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Feeling Uninspired for Pampered Chef Conference: How to Rekindle the Excitement

excited about conferences anymore. I used to really look forward to it. Maybe it's because I'm not in PC anymore, or because my director is gone, but I just don't have that same excitement. I think part of it is that I'm not learning anything that will help me with my business. I always feel like I'm a step behind the rest of the Cheffers. I'm really bummed because I thought this year would be different, but it's not. Maybe I'm just done. Some of you know that I started a new job, and as much as I do like it, it's sapping the daylights out of me! I know I can't do PC like I'm used to (2
Gold Member
I just cannot get into it this year. I saw KaseyDee's thread and how excited she is, and I just can't get there. This is my fourth conference. My director doesn't go anymore, and I have one recruit that's going (three others are just hobbiests and one's in the hospital as I type having a baby). I AM excited to spend time with Dawn and to see my fellow Wave 3 Cheffers, but that's it! I'm not even excited about the new products, I'm really not excited to be sitting through workshops or hours of general sessions. I'm actually thinking of bailing on everything and hanging out in Chicago:eek:!

I think maybe I'm just done. Some of you know that I started a new job, and as much as I do like it, it's sapping the daylights out of me! I know I can't do PC like I'm used to (2 shows a week). I knocked back my schedule to 2 a month for the next few months (and even those are iffy because I could be called out to a customer's site at any time - I have some of my team-mates scheduled as back-ups). Plus, going to conference just seems to be one more thing I have to do, 3 more days that I'll be gone from my family. Since I'm scaling back, there's a big part of me asking myself why am I taking classes to grow my business?

Help! If it weren't for my recruit I'd have canceled already. Help me to get the excitement back. Maybe once I'm there it'll kick in???
You know, that's how I felt last year. I went anyway because...well, just because. I enjoyed it and learned a great deal. If you need to scale back your business there is nothing wrong with that. You can view conference as a break from your more demanding job. I really thought that I would get all excited once I got there, but it never really happened. I talked to more people than I ever had and heard alot of people's stories and stuff. So, it was really beneficial. And while I wasn't jumping all over the place excited I was able to gain a better focus on doing my PC business.
dianevill said:
Plus, going to conference just seems to be one more thing I have to do, 3 more days that I'll be gone from my family. Since I'm scaling back, there's a big part of me asking myself why am I taking classes to grow my business?
Help! If it weren't for my recruit I'd have canceled already. Help me to get the excitement back. Maybe once I'm there it'll kick in???

Maybe you can think of it as...there will be ways introduced to work my business that will make it easier, better, and more enjoyable. And maybe it won't be in a class, but in speaking to someone you are walking next to to your next class or share an armrest with at a general session.
Since you've already made the necessary arrangements, there's no need to back out. Let me ask you this. Do you look forward to brushing your teeth?Do you get excited about showering and washing your hair?Motivation wears off. So does bathing. I would imagine that once you're there the excitement will be contagious enough to get your juices flowing. If you can't get excited beforehand, just wait until you hear those squeals of delight when you see your Cheffer Buddies.
Diane, I am bummed you're not in Wave 1 with us. I'd love to hang out with you, though I won't be skipping the sessions. I am pretty naughty during the general sessions, though. We'd have fun in those! Find someone to eat M&M's with you and rate the waves from the stage. (No offense to those of you waving from the stage! I'm very encouraged by what you've accomplished to get there and wave. Someday I hope you can rate my wave, too.) Find someone fun to hang around, and have a good time.
JAE said:
Diane, I am bummed you're not in Wave 1 with us. I'd love to hang out with you, though I won't be skipping the sessions. I am pretty naughty during the general sessions, though. We'd have fun in those! Find someone to eat M&M's with you and rate the waves from the stage. (No offense to those of you waving from the stage! I'm very encouraged by what you've accomplished to get there and wave. Someday I hope you can rate my wave, too.) Find someone fun to hang around, and have a good time.
Hmmmm, I wonder who you sat with during General Sessions???:D:p:D(Do you remember the one woman with the bright red dress and the CLEAVAGE shaking all over?)But back to Diane.....I don't get excited about conference before I go - and I have been known to skip out of a session if I didn't care for it......but I always find something GREAT that is worth my going - new friends, new ideas, new inspiration.....and I am ALWAYS inspired by Doris.....I love that woman! I think that even if you aren't a PC consultant, it would be inspirational to listen to her!I am most excited this year about meeting so many of the Cheffer friends I have made this past year ~ and of course, hanging out with JAE and eating M&M's and rating the waves!
JAE said:
Diane, I am bummed you're not in Wave 1 with us. I'd love to hang out with you, though I won't be skipping the sessions. I am pretty naughty during the general sessions, though. We'd have fun in those! Find someone to eat M&M's with you and rate the waves from the stage. (No offense to those of you waving from the stage! I'm very encouraged by what you've accomplished to get there and wave. Someday I hope you can rate my wave, too.) Find someone fun to hang around, and have a good time.

