I have decided to hang up my apron and am clearing out my shelves! Suggested prices are listed but contact me with any and all offers. The more one bidder wants the more I am willing to negotiate!
Buyers will also need to cover shipping from zip 77584. Fedex or UPS Ground is preferred so we can both track it but I'm open to your suggestion. Paypal is preferred method of payment. Please PM me or email and I will update list as items are sold. Thanks, Lisa
New! Just found these items...
*TPC brown binder 50 cents
*TPC consultant news editions July 06-July 07, including special editions (great for training new consultants!) 50 cents
*S/S 07 Show & Sell audio CD 50 cents
*pamperedchef.biz Way to Grow audio CD (never listened to!) 50 cents
Show items
*F/W 06 catalogs (stamped but can be covered)-17 $4
*S/S 07 catalogs (stamped but can be covered)-25 $6
*S/S 07 Spanish catalog free
*Cooking Show Tally-1 pk free (these are for consultants that don't use PP) PENDING SALE
*Host guides-2 pks S/S 07, 2 pks F/W 06 (purple) 50 cents
*Display cards-Simple Additions, Trifle Bowl, Cutlery, Executive Cookware 25 cents
12 Consultant Agreements 25 cents
*1 set Super Start your Business/Simple Steps to Host Coaching DVDs $2PENDING SALE
*Getting started with TPC audio CD 50 cents
*5 copies Your Season of Success DVD F/W 06 50 cents each
*Spring into Success DVD S/S 06 50 cents
*Spring into Success DVD S/S 0750 cents
*2 copies Show & Sell audio CD F/W 0650 cents each
*F/W 06 Registry brochures-17 and Wedding Shower planners-7 (all stamped but can be covered)25 cents
*Nancy's TPC 11 x 17 sign $1
*TPC lunch bag (rectangle) $4 PENDING SALE
Buyers will also need to cover shipping from zip 77584. Fedex or UPS Ground is preferred so we can both track it but I'm open to your suggestion. Paypal is preferred method of payment. Please PM me or email and I will update list as items are sold. Thanks, Lisa
New! Just found these items...
*TPC brown binder 50 cents
*TPC consultant news editions July 06-July 07, including special editions (great for training new consultants!) 50 cents
*S/S 07 Show & Sell audio CD 50 cents
*pamperedchef.biz Way to Grow audio CD (never listened to!) 50 cents
Show items
*F/W 06 catalogs (stamped but can be covered)-17 $4
*S/S 07 catalogs (stamped but can be covered)-25 $6
*S/S 07 Spanish catalog free
*Cooking Show Tally-1 pk free (these are for consultants that don't use PP) PENDING SALE
*Host guides-2 pks S/S 07, 2 pks F/W 06 (purple) 50 cents
*Display cards-Simple Additions, Trifle Bowl, Cutlery, Executive Cookware 25 cents
12 Consultant Agreements 25 cents
*1 set Super Start your Business/Simple Steps to Host Coaching DVDs $2PENDING SALE
*Getting started with TPC audio CD 50 cents
*5 copies Your Season of Success DVD F/W 06 50 cents each
*Spring into Success DVD S/S 06 50 cents
*Spring into Success DVD S/S 0750 cents
*2 copies Show & Sell audio CD F/W 0650 cents each
*F/W 06 Registry brochures-17 and Wedding Shower planners-7 (all stamped but can be covered)25 cents
*Nancy's TPC 11 x 17 sign $1
*TPC lunch bag (rectangle) $4 PENDING SALE
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