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Finding Recruits on Chef Success

Just curious...Has anyone recruited anyone on this site that has been interested in the PC? There have been a lot of people come on who expressed interest in the PC and have posted on here. Some of us have jumped at the opportunity to get them on our teams. I was curious to see if anyone had any luck, or if they were already working with someone.
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  • #2
I'm glad you askedI'm curious about this, too!
I think Ginger (who just got THE CALL!) indicated that one of her new consultants came from this board, so I guess it's possible. I guess it's a matter of being at the right place at the right time!! ;)
Well I know Becky has received 2 people this month on this site. One from the postings and one emailed her directly after they read her postings. It's a wealth of info for everyone.
:) I'm sure when she's on today she'll respond
I lurked for about a month before I signed up with Ginger. I never said I was intending to sign up so I never got the chorus of "sign up under me" thank goodness. I chose Ginger because she was sooooo chock full of helpful advice and just a friendly person in general. In my case for Ginger it was less of being in the right place at the right time and more of making a good impression.
That's a good point, Misty! Ginger has been a source of great ideas on this board...even as a well-seasoned (LOL) consultant, I've learned a lot from her. I'm glad you and she were able to connect.
gmosullivan said:
Well I know Becky has received 2 people this month on this site. One from the postings and one emailed her directly after they read her postings. It's a wealth of info for everyone.
:) I'm sure when she's on today she'll respond

Yes. :) I've had two consultants sign up under me and I'm having a ton of fun providing information to them. It's so fun assisting when I can and watching their business grow right along with them. That's the best part! I've had two other consultants on my own team at one time or another, but unfortunately they went inactive.

Now I'll be contacting ALL other people who have shown some interest in the business because of the GREAT recruiting special going on in July. I just wish I knew what it was!!! :)
I signed up with PC first and my recruiter was very busy with school so I just jump in to find anything I could about this business. This board has helped me in more ways than I can say. I hope someday to be as helpful as some of you. I have 2 seperate weeks of vacations planned during my first SS month so I planned a show with both my sisters when I vist in there state. My sister in Oklahoma was just doing it as a favor to me, I realized after being on this board for awile that I had not coached my own sister. When I began to tell her what she would recieve she decided to work a little harder.Thanks to all of you. I will let you know how they go.
bejams said:
I signed up with PC first and my recruiter was very busy with school so I just jump in to find anything I could about this business. This board has helped me in more ways than I can say. I hope someday to be as helpful as some of you. I have 2 seperate weeks of vacations planned during my first SS month so I planned a show with both my sisters when I vist in there state. My sister in Oklahoma was just doing it as a favor to me, I realized after being on this board for awile that I had not coached my own sister. When I began to tell her what she would recieve she decided to work a little harder.Thanks to all of you. I will let you know how they go.
Good luck with those shows! Don't forget that when you travel and do PC business during those travels, that those expenses are business expense write offs! Keep all receipts and keep track of mileage if you're driving. That's a nice little perk of the business....keep track of any and all expenses associated with PC. Come tax time, it'll really pay off! Let us know how the shows go! :)
  • #10
Just curiousIf you sign up with someone who does not live in your area, how do you get training? (meetings, learning how to prepare recipes, etc)
  • #11
childs21503 said:
If you sign up with someone who does not live in your area, how do you get training? (meetings, learning how to prepare recipes, etc)
There are all kinds of sources for training (teleclasses, tapes/videos you can order, just playing with the tools in your starter kit and practicing recipes), but what you're probably talking about is having close contact with a director. If you're out of town from your recruiter or director, they would set you up with with a "Hospitality Director" in your area. That's whose monthly cluster meetings you'd attend, as well as any other training opportunities the director may offer. I know for my long distance consultants, I try to be available by email and phone whenever they may need something. Email really helps and I'm able to check it pretty frequently. What did we do before email came along??