Well, I fully expect to look out to the audience from my stage-wave and see you holding up a big white card that says "10"!! ;)
dannyzmom said:
Well, I fully expect to look out to the audienc from my stage-wave and see you holding up a big white card that says "10"!! ;)

We'll be screaming our fool heads off for you!!!
dannyzmom said:
Well, I fully expect to look out to the audience from my stage-wave and see you holding up a big white card that says "10"!! ;)
Would you like to take our class on how to wave for optimum points?
  • #10
JAE said:
Would you like to take our class on how to wave for optimum points?

You are so funny! LOL:D:D:D
  • #11
I have two words that should excite you.......Chef Chris! Oh, he's such a cutie pie!

  • #12
JAE said:
Would you like to take our class on how to wave for optimum points?

No, thanks...I prefer to take the one on how to wave without my arm-flaps flapping. Is that class still available? LOL
  • #13
dannyzmom said:
No, thanks...I prefer to take the one on how to wave without my arm-flaps flapping. Is that class still available? LOL

Well, actually - that is covered in our class.....Very important info on how not to flap as you wave!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Oh yeah, forgot about HIM!! If there was a wave just for the Cheffers, now THAT I'd be excited about! You guys all crack me up.

Sandra, thank you for your words. You're right - I don't have to be excited, and I have to remember that I'm gathering information to share with my team. And Rae, I kind of do get excited brushing my teeth and washing my hair (yes, that could be a whole 'nother thread - that whole fresh feeling thing). Now putting in my contacts is another story!!

I think part of it is that I'm just already missing my kids. I went back to work full-time a few weeks ago, and for the past 7 years, my full-time work WAS being here with the kids. I miss them all day (I'm home but they're at summer camp) and I travel a little bit, so I think the guilt is there as well. I know I'll have fun when I get there. Just wish I had the excitement that I had that first year.

Thanks for the ear, everyone. You're all great!
  • Thread starter
  • #15
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, actually - that is covered in our class.....Very important info on how not to flap as you wave!

For real? There must be a lot of people NOT paying attention!
  • #16
ChefBeckyD said:
Well, actually - that is covered in our class.....Very important info on how not to flap as you wave!

I will be wearing sleeves so you will not even see my flapping!

And I will have on nice shoes!
  • #17
Di-I think the 'newness' wears off after several trips to NC....find one thing you can focus on and get excited about that...I bet it will help!
  • #18
pamperedlinda said:
I have two words that should excite you.......Chef Chris! Oh, he's such a cutie pie!


You guys must be deprived of some good looking men! I mean I truly appreciate his culinary skills and all that, but he is not that good looking.

I got embarrassed at Leadership when the women were whistling and cat-calling when he was introduced. Ya'll need to get out more!:p:rolleyes:
  • #19
I don't think it is just because he's a cutie, I think it has to do with his on-stage personality...he comes across as such a nice guy and there he is showing us to be better chefs....

as for being deprived of good-looking men, check out the cutie in my avatar and then re-think my so called deprivation! He is a serious keeper!
  • #20
We are doing a chocolate tour--
  • #21
Chef Kearns said:
You guys must be deprived of some good looking men! I mean I truly appreciate his culinary skills and all that, but he is not that good looking.

I got embarrassed at Leadership when the women were whistling and cat-calling when he was introduced. Ya'll need to get out more!:p:rolleyes:

He has the same problem I have - we look so much better in person than in our picture! But Meg is right, he has such a great personality and his dimples will last for days!
  • #22
I'm on a downer about NC too, but because I can't go:(! I wish I could take your place!

Maybe you will change your mind once you get there. I really enjoy meeting so many people and I love seeing the new products. I usually like the fall/winter ones better then the spring/summer.

