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Funniest Show Story: A Darth Vader Costume Party?!

2 chairs! So your host set up the show in their living room even though there were no guests. Sounds like they were dedicated to the show.
Gold Member
:yuck: So last Sunday I had a show here in Southern California--it was windy here and hot hot hot. The show I had happened to be in a place that was not windy but very warm. I always tell my Sunday hosts that the shows are at 2 because I want to go to church in the morning. This host tells me the day before that she had put 12 on the invites--so I went to church Saturday night and got to her house about 11:30. First thing I am surprised to find out is that it is OUTSIDE--in the 90+ heat, and oh by the way I am doing a trifle--complete with cool whip. So I'm thinking "this ought to be fun". Well, 12:00 comes, no guests. 12:30 comes, no guests. 1:00, and she insists she has at least 10 coming, but they are always late (I'm thinking "no kidding). She excuses herself to go change clothes in and her doorbell rings. She asks me to get it, no problem, and I answer the door, and there is someone there in a DARTH VADER costume. In the middle of the day. In the heat. I'm like, "um...hi?", and the person says "I'm here for the Pampered Chef party". Uh, O.k. Within the next 15 minutes all 10 show up, and they are all in differerent costumes, come to find out it's a costume party. So I usher them out to the back yard, they all know each other and are talking up a storm, and all of a sudden out the back door the hostess comes out dressed like Queen Elizabeth, complete with the wig and everything. She tells me it's ok to start and I do the demo to an audience full of costumed people--none of who are listening to me. It was so absurd all I could do was try hard not to laugh.....Finally I just finished up the trifle and told her I would leave catalogs and they could fill out their orders and give them to her....I talked to her 3 days later and the show was at about $300+, pretty small for a show with 10 people, so she is getting outside orders.....This was a real first for me, and I thought after 500 shows I had seen everything. What's your funniest story?
THAT is hilarious! and bizarre!
Oh my... that is bizarre. You'd think that would have been something she'd had told you ahead of time. LOL.. Nothing bizarre yet... only 3 shows in but knowing my friends, anything's possible. LOL...
Sounds like they were doing a trick on the PC consultant?!! Congrats on the $300 plus though. Yes it's a low show, but each one matters. So - was Darth a guy or a girl?? Any recruit leads?

My oddest show was a bridal show. I got a call Dec 16 to please come do a Jan 2 shower. OK - I called bride and groom and they were both excited, except bride wanted to include a cake she would bring. (It was scrumptions, chocolate fondant on the outside, but WTF - bringing a bakery cake to a PC show??). There were only 4 people in attendance, NEITHER THE BRIDE NOR THE GROOM'S MOM CAME - later found out a blended family thing was happening with the in-laws,and that her family wasn't excited about the marriage but still... sales were barely 150. The host was just odd. Sweet, but a little crazy (don't call me before 11 because my baby sleeps late) and she's out of the house at 11:15 am. No kidding - I got her once at 11:12am, and never spoke with her again until her product arrived and she was sure it wasn't what she ordered "but the large bar pan looks so much littler in the catalog - well I can turn it upside down and use it like a cookie sheet"... and that's the last conversation we had!

God Bless, Take care!
-praying for Paige and her family-
I have had a few shows that were strange ones...hehehe. Imagine! That happening to ME!

I had re-scheduled a show with my one host SEVERAL times because of delays in her move to a new home. Finally she set a date reguardless of what was in the house when I got there....

She had a kitchen table and a few kitchen chairs, a reclyner and end table and nothing else moved in at all. It was late October, and COLD that night. She had just painted, and put in new carpets into this older home. We were making some mini fluted cakes in the oven and some hot apple crisp in the microwave that night.

