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Excited and Scared (Sorry a Little Long :))

In summary, Jenny shared that she is scared to pursue a career in sales, but she is interested in Tastefully Simple and is considering the company as an option. She also shared that she spoke to her friend about the company and found that it is a good fit for her. She shared that she is excited to get together with Jenny after church on Sunday to discuss the company further.
Gold Member
I have been with PC almost a year and have not even let recruiting enter my mind. But with the possibility of a 3 day cruise, I really want to give it a go. A friend was telling me she was thinking of doing tastefully simple b/c someone from her work is giving it up...and since I am so scared of being a pushy DS person, I just said that I loved my business and left it at that. Since then (last week) I have been doing some training and listening to some audio and decided I had to do something more. Since email is a little less threatning to me - a good starting place, I drafted a short note and sent it to my bro and sis-in-law, who are both great in sales. They totally chnged teh attitude of the letter with the sales rule - don't give a chance to say no, give them a chance to see how PC is the best fit for them, etc. Well, I sent it...still scared, but I did it :) And now feel strong enough to send a couple more similar to other friends who would be a good fit. Even if it doesn't pan out, at least my fear is lessening
Jenny, could you possibly share the final draft (the one edited by your brother and sister-in-law)? I think my biggest problem is allowing the no factor, as well.
Same here..I would love to see it.
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  • #4
pampchefsarah said:
Jenny, could you possibly share the final draft (the one edited by your brother and sister-in-law)? I think my biggest problem is allowing the no factor, as well.

Hey ___,
You were telling me that you might get involved with Tastefully Simple and I would like to give you another option. I realized after we talked I should have offered you some Pampered Chef info so you could see if this might be suited for you.
I really like what I have seen from TS, and I think that would be great if that's what you currently work with. But, what I have found with many friends, family and colleagues is that every company has different benefits that suit different needs/desires. I love to cook and try new recipes, so Pampered Chef was the perfect fit for me and by getting so many free products to make more food for DH, it was a perfect fit for him too :). I really have enjoyed Pampered Chef and wanted to offer you this opportunity. Let’s get together and talk for a few and hopefully I can answer some of your questions. What would work better for you, during the week or Sunday after church?
Good luck with whichever path you choose, it is always exciting starting something fun and new.
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I already got a response from my friend, she said that she was "very interested in learning more" and that she "appreciated me thinking of her". We will get together after church on Sunday :) I am glad I worked through the fear
Your email was great. Loved the wording. It isn't pushy, but shows concern as a friend to just give her options to consider. Great job!
I love this! I am so glad that you conquered your fear and now that you did, you have the opportunity to change your friend's life! Way to go!!

Related to Excited and Scared (Sorry a Little Long :))

1. How can I balance my excitement and fear before starting a new business venture?

It's completely normal to feel a mix of excitement and fear when starting a new business. One way to balance these emotions is to focus on the positive aspects of your venture and remind yourself that fear is a natural part of growth and change. You can also create a plan and set realistic goals to help alleviate some of the fear and give you a sense of control. Additionally, surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family who can provide encouragement and help ease your fears.

2. How do I know if I am truly ready to take the leap and start my own business?

Starting a business is a big decision and it's important to make sure you are truly ready before taking the leap. Ask yourself if you have a solid business plan, a strong support system, and the financial means to get started. It's also important to assess your skills and experience to ensure you have the necessary knowledge and expertise to run a successful business. If you feel confident in these areas, then you may be ready to start your own business.

3. What steps should I take to overcome my fears and doubts about starting a business?

First, it's important to identify what specific fears and doubts you have about starting a business. Once you know what is holding you back, you can create a plan to address those concerns. This may include seeking guidance from a mentor or business coach, doing research to better understand the industry, or taking a course to improve your skills. It's also helpful to focus on the potential rewards and the satisfaction of pursuing your passion and achieving your goals.

4. How can I stay motivated and positive during the ups and downs of entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship can be a rollercoaster ride with many highs and lows. To stay motivated and positive, it's important to have a clear vision and purpose for your business. This will help you stay focused on your goals and remind you why you started this journey in the first place. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, and don't be afraid to seek guidance and support when needed. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and learn from your failures to keep moving forward.

5. What resources and tools are available to help me as a new entrepreneur?

There are many resources and tools available to help new entrepreneurs succeed. One option is to join a business incubator or accelerator program, which can provide support, resources, and networking opportunities. You can also attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. Additionally, there are many online resources, such as webinars, podcasts, and blogs, that offer valuable insights and advice for new business owners.

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