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Facebook Shows? It's Called Social Media?

In summary, Jezz thinks that, as fellow consultants, we need to be careful about how often we post about doing Facebook shows on our personal Facebook pages. She agrees that there are different ways to do FB shows, and that if we do them through our regular Facebook profile, we can set it up as an invite-only event. She thinks that, eventually, this way of doing FB shows will backfire because people will think that they can do a show and not have to worry about pesky friends.
Gold Member
I'm really struggling with the idea of Facebook shows. I find it very annoying to see the constant requests from all my PC Facebook friends to do Facebook shows. I've read on here that only people who are invited to the event see event posts but I have stuff show up on my wall all the time from other consultants in my director's group. I see Facebook as a way to connect and keep up with my friends and I don't really want to constantly bombard people with sales pitches. I do have a Facebook page for my business and I occasionally post ideas, tips or even the current specials.
I would welcome any thoughts on the subject!
Jezz... I wish I had constant requests for people to do facebook shows.. Even if you don't like them, give the people what they want. I have tried facebook shows and havent gotten anything out of them.
You can change your setting to invites only on an event page. I think that would help so other would not see everything you post. I have been a consultant since mid-june. I've set up 12 FB shows. 1 was a flop and all of the others qualified and then some. I just closed a $400 show tonight. I had to spend a little time messaging people and tagging people in posts, but I just made my $5000 in sales and have only had 2 live cooking shows and 1 open house. Give them a try. It's not the "meat and gravy" of the business, but it accomplishes what I want which is to stay active, earn great products, and have earned the little incentives along the way
Shallon, I think what the OP means is that fellow consultants are making lots of posts promoting doing FB shows. I think that there is a chance that if we as consultants constantly bombard the newsfeed with PC stuff, our friends are going to tune out and people might decide to un"like" us or hide our posts.I do notice that there are a lot of consultants who have a lot of their FB shows set to "public". I think we just notice the high volume of these posts more because we have lots of PC consultant friends, so we see a lot of posts on our newsfeed for them. I personally only post on my business page a few times, some days not at all, and some days once or twice. I try to offer recipes, tips, monthly specials, and posts trying to generate FB shows. There's different ways fellow consultant friends are doing their FB shows. If you do a FB show via your business page, it's a public event. It won't let you set it to private or invite only. So any post you make on the wall of the event will show up as a post in the news feed of everyone who likes your page. If you do FB shows through your regular FB profile, there you can set it up as an invite-only event. I personally think this is the best way to do it. Then only those who are invited to the show will see the posts and get notified of posts being made on the event wall. People can RSVP and mark down "not attending" and then they won't have to see those posts anymore.There are a couple of reasons why consultants are doing FB shows on their business pages:
1. They aren't aware of the options available to them
2. They want everyone to see the action on their pages, they want all their FB friends to see them busy with their business. Some consultants say that by keeping it public, other FB friends of theirs see the posts and it sparks some of them to place orders, even though it wasn't intended to be a show for them.
3. This way their team members can see how they do a FB show and can get ideas on posts to share.
ah yea! Well that is alittle problem with having so many PC friends we would see it alot.
I think eventually, it is going to backfire. If folks think they can do a FB show and not have friends over, clean their house and COMMIT to anything real, why would they have a live cooking show?? If you can get the milk for free, right?
esavvymom said:
I think eventually, it is going to backfire. If folks think they can do a FB show and not have friends over, clean their house and COMMIT to anything real, why would they have a live cooking show?? If you can get the milk for free, right?

I noticed a lot of people on the FB group trying to promote it by saying things like now they won't need to slave away cleaning their houses and it makes it so easy for friends shopping in the comfort of their own home. But I don't think it's a good idea to promote it that way, because of what you mentioned, and it's going to make people think hosting is hard and not worth their time/effort. Typically you are going to get higher sales with cooking shows. Some consultants are doing great with FB shows, but a lot don't go over well because they are just hit and miss--depends on each person's friends, depends on the interaction between host and guests and consultant and host, consultant and guests, etc. It's great to do them and it can really boost your business and also expose you to new contacts, but I'd just be careful to not make it sound so easy and so wonderful and better than a cooking show.

