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Feeling Down After Fizzled Hopes of Scheduling for September and October

You might want to consider offering a $10 gift certificate to the business when someone books a show. This could help increase bookings.
My last 2 hopes of scheduling in September and October for "maybe; yes's"
have fizzled out. I am trying to find a Vendor Fair in the next month, but no one calls me back. I am feelin very down about the whole business right now.

I thought fall was supposed to be better and easier as far as shows.
I know, I know, get out my list of 100. I have and no one else wants to book. Thats why I want to find a Vendor Fair to do. To hopefully increase bookings.

Well thanks for listening, I might as well do some laundry and maybe say a prayer that one of those Vendor people call me back and say they would love to have Pampered Chef there.

Schel :(
Are you involved in any non-profit organizations or are any of your friends? If so you might be able to schedule a fund-raiser for a local church, food bank, or other organization and hopefully you would get bookings from those. Even if you don't belong to any pull out the yellow pages for your area and just start calling around. If nothing else while an organization might not be interested the individual you talk to might be interested.
Hang in thereSchel,
I've been in your shoes and know the frustration you are feeling. I got out of my rut by putting a drawing box in a local business. I left catalogs, business cards and had a drawing for the Executive 8" saute pan. I got several names as well as several people that were interested in both hosting and the opportunity.
Let me preface this by saying that I am lucky because my sister in law was the manager of this business, but my success there has only made me want to do another drawing at a different business. It never hurts to strike up great business relationships with office managers and the such. If you know of anyone that manages a high-traffic store they would probably be willing to help you out (my SIL manages a check cashing place to give you an idea of what I was looking for). I now use ink pens from her business at my shows for the guests to use to help her market her business for letting me do that. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to jump back into things.
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  • #4
chefhorton said:
I've been in your shoes and know the frustration you are feeling. I got out of my rut by putting a drawing box in a local business. I left catalogs, business cards and had a drawing for the Executive 8" saute pan. I got several names as well as several people that were interested in both hosting and the opportunity.
Let me preface this by saying that I am lucky because my sister in law was the manager of this business, but my success there has only made me want to do another drawing at a different business. It never hurts to strike up great business relationships with office managers and the such. If you know of anyone that manages a high-traffic store they would probably be willing to help you out (my SIL manages a check cashing place to give you an idea of what I was looking for). I now use ink pens from her business at my shows for the guests to use to help her market her business for letting me do that. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to jump back into things.

Great idea! I am going to do so, however I need to figure out what business would be the best in town. I live in kind of a medium, small town and will have to think about it.
Great idea though!
I know that everyone will give me some great ideas and input and I really appreciate it!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
tlennhoff said:
Are you involved in any non-profit organizations or are any of your friends? If so you might be able to schedule a fund-raiser for a local church, food bank, or other organization and hopefully you would get bookings from those. Even if you don't belong to any pull out the yellow pages for your area and just start calling around. If nothing else while an organization might not be interested the individual you talk to might be interested.

Great idea also! I recently did my own church, but never thought about another church. What a great idea!
I have heard of people offering (when they place catalogs etc. at a business) that if someone books a show, the consultant will buy the host a $10 gift certificate to the business. I haven't tried that yet, but I think that's a great idea. You are patronizing a local business (like you'd like others to do of you!) and hopefully they are encouraged to promote your business by promoting theirs!

Vendor fairs are GREAT! I had a half dozen people on my list to call for Sept shows and none have returned calls, but I did a local fair and got 10 bookings for September, which hopefully will lead to more and more and more...

I love the idea of the $1000 Mystery Host Catalog party where you try to find 10 people to collect $100 or more in orders and then draw for host benefits.

ASK for referrals! This is my newest tidbit. I called a lead who said she wasn't interested, but mentioned her granddaughter has been talking about it. Not only is she on my calendar, but she's also on my radar as a possible consultant!

If someone says NO, keep at it until you get a yes...how about a catalog show? How about becoming a consultant? Do you know anyone who might appreciate our amazing opportunity? Do you know anyone who would love to hear about our great Stoneware sale? Can I check back with you in a few months?

