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Has Anyone Experienced a Pizza Stone Explosion?

In summary, a host called tonight and told me about one of her guests that purchased a pizza stone and it exploded right in the oven. The stone had handles on it and the guest said that it had been happening with those stones for a while. HO took care of the situation and sent the guest a new stone.
I had a host call tonight and tell me about one of her guests that purchased a pizza stone and it exploded right in the oven!

I am a really new consultant and have been cooking on mine for years. Thank goodness the guest had said the same thing....they have had them before and knew it was just a fluke.

HO took care of this right away and a new one will be shipped out shortly. Has anyone had a problem like this before and should I do anything else to show good faith to the guest?

Thanks for any advise you may be able to offer
I would probably send a season's best in the mail, and then follow up with a personal call to make sure her new one has arrived and she's happy.
was the stone with or without the handles...
  • Thread starter
  • #4
It was with the handles...

Good idea about the Season's Best and follow up call, thanks!
There have been some issues with the large round with handles. Those stones are a little thinner than the others (at least, they feel that way to me). It's been an ongoing issue, and HO is (somewhat) aware of it.
urgh... those darn handle stones.. I was hoping over time they would have improved them since people are having trouble with those... I have someone ordering one in October, so I am hoping and praying it doesnt break!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I wonder if I should stop suggesting the stones are wonderful now with the new handles???
chefann said:
There have been some issues with the large round with handles. Those stones are a little thinner than the others (at least, they feel that way to me). It's been an ongoing issue, and HO is (somewhat) aware of it.

More than some for me, try like 1/2 of my customers have called me for adjusments!:grumpy::mad::yuck::. I am SHOCKED HO has not done a Backorder-STOP SELL to correct the problem by now!:(
I don't see a need to send her anything extra. You did your job and helped her obtain a replacement. That's good enough to me. If I sent a Season's Best to every customer who needed a product adjustment I would go broke!
  • #10
When I have a customer with a broken stone in the oven I ask a few questions to help them prevent it in the future (she won't be able to replace that piece again) I follow up & ask a few questions...
Was the stone preheated?
Did she have a solid frozen food on it? (frozen pie)If its not a flat stone..,.
Did you take it from the freezer and put in oven.
  • #11
I also had a host with this problem. Not only that - she had to pay 10.00 to ship it back - not right. Any thoughts?
  • #12
Teresa Lynn said:
When I have a customer with a broken stone in the oven I ask a few questions to help them prevent it in the future (she won't be able to replace that piece again) I follow up & ask a few questions...
Was the stone preheated?
Did she have a solid frozen food on it? (frozen pie)

If its not a flat stone..,.
Did you take it from the freezer and put in oven.

She can't replace it again if something happens to it again? I did not know that.
  • #13
I'm pretty sure the warranty is for a one time replacement only
  • #14
$10 to ship it?
did she send the whole stone???It never has cost me more than $2
  • #15
Only one piece needs to be sent back and YES it can be replaced again. It just has the same warranty as the original so it's not from the date the new one was sent.I think knowing something made a mess and exploded might warrant the extra gift. I wouldn't do it for every adjustment though.
  • #16
CindysPChef said:
I also had a host with this problem. Not only that - she had to pay 10.00 to ship it back - not right. Any thoughts?

All she needed to send back was a piece the size of the palm of her hand. That would never cost $10 to ship.
  • #17
DebbieJ said:
All she needed to send back was a piece the size of the palm of her hand. That would never cost $10 to ship.

well unfort. she did send the whole stone back. I am new and she was not told just a small piece :thumbdown::thumbdown:
  • #18
chefsteph07 said:
She can't replace it again if something happens to it again? I did not know that.

Yes she can. I had a host order the LRS w/handles and it broke. She exchanged it for another one and that one eventually broke. When she called SC, they noticed this was her second replacement and they even sent out a call tag to get it shipped...she did not have to pay shipping on that one.
  • #20
Wow I've never heard of them exploding before, breaking yes but never exploding. I would give a small "were sorry that happened" gift, the outcome of the explosion could have been much worse but thankfully it wasn't. I wouldn't give out gifts to everyone who returns something just the "OMG" ones and you can be the judge of those, kwim?

Related to Has Anyone Experienced a Pizza Stone Explosion?

1. Why did my pizza stone explode?

There are a few reasons why a pizza stone may explode. One possible reason is that it was heated too quickly or at too high of a temperature, causing it to crack and shatter. Another possible reason is that there was already a hairline crack in the stone, which expanded during heating and caused it to break. It is also possible that the stone was not properly cured or seasoned before use, causing it to be more susceptible to cracking.

2. Can I still use my pizza stone after it has exploded?

Unfortunately, if your pizza stone has exploded, it is no longer safe to use for cooking. The shards of the stone could potentially get into your food and pose a safety hazard. It is best to dispose of the broken pieces and invest in a new pizza stone.

3. How can I prevent my pizza stone from exploding?

To prevent your pizza stone from exploding, it is important to properly care for and maintain it. This includes heating it gradually, avoiding extreme temperature changes, and making sure it is fully seasoned before use. It is also recommended to avoid using metal utensils on the stone, as this can cause scratches or chips that could lead to cracking.

4. Can I put my pizza stone in the dishwasher?

No, it is not recommended to put your pizza stone in the dishwasher. The high temperatures and harsh chemicals in the dishwasher can damage the stone and make it more likely to crack or break. It is best to clean your pizza stone by hand with warm water and a mild detergent.

5. What is the best way to use a pizza stone?

The best way to use a pizza stone is to preheat it in the oven for at least 30 minutes before adding your pizza. This will ensure that the stone is evenly heated and will help prevent it from cracking. It is also recommended to lightly dust the stone with cornmeal or flour before placing the pizza on top to prevent sticking. After use, allow the stone to cool completely before cleaning and storing it.

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