I think it's great for those long distance friends and contacts. I'm trying to promote doing it in conjunction with a catalog show so that they can get orders from friends/family/neighbors not on FB.
Glad to see that there are many others that feel the way I do. There is a reason that Doris Christopher wanted to keep the home party preserved. Please need to see the products in action to truly appreciate and understand them.
I agree with Amanda. I will promote them as a way to enhance a catalog show if they are they type of person who absolutely does not do parties. I am moving across country very soon so I will also be asking my best customers to help me through this time by giving this a try. I haven't done one yet because I just have not had time to read through the info out there on this and wrap my head around it. I need to do that SOON!!
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Amanda is correct! I am seeing other PCers post (and mostly the same post copied and pasted!) looking for people to hold Facebook shows. And I'm with you Beth, I think Facebook could enhance a catalog show but we all know the cooking show is where we get our best sales, most bookings and recruits AND get to do what PC is all about, helping people use our products to feed their families! I don't discount that those "bonus" shows where we don't have to go out and still sell products are nice but the cooking show is what Pampered Chef is all about!
  • #11
I have really only been using a facebook show along side the cooking show so they can get more orders from friends.
  • #12
ChefShalon said:
I have really only been using a facebook show along side the cooking show so they can get more orders from friends.

Huh! I never thought about adding a facebook element to my regular cooking shows. I have had hosts post the regular cooking show as an event but not really push online ordering unless they can't attend. I'll have to think about that.

It goes without saying that the cooking show is always going to be better. And the home office has stated that facebook shows should only be in addition to the regular. But I have to tell you I've only done two, but the first was for $300 and the second is at $500 and people are still ordering. I really didn't expect them to be successful. On top of that, the second show was booked off the first by a lady that lives an hour and a half away from me and whom I have never met. In addition, she's decided she wants to become a consultant (after several phone conversations) and is planning to sign up tomorrow. Facebook is still a great networking tool and as long as events are by invite only and a disclaimer is posted for invited guests telling them that they can block the event posts by refusing the invitation, I really don't think it would be problem.

Heck! This is Pampered Chef...we're our own bosses. That's why we can do whatever works for us! Don't you love it? :)
  • #13
esavvymom said:
I think eventually, it is going to backfire. If folks think they can do a FB show and not have friends over, clean their house and COMMIT to anything real, why would they have a live cooking show?? If you can get the milk for free, right?

I don't see anything different between doing this and a catalog show...if you are getting bookings and doing good in sales, it's a win to me. Plus, maybe if they see that they did $300-400 in sales just by doing this, you can always say " you probably would have doubled your sales if you would have had a live show and your guests had SEEN what I was doing with the tools"
  • #14
mspibb said:
I'm really struggling with the idea of Facebook shows. I find it very annoying to see the constant requests from all my PC Facebook friends to do Facebook shows. I've read on here that only people who are invited to the event see event posts but I have stuff show up on my wall all the time from other consultants in my director's group. I see Facebook as a way to connect and keep up with my friends and I don't really want to constantly bombard people with sales pitches. I do have a Facebook page for my business and I occasionally post ideas, tips or even the current specials.
I would welcome any thoughts on the subject!

