!! I bet these are SAT!!!!!!!!! No delivery date though just that package data was transmitted on July 18th.:D
  • #35
jbarnhill said:
Colleen I will play with yours but I need your zip code.

Thanks! My zip is 48301.

I think Becks is right. Since we are only a 1-day ship from IL, we go out last. That way everyone gets their stuff on the same day.

Breathe... patience! Patience! PATIENCE!!!
  • #36
chefann said:
Colleen, I volunteer to come and help you play with them so it doesn't take all day. You're, what - probably 8 miles from me, max. (I'm at 8 Mile and Inkster.) :D
I keep thinking that we should get together for a cup of coffee or something. You seem like such a great person. :) (awww.... hugs....)

Let's plan that! I'll be home after Aug. 7th! I'm at Maple & Telegraph!
  • #37
finley1991 said:
Let's plan that! I'll be home after Aug. 7th! I'm at Maple & Telegraph!
I know where that is! There's a Caribou Coffee in the strip on the SE corner. It's a (tentative) date!
  • #38
Sounds good! :)
  • #39
So, are these showing up under "product adjustments" or no? (I know to check the tracking # way...)
  • #40
jenniferknapp said:
So, are these showing up under "product adjustments" or no? (I know to check the tracking # way...)

No, not on mine.

Note: They probably won't show up on product adjustments until they have actually left the building. Many haven't yet.
  • #41
Mine wasn't under adjustments - I just listed that as a way to get the number.
I do have 2 show up on FedEx, but neither have been picked up from HO. Or at least, they aren't listed as such. I have a problem with how seldom FedEx updates their tracking.
  • #42
I'm a Director, but I live in IL, therefore mine is shipped last, and I have NOTHING under product adjustment! GRRRR!!

I hate waiting--I want my stuff!
  • #43
I found mine under adj. can't remember show number... it gives me the show number and the show date (7/12/07)..... I couldn't get anything from fedex site:(
  • #44
Ohhhh I found mine!! I had to go up a few numbers as well....2 10lb boxes :) ...shipped on 7/18! And of course I'm going to be out of town this weekend, oh well hopefully my front porch will have some presents waiting for me!! :)
  • #45
oh wait I added the o1 to the end of the number I got from CC and I got something!! my est. delivery date is the 27th!!
  • #46
I'm soooo jealous you can find your tracking numbers! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #47
Mine are still not showing up under PA even though I have a tracking number. Usually if I have a tracking number they are under PA.
  • #48
I was able to locate mine on the FedEx site by reference number. I also have on showing "shipped" July 18th, with no delivery date listed. However, I have one that shipped on the the 23rd and it is due for delivery tomorrow.

I tend to agree with everyone that the July 18th package is probably the SAT.

I can't wait to get home from work tomorrow! What perfect timing, because I have a fair this weekend. I hope it shows up. :)
  • #49
chefann said:
Mine wasn't under adjustments - I just listed that as a way to get the number.
I do have 2 show up on FedEx, but neither have been picked up from HO. Or at least, they aren't listed as such. I have a problem with how seldom FedEx updates their tracking.

FedEx can only update where they can scan a package. For air (Express) they scan at the dock door and immediately have it in the system, then scan at each subsequent hub or delivery point.

Ground scans for the first time and the first hub, then subsequent hubs and delivery.

I guess I don't really complain about FedEx tracking/delivery because it is more timely than USPS and the fewer the number of scans, the less hubs my package is going through and the less handling and more travel time being done and quicker to delivery.
  • #50
Of course I saw this and had to play. I found mine and I have 3 boxes set to deliver on Saturday!! One is 35 lbs, 28lbs and 10 lbs. I can't wait for Saturday but remember, I'm in Florida.:D
<H2>1. When will my Change Over Kit be shipped?</H2><p>The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out Change Over Kits within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders.</p><H2>2. How can I track my Change Over Kit shipment?</H2><p>You can track your Change Over Kit shipment using the tracking number provided by the Pampered Chef Home Office. Simply enter the tracking number on the FedEx website to get real-time updates on the status of your shipment.</p><H2>3. When can I expect my SAT package to ship?</H2><p>The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out SAT packages within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders. If you have not received any updates on your SAT package, please contact the Home Office for more information.</p><H2>4. Do I need to submit my July shows before receiving my SAT package?</H2><p>Yes, in order to receive your SAT package, you must first submit your two shows for the month of July. This is a requirement for receiving your SAT package and should be done as soon as possible to avoid any delays in receiving your products.</p><H2>5. Should I call the Home Office if I have not received updates on my shipment?</H2><p>The Home Office does not recommend calling for updates on your shipment as they are working to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. However, if you have not received any updates or tracking information after 48 hours, you may contact the Home Office for more information.</p>

Related to Has Your Change Over Kit Shipped Yet?

1. When will my Change Over Kit be shipped?

The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out Change Over Kits within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders.

2. How can I track my Change Over Kit shipment?

You can track your Change Over Kit shipment using the tracking number provided by the Pampered Chef Home Office. Simply enter the tracking number on the FedEx website to get real-time updates on the status of your shipment.

3. When can I expect my SAT package to ship?

The Pampered Chef Home Office typically ships out SAT packages within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. However, please keep in mind that this may vary depending on the current volume of orders. If you have not received any updates on your SAT package, please contact the Home Office for more information.

4. Do I need to submit my July shows before receiving my SAT package?

Yes, in order to receive your SAT package, you must first submit your two shows for the month of July. This is a requirement for receiving your SAT package and should be done as soon as possible to avoid any delays in receiving your products.

5. Should I call the Home Office if I have not received updates on my shipment?

The Home Office does not recommend calling for updates on your shipment as they are working to fulfill orders as quickly as possible. However, if you have not received any updates or tracking information after 48 hours, you may contact the Home Office for more information.

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