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Frustrated with My Friends Hosting Shows: Is It Just Me?

it's so frustrating.I had the same problem. I would let people know that I didn't have time to do a show, and they'd say things like "Oh, well, I'll just leave it to you then." And then they'd leave it all to me--the cooking, the organization, the shopping. It was exhausting!I think the best thing to do is politely let them know that you're interested in hosting, but that you don't have the time or energy to do it properly. If they're unwilling to let you host, then you might have to look for someone else.
Silver Member
I just startet and I did ask 2 friends if they would be willing to do a show but I`m so frustrated with them. It seems they don`t take it serious the one (party is this friday!) doesn`t really seem to care if anybody shows up. I coach her yes but it is more pushing her to email people etc.
I think is is so much easier if you have people that host shows cause they want to not to do you a favor:mad:
My other friend who did a catalog show didn`t seem to get the deal neither, she didn`t show around the catalog cause she thought so and so don`t order anyway:grumpy:
Is it just the people I know or did you have problems too that your friends didn`t put enough effort in to help you??
luckystar said:
I just startet and I did ask 2 friends if they would be willing to do a show but I`m so frustrated with them. It seems they don`t take it serious the one (party is this friday!) doesn`t really seem to care if anybody shows up. I coach her yes but it is more pushing her to email people etc.
I think is is so much easier if you have people that host shows cause they want to not to do you a favor:mad:
My other friend who did a catalog show didn`t seem to get the deal neither, she didn`t show around the catalog cause she thought so and so don`t order anyway:grumpy:
Is it just the people I know or did you have problems too that your friends didn`t put enough effort in to help you??
It's Ironic, but friends and family are often the worst hosts! I do have 2 friends who regularly have great shows - but for the most part - getting out of the friends and family circle was the best thing I did for my business!ETA - Maybe you could let them know that you would really like to be able to help them get as much free and discounted product as possible......That, yes, they are helping you out, but you would also like to help them out too.
I find that often (though not always) friends and family feel like they should host a party, so they do so grudgingly. Sometimes these are the hardest people to coach. Look on the bright side--maybe you'll get a couple of great bookings from these parties.
It is definitely much better when you break away from your friend and family circle! Keep your chin up!
I had 2 people when I first started that were this way. One friend invited people that she wasn't really friends with... she worked with their husbands and hung out occasionally... One person showed up and she was just a coworker... but living paycheck to paycheck. Didn't order much but booked... then at her show when I was done with my demo she said "Now, you guys don't feel like you HAVE to order... that's not why I did this" WHAT?!?! :eek: I just wanted to scream "Then why did I waste my Saturday on you?!" It was barely a show and I DID NOT ask for any bookings - wanted to stay out of that circle! I finally broke into people who want the free stuff - it is nice!
wow you are so reading my mind about the friends and family thing. My boyfriend's sister is hosting show in December and so far the problem isn't with her inviting people it is more of she is trying to tell me how to run my business. First she says she would like to have an open house party so people can come and go as they please but now she has decided that she would like to do a cooking show and to make whatever I would like but then tonight I get a message saying that someone has requested we do the bites and bevs show so we can do the brie thing. She asked if I had any ideas for gift baskets so I got some ideas off of this website but that isn't good enough for her she wants me to put the actual baskets together and shrink wrap them and have several of these for display. She wears me out.

I think I'd give her the info. Let her know that you don't have time, but she's welcome to make a few up. :)
Friends are problem hostesses for me. You do things for them that you don't normally--make more recipes because they insist and it throws off the show for time and organization. You let them have special offers that someone else turns down and then you are picking it up from another host and delivering to your friend and she is acting like she is doing you a favor but you are not making anything. The invite, e-mail reminders and showing the catalog around--don't get me started -- 1 word --WON'T. I sympathize and am frustrated by that very thing and this is Sellathon and end of Panarama.
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  • #9
I have to say it is good that not only my friends are like that, I hope that very soon I`m out of that circle so I don`t have to "bother" them anymore.
  • #10
Friends make terrible hosts!!!!!!!!!!! My friend just cancelled on me the DAY BEFORE the show!!! Now her party is rescheduled for the end of the month and is still not going well.

Good luck w/ your party. Hopefully mine turns out ok too.


Related to Frustrated with My Friends Hosting Shows: Is It Just Me?

1. Why do I feel frustrated with my friends hosting shows?

It is common to feel frustrated when your friends host shows for Pampered Chef, especially if they do not seem as enthusiastic or committed as you are. You may also feel like they are not putting in enough effort to make the show a success. However, it is important to remember that everyone has different levels of interest and priorities, and it is not a reflection of your friendship.

2. Is it just me or do my friends not understand the importance of hosting a successful show?

It is possible that your friends may not fully understand the impact of hosting a successful show for your business. They may not realize the potential for earning free products, discounts, and rewards, or how it can help you grow your business. Try to communicate the benefits of hosting a show and how much it would mean to you if they could support you in this way.

3. How can I encourage my friends to host shows without seeming pushy or desperate?

One way to approach this is by framing it as a fun and casual get-together with the added bonus of experiencing Pampered Chef products and potentially earning rewards. You can also offer to help with the planning and preparation to make it easier for your friends to host a successful show. Avoid being pushy or desperate, as it may push your friends away instead of encouraging them to host a show.

4. What should I do if my friends are not interested in hosting shows?

If your friends are not interested in hosting shows, it is important to respect their decision. Instead, focus on finding other ways to promote your business and reach out to potential hosts. You can also consider hosting your own virtual or in-person shows to showcase the products and share the Pampered Chef experience with others.

5. How can I manage my frustrations and maintain a good relationship with my friends who are not hosting shows?

It can be challenging to manage your frustrations, but it is important to remember that your friends' decisions do not define your friendship. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and continue to support each other in other ways. You can also reach out to your Pampered Chef community for support and advice on how to maintain a good relationship with friends who may not be interested in hosting shows.

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