I know my cluster has a number of hospitality consultants that attend our meetings and it's nice because they're included in the rest of us for things like recognition and stuff like that. It's so fun and informative to attend a cluster meeting, so I strongly recommend it! Plus it's a great way to meet new people, practice recipes and learn all kinds of info. Please let me know if you have any other questions!! :)
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  • #12
My director lives 3 hours from me so it is difficult for me. I do not attend any cluster meetings but try to make it to bigger meetings. As for a hospitality director...the closest one to me is...3 hrs away! :( But, my director is very good at calling me or me calling her, we have a great relationship. Plus I do have about 5 people under me so we all work together! So...hospitality isnt always the great answer.
  • #13
chefloriray said:
My director lives 3 hours from me so it is difficult for me. I do not attend any cluster meetings but try to make it to bigger meetings. As for a hospitality director...the closest one to me is...3 hrs away! :( But, my director is very good at calling me or me calling her, we have a great relationship. Plus I do have about 5 people under me so we all work together! So...hospitality isnt always the great answer.
You're right, hospitality works the best when they're close by to you. Conference calls are good when meeting in person just isn't possible. And email! Like I said, we'd all be lost without email, I think. :) There are lots of other great sources of information, so PC never lets their consultants flail about. It's all here if consultants need it! :D
  • #14
Becky and I belong to the same cluster and It is wonderful to meet all these new people. We met someone last year that was in need of hospitality and we were talking with her to help her out. I've met other people that have recruites closer by and still have called and asked me questions. It's nice to be a call or email away. I don't always talk with my director and in the last year have talked with her more. When we first started my business we lookded to her director out of state and did weekly conference calls. That worked out well. This site is awesome too. Lots of years of experience at a key stoke away.

Need more info let us know, or email any of us we will be glad to help. I know I would.

Good Luck. I've done shows out of state as well and contact is the key. I did it by phone and by emails. Very sucessfull.
  • #15
New ConsultantsI am fortunate to have gotten a recruit from this site too! She saw some of my postings, emailed me directly and sent her agreement in while I was at National Conference. I am so excited to have made a great new friend and to be able to help her get her new business off to a strong start and her enthusiasm is a tonic for me!

I know it's cliche now but I truely feel that the best part of my job is being able to help others start their own businesses for whatever reasons they have. Some of my consultants want this to be their main source of income, others want a little extra cash each month and others want the products or time with adults. I have team members in several states and feel just as connected to those in Texas as those in my own town. The best decision I ever made was to join this company!!

If you are thinking about the opportunity that Pampered Chef offers contact me or any of us on this board and we will be happy to answer any of your concerns. Sign with the consultant who asked you or one of us if you came here on your own but give it a try - what do you have to lose?! This is one case where "too good to be true" IS true!!
  • #16
Beth....Good for you for another recruit. :) I totally agree with you. I get the greatest kick from offering this opportunity to others. When I started over two years ago I told myself that I would never try to recruit others because I mostly got into the business to have something for myself and to have a nice break from home every so often. Well, the bug bit me! Not too long ago I realized what a great impact PC has had on my life and now my favorite part of it is sharing the same opportunity with others. If it has the chance of bringing them even half of the satisfaction and growth that I've had as a result of PC, then that's great!

I think it's a great company, they make it so easy for us to do our jobs and they offer so much to families in so many ways. Obviously you need to work at having a consistent business to do really well, but even for those who just want to do the minimum, that's an option too! I love this site because everyone is so helpful and full of ideas. I've heard of some other companies who don't share ideas because they are too competitive. There is a lot of back-stabbing in some other companies and I've heard directly from consultants for those companies that they had NO CLUE it would be like that for them! Obviously I expressed how that is the total opposite of what PC is like and they're welcome to jump on over anytime!

I hope those lurking here who are considering the PC opportunity hear all of the great positives on this board. Obviously there are frustrations, as there are with any business, but those don't compare to the satisfaction and personal growth you can gain. I am having a ton of fun building my own team! I just wish I did it sooner. :) I have a couple more prospects in the wings and I just realized I forgot to have them come look at this site. One doesn't have a computer, which I think will make the job a little harder. But after those first few commission checks, a computer is a possibility!
  • #17

Good luck on your recruiting! Sounds like you are solidly on your way to walking at Leadership!!
  • #18
I too have recruited someone from this site, and I consider her a new friend. She is not from my area, but we communicate on a pretty regular basis. She has given me sooo much energy about my business. I think sometimes your recruits help you just as much as you help them. I'm glad that she contacted me, and that I now have a new friend and collegue.

