I have to vent. Last week (Thur or Fri) I had a guest trying to place an order online for my fundraiser. Well, it wouldn't let her and she ended up accidently doing and individual order by mistake. We found out within a hour or two. I was told she had 72 hours to cancel. She called PC within 3 hours of placing the order to cancel and was told everything would be fine. That it was already schudeled to ship, but they were sending an email to UPS, and once it got scanned into their system, it would be returned to PC. I even called a few hours later to confirm that it had been cancelled. Well guess what!!! It was delivered today. I called HO and was told that there was no cancellation in the computer, and that lady didn't know what to do!!!! I am soooo upset b/c now that lady (when she gets home) is going to have to deal with this, and she has already placed that order (and then some) for my fundraiser that I am ready to submit (now gotta change it - which isn't THAT big of a deal, but shouldn't HAVE Too). Has anyone had this happen to them? I mean, for this lady to be told by HO and by me (b/c I was told) that everything was fine, and was going to be fixed and then it wasn't kinda leaves a bad taste in her mouth, I know that it would mine.. Oh well, thanks for listening. Just had to vent. I did send an email to HO just so that they know what is going on.