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Full Time Job and Pampered Chef - How Far Can You Go?

both work full time. They are both very successful in their careers. I think if you are willing to put the work in it is definitely do-able. You just have to be willing to make the sacrifices.Being a full-time working director is definitely do-able. You just have to be willing to make the sacrifices.You can be a successful director if you are willing to put in the work.
Gold Member
I was in the shower, thinking this morning (where I do all my great thinkin:) )
and I was wondering how many directors and above have full time jobs in addition to Pampered Chef? I work full time and I'm eager to promote to director, but most directors I've come across are either SAHMs or work another job part time.....

Anybody here work full time and made Director with PC too?:confused:
I haven't done that myself (yet :) ) but at our regional conference I learned of other directors in the area that are quite successful and also have a full-time job. One of the directors in my cluster also works FT.
I know Barbara Duke worked 60 hours a week (doing something in a law firm) and decided one year that her PC income was going to out do her law firm income. She did it and quit her job at the law firm. I have a friend here in Boise who is an executive assistant full time and is also a very successful director. She doesn't have kids, though, which does take time and effort as well.
I work full time and dream of being a director. I know it can work, you just have the schedule yourself really good. I've done up to 6 shows a month while working full time and know I could do a lot more.

Get the CD: PC and another job. Both ladies on there are directors or above and have full time jobs! Love that cd.
I work FT and promoted to Director May 2007. I have a 5 and 13 year and a husband that is a Firefighter and is on shift 24 hours at a time. It is difficult to do both. The biggest suggestion that I can make is that you take control of your calendar. Enter everything that has to be done and cannpt be changed. Schedule family time and date time with hubby. Also, check with family on what nights are good times for you to schedule shows, have meetings, coaching calls etc.

In the fall I was doing around 7 to 8 shows and it became to be to much, so as a family we have decided to cut my show schedule down to 5 or 6 shows a month. I hope this helps! Being a director is very enjoyable... Good Luck meeting your goal.:rolleyes:

I just promoted in December. I work full time and also do about 8 shows a month. It is do-able, you just need to make your priorities and also be pretty organized and use small pockets of time productively.

The CD about Pampered Chef and another job on the supply order form is an excellent resource.
Deb K. in Michigan is a very successful Director (I think she's an upper level), and owns her own chiropractic practice. She taught one of the Balancing PC and Another Job workshops at conference a couple years ago.
My Director works a FT job. No husband or children but her aging parents (she's an only child) live next door.
chefann said:
Deb K. in Michigan is a very successful Director (I think she's an upper level), and owns her own chiropractic practice. She taught one of the Balancing PC and Another Job workshops at conference a couple years ago.
She's the one on the CD I was talking about.
  • #10
Basically I think the answer is how much do YOU want to do and how much support do you have to do it.Anyone has the opportunity to do anything in this business, it is what you make of it.Some people are very capable of working 80 hours a week, others 40. Some are great with kids, some aren't. Some are technical, some aren't.You have to ask yourself where you want to be and how much work are you willing to put in to get there.Is it doable? Of course it is doable! Is it doable for you? Only you can answer that question. Are you going to make a commitment to do it? Are you going to make it a priority? Are you going to put the effort in? Ask yourself and find out. :)
  • #11
I work full time as a Food Service Director overseeing 8 schools and 48 employees. I have been a director for 4 years now and it is do-able. In the spring and summer time I help my parents with their cottages (cleaning, renting them, etc.) I have a 17 yr. old that lives with his Dad about 10 miles away, but had him every weekend when he was younger. Once he could drive...watch out!

I can't say that sometimes I am not stressed out but it all balances. I have 2 Future Directors on my team. One will promote and we are working on more recruiting on the team. I would like to promote to Advanced Director. If I can take an early retirement without hurting myself with benefits.

