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Finding Positives in Challenging Times

In summary, my daughter graduated from kindergarten today and is excited to be a first grader. I just closed a $900 catalog show and am working for more shows in June and July. I booked a show while garage sale-ing yesterday. My husband, daughter, cats, and parents are all important to me. My job is frustrating but I have supportive friends. I have a beautiful home and hope to own a camp on the river soon.
I just ran into a fellow consultant at Walmart and we were discussing it has been a tough few weeks for everyone including the Cheffers

Let's start a thread for all of our positives and our blessings - Sometimes we forget the positives when a little negative comes our way


I booked 3 more fundraisers for this summer in the last week. Two in June and one in August.

I signed my third consultant

I have a wonderful hubby! and three wonderful furkids

I am excited about going to Conference in July for my first time

I have my Cheffer button and will wear it proudly
My daughter graduated from kindergarten today!

(I know that isn't PC, but she is my "PC helper" and it's my blessing for the day - she was so cute in her little red cap and tassle!)
I just closed a $900 catalog show!

I got a great booking from that catalog show.

My baby boy surprised me with a visit!

I have an amazing husband who loves me and thinks I'm an excellent wife/friend/partner.

My director and clustermates are very supportive.

I'm booked and ready for NC!

I know that God has great plans for me.
I have filled my calendar for the entire summer and early fall already.

I have a show tomorrow that will be fun and profitable

I have a wonderful husband, daughter and dogs.

I have a beautiful home for all of us to live in.

We are safe tonight when we go to sleep.
As a friend of mine says, "I'm vertical and ventilating."
Kathytnt said:
I just ran into a fellow consultant at Walmart and we were discussing it has been a tough few weeks for everyone including the Cheffers

Let's start a thread for all of our positives and our blessings - Sometimes we forget the positives when a little negative comes our way


I booked 3 more fundraisers for this summer in the last week. Two in June and one in August.

I signed my third consultant

I have a wonderful hubby! and three wonderful furkids

I am excited about going to Conference in July for my first time

I have my Cheffer button and will wear it proudly


I got a call fro mmy July 29th host this morning - she is SO excited abotu her upcoming show and is already putting together her guest list. I just LOVE her excitement!

I got the call from HO yesterday about presenting at NC (oy vey)

My fellow CS Cheffers were kind enough to send me packs of old postcard invites to use for my fundraiser

And I am just so so so so so grateful - there are nto enough words to say how grateful -- so so so grateful to have this wonderful cybercluster to celebrate our successes, support eacho ther through tough times, and share business ideas and family news and evrything else - -

I have 5 shows booked for June, and am working for more for June & July!

I booked a show while garage sale-ing yesterday.

My wonderful/beautiful daughter graduated from Kindergarten yesterday. She is Sooooo excited to be a 1st grader!

I've actually been healthy for over a month!

My son is too cute for words (ok I'm biased!)

I have My CS friends to be here for me whenever I need them!
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Great thread..since I already contributed to the negative one..I HAVE to start thinking positive:

I have my health

I have a healthy "normal" 17 year old son who does not get in trouble...just doesn't buckle down in school.

I am a PC consultant, Director and have an awesome downline AND upline who is SO very supportive and helpful.

I have CS friends who have great things to share and who allow each other to "vent".

I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love (just can not figure out why sometimes!! Probably he can't either!!)

I have Moose, my cat and dedicated office assistant. Always ready to lend a paw and beg for treats!

I have my parents who I cherish more and more each day.

I have a full time job that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love my staff, I love my benefits and I love my paycheck. I hate the headaches.

I have a beautiful home near the St. Lawrence River and soon will own a camp on the river too. It is SUCH a beautiful area.

I have the potential to grow my business!

All right, I have to take a negative break!!:D
  • #10
etteluap70PC said:

I booked a show while garage sale-ing yesterday.

My wonderful/beautiful daughter graduated from Kindergarten yesterday. She is Sooooo excited to be a 1st grader!

I've actually been healthy for over a month!

My son is too cute for words (ok I'm biased!)

I have My CS friends to be here for me whenever I need them!

Read my post above...my daughter graduated today and is excited too...although she LOVES her kindergarten teacher to death!
  • #11
There are wonderful people on this forum, and I get to meet a bunch of them at Conference! (And one this Monday for dinner!)I flaked out on a catalog show, but the host called me, turned in $700 in orders, and was perfectly fine with me making it a June show.I had 2 people call me out of the blue in May to book shows. They're both booked for June.
  • #12
I had 3 individual orders, 1 from my website.

