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First Cluster Meeting: A Successful Start with Great Advice and Fun Activities!

In summary, the meeting went well and everyone enjoyed it. The director asked if she and the other director could join us, with the understanding that I lead it. I welcomed them and it went great. We had about 8 consultants and one of my potentials there including myself. My husband and another consultant's husband was there to help with the kids. They took them outside in my backyard (I have a playground set). The kids seemed to have a good time too.
I wanted to tell everyone thanks for the great advise you gave me. I planned my first cluster meeting. The meeting was last night and it went great. Everyone's attitude was great and everyone really enjoyed it. My director asked if she and the other director could join us, with the understanding that I lead it. I welcomed them and it went great. We had about 8 consultants and one of my potentials there including myself. So we will continue to do cluster meetings here at my house. I also allowed them to bring their children, so there was a real relaxed feeling in the group, knowing that they didn't have to rush off to pick up their kids from the babysitters. My husband and another consultant's husband was there to help with the kids. They took them outside in my backyard (I have a playground set). The kids seemed to have a good time too.

We covered bookings, recruiting and learned to play the queen of shoppers. We also had a couple of recipes: the cappucino mouse trifle bowl (to die for), Colossal Chopped salad (very easy and delicious) and some mini-pizzas(good kids recipe). So I explained what was involved in the preparation. Everyone loved it. There was more participation in the actual meeting, questions as well as answers and suggestions and everyone walked away with something they can add in their business. We are all looking forward to the next meeting.

So over all the meeting turned out to be a great success.

Thank you again.
CongratsCongratulations on a successful First Cluster Meeting. That's great. I am glad you had a good turnout (ours are usually small) and the stuff you did sounded really beneficial.
Glad it all worked out for you. It sounds like you have a gift to help others with their PC business and to lead. Keep up the good work.
I would have loved to have been there!

Debbie :D
Sounded like a great decision and meeting! Congratulations!
Yeah! I know you were really stressed about it so I'm glad to hear it went well! Good for you!!!:D
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Thanks everyone. Now I'm really ready for the next one. I think this time instead of making everything myself. I'm going to delegate. I think it will get everyone really involved. By the way I did the ribbons too and they really liked it.
Great idea!
chee65 said:
Thanks everyone. Now I'm really ready for the next one. I think this time instead of making everything myself. I'm going to delegate. I think it will get everyone really involved. By the way I did the ribbons too and they really liked it.

That is the true sign of a leader, one who can skillfully delegate jobs to others and free herself up for other things.
That's what we do at our meetings. When our director is just too busy, she will ask those who are coming to volunteer to bring a new or favorite recipe. Depending on the meeting theme!
It will definitely get everyone involved and you can get everyone to talk about the recipe!
Was it easy to make?
What tools did it use?
Would it be a good demo recipe?

Debbie :D
chee65 said:
Thanks everyone. Now I'm really ready for the next one. I think this time instead of making everything myself. I'm going to delegate. I think it will get everyone really involved. By the way I did the ribbons too and they really liked it.

My Director passes a sheet with the months listed and has people sign up to bring a recipe.
chee65 said:
I also allowed them to bring their children, so there was a real relaxed feeling in the group, knowing that they didn't have to rush off to pick up their kids from the babysitters. My husband and another consultant's husband was there to help with the kids. They took them outside in my backyard (I have a playground set). The kids seemed to have a good time too.

Wow.....Sounds great! I wish I were in Arizona so I could join you!! :D
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hoosierchef said:
Wow.....Sounds great! I wish I were in Arizona so I could join you!! :D

Well if you're in the area, we'd love to have you.

Related to First Cluster Meeting: A Successful Start with Great Advice and Fun Activities!

What is the purpose of a First Cluster Meeting?

The purpose of a First Cluster Meeting is to provide a successful start for new Pampered Chef consultants by offering them valuable advice and fun activities that will help them kickstart their business.

Who can attend a First Cluster Meeting?

All new Pampered Chef consultants are welcome to attend a First Cluster Meeting. It is a great opportunity for them to learn from experienced consultants and connect with others who are just starting their business journey.

What kind of advice can I expect to receive at a First Cluster Meeting?

At a First Cluster Meeting, you can expect to receive advice on how to set up your business, find customers, and grow your network. You will also learn about the products and tools available to help you succeed as a Pampered Chef consultant.

Will there be any hands-on activities at the First Cluster Meeting?

Yes, in addition to receiving advice and information, you can also expect to participate in hands-on activities such as product demonstrations and mock parties. These activities are designed to help you gain confidence and practice your skills as a consultant.

Is there a cost to attend a First Cluster Meeting?

No, there is no cost to attend a First Cluster Meeting. It is a free event for new Pampered Chef consultants to help them get started on the right foot and set them up for success.

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