Sometimes you will be out of balance and other times everything will chime along fine.
  • #12
chefann said:
Deb K. in Michigan is a very successful Director (I think she's an upper level), and owns her own chiropractic practice. She taught one of the Balancing PC and Another Job workshops at conference a couple years ago.
Her name is Deb Skrzynecki and she is one of my friends. Her level is Director. I met her at Leadership in Long Beach when I was by myself. We roomed this year in Leadership together!
  • #13
Thanks, Sharon. I'm so bad with names, and (as obvious from my slaughtering of even her last initial), sometimes only remember one letter. :rolleyes:
  • #14
chefann said:
Thanks, Sharon. I'm so bad with names, and (as obvious from my slaughtering of even her last initial), sometimes only remember one letter. :rolleyes:
I'm the same way, but it is usually the wrong letter. I'll say "oh, it starts with a G" and someone else will start calling off names starting with G. Then after a couple of minutes I'll come up with the name, but it will be Smith or Jones or something not starting with G at all!!!:D
  • #15
Ann, i'm so disappointed you've let us down. :) We always look to you for the correct answers but hey, the k is the second letter in her name you were close!! Close counts
  • #16
I promoted to Director in May 2007 and work at a school teaching P.E. I was supposed to quit my school job when I promoted but DH lost his job Christmas '06 and hasn't found a good paying job yet to make up the difference he lost. He has something but not quite what we need.
Luckily even though I work FT my business has tripled and I even earned the cruise for my DH and I!!! Very doable! Just defintely plan everything out and "try" to be organized. You can do anything you want to do!
Also, one another thing that REALLY helped me is "WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS" and let everyone know your goals. Easier to achieve when it's written down. also, get someone to hold you accountable. I did and still do and she helped me soooo much!!!
  • #17
I work full time M-F for a large investment co. - I worked there for 5 years a while ago and went back in Sept. after taking 5.5 years off after the birth of my 2nd son. I was home for 1.5 years after I had him when I decided to become a PC consultant b/c I needed something "else". Now that I'm working FT and doing PT, it just feels natural to me. I've established my PC business to the point where I can do it easily, and it's actually going well instead of "dying" like I thought it would. It's definitely all about being organized, scheduling things and making time for everything, but it can be done. I'm a FD with 3 on my team and another joining next week, so hopefully I'm on my way to Directorship, too! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #18
WOW! Thanks so much for the replies!!! I've really been inspired! Right now I work full time and am going to school full time - I am in an 18 month program to get my BS in Leadership and since my courses require some real life applications, I have been (and will continue to use) my PC business instead of my full time job.

I live in MA now, but may move back to a house we own in FL next year, so my goal is to promote to director here, and have a strong team and then start another team when I get back to FL.

You've all inspired me, and let me know that it's not an outrageous dream! Thanks so much!

p.s. no kids, so thankfully they won't suffer!;)

Related to Full Time Job and Pampered Chef - How Far Can You Go?

1. How much can I earn as a full-time Pampered Chef consultant?

As a full-time Pampered Chef consultant, your earnings will vary based on your sales and leadership abilities. The more successful you are in selling products and building a team, the higher your income potential. Many full-time consultants earn six-figure incomes through Pampered Chef.

2. Can I have a full-time job and still be a successful Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, it is possible to have a full-time job and be a successful Pampered Chef consultant. Many consultants balance their full-time job with their Pampered Chef business by hosting parties and events on weekends and evenings. The key is to prioritize your time and manage your schedule effectively.

3. Is there room for growth and advancement as a full-time Pampered Chef consultant?

Absolutely! Pampered Chef offers a comprehensive career plan for consultants who wish to grow and advance within the company. As a full-time consultant, you have the opportunity to earn promotions, bonuses, and other incentives by consistently meeting sales goals and building a strong team.

4. Do I have to purchase inventory as a full-time Pampered Chef consultant?

No, you do not have to purchase inventory as a full-time Pampered Chef consultant. The company operates on a direct sales model, meaning you can take orders from customers and place them directly through the company. This eliminates the need for consultants to hold inventory and helps to minimize costs and risk.

5. Can I work from home as a full-time Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, many full-time Pampered Chef consultants work from home. The company provides tools and resources for consultants to run their business from the comfort of their home, including a personalized website and online ordering system. However, you may also choose to hold parties and events at other locations to reach a wider audience.

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