I know what you mean about being busy taking the fun away from you. I have been that way since late winter. I'm trying to get out of the funk and excited again! I really need the money and will have to put my "why" in front of me! I just keep hoping I can buy new furniture w/my money, but something always comes along that I need to pay for instead - this time it's gall bladder surgery for me:(!

Just remember there are so many who would love to go to NC. Like others have said, try to enjoy the time for yourself. If you choose to skip out on some of the training that's fine. I personally would choose to stay at the hotel and take a nap rather then shop - I know may sound crazy to some of you but I never have time for a nap!
  • #23
dannyzmom said:
No, thanks...I prefer to take the one on how to wave without my arm-flaps flapping. Is that class still available? LOL
This is the most important part, and it's in the same class! Trust us when we say, that big screen shows A LOT!
  • #24
  • #25
A close friend --consultant on my team!! karycam-did the work--
  • #26
morfia said:
we Are Doing A Chocolate Tour--

Chocolate Tour????? Fill Me In!!
  • #27
Chicago Chocolate Tours - Toursits a 3 hours tasting-walking tour--
  • #28
MORFIA said:
Chicago Chocolate Tours - Toursits a 3 hours tasting-walking tour--
I am going to have to do this sometime. Sounds very good!
  • #29
JAE said:
I am going to have to do this sometime. Sounds very good!

Count me in when you do it!
  • #30
I'd love to go on Saturday, but I have to be getting home. Unless....I can talk my car-mates into staying for the tour. :)
  • #31
I have to pipe in about going to conference: I think it's exactly what you need. It will be a pick me up for you and your business. Even if you are going to back your business off, who knows what you will learn. If you always went to conference with a way to boost your business, book as many shows as you want, etc, maybe going this time in a different frame of mind might pull some other thoughts out for you. Might just pick up that one piece of advice that will help you in how you want to run your business!
  • #32
Diane- you can sit with me and John. We'll poke fun at the outfits some people have the nerve to wear on stage. :) Well, except for Cheffers... they know better.
  • #33
I know how you feel, I have been in sales since college, and at some point going to these really is more about the classes you are going to take and what you are going to learn (and hear for the umteenth time that finally takes up residence in your brain), and there just isn't that level of excitement. My goal this year is to listen to people who are making things work! I know how to make them not work, so I want to skip that, and listen at meals etc to the successfull consultants and get refreshed.
But honestly, how can you not look forward to the surprise boxes, I mean that is gambling and bargin shopping all rolled into one!! Last year I wasn't even excited about that until I went down there and started watching, somebody really should film some of that!!! I just stood there and watched, being entertained for quite some time, especially since some of the products were older than dirt and the newbies didn't even know what they were or what they were "worth"!!! It'll be fun, and most importantly, it really makes my DH appreciate me when I get home!!
  • #34
ChefBeckyD said:
Hmmmm, I wonder who you sat with during General Sessions???:D:p:D

(Do you remember the one woman with the bright red dress and the CLEAVAGE shaking all over?)
But back to Diane.....I don't get excited about conference before I go - and I have been known to skip out of a session if I didn't care for it......but I always find something GREAT that is worth my going - new friends, new ideas, new inspiration.....and I am ALWAYS inspired by Doris.....I love that woman! I think that even if you aren't a PC consultant, it would be inspirational to listen to her!

I am most excited this year about meeting so many of the Cheffer friends I have made this past year ~ and of course, hanging out with JAE and eating M&M's and rating the waves!

That wasn't ME was it??? I wore a red dress last year on stage but don't think I had too much cleavage there. :D
  • #35
MORFIA said:
A close friend --consultant on my team!!

karycam-did the work--





WOW - too bad I don't get in until 4pm on Sunday - maybe next year!! I do want to go to the Hershey's store though!!
  • #36
MORFIA said:
Chicago Chocolate Tours - Tours
its a 3 hours tasting-walking tour--

Yes, Morfia and I are going on the Chicago Chocolate Tour on Sunday from 1:45pm – 4:00pm.

This is their Sunday tour:
Chocolate Shops of the Magnificent Mile and Oak Street:
Teuscher Chocolates
Argo - Gold Coast
Sarah's Pastries and Candies

It is $40 and includes lots of yummy samples.

