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Finding Rest: Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome

In summary, the author's daughter got married, moved, and then her daughter's husband had a baby. The author is moving soon, and her daughter's husband is moving soon too. The author's daughter is getting old, and she doesn't think she will live to see her children leave home.
Silver Member
Once the kids are gone and the house is emptied out (except for the stuff still in the attic) is sure is alot easier to get some rest.
LOL- I never did like soap operas...

I'm youngless and restless- Hmmm
I saw that thread the other day and kept thinking it was a parody waiting to happen...just too lazy to start one myself. :)
Well - I will probably be 90 before that happens here! #1 is back from her first year of college and doesn't want to go away again - so its back to the whole gang for me! AND that crap in the attic I have been saving - well............ That is on the fall to do list!

Do we really need to save EVERY trophie and ribbon and "first" ????
I have to say KG......I expected this post from you DAYS ago. lol
Ahhhh and those are the DAYS OF OUR LIVES............ but you know what they say.............

You only have ONE LIFE TO LIVE.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Once the kids are gone and the house is emptied out (except for the stuff still in the attic) is sure is alot easier to get some rest.

I dunno. I've been having a hard time getting rest this weekend, and we've got no kids. (Although one of the birds is here making a bunch of noise like a kid does.)
Well my daughter got married in August 2005 just after graduating from college in May 2005. She said she would come "clean out her stuff" someday:confused:...but then they moved 75 miles south in February 2006. It remained at my place. Then in September 2006, she had my grandson, Josiah (see my album of his pictures). They moved to a town 25 miles away from there in November 2006. Still nothing had been moved from my place and her bedroom was a giant storage room!:grumpy: Then in June 2007, I moved to their town after losing my job. When I went back up in July to move my things here, guess what came with me...:( You got it...all her junk! Well then I planned to move to a cheaper, nicer place in November 2007, so I began to go through all the mess in September! I know the garbage people wondered what I was doing with 10-15 bags every week!:eek: Finally it was mostly all cleaned out. I still have a closet here at the new apt full of old photos, toys, etc. that she didn't want to part with and had no room for at their house! :rolleyes: Someday I will only have my things at my place...but then that would be sad too! LOL!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Like popcorn through the fingers of a fat man, so go the days of our lives.
  • #10
I did a triple take at the title of the thread. Then I saw who started it!! I had to look to see what jokes were flying this time!! I should know that as long as the world turns, KG will be cracking jokes!!
  • #11
PamperedDor said:
Ahhhh and those are the DAYS OF OUR LIVES............ but you know what they say.............

You only have ONE LIFE TO LIVE.

You forgot to add...


  • Thread starter
  • #12
No, cancel All My Children if you want to rest and be youngless.
  • #13
My mom finally got so tired of all my old crap she rented a U-haul, loaded it all up and drove it from WV to NC to me! LOL
  • #14
If you want to clear things out, you could "accidentally" throw it out. That's what happened to some of my stuff that was at my parents' house.
  • #15
My friend says taht as each child leaves, you turn their room into something totally non-bedroom like so they can't come back! I am looking into a home gym for when my DS leaves in 7 years!

He made a comment not long ago that he would like to attend a local university so that he could live at home..............I explained that this university had dorms for a good reason! He would live there even if we still live here!
  • Thread starter
  • #16
The Kat Lady's mother turned her bedroom into a library - two walls are lined with bookshelves and there is a loveseat in there so she can read.Fast forward to last Spring...The Kat Lady had abdominal surgery, so climbing stairs in our 170 year-old home wasn't an option. It turns out that the loveseat in the library is a sleeper - so The Kat Lady did go home again, to recover from surgery, and wound up in her old room, anyway.
  • Thread starter
  • #17
It's true, I'm youngless.At least, that I know of anyway.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Hmmmm, I guess it wasn't as funny the second time around. Okay, I'll post this and let it die.
  • #19
Whey once your youngless (although mine are home - just teenagers) can't you sleep!! Those darn hormones!

Related to Finding Rest: Coping with Empty Nest Syndrome

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"theRest and the Youngless" products are designed to be easy to clean and maintain. Most items can be washed in the dishwasher or easily hand-washed with soap and water. Be sure to read the product instructions for specific care guidelines.

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