Debbie :D :D :D
  • #19
DebbieSM said:
I too have recruited someone from this site, and I consider her a new friend. She is not from my area, but we communicate on a pretty regular basis. She has given me sooo much energy about my business. I think sometimes your recruits help you just as much as you help them. I'm glad that she contacted me, and that I now have a new friend and collegue.

Debbie :D
I totally agree with that!! Having the two recruits that have come out of this website has inspired me to kick it into gear and promote to director! It's funny how a lot of times they do more for us than we do for them. This is a perfect example. And since recruiting them, I have about 4 or 5 people seriously interested in the opportunity! :D That energy that new consultants have is SO contagious. I'm so grateful for the two consultants who contacted me and they are off to GREAT starts!!

I had one recruiting interview next week (don't know her final decision yet), I have one on Saturday and have one who wants to attend our cluster meeting in a couple weeks. I'll have to keep you all posted! :)
  • #20
Signing up under someone not in your areaWe have a monthly cluster meeting and always welcome hospitality members. We have an OUTSTANDING cluster and share a WEALTH of information. Hospitality clusters are available if you live in a different area than the individual you signed up under.

I keep in close contact with those not living near me. With the benefit of no long distance charges on cell phones now-a-days, it's very easy to spend as much time as needed with personal calls handling questions that aren't as easy to discuss via email. I also have a fax so that IF there is something that can't be emailed, I can fax.

Training is available through videos and audios, and best of all...each other. Videos & Audios can be shared among the group, which is also nice. Not to mention, you have this board. We're always here to help you!

Rita Wester
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  • #21
HospitalityYour director can arrange for a Hospitality Director in your area.

Here's how it works:
If your recruiter is not yet a Director, her Director will be provided with your information once you sign up. If your recruiter is a Director, she will of course have personal contact with you and have all the details she'll need.

Once a day, a Director can contact Field Services in the Home Office in Chicago to request a Hospitality Director referral. Based on your zip code, Home Office will provide your Director with another Director's name in your area. Once your Director has contacted that local person, you can then attend her meetings.

Important to remember, though, is that your recruiter/director is responsible for your basic introduction and training in the business. Alot of this can be done by phone. I have a few "long distance" consultants and we've been able to manage quite well. The meetings are important because it helps you connect with local PC consultants so that you feel you have local support. But your director/recruiter should be your first source for information and guidance.

Hope this helps.

Phyllis Rampulla
Independent Sales Director

Related to Finding Recruits on Chef Success

1. How can I find recruits on Chef Success?

There are a few ways to find recruits on Chef Success. One way is to actively engage with other members on the site and build relationships. You can also post about your business and the benefits of joining your team on the forums and in groups. Another option is to reach out to members who have expressed interest in the Pampered Chef and offer to answer any questions they may have.

2. Is it common to find interested recruits on Chef Success?

Yes, it is common to find interested recruits on Chef Success. Many members on the site are already involved with the Pampered Chef or have shown interest in joining. By actively engaging with other members and sharing about your business, you increase your chances of finding interested recruits.

3. How should I approach someone who has expressed interest in the Pampered Chef on Chef Success?

When approaching someone who has expressed interest in the Pampered Chef on Chef Success, it's important to be genuine and respectful. Send them a private message or comment on their post expressing your interest in connecting with them and offering to answer any questions they may have. Avoid being too pushy or aggressive, as this may turn them off from joining your team.

4. Have any members successfully recruited someone through Chef Success?

Yes, there have been many members who have successfully recruited someone through Chef Success. By actively engaging on the site and utilizing the various tools and resources available, members have been able to connect with interested recruits and add them to their teams.

5. Is it better to recruit through Chef Success or in person?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as both methods can be effective. However, recruiting through Chef Success allows you to connect with a larger network of individuals who are already interested in the Pampered Chef. It also allows you to easily communicate and share information about your business with potential recruits. In-person recruiting can be great for building personal relationships and connecting with individuals in your local community. Ultimately, it's important to utilize both methods to maximize your recruiting efforts.

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