To sign up, go to http://www.chicagochocolatetours.com/
The more the merrier!!:)
  • #37
KaryCam said:
Yes, Morfia and I are going on the Chicago Chocolate Tour on Sunday from 1:45pm – 4:00pm.

This is their Sunday tour:
Chocolate Shops of the Magnificent Mile and Oak Street:
Teuscher Chocolates
Argo - Gold Coast
Sarah's Pastries and Candies

It is $40 and includes lots of yummy samples.

To sign up, go to http://www.chicagochocolatetours.com/
The more the merrier!!:)

Wahhhhh! I'll already be back in Florida doing a cooking show that day :(
  • #38
Chef Kearns said:
You guys must be deprived of some good looking men! I mean I truly appreciate his culinary skills and all that, but he is not that good looking.

I got embarrassed at Leadership when the women were whistling and cat-calling when he was introduced. Ya'll need to get out more!:p:rolleyes:

I was sorta thinking the same thing - LOL
I mean he's no bow-wow by any means, but I've seen ebtter looking men in my short 32 years!
  • #39
I know exactly what you mean! I have been debating on hanging it up too, but since I already registered for conference months ago, I feel that I need to go. I had a show scheduled for Monday night and the host called me 3 hours before and had to cancel because only one person was coming and she didn't want me to come and waste my time/gas. I appreciated that and that also made me think "Is this my sign?" I only have 1 show scheduled in July and that is it. I am going to think of going to NC as my vacation away from my 3 year old for a few days and see what happens. I figure this will either give me the inspiration to keep on or I will decide that I am done. Too bad that we aren't in the same wave, we could try to be inspired together.
  • #40
Oooh, I wanna do that chocolate tour----I know you're a chocoholic too Diane, maybe that's what you need:)
I'm sure this is really difficult on you; you're going through lots of changes with the new job & all. Maybe think of it as a little "break" from it all. I'm sure once you get there, you'll be excited!
  • #41
MORFIA said:
A close friend --consultant on my team!!

karycam-did the work--





thanks for that info Morfia!
  • #42
I'm the ONLY one from my little cluster going this year, and I'm rooming with my Exec and her group. I don't know anyone at all. I've really tried to decide whether to go or not, but everything's paid for, etc. So, I am going. My Exec is actually now my director (my recruiter and previous director have now both quit PC) so I feel like I'm just out here blowing in the wind sometimes. But, I am a self-starter and don't need hand holding - but it's just different when you know your director is just a 10 minute drive away compared to now, being in a completely different state!!! However, I must say that my hospitality is absolutely, completely wonderful!!!! :D Anyway, I'm sure that once I get there that I'll have fun, meet some new people and have a better relationship with my director/Exec.
  • #43
dannyzmom said:
Wahhhhh! I'll already be back in Florida doing a cooking show that day :(

They also have a Sat 3:45-6pm tour...
  • #44
Chef Kearns said:
You guys must be deprived of some good looking men! I mean I truly appreciate his culinary skills and all that, but he is not that good looking.

I got embarrassed at Leadership when the women were whistling and cat-calling when he was introduced. Ya'll need to get out more!:p:rolleyes:

Maybe we have too many cuties down here in South Texas, right? ;)
  • #46
Chef Kearns said:
You guys must be deprived of some good looking men! I mean I truly appreciate his culinary skills and all that, but he is not that good looking.

I got embarrassed at Leadership when the women were whistling and cat-calling when he was introduced. Ya'll need to get out more!:p:rolleyes:

I agree!!! I have a downline consultant that just drools over him...and for me he does nothing. I am so glad he is with PC, however, because he is adding an element to our business that either teaches us great culinary information or for us food service people that don't work in the kitchen, refreshs what have learned!:chef:
  • #47
c00p said:
I'm the ONLY one from my little cluster going this year, and I'm rooming with my Exec and her group. I don't know anyone at all. I've really tried to decide whether to go or not, but everything's paid for, etc. So, I am going. My Exec is actually now my director (my recruiter and previous director have now both quit PC) so I feel like I'm just out here blowing in the wind sometimes. But, I am a self-starter and don't need hand holding - but it's just different when you know your director is just a 10 minute drive away compared to now, being in a completely different state!!! However, I must say that my hospitality is absolutely, completely wonderful!!!! :D Anyway, I'm sure that once I get there that I'll have fun, meet some new people and have a better relationship with my director/Exec.

