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Greys Spoiler - Dont Read if You Dont Wanna Know!

In summary, the conversation is about a potential pregnancy for Callie, which will be revealed through a blood test for the ferry accident. The big question is who the baby's father is, since Callie has been with both McSteamy and George. Some speculate that it could be George's, but others think it's more likely to be McSteamy's. There is also discussion about George and Izzie possibly getting together, and how that could affect their friendship. Additionally, some believe that Izzie could be the real mother of the girl who saved Meredith. The conversation also mentions potential storylines for the rest of the season, such as Burke leaving, Addison being diagnosed with an illness, and one of Meredith's exes
Silver Member
Callie is gonna be pregnant - heard this on another message board and they got it from a spoiler site! They have to test the blood she donated last week for the ferry accident and it is gonna test positive! Sooooo the big question is...Who be the Baby Daddy? Remember she was with McSteamy and now George! :eek:
My daughter is going to freak out when she hears this. She is so addicted to this show. But then again, who isn't?
Oh my!!! Wouldn't that be something if it wasn't George. But then again, hasn't it been a few months since she has been with McJerk. Seems like she would have known by now.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
I thought about that too Jenn but then this is TV time.....
True. I've heard of women going into labor and never even knowing they were pregnant!! A girl I used to work with said she always had irregular periods and she didn't have a clue she was pregnant with her second child until she felt him kick one day!!
OH, I hope it's George! Man if it's not....he will never hear the end of it from Izzie! And, McSteamy & Addison were working on it....could be interesting:)
That's what keeps us watching!
Cindycooks said:
Callie is gonna be pregnant - heard this on another message board and they got it from a spoiler site! They have to test the blood she donated last week for the ferry accident and it is gonna test positive! Sooooo the big question is...Who be the Baby Daddy? Remember she was with McSteamy and now George! :eek:

Ahhhh!!!Oh NO!!!!
It has been a while since she was with McSteamy wasn't it?? I hope it is George's if there is a question!
Oh man... That would be a doozy. Maybe that is why George said to Izzt I dope you are there when I DO need you.... Maybe he will need her soon if this stuff comes up.
  • #10
I hope George and Izzy end up together, I think this is what she was trying to tell him. What he "didn't understand." I think she is in love wiht him. And OF COURSE its gonna be McSteamy's kid. It has to be, that will make the story interesting!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

And Addison is gonna be so pissed she is gonna leave, start ion a new hospital, and that will be the new show!~
  • #11
George and Izzy? Hmmm, not sure I like that.

I hate it that Addison will be leaving. I really like her character now.
  • #12
Okay, I don't watch this show because I don't have the time to get addicted to another series....however....what's with the McSomthings?
  • #13
Well, Meredith, Izzy and George are all roomies in Meredith's house. Well, Meredith has had a lot of men in her time. Izzy and George liked to give them names. There was a guy that ran out the door one morning and they called him "The Runner". There were others but I don't remember. Anyway, Derrick ended up being McDreamy. At least I think that is how it happened. I think I need to go back and watch season 1.
  • #14
Reading this reminds me I CANT WAIT TIL THURSDAY!!!!
  • #15
According to Ask Ausiello from TV Guide, here's the "official" spoiler:

At least one of these things will happen before the end of the season:
• After breaking things off with Cristina, Burke will transfer to another hospital.
• Callie will reveal she's pregnant.
• Izzie and George will hook up.
• Izzie will be reunited with her daughter, and it's someone we've already seen on the show.
• Addison will be diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
• Derek and Meredith's relationship will hit a roadblock when one of her exes shows up on her doorstep with one thing on his mind.

Which ones do you think we'll see? Which ones do you want to see?
  • #16
Oh wow... I think Callie being prego sounds like the hit:)
  • #17
What if Izzy is the real mom of the girl who saved Merideth??
  • #18
gilliandanielle said:
What if Izzy is the real mom of the girl who saved Merideth??
OMG - what a twist!!!
  • #19
gilliandanielle said:
What if Izzy is the real mom of the girl who saved Merideth??

That would be quite a twist! But I did find that girl pretty creepy...
  • #20
supergirljennie said:
According to Ask Ausiello from TV Guide, here's the "official" spoiler:

At least one of these things will happen before the end of the season:
• After breaking things off with Cristina, Burke will transfer to another hospital.
• Callie will reveal she's pregnant.
• Izzie and George will hook up.
• Izzie will be reunited with her daughter, and it's someone we've already seen on the show.
• Addison will be diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.
• Derek and Meredith's relationship will hit a roadblock when one of her exes shows up on her doorstep with one thing on his mind.

Which ones do you think we'll see? Which ones do you want to see?

I'm thinking it will be the Christina and Burke one. He is probably leaving the show because of the comment he made to TR. There is probably a lot of tension on the set. I could also see Izzy meeting her daughter. Anyone remember what age her daughter would be?
  • #21
It said at least one of the following would happen. Could be one or all!

Though I hope they save something for next season!
  • #22
I know they could be made up, but it is fun to speculate!!
  • #23
I hate to be a bummer but I think this week is a repeat!
I could be wrong ,am I ? anyone know for sure? (my dvr info said repeat)
  • #24
reba515 said:
I hate to be a bummer but I think this week is a repeat!
I could be wrong ,am I ? anyone know for sure? (my dvr info said repeat)

yeah, according to the website they are replaying the camping episode..
  • #25
Gosh. I HATE re-runs... What is going on with this? Is the season going on hiatus again?
  • #26
I think that it's just after sweeps now... Lots of reruns. :(
  • #27
I don't really watch the show but it could be Izzy that won't be returning.
I read today that she ended her contract negotiations with the powers that be because she wasn't being treated as equally as the others...
  • #28
Brace yourselves.....
No new Grey's until March 15th! I don't know if I'll make it that long! Gonna have to watch my 1st season DVD just to get a "fix"!
  • #29
gilliandanielle said:
What if Izzy is the real mom of the girl who saved Merideth??

THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
  • #30
chefjenibel said:
Brace yourselves.....
No new Grey's until March 15th! I don't know if I'll make it that long! Gonna have to watch my 1st season DVD just to get a "fix"!
OMG!! (Back off KG!) Are you SERIOUS?? I have season 3 on my iPod and watch them like crazy. I guess it is good because I have a ton of shows in March, but I don't like this one bit!! I will kick and scream before I let a host pick Thurday night, so it isn't like my shows would actually interfere with Grey's!!

You just watch- I will probably go into labor during the finale in May and miss it anyway!!
  • Thread starter
  • #31
It's all because of March Madness you know - the basketball tournaments run Thurs - Sunday and I love me some college basketball...but why does it have to compete with Greys!!!!!

Related to Greys Spoiler - Dont Read if You Dont Wanna Know!

1. Who is the father of Callie's baby?

The father of Callie's baby has not been confirmed yet. It is possible that it could be either Mark Sloan (McSteamy) or George O'Malley, as Callie has been with both of them recently.

2. How did Callie become pregnant?

It is likely that Callie became pregnant either during her time with Mark or George, or possibly from a previous sexual encounter.

3. Is this the first time Callie has been pregnant?

No, this is not the first time. Callie previously had a miscarriage while married to Arizona Robbins.

4. How will this pregnancy affect Callie's relationships with Mark and George?

This pregnancy will likely cause tension and complications in Callie's relationships with both Mark and George. It is unclear how they will handle the situation and how it will impact their friendships.

5. When will we find out the identity of the father?

It is not yet known when the identity of the father will be revealed. It could happen in the next few episodes or it could be kept a secret for a while.

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