I had 5 contacts who actually read my newsletter and placed orders the past two months to keep me active during this transition.

1 of those contacts is trying out the recipe I sent in that newsletter.

I have a wonderful director and friend who calls me each wednesday and lets me go over my plans for my buisness and is just a wonderful supporter. We both plan to promote to the next level next year and walk the stage. (her an AD and me a Dir.)

I have a wonderful upline who is helping me also to promote to director this year.

I have wonderful children who succeed in being the typical children and drive me up the wall. I wouldn't have it any other way :)

I have a dedicated husband who supports me in whatever I do. I love him so much!

I have wonderful friends who are there whenever I need them.

I have great support base her on CS and find all sorts of wonderful ideas to keep me going.

I am just very blessed!
  • #13
janetupnorth said:
Read my post above...my daughter graduated today and is excited too...although she LOVES her kindergarten teacher to death!

I did see that... aren't they cute!

My Sammie wants Mr. Beckers to be her teacher every year. She does not understand why he can't!

Gotta luv em....... As I hear her screaming at her little brother to "stop touching me!!!!"
  • #14
We have a graduation party on Sunday.

The Young'n' graduated from http://www.msoe.edu/ (with honors) with a degree in Electrical Engineering, on top of the Associate Degree he already has in http://www.madisonmedia.com/Content.aspx?ID=43 from Madison Media Institute. Over the entire ordeal, he's been working for Sticha Brothers, based in Madison, producing live concerts in lighting and audio mixing. (He's working the Madison Chamber Orchestra "http://wcoconcerts.org/concertsonthesquare.htm" this Summer.)

The Kat Lady and I are rather proud of him.
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  • #15
etteluap70PC said:
I did see that... aren't they cute!

My Sammie wants Mr. Beckers to be her teacher every year. She does not understand why he can't!

Gotta luv em....... As I hear her screaming at her little brother to "stop touching me!!!!"

Don't know if we talked about that before...mine is Sammie too...spelled Sammie! :)
  • #16
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
We have a graduation party on Sunday.

The Young'n' graduated from http://www.msoe.edu/ (with honors) with a degree in Electronic Engineering, on top of the Associate Degree he already has in http://www.madisonmedia.com/Content.aspx?ID=43 from Madison Media Institute. Over the entire ordeal, he's been working for Sticha Brothers, based in Madison, producing live concerts in lighting and audio mixing. (He's working the Madison Chamber Orchestra "http://wcoconcerts.org/concertsonthesquare.htm" this Summer.)

The Kat Lady and I are rather proud of him.

Awesome KG!!!! Tell him a BIG CONGRATULATIONS from a fellow MSOE graduate!!!!

I got to see the new Kern Center a year ago when I went to the library to get some materials for my thesis. I have to admit I was jealous that there was nothing like that when I went there.
  • #17
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
We have a graduation party on Sunday.

The Young'n' graduated from http://www.msoe.edu/ (with honors) with a degree in Electrical Engineering, on top of the Associate Degree he already has in http://www.madisonmedia.com/Content.aspx?ID=43 from Madison Media Institute. Over the entire ordeal, he's been working for Sticha Brothers, based in Madison, producing live concerts in lighting and audio mixing. (He's working the Madison Chamber Orchestra "http://wcoconcerts.org/concertsonthesquare.htm" this Summer.)

The Kat Lady and I are rather proud of him.

Congrats, KG. Sounds like you have reason to be proud.

And, congrats to the rest of you, too. So many blessings for us all!
  • #18
I love having all of you to gather ideas from.
I'm going to NC for the first time this year.
I have a wonderful husband who supports me and LOVES everything that I cook--at least once!!
I live on 20 acres of pine trees outside of Sacramento, California and absolutely love the peace and quiet.
I have 5 years before I retire and start my next phase in life--full time consultant!!! I can't wait. I should have time then to become a director.
I love knowing I'll meet a lot of Chefers at NC while wearing my badge.
  • #19
Today a co-worker asked my son what he wanted me to cook for him while he's home. He turned to me and said, "Everything you cook is awesome. Make whatever."I'm blessed.
  • #20
Don't forget to take him for a gourmet dinner at . . .
  • #21
I'll be sure to suggest that as an option.
  • #22
I have a wonderful husband and three great kids.