Guess I didn't read well enough the first time but you're unhappy with requests to do facebook shows? I can see how that would be aggravating. Personally, I haven't posted the request on my personal page. Only on my business page and I'm only going to post it twice a month. I'm going to try to generate from the facebook shows themselves or by personal request. Did you like their business page? And then you're getting the posts? Unlike the page and they won't show up. If not, ask your friend to only post on their business page, not their personal page.
  • #15
chefsteph07 said:
I don't see anything different between doing this and a catalog show...if you are getting bookings and doing good in sales, it's a win to me. Plus, maybe if they see that they did $300-400 in sales just by doing this, you can always say " you probably would have doubled your sales if you would have had a live show and your guests had SEEN what I was doing with the tools"

Yes and no. The work for the host though is very different. For a catalog show, the work is on the HOST, and it's easy for the consultant. But with a FB show, the host does NOTHING really. It's the convenience of a catalog show only in that she doesn't have to do anything at a specific time or place, or clean her house. ;).

not saying the FB can't be a great sales tool. I just think it can be overmarketed and hurt you more so in the long run by making it easy for hosts to have a FB show instead of a cooking show. Those who have done a cooking show, will likely know the benefits are better. But for those who would never do a show, it certainly would be very useful!

just my opinion...what do I know? ;)
  • #16
I haven't had good luck with FB shows at all, and quite frankly all the hoopla at Leadership about them annoyed me. You'd think that Jean Jonas just discovered that people talk on facebook. I still prefer the live contact of a show--but if someone asks me about it I will offer it. I think it's easier to say no to a FB post than a phone call....
  • #17
I've had great luck with my few facebook shows. I end up doing more work for them than a regular show. I keep my invitees engaged by posting recipes and products and tips and such. The few customers that are hosting only wanted a facebook show. How could I say no?
  • #18
mspibb said:
I'm really struggling with the idea of Facebook shows. I find it very annoying to see the constant requests from all my PC Facebook friends to do Facebook shows. I've read on here that only people who are invited to the event see event posts but I have stuff show up on my wall all the time from other consultants in my director's group. I see Facebook as a way to connect and keep up with my friends and I don't really want to constantly bombard people with sales pitches. I do have a Facebook page for my business and I occasionally post ideas, tips or even the current specials.
I would welcome any thoughts on the subject!

ok been trying to figure out how to answer your concerns without writing a book:). Long story short you need to create a FB business page for your PC buisness. This will allow you to conduct PC business with those that you choose or that choose to do business with you. You want to make sure that you create a "page" and not a group. A page will get "likes" and the more likes you get the more people will see it without overloading the new feed.
There is some great trianing on the subject. Check out Duska Mills training site and look for the facebook tab. Hope this help.
  • #19
Well I have been trying to get ANYONE to have one, especially my friends and family who are not local. I posted about the SRB today and BOTH my sister and cousin wanted to do shows. They live about 2 hours apart. It should be interesting. I have already posted a caveat to our shared relatives LOL
  • #20
slhalepc said:
ok been trying to figure out how to answer your concerns without writing a book:). Long story short you need to create a FB business page for your PC buisness. This will allow you to conduct PC business with those that you choose or that choose to do business with you. You want to make sure that you create a "page" and not a group. A page will get "likes" and the more likes you get the more people will see it without overloading the new feed.
There is some great trianing on the subject. Check out Duska Mills training site and look for the facebook tab. Hope this help.