GOOD LUCK and Keep at it! Just know that we've all been there (and I am SO the voice of experience at a WHOLE year!) and we're rooting for you!
I don't have any positive info for you - I posted the same "blue" message a few days ago! 3 of my 4 September shows cancelled on me in one week!! So I got on the phone and hit 15 (yes 15) Nos in one night. Do you think I want to pick the phone up again?

I sent out a "plee" email to friends I thought would host when I first started, but didn't. I ended the email asking them for a list of referrals. I did get one Home show and 2 catalog shows out of it. I am going to look into fairs. My friend called with one at a library in a nearby town, but they already have a PC person.

It's been such a down week for me though!

Good Luck!
I'm so there with all of you with slow a summer and Not so happening Fall line up ( yet!) This has been the worst 2 months so far! NO sales in July and only a $980 August! I had 2 set for Sept. (1 was my own fall preview) and the other pushed it back to OCt. so technically nothing for This awesome Sept. Stoneware sale promo! But foturnatey I have 6-7 lined up for OCt. (Just hope they don't cancel now) with my luck lately.

I want to do some vendor faires but don't know where to find any that don't cost A lot of money!?!

well good luck to all of you!
I'm right there with you! I was just about to post something along the same lines. August is my SS1 and I just turned in my 2nd show and got my $1250. So, I'm qualified. That's a relief, however, September...

NOTHING! :( I thought I had a catalog show and a fundraiser set up. Well, the catty show has bumped to Oct. and the group that wants to do a fundraiser already has one lined up for Sept. and Oct. My October is looking to be pretty good (4 bookings already).

So, I like the $1000 Mystery hostess show. I think I'll get back with some of my "on the fence" people about that. Otherwise... :confused: I'll just keep praying. Know you're not alone!
  • #10
Besides doing an open house/mystery night event, how about making flyers and sending them to your neighbors. I did this for an open house last year, and I made outside signs which I posted on the street too (one is a main busy street) like people do for garage sales, saying "Pampered Chef Open House-Public Invited". I got a few new people, one was a past consultant, who was dying to see whats new and placed an order. I got a few people from the neighborhood placing orders too.

Just one word of caution, make sure someone is with you, the thought of having strangers enter your house is something to think about ( i thought about that after I started-you just never know), but I made sure my boyfriend was there.

Entice your guests with booking offers, like a free show where you supply the ingredients. Or treat it like a fair of your own and hold it outside or even throw a garage sale and set up a separate table for PC, you never know who might just be looking for that PC consultant, but didn't know anyone. I get that all the time.

Call past hosts from last year and tell them about the new fall products. They might be interested in holding another show for you. Wear PC clothing when you go out - I always get people who love to tell me how much they love PC.

I hope this helps some . . . . don't give up, it will turn around for you, just keep plugging.
  • #11
Out of the Box calls? Open Houses....I hear your blue message, we're all there....I came back from conference all full of vinegar (is that the right saying?) and started on recruiting, then my bookings....I only have 2 for sept and one for oct....so my one show this month is out of my comfort zone circle, someone I don't really know, so I have decided to offer that if someone books from her show I will PAY for THEIR host special, so they get a piece of stoneware at 60% off but I pay for it.....Oct. too.....BUT the hitch is they have to have an 800.00 show in order to QUALIFY for it......but I put in ASK ME HOW, to cover so they will ask me and I will throw that in there......I may even do it at 600.00....

THEN go back to your guests lists from shows since the beginning of the year and call the ones that ordered.....tell them your really focusing on "customer Care" and making "out of the boxes" calls to see if their products are "out of the box" as you hear at shows people say their products from other shows are STILL in the BOX...and you want to make sure they have theirs out and are using them and how do they like them and such....let them know your going to send them a mini catalog of the new items for the fall too and blah blah blah.....

OR send out the mini catalogs to all your past guests and put a sticker on there that says you will be calling them in a week.....THEN make sure you CALL THEM......

Let everyone know the new specials for SEPT and OCT....go back into your reports on Pampered Partner and see who ordered stoneware and call them and let them know Sept is Stoneware madness month......same with anyone who ordered knives, for Oct.....