I had my highest month yet with PC and had 2 cooking (one at $950) a Bridal Shower at $750, 4 catalog shows.

I am only $2100 away from $15,000!!! I am just starting my 6th Month.

I am going to NC for the 1st time, and am so super excited!!!

I am so lucky to have sound sich a great group of Cheffers to chat with!! You all bring smiles to my face!!
  • #23
I have 2 shows booked for June (so far)

My 2 recruits are working on qualifying

My daughter is a happy, fun loving, outdoorsy 12 year old

My dumb boy dog is sweet & loves me

My Lord has Blessed me in many many ways with His love & mercy
  • #24
janetupnorth said:
Awesome KG!!!! Tell him a BIG CONGRATULATIONS from a fellow MSOE graduate!!!!

I got to see the new Kern Center a year ago when I went to the library to get some materials for my thesis. I have to admit I was jealous that there was nothing like that when I went there.
He's third generation of MSOE grads. On top of it, Grandpa worked at MSOE for a long time.

The Young'n' also spent a year at MSOE's sister school, http://www.fh-luebeck.de/site.php, in Lübeck, Germany, and he also received a degree from there as a result.

The http://www.msoe.edu/kerncenter/ is a magnificent building, named for the primary donor, Dr. Robert Kern. I've met Dr. Kern (he's a fellow old car guy) a 1947 grad of MSOE and the founder of Generac. His first car was a 1919 Franklin that he drove to work every day. He has an astounding collection of Franklin automobiles, all based around his first one, and includes one that is his concept of what a Franklin would look like if they were still building automobiles.

  • #25
Nice thread to come home to.

I am redeemed, loved and blessed by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I've just spent a night and half a day getting to know my Executive Director, one of the people from the HO, my Director's Director and many of my Clustermates, plus getting to know my Director and her Director (her sister) really well. I can tell ya now that we are going to have a FUN time getting to/from and in Chicago! :D I've been talking about CS and they have decided they are tagging along and crashing our get togethers both Sunday and Monday nights :D

I have been fortunate enough to find an incredible community of support for me and my business in this online group, and I even have the button to prove it! (Thanks, Anne!)

I have an awesome DH who is always willing to hold down the fort and take care of ds while I'm off doing my thing.

I have an enchanting 8yo ds who helps keep me humble and young. I love seeing the world through his eyes - bugs, dirt and all.

I have a great 30yo ds who reminds me that on the worst of days, they really DO grow up to be pretty nice people, and many (not all, thank goodness) of the lessons I taught him actually stuck.

I have wonderful, supportive friends who I can call and ask to help me out and they jump at the chance.

I have spent the last 6 years in intense training getting me ready for this incredible opportunity I now have my hands on. After this little trip I have more belief than ever!

And tonight I get to sleep in my own, safe, warm, dry bed next to my own, safe and warm (and dry!) hunny before going camping with 50+ Cub Scouts tomorrow night - if the rain stops between now and then.
  • #27
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
He's third generation of MSOE grads. On top of it, Grandpa worked at MSOE for a long time.

Who is grandpa? PM me if you don't want to share with the world. ;)

The_Kitchen_Guy said:
The Young'n' also spent a year at MSOE's sister school, http://www.fh-luebeck.de/site.php, in Lübeck, Germany, and he also received a degree from there as a result.

Awesome, that program started when I was there. I took a semester of German while at MSOE but never had the time/money to go to Lübeck. I think my graduating class had the first graduating class from there or the nursing school or both...can't remember since it has actually been over a decade - LOL! I'll have to look it up.

The http://www.msoe.edu/kerncenter/ is a magnificent building, named for the primary donor, Dr. Robert Kern. I've met Dr. Kern (he's a fellow old car guy) a 1947 grad of MSOE and the founder of Generac. His first car was a 1919 Franklin that he drove to work every day. He has an astounding collection of Franklin automobiles, all based around his first one, and includes one that is his concept of what a Franklin would look like if they were still building automobiles.


I met Dr. Kern once too - I thought he was a great guy, and a nice man! Didn't know about his collection of cars - that is neat.

My brother is also a fellow MSOE grad and has worked for Bob Hillis at Direct Supply for 11 years now. Bob is another neat guy associated with MSOE. He was head of the Board of Regents for a few years (I think he may still be).