The OP says that she has a business page. ;) She is referring to the fact that all her other PC consultant friends are posting frequently about FB shows.
  • #21
I wondered if the OP was talking about invites to FB shows. I know that I get several invitations in any given month to PC shows with fellow consultants. I decline and move on. However, I do think people need to remember not to invite ALL of their friends. My hosts can, but consultants who have fellow consultants as FB friends should be more selective about the invitations. For my recent FB show (my own), I made sure to select no one I knew through CS or other PC avenues.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Today alone I saw 3 posts from other consultants, with whom I am facebook friends-not people whose Business page I have "liked" - posting "who is going to be my next Facebook Host?" with the Ridged baker host info. This is not about me not knowing how to create an event or have a page for my business (I do both) this is about a constant barrage of begging for people to do shows! My OP was that I have concerns about endless marketing for shows on an outlet that is supposed to be SOCIAL media, not Craig's list or ebay. And it bothers me that the company (who not that long ago wouldn't let us post our websites on Facebook) is pushing us to do this. I have a personal concern that it dilutes our brand and what we stand for, which is teaching people how to use our products and feed their families, not just sell product. I'm not saying I don't think we should do these shows or catalog shows, I do think if you want people to do Facebook shows it makes more sense to call and ask them, just like you would a cooking or catalog show.
  • #23
I think it's okay to offer FB shows, it helps cover all the areas of the market. Some people aren't phone people and won't answer a call, but they'll answer a FB message in seconds! ;) I also think it's okay to post on your personal profile every now and then with different things (like today I shared my newsletter and I also shared a photo album of new products I created on my page). I think it's okay to reach out to your friends, because not everyone takes the initiative to "like" your business page. But I do agree, the constant advertising to friends and pushing FB shows especially, can be a turnoff to some people and I'd hate to have friends be hiding my posts or blocking me because they are tired of hearing my commercials. ;)HO tries to remind us with this FB stuff, that it should be used in addition to cooking shows, because cooking shows is where the heart of our company is...and is also where you tend to do best.
  • #24
Although I now live in a city, I come from bush Alaska...a small town (pop. 3500) accessible only by air, 560 miles away. It's a ride on a jet that takes one hour and fifteen minutes. I still have friends and family there. As much as I'd love to go home now and then to do cooking shows, it's just not feasible.
Therefore, Facebook shows work in this case. And if you think about it, they're pretty much the same as catalog shows, just over the internet.
  • #25
I do offer FB shows. I have friends and family all over this country and across the world. There are some I will Never be able to do a cooking show for. I am thankful I am able to offer them a way to have an interactive Facebook Party.

On my personal page I occasionally post PC things. But I know of many PC friends who "blow their pages up" with PC and it is off putting to many. I think it sounds desperate continually ask for shows in a general message. I think it is better to approach people personally....in a message, phone call, email, visit etc....

Just my humble opinon......
  • #26
carlajanes said:
I do offer FB shows. I have friends and family all over this country and across the world. There are some I will Never be able to do a cooking show for. I am thankful I am able to offer them a way to have an interactive Facebook Party.

On my personal page I occasionally post PC things. But I know of many PC friends who "blow their pages up" with PC and it is off putting to many. I think it sounds desperate continually ask for shows in a general message. I think it is better to approach people personally....in a message, phone call, email, visit etc....

Just my humble opinon......

I understand your sentiment. I have a facebook friend who recently started selling Rodan and Fields products. She barley ever posted before but suddenly every other day I was getting a post about hosting a show. Oddly, I might not have minded if she had been active on facebook before but she only wanted our attention to sell her product. That was kind of aggravating. It was a good lesson though. I'm very careful not to bombard my friends with requests.
  • #27
carlajanes said:
But I know of many PC friends who "blow their pages up" with PC and it is off putting to many.

This is why I unfriended somebody on FB. All she posted were Body By Vi things. She needs a business page.

Related to Facebook Shows? It's Called Social Media?

What is a Facebook Show?

A Facebook Show is a virtual event hosted on the Facebook platform where a Pampered Chef consultant showcases and demonstrates our products to an audience through live videos and interactive posts.

How do I attend a Facebook Show?

To attend a Facebook Show, simply log onto your Facebook account and go to the designated event page created by your Pampered Chef consultant. From there, you can join the event and participate in real-time.

Do I need a Facebook account to attend a Facebook Show?

Yes, a Facebook account is required to attend a Facebook Show. If you do not have an account, you can easily create one for free on the Facebook website.

Can I purchase products during a Facebook Show?

Yes, you can purchase products during a Facebook Show directly from your consultant's page. They will provide you with a link to their online store where you can make a purchase.

Can I interact with the consultant during a Facebook Show?

Absolutely! Facebook Shows are designed to be interactive, so you can ask questions, leave comments, and engage with the consultant and other attendees in real-time.

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