I get there and there are like NINE thermostats on the walls all over the house, yet is was cold as the artic in there. She tried to turn every one of them on hoping one would be the one to work! So I turn on the wall oven to pre-heat, and zappo, some bright flash of light, and then nothing... I broke the oven by just turning it on!
Her friends arrived, and all were freezing! So one who lived close by brought blankets for everyone!! I mixed the cake mix anyhoo, and said friend went to put it in her oven to bake the cake for us. I start the apple crisp, get it over to the microwave to realize, the stone does not fit into her microwave!! :eek: Said friend goes to get her microwave and bring back the cakes for us. What a friend eh?!

But wait! There is more!! When I was getting the cakes frosted, I accidentally drizzled chocolate frosting all over her newly cleaned carpets! :cry: It was truly a trying evening to say the very least!! Thankfully her friends were awesome, and I got quite a few bookings. We ate hot apple crisp and even jogged around the kitchen table a few times in an attempt to warm up a bit!!

Later, after the show, as she was giving the tour of her home, she realized in her attempts to get the paint to dry faster in the bedrooms, she left all the windows open... hence the cold air!

One of my very first shows takes the cake though... the birthday cake that is!
My host and her DH were not getting along that day. Their bedroom (here her DH laid if full view of everyone) was directly off her living room where I was set up to do the show. She had a housefull and an awesome show when her DH wasnt yelling every two seconds at someone. So I make the Lemon Blueberry layered torte thingy. I get it all completed, it looks amazing.. .and she calls her DH out, holds up the cake torte, and all of a sudden everyone starts singing Happy Birthday to him! :eek: She had a show on HIS birthday, and then had me make the cake for him! CRAZY!
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Here's mine...I had posted it online here regarding a show I had in September-

Had a very odd show today. First off, this was for a hostess who I did a show for not even 3 months ago. She told me that today's would be small, since it is football season and her friends were pretty busy. Okay- so 2 ladies show up. I'm not worried since I know there are outside orders coming. BUT- they never turn the TV off during the entire demo. Not once! I was competing with the football game and not winning. Also- the hostess sat on the sofa and was texting her husband (via her phone) about the game. I made the Jerk Chicken nachos...which looked so good and smelled so yummy the ladies called their husbands, plus some neighbors showed up... and they loved them so I guess that part was okay! The show orders were about $75. eep! But as I am packing up my things (and I had brought pretty much every item in my kitchen- my bad) the hostess hands me the outside orders she got from other neighbors and work...uh...hello...this show is now at $1300 AND she will email me a few more orders tomorrow. whoo whoo! The Cowboys won and so did I!!!
I guess I'll take strange anyday...
scottcooks said:
Sounds like they were doing a trick on the PC consultant?!! Congrats on the $300 plus though. Yes it's a low show, but each one matters. So - was Darth a guy or a girl?? Any recruit leads?

My oddest show was a bridal show. I got a call Dec 16 to please come do a Jan 2 shower. OK - I called bride and groom and they were both excited, except bride wanted to include a cake she would bring. (It was scrumptions, chocolate fondant on the outside, but WTF - bringing a bakery cake to a PC show??). There were only 4 people in attendance, NEITHER THE BRIDE NOR THE GROOM'S MOM CAME - later found out a blended family thing was happening with the in-laws,and that her family wasn't excited about the marriage but still... sales were barely 150. The host was just odd. Sweet, but a little crazy (don't call me before 11 because my baby sleeps late) and she's out of the house at 11:15 am. No kidding - I got her once at 11:12am, and never spoke with her again until her product arrived and she was sure it wasn't what she ordered "but the large bar pan looks so much littler in the catalog - well I can turn it upside down and use it like a cookie sheet"... and that's the last conversation we had!

God Bless, Take care!
-praying for Paige and her family-

Scott, didn't you have a party one year around Halloween time that was even weirder? You showed up and the host said you looked exactly like her friend that had just shot himself in the front yard the previous week or something? I thought it was you. That story had my jaw dropped onto the floor!
Mine doesn't compare!