You CAN do it.....I feel it.....

We ALL hate to pick up the phone, we are afraid of NO.....SOOOOO....make a list of names and numbers, set a time that you can have peace to call, make a goal of how many NO's your going to shoot for.....say "I will get 15 no's tonight".....so you have already accepted the fact that folks are going to say NO.....right? So when you get that yes, it will be SWEET.....they say 9 out of 10 calls will be No's, so if we made 20 calls we would have 2 yeses......

The OPEN HOUSE? I just did mine this past Friday, really did it to get bookings.....WELL, I ended up with a 400.00 show...I sent out 120 invites....LOL....about 1/3 or our neighborhood I invited and got about 10 folks over....THAT is fine, no bookings though....;O(.....I did it as just a laid back, put out the product, had food and wine and beer, and just sat around and talked....it was FUN....

Now I'm into the swapping shows with other vendors....Marykay and partylites and such....so hopefully THAT will go happily....My partylites party last time was 895.00.....LOL...so she loves me and BETTER have a party or I'm not having one.....LOL.....

ALSO, we are doing the local fairs as well......look into Babies R Us, they have fairs monthly that are FREE.....so check your local store......

Um, okay, I'm done, Now I have to do some more calls....LOL.....:eek:

Don't you give up....you keep plugging....OH, when you go to the DR's office, leave catalogs, give one to the girls behind the counter.....use the Empowering Women, staple your business cards to the inside....leave that behind......Ask EVERYONE you meet.......Wear something that says Pampered Chef on it....get a key chain, t-shirt, use your bag from conference if you went and carry that everywhere......

Okay, yes, I said I was done before but I'm on a roll huh? LOL.....

So, WE CAN ALL DO THIS.....As I sit here now, My goal from today to next Thursday is to come up with 2 new shows......I'll let ya know how I did.....

Don't be blue.....oh, use THIS in a newsletter or email to your past guests and hosts, it was on another post and it is GREAT

THIS ought to get them thinking.......

Goodnight and Good luck ALL OF US.....:D
  • #12
Regarding the vendor fairs, I still don't know how to find these! I've tried the chamber of commerce, online, the newspaper, my director, but nothing! Do some cities/states just do these more than others? I'd love to get out of my circle, but Babies R Us is the only thing that I've been able to find & I only got three leads from that & they are ALL due next month & don't want me to call until October.
  • #13
Here are my thoughts..... I too have felt the same way that you do right now, but here is what I did to get my self out of this little rut.... I first googled direct sales companies... such as home interiors, tastefully simple, tupperware, ect... and then I click to locate a consultan inmy area. then I email that person and ask them if they would be interested in doing a party exchange... yeah I knwo most don't like doing this.. but what I say is that I am new to the area I haven't lived here very long and that it would be a great way to benefit both of our business.... I have three shows from it!!! Keep your chins up !!!! Good Luck!!!
  • #14
What I did to get my bookings up was to offer a free stone to the Hostess if she had 3 bookings. I will get the large round stone at the 3rd persons show. I offer this to her while I am setting up and in front of the guests when I am telling about the Host Benefits. The hostesses have jumped and asked their guests to help her out. I also then ask every guest when I total their order.

So far I have not put a limit on the dollar amount the shows have to be, I just wanted to get as many shows as possible, for now. I do say that it only applies if the shows are held within the month that the original host has her show or the next, unless it is more then halfway through the current month then I will give them the next two full months.

I think of it like this; If I only get 1 or 2 bookings then I will be happy or if one or even 2 of the 3 cancels I don't have to buy a stone. So far when the hostess gets 2 bookings and can't get the 3rd one she has even booked another show herself a couple of months out. If somebody does want to cancel I let them know that Suzie hostess is relying on that show to get her stone. At my last 4 shows I have gotten 2 -3 shows booked in my calendar for Sept. and Oct. Hope this helps.