The only sad thing recently was the passing of Ken Dawson (professor in the business school) this year - I had him for about 7 classes for my second degree. I've also had 2 other of my professors die, one while I was still in a class with him for my Master's Degree. Other than that, I have wonderful memories of MSOE. It was an awesome school and I don't think I'll ever regret going there. I hope your "young one" has fond memories of it too! Please do tell him a sincere congrats for his accomplishments, you have a lot to be proud of!!!!
  • #28
Here's my list:

1. Ann...I too have a 17 year old son who never gets into trouble, but doesn't apply himself at school. It is a great blessing when your children work hard to stay out of trouble.
2. I have a wonderful husband who works hard to provide for our family.
3. We live on 166 acres with 60 more across the road. We have lots of dogs, cows and horses to look at.
4. We have a growing restaurant business.
5. I became a Future Director a few months ago.
6. I am going to Wave 2 of National Conference.
7. I am blessed beyond measure.
8. I have a wonderful Lord and Saviour...this should actually be # 1.
9. I have lots of great influences here on CS.
I could go on for hours. You can never finish thanking the Lord for all your blessings.
  • #29
Nice thread to start:)
We really have a lot to be thankful for, once we sit down & think about it...

I have a wonderful hubby & 2 beautiful girls that are constantly dancing around the house. One is excited to go to the next school & be a 3rd grader. The other is excited to start preschool.

I have a wonderful PC business; the money's good, and I love all the people I've met-both consultants and customers that have become friends.

I'm excited that I've already earned level 1 of the incentive program, and am halfway to the cruise!

My income has helped us to purchase a wonderful new home that we are loving so much...it's felt like home since the first day!

I also have wonderful parents & extended family that is supportive.

all for now...;)
  • Thread starter
  • #30
bump to keep thread going
  • #31
Previously on Chef Success: said:
We have a graduation party on Sunday.

The Young'n' graduated from http://www.msoe.edu/ (with honors) with a degree in Electrical Engineering, on top of the Associate Degree he already has in http://www.madisonmedia.com/Content.aspx?ID=43 from Madison Media Institute. Over the entire ordeal, he's been working for Sticha Brothers, based in Madison, producing live concerts in lighting and audio mixing. (He's working the Madison Chamber Orchestra "http://wcoconcerts.org/concertsonthesquare.htm" this Summer.)

The Kat Lady and I are rather proud of him.
Here are the three generations of MSOE grads...right to left, The Kat Lady, The Young'n' and The Kat Lady's Dad, who worked at MSOE for much of his career.
  • #32
That's a great pic.

I still can't believe that the Kat Lady voluntarily puts up with you. :)
(But I guess that should go in the negative thread. Except that it's a positive for you.)
  • #33
Great picture, KG. You and The Kat Lady have reason to be proud.

Related to Finding Positives in Challenging Times

1. What are some ways to find positives in challenging times?

One way to find positives in challenging times is to focus on the present and appreciate the little things in life. It can also be helpful to practice gratitude and make a list of things you are thankful for. Additionally, finding ways to help others and staying connected with loved ones can bring positivity into your life.

2. How can I stay positive during tough times as a consultant for Pampered Chef?

As a consultant for Pampered Chef, it's important to remember why you joined the company and the positive impact you can have on others through your business. Stay connected with your team and fellow consultants for support and inspiration. Also, focus on setting achievable goals and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem.

3. What are some common challenges faced by Pampered Chef consultants?

Some common challenges faced by Pampered Chef consultants include competition from other direct sales companies, balancing personal and professional life, and finding new customers and hostesses. Additionally, consultants may face challenges with product availability and navigating changes within the company.

4. How can I turn a negative situation into a positive one as a Pampered Chef consultant?

When facing a negative situation as a Pampered Chef consultant, it can be helpful to focus on finding a solution rather than dwelling on the problem. Seek support from your team and leadership, and remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. Additionally, staying positive and maintaining a strong work ethic can help turn a negative situation into a positive one.

5. What are some benefits of being a Pampered Chef consultant?

There are many benefits of being a Pampered Chef consultant, including the ability to set your own schedule and work from home. You also have the opportunity to earn income, receive discounts on products, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Additionally, being a consultant allows you to share your love for cooking and help others create delicious and healthy meals.

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