I got a call from a fellow consultant who had a conflict with a show she had booked. The show was in two days. So I called the hostess and she was very nice and excited that I could do the show for her. She was very young and just had a baby. The show was great and everyone was having a great time. At the end of demo I go through my "reminder binder" and I sat on the floor to go over it. When I plopped my big but down on her carpet. . .I noticed this squshie sound and how wet I felt. I thought my water had broken but I wasn't pregnant. :confused: :yuck: No one heard anything or saw the concern on my face. I pretty much sat in the same spot to take the orders until I could get up and grab my jacket and tie it around my waist. I forgot to mention that she had 3 large dogs and guess what. . .I found their favorite pee spot in the floor. I must have washed those pants 6 times and could never get rid of the smell!!! The lesson I learned. . .find a chair when doing my reminder binder.:yuck:
This isn't my story.....but I think the strangest thing I ever heard of was ChefAnn's Potty Party......where the host went potty on a potty chair sitting in the room where the party was happening.....still cannot even imagine someone doing that!:yuck:
  • #10
Some of you may remember this from a year ago.....


Yes, you read that right...I got mooned.

It was followed up by the surprise "multi-vendor show". The host failed to inform me that there would also be a guy selling vibrators as well as a girl selling rubber corserts selling their wares after my demo.

And who can forget "5 indoor cats and never change the cat litter show". I wanted to barf when I went into the house ...oh no wait, the cats beat me too it - kitty puke all over the tables and chairs......that house reeked soooo bad

Ahhhh..my director tells me I should write a book.....

  • #11
Nanisu said:
:yuck: So last Sunday I had a show here in Southern California--it was windy here and hot hot hot. The show I had happened to be in a place that was not windy but very warm. I always tell my Sunday hosts that the shows are at 2 because I want to go to church in the morning. This host tells me the day before that she had put 12 on the invites--so I went to church Saturday night and got to her house about 11:30. First thing I am surprised to find out is that it is OUTSIDE--in the 90+ heat, and oh by the way I am doing a trifle--complete with cool whip. So I'm thinking "this ought to be fun". Well, 12:00 comes, no guests. 12:30 comes, no guests. 1:00, and she insists she has at least 10 coming, but they are always late (I'm thinking "no kidding). She excuses herself to go change clothes in and her doorbell rings. She asks me to get it, no problem, and I answer the door, and there is someone there in a DARTH VADER costume. In the middle of the day. In the heat. I'm like, "um...hi?", and the person says "I'm here for the Pampered Chef party". Uh, O.k. Within the next 15 minutes all 10 show up, and they are all in differerent costumes, come to find out it's a costume party. So I usher them out to the back yard, they all know each other and are talking up a storm, and all of a sudden out the back door the hostess comes out dressed like Queen Elizabeth, complete with the wig and everything. She tells me it's ok to start and I do the demo to an audience full of costumed people--none of who are listening to me. It was so absurd all I could do was try hard not to laugh.....Finally I just finished up the trifle and told her I would leave catalogs and they could fill out their orders and give them to her....I talked to her 3 days later and the show was at about $300+, pretty small for a show with 10 people, so she is getting outside orders.....This was a real first for me, and I thought after 500 shows I had seen everything. What's your funniest story?

OMG, I have tears pouring down my face....
  • #12
Okay, I've read about Misty's mooning party before but does anyone know where Ann's potty party thread is? I just spent 15 minutes going through threads with the word potty with no luck!

And why oh why DO we have so many threads with the word potty :eek: :D
  • #13
**knock on wood** I haven't had anything like this happen yet. I am sitting here reading them and after I get done laughing I think, how would I react? I honestly don't know! Now I'm afraid to go do a show!!:yuck:
  • #15
Sooooo....um.....the "potty" part.... was this person just incredibly lazy and couldn't take the time to walk to the nearest bathroom? Did everyone just STARE? I do believe I would have thrown up. :yuck: That is a really funny story.
  • #17
No, she never did, but I haven't called her about it, either.Potty has health issues and can't walk up and down stairs easily, that's why she didn't walk upstairs to use the bathroom. We didn't stare, but it was pretty awkward. The elephant in the room, so to speak. And no pun intended.
  • #18
I can't beat the ones above but I'll offer a few "no sales" show stories:

1. I had a gal who hosted a show with mostly family members. The gal had asked for the most inexpensive recipe to make cause she was broke. We made deviled eggs and I finished them with the EAD and served in the Chillzanne rectangle server.