I have never been to my own cluster meeting! Just think of what you will learn from your ED! I started my own meetings eventually. My hospitality was great, however, she was starting to lose interest in her business and it was showing in the meetings. But for the previous 2 years, it was great!
  • #48
Diane - I feel for ya....and I know EXACTLY how you feel...trust me! Make the most of it. That's all I can say.

  • #49
I have been in a downer mode in my business and am emerging out of it slowly but surely. Now I have someone who is killer in sales but is having a struggle getting that directorship. She is down. Conference ALL WAYS boosts and re-excites me about my business. In addition, I have 2 good consultants that are attending for their first time and I am so excited to see their reaction!! Yes, it is expensive, but I really do feel it is an investment that is worth every penny. To see the product showroom is wonderful, giving me more ideas than I could ever come up with on my own!!

Miss Dime Store Psycholgist also wonders, is it the experience of conference that is the downer? For me I have had to "tweek" things to help me enjoy all of the other aspects of conference! The first change...I can not function in a room with more than 2 people. 3 tops but only if there is a second bathroom! I just get too crabby too quick otherwise and it is worth the extra money.

After a bad plane experience we decided to drive the 12 hour drive to conference. We can pack liquids, keep our shoes on, but because we go through Canada and cross back into the USA, we still have to keep the explosives and guns at home!!!:D

Please let us know if conference does help those in the downer mode.
  • #50
Diane - don't feel bad about feeling overwhelmed. A lot is happening for you right now. I know though how you feel. I was not very excited the summer after I got sick. I was scared to death all the walking would cause me major problems, my full time too had taken on more work and things with our house were not well. We only forked out $2000 on plumbing repairs, had the electrical feed into the house replaced because of a storm ripping it right off the house and that was $1,500 that insurance would not pay. I still had about $6000 in medical bills I was trying to cover and you know what my other half said to me. "I know it does not seem like it now and it may not afterwards but one, you need the break from everything that is happening now. Two, you know that doing Pampered Chef makes you happy even if you only do two shows in three months. Make that a priority for yourself for three days and forget the other things. So you know the answer about going." So, I went. I had a ball. It also helped me figure out how to cope with a few of the other things on my plate at the time because I was able to "step back" from the other crap. Either way, you know if you do not go, we all understand and fill you in on all the announcements and what not. And if you do, we want to see you at the MNG!
<h2>1. How can I rekindle my excitement for Pampered Chef conference?</h2><p>It's completely normal to feel a lack of enthusiasm for a conference, especially if you've attended multiple times before. Here are a few tips to help you get excited again:</p><ul> <li>Think about the new products and how they can benefit your business. Is there something you've been wanting to add to your demonstration that these products can help with?</li> <li>Consider the networking opportunities at conference. You'll have the chance to connect with other consultants and leaders, and learn from their experiences. This can be a great source of inspiration.</li> <li>Remember the reason you joined Pampered Chef in the first place. What drew you to the company and its products? Reconnecting with your passion for the brand can reignite your excitement for conference.</li> <li>Take a break from your daily routine leading up to conference. This can help you recharge and come to conference with a fresh perspective.</li></ul><h2>2. How can I make the most out of conference if my director isn't attending?</h2><p>While having your director at conference can be a great source of support and motivation, it's not necessary for you to have a successful experience. Here are some ways to make the most out of conference even without your director:</p><ul> <li>Connect with other consultants in your team or upline. They can provide guidance and support during conference.</li> <li>Attend the leader-led workshops and sessions to learn from other successful consultants and leaders.</li> <li>Take advantage of the networking opportunities to meet new people and learn from their experiences.</li> <li>Set goals for yourself for the conference and hold yourself accountable to achieve them.</li></ul><h2>3. How can I stay excited about Pampered Chef when my schedule is getting busier?</h2><p>It's important to prioritize and find a balance between your personal and professional life. Here are some tips to help you stay excited about Pampered Chef while managing a busy schedule:</p><ul> <li>Set realistic goals and expectations for your business. Don't push yourself too hard, as it can lead to burnout.</li> <li>Take advantage of the flexibility that Pampered Chef offers. You can adjust your schedule as needed to fit your other commitments.</li> <li>Remember the reasons why you joined Pampered Chef and the benefits it brings to your life. This can help you stay motivated and excited about your business.</li> <li>Delegate tasks to your team or recruit a helper to assist you with tasks that are taking up too much of your time.</li></ul><h2>4. How can I make the most out of conference if I'm scaling back my business?</h2><p>Scaling back your business doesn't necessarily mean you can't make the most out of conference. Here are some ways to still have a fulfilling experience:</p><ul> <li>Attend workshops and sessions that focus on personal development and growth. These can benefit you in both your personal and professional life.</li> <li>Network with other consultants and leaders to gain new perspectives and ideas for your business.</li> <li>Take advantage of the training and resources available at conference to improve your skills and knowledge.</li> <li>Set achievable goals for your business and create a plan to reach them.</li></ul><h2>5. How can I find the excitement for conference when I'm feeling overwhelmed?</h2><p>If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure about attending conference, here are some tips to help you find your excitement again:</p><ul> <li>Reach out to other consultants who are attending and share your concerns. They may be able to offer advice and support.</li> <li>Take some time for yourself leading up to conference. This can help you recharge and come to conference with a positive mindset.</li> <li>Focus on the positives of attending conference, such as the opportunity to learn and grow, and the chance to connect with other consultants and leaders.</li> <li>Remember that it's okay to take a break from your business if needed. Taking care of yourself should always come first.</li></ul>