Leticia Martinez
Independent Kitchen Consultant for
The Pampered Chef®
(505) 890-1781
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  • #15
For vendor fairs...look for local town fairs-Schmittyville Summerfest or whatever, they often have craft fairs. Check local churches and schools. Ask anyone you know who is in another direct selling company or does crafts. Once you do one or two and make some friends (I make friends wherever I go...:p) you can ask them if they have any fairs coming up. www.craftlister.com has stuff listed on it. You can join for free...you have to kind of weed through ones that are REALLY craft shows as opposed to ones where vendors are allowed. Otherwise check with your park district or local community associations. A lot of schools have holiday fairs that they allow vendors in...

AND KEEP CALLING! EVERYONE! And all their friends!

Remember, you have a GREAT service to offer! They aren't doing it for you, you are doing it for THEM!
  • #16
Did you tell everyone about the stoneware collection for $60 with a $400 show in September? Or call anyone who has ever purchased stoneware anf tell them about the 20% off? I have my most shows ever this month because of this AWESOME stoneware deal! Here is the link to the thread that tells about the stoneware deal!
  • #17
Schel: I know where you're coming from! My July and August were dead, dead, dead.
  • #17
Does the connection seem worst on your cell? Maybe it is just because I am in AK, but my cell isn't very clear. Or maybe it is because I have two kids screaming in the background and The Wiggles blaring? Hmmm......could be that second one!
  • #18
My June and July were dead! I couldn't WAIT for new products!
  • #19
My cell is touch and go because I live out in the woods.
  • #20
I know how it feels to have dead months I had no shows in June and one in July and I had three in August..... and I have three booked for September!!! so far!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #21
Thank you to all you who have been a moral booster I am going to really work on everything everyone has said to do. I may PM some of you when I get going on these great ideas and have questions.
Thanks a whole lot!!!!
Schel :D
At least I am smilin now!
  • #22
One of the wonderful things about this business is that no matter where you are in your business - in a slump, or singing from the mountain top - others have been there too, and will encourage you, support you, and celebrate the victories with you! I'm glad you have your smile back:D
  • #23
when do you say "enough is enough"?I've heard of the "what you do now will bloom in 90 days" thing. I decided a month and a half ago to start back up with my business after having to set it aside for a few months. Now, does that mean I have to keep sludging through for another 6 weeks before I see any turn-around? I don't know if I want to. Now don't get me wrong, I love being a PC consultant (or the whole idea of it all anyway, as it's been one defeat after another for a year), and I really think it would help our family, both immediate and extended. But I have called my past clientele and these are the things I got: "No I don't want to host. How did I get on your list? Please take me off your calling list. I'll call you back if I decide that I want to host, please don't keep calling my machine. Sorry I had a party last year and it was terrible and I don't want to do another one. My niece just signed, sorry. I just signed with PartyLite so I'm doing that... etc, etc etc." I don't have anyone on my list of 100 that is willing to host. 75% of them are repeated guests of my mom (between her, my sister and my aunt, they host 3-4 shows a year) and want to save their order for her. They're all her friends anyhow, so I'm not surprised. You know, they say this business has its peaks and valleys, but I feel like I've been in a valley since the day I started. In the year I've been a consultant, I've had only 6 shows and gone inactive 3 times. I've lost 4 recruit leads right before they signed.. One got divorced, one disappeared (probably moved), one was too young (by a few months), and one started up with PartyLite. Don't think that I haven't tried and tried. I've made cold calls and talked to -- well I should say, have been hung up on by -- strangers. I've put flyers in the grocery stores, library and salons. I've made customer care calls to get no answer or "I'm good thanks. Goodbye." I've done email sales, phone sales, and a newsletter. I've tried an open house and had NOT ONE PERSON show up. I've sent fundraising flyers to local non-profits, schools, and the like. Followed-up to get no reply from them or a "sorry we're already doing something else but thanks anyway". I know that each and everyone of these things is normal to get in itself, but after you've sowed into your business for a year and gotten pretty much nothing good out of it, maybe you're just seeing your hopeful future success through rose-colored glasses . If the valley is a year long, the peak BETTER be just as long to justify sludging through all of this. Because I've enough on my plate to warrant giving up when there is no return for all my efforts. The only thing that has kept me from giving up is the hope that I eventually someday could get what I really want out of it, and the catalog show a close friend has every 6 months. I don't want to be negative, but I'm trying to be real and honest with myself. I dont' want to give up, but I don't know how much more that I can take without getting depressed over the whole thing! I know my husband wouldn't mind if I stopped, though he does like the occasional extra money it brings in. He sees how much I give and how little I get in return. Sometimes he thinks I'm doing more harm to myself than good to our family. It isn't emotions running wild, because I'm not super emotional right now. It's looking at it honestly and clearly, that's all. I just feel like I'm the one that gets all the negatives so that some people can get the positives.. I might just have to refer my friend to my recruiter for her shows -- I think I'm too tired to give more of myself to something that isn't giving back. Right now I think a year qualifies for "enough is enough".
  • #24