After I finished the eggs, a member of the audience (about 12 folks if I recall) asked when we were closing the show. I had discussed this previously with the host and indicate a date about 5 days in the future. At that point, to my suprirse, EVERYONE IN THE ROOM stood up and went into the host's kitchen and sat down. The host got out plates and cutlery and served them all dinner -- mac and cheese from a massive pot on the stove.

I finsihed the show quickly (obviously) and reminded everyone to have their orders to the host by the closing date.

On closing date? You guessed it, no orders. It remains my only "zero dollar" cooking show. :eek:

This host ran into me recently at another event and wants to have another show....I'm thinking....ummmmmm......I think I lost her number.

2. A professional gal, a psychologist, loves our product. She decided to host a show and make it a "Ladies Night Out" theme. She did the show at a friends house. As I was setting up, I realized that the homeowner had many dogs and that they were allowed to poop anywhere outside, including in the parking areas. I walked in so much doo that I finally had to take my shoes off (it was dark and hard to avoid).

So...there are at least 12 folks there and the show goes very well. EVERYONE seems enthused and interested and there is a lot of good sharing and discussion. I felt "ON"! In my opinion, I had not had such a good show in a long time!

When I concluded the demo and mentioned where I'd be for order taking and questions, the host said..."and now we'll do kareokee in the upstairs room". Everyone stood up - except one person who had come as a guest -- stood up and went into a room pretty far into the house to do kareokee.

I took the order from the remaining guest. Finally had to find the host to say I was leaving and to remind guests that orders were due within such and such a time.

Show orders were exactly 1 -- the guest. The host whined about how it is so hard to get orders and that she wasn't getting anything from her efforts.

Excuse me, YOU are the dip wad who decided to clear the room for some kareokee!

This host recently had yet another low performing show and whined again. I am going to stop taking calls from her except for orders. Some folks just don't change their spots. :yuck:
  • #19
Chef Kearns said:
Scott, didn't you have a party one year around Halloween time that was even weirder? You showed up and the host said you looked exactly like her friend that had just shot himself in the front yard the previous week or something? I thought it was you. That story had my jaw dropped onto the floor!

I think that show was Johns
  • #20
Ok, so I've just shot a cherry tomato out of my salad spinner at a guest by lifting the lid while it was spinning...not these crazy things......but we still joke about the flying food...

Related to Funniest Show Story: A Darth Vader Costume Party?!

1. What is "Funniest Show Story: A Darth Vader Costume Party?!"

"Funniest Show Story: A Darth Vader Costume Party?!" is a hilarious and entertaining story told by a Pampered Chef consultant during a party or demonstration. It involves a group of friends dressing up as different characters from Star Wars, with the host wearing a Darth Vader costume.

2. Is this story appropriate for all audiences?

Yes, this story is appropriate for all ages and audiences. It is a light-hearted and funny tale that can be enjoyed by everyone.

3. How long is the story?

The length of the story can vary depending on the storyteller, but on average it takes about 5-10 minutes to tell. It is a great addition to any Pampered Chef party or demonstration as a fun and entertaining break in between product demonstrations.

4. Can I incorporate this story into my own Pampered Chef parties or demonstrations?

Yes, of course! As a consultant, you have the freedom to customize and add your own personal touch to your parties and demonstrations. "Funniest Show Story: A Darth Vader Costume Party?!" is a great option to add some humor and fun to your events.

5. Can I purchase the Darth Vader costume or other Star Wars-themed products from Pampered Chef?

No, Pampered Chef does not currently offer any Darth Vader or Star Wars-themed products. However, you can always use your own costume or purchase one from a costume store to recreate the story at your own parties.

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