Related to Feeling Uninspired for Pampered Chef Conference: How to Rekindle the Excitement

1. How can I rekindle my excitement for Pampered Chef conference?

It's completely normal to feel a lack of enthusiasm for a conference, especially if you've attended multiple times before. Here are a few tips to help you get excited again:

  • Think about the new products and how they can benefit your business. Is there something you've been wanting to add to your demonstration that these products can help with?
  • Consider the networking opportunities at conference. You'll have the chance to connect with other consultants and leaders, and learn from their experiences. This can be a great source of inspiration.
  • Remember the reason you joined Pampered Chef in the first place. What drew you to the company and its products? Reconnecting with your passion for the brand can reignite your excitement for conference.
  • Take a break from your daily routine leading up to conference. This can help you recharge and come to conference with a fresh perspective.

2. How can I make the most out of conference if my director isn't attending?

While having your director at conference can be a great source of support and motivation, it's not necessary for you to have a successful experience. Here are some ways to make the most out of conference even without your director:

  • Connect with other consultants in your team or upline. They can provide guidance and support during conference.
  • Attend the leader-led workshops and sessions to learn from other successful consultants and leaders.
  • Take advantage of the networking opportunities to meet new people and learn from their experiences.
  • Set goals for yourself for the conference and hold yourself accountable to achieve them.

3. How can I stay excited about Pampered Chef when my schedule is getting busier?

It's important to prioritize and find a balance between your personal and professional life. Here are some tips to help you stay excited about Pampered Chef while managing a busy schedule:

  • Set realistic goals and expectations for your business. Don't push yourself too hard, as it can lead to burnout.
  • Take advantage of the flexibility that Pampered Chef offers. You can adjust your schedule as needed to fit your other commitments.
  • Remember the reasons why you joined Pampered Chef and the benefits it brings to your life. This can help you stay motivated and excited about your business.
  • Delegate tasks to your team or recruit a helper to assist you with tasks that are taking up too much of your time.

4. How can I make the most out of conference if I'm scaling back my business?

Scaling back your business doesn't necessarily mean you can't make the most out of conference. Here are some ways to still have a fulfilling experience:

  • Attend workshops and sessions that focus on personal development and growth. These can benefit you in both your personal and professional life.
  • Network with other consultants and leaders to gain new perspectives and ideas for your business.
  • Take advantage of the training and resources available at conference to improve your skills and knowledge.
  • Set achievable goals for your business and create a plan to reach them.

5. How can I find the excitement for conference when I'm feeling overwhelmed?

If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure about attending conference, here are some tips to help you find your excitement again:

  • Reach out to other consultants who are attending and share your concerns. They may be able to offer advice and support.
  • Take some time for yourself leading up to conference. This can help you recharge and come to conference with a positive mindset.
  • Focus on the positives of attending conference, such as the opportunity to learn and grow, and the chance to connect with other consultants and leaders.
  • Remember that it's okay to take a break from your business if needed. Taking care of yourself should always come first.

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