First off in my little opinion, if you are this frustrated, and you have small children and spending your days brooding about the non-successes of your business, well ya know, life is too short. Before you know it those munchkins are going to be grown and they won't care how many shows you did or didn't do, nor what your show average is, but how many happy times they spent with mom.

That may not be the correct "Pampered Chef" answer, but your family is first.

Perhaps you need to step back and work on meeting people in different ways. Just talk to people, don't bring up PC and create relationships for the sheer joy of getting to know people.

I talked to a lady at Sam's Club Tuesday. She told me a lot about herself and while towards the end I did bring up PC, it's not a great lead that way, but it feels so good to get to know someone else's story.

Learn all you can about someone by asking them questions. But don't think "I'm going to talk to this person and see if they want to do business."

If you have young children, you know what? Now may not be the time for you to have it all with PC. There may be some growth that YOU need to experience before it takes off.

Don't, please don't belittle yourself because you don't have bookings and high sales, etc. It's important to YOUR hubby that YOU are happy. If you are going to be unhappy in PC, he is not going to want you doing it.

Hope this helps some.

  • #25
I Hope this helps....... I mention this earlier in the thread ..... What I did was googlled direct sales companies and looked for consultants in my area....... Home Interiors, Tupperware, Simply Tastefull, Close to my heart scrapbooking. etc.... I offered a party exchange... I have gotten a good response... my be nice to branch out away from people whome you don't know and a good business builder.... I hope it helps.. keep your chin up!!!! (((((((HUGS)))))))
  • #26
Oh my goodness, Amanda!~ I just want to hug you! I think you just need one or two good shows to turn things around for you! My suggestion is to walk around with a catalog out in the open--be obvious. You'll feel funny, but someone WILL notice. Maybe not everytime you are out but you will get someone asking about PC.

Have you talked with your director/recruiter?

And don't worry about the recruits. I know it stinks, but it happens to all of us.
  • #27
Vendor FairsHave you contacted all the local elementary schools about their fall festivals?
Have you swapped parties with all the other consultants you know? How about the ones friends could hook you up with. Try getting your other constant friens together and do your own vendor fair. Try hosting a myster Host show. Best of luck- from a constant who is in almost the same spot.:eek:

Related to Feeling Down After Fizzled Hopes of Scheduling for September and October

1. Why were my hopes of scheduling for September and October "fizzled"?

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing global pandemic and uncertain circumstances, we are unable to guarantee specific dates for events and parties. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

2. Can I still schedule a party for September or October?

Yes, you can still schedule a party for September or October. However, please be aware that dates may need to be adjusted or rescheduled based on the current situation and guidelines in your area.

3. Will I receive any compensation for my disappointment in not being able to schedule for September and October?

While we understand your disappointment, we are unable to offer compensation for scheduling changes or cancellations due to circumstances beyond our control. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

4. What precautions is Pampered Chef taking during the pandemic?

At Pampered Chef, the safety and well-being of our customers and consultants is our top priority. We have implemented strict sanitation and safety protocols, including virtual events and limited in-person gatherings, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

5. Can I still purchase Pampered Chef products without hosting a party?

Absolutely! You can always shop our products online or through a consultant without hosting a party. We also offer virtual parties and events for those who are unable to gather in person. Thank you for choosing Pampered Chef!

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