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Does the January Host Get a Special for a $450 Show?

In summary, the January promotion is where the host gets a free stone if their show doesn't hit $500.
Gold Member
I'm a little confused about the January promotion -- does the host get NOTHING as a monthly special if she has a $450 show?

A couple of potential hosts were chatting about this at a recent show -- and both ended up booking in February because they'd rather have a SURE thing special than a "maybe" special in case they only get small orders :(

It seems strange that the past host could get a monthly host special, but that the show hostess might not if her show doesn't hit $500!
January hosts will get booking benefits for the shows booked, but they will not get any extra bonus for their own show if they don't get $500 in sales. I'm planning to have a great month because I bet each show will hit at least $500.
  • Thread starter
  • #3
That's what I was afraid of -- I'm not getting ANY bookings (I have one right now), because of this. My average show is around $400... I've had a few over $1000, but most of my hosts are very happy in the $400 range. I've already had a couple of cancellations/postponements from shows I'd booked back in September because they don't want the January show if there isn't a monthly host special for the smaller show.I'm really surprised that they aren't at least offering a discount on the stoneware to hosts of smaller shows... even if it was only a 40% discount.My January is going to completely suck!
They can still get 20% (plus the additional 15-20%) discount on Stoneware, if they do not hit the $500 mark.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Yeah, but it's not a 60% item... I have hosts who get my newsletter and will book a show based on what the monthly special is... I'd say that 80% of my repeat hosts do this... initially when I told them it was extra free product, everyone was excited, until they realized that they HAVE to hit a minimum show in order to get anything.I'll keep working it, but frankly, I've called 32 people over the weekend about January shows and got 10 booked for February/March/April, but NO ONE will do a January show based on the host special -- they have gotten spoiled with wanting to know what they get for 60% off. This is really unusual, because usually when I do a calling blitz like this I get 4 or 5 people willing to do a show or at least a catalog show.Ack!
I'm offering a stone to all hosts for Jan (to get it full for double points, did the same thing for Feb of last year) even though it's only part of Jan that counts and so the one's who don't get to $500 aren't miffed so much. I am using the sale plus their host discount on any stone that is $15 and under out of my pocket. And just really talk up the "extra 35-70% OFF unlimited stoneware sale for them" if they reach $500 plus that's just a bonus of the extra $50-100 for them.
I am having a tough time with January also. I have one catalog show and I am only $800 away from my 15,000 mark. Was hoping to do it in Jan.

Most everyone really like Feb more. I think it also had to do with the $500 mark for them to reach.

I know PChef is only trying to help us have better sales, but if the host isn't confident she can reach that sales level, well she might not book.

Just my 2 cents! :rolleyes:

Kelly V.
heat123 said:
I'm offering a stone to all hosts for Jan (to get it full for double points, did the same thing for Feb of last year) even though it's only part of Jan that counts and so the one's who don't get to $500 aren't miffed so much. I am using the sale plus their host discount on any stone that is $15 and under out of my pocket. And just really talk up the "extra 35-70% OFF unlimited stoneware sale for them" if they reach $500 plus that's just a bonus of the extra $50-100 for them.

So, which stones are you offering/not offering? I'm a little confused. :confused:
Are you offering it to her for FREE, whether or not she hits the $500 level?
If she hits $500, will she get the extra free product in addition to the stone, or is it just one or the other?

Please explain! I want to "get it", as I think you may be on to something here!!;)
I know my hosts can reach the $500 level or higher if they follow my coaching. Invite 40 people (give me the list because I send the invites) call everyone to invite them personally, use the e-vites from my website, let everyone know what is on sale and that they may order from my website even if they can't make it. I call my hosts at least three times unless they are good with e-mail. Then I probably call twice or less. I've booked from great shows, so I think the hosts expect they too will have a great show.
  • #10
To help in January, I'm offering a 12 days of January special. If they book in the first 12 days, they get the Large Bar Pan for the price of the day they booked their show (ie: Jan 2 = $2). They are already on sale plus what ever the show % is plus you make commission on the sale. I just booked a party on the 2nd with my MK lady at an open house we did today by telling her this! I figure it will cost me around $16 plus be a commissionable sale!

Another tip is to host coach them to a higher level. Don't let them settle for less than $500 or less than $1000! Show them how much more they will get at that level!!!
  • #11
Yes to all at least who make a min show of $200 which will give me the 20% additional host discount. The small oval baker, small round, med, small bar, med bar, 6c muffin and loaf. All will be less than $15 out of pocket on a min $200 show.

I am also promoting the fact that they can get the Entire Cran collection for only $43.50 based on a $500 show! So that will hopefully get them motivated to reach that high!
  • #12
wadesgirl said:
To help in January, I'm offering a 12 days of January special. If they book in the first 12 days, they get the Large Bar Pan for the price of the day they booked their show (ie: Jan 2 = $2). They are already on sale plus what ever the show % is plus you make commission on the sale. I just booked a party on the 2nd with my MK lady at an open house we did today by telling her this! I figure it will cost me around $16 plus be a commissionable sale!

Another tip is to host coach them to a higher level. Don't let them settle for less than $500 or less than $1000! Show them how much more they will get at that level!!!

That's a great idea!! Since they're the same price, though, I would like to suggest that you also offer them the choice of the Large Round Stone with handles! It's the newest stone, so someone might just book in order to get a stone they probably don't already own!!

Good luck!!
  • #13
I'm not offering any additional incentives to host in January. Our company incentives are AWESOME!!! Heather you posted somewhere else about how they can get the entire Cranberry line of Stoneware for only $43 if they have only a $500 show!!! That's amazing! I've been booking January just by focusing on the Stoneware savings. I haven't even mentioned the additional FREE product, that's like gravy!

Don't sell the special short. It is good! When your average show is $350 I can see how it would be a little disheartening (believe I used to be there), but this gives you a major incentive to work on your host coaching and making your shows fun to help boost your sales. My average hosts fall in the 6-700 range so I'm not too worried. During our host coaching I'll be sure to fill them in on the extra FREE product they can earn by having a great party. But I'm not booking them that way. Like I said, GRAVY!!

Change your outlook/focus. I'm sure you'll get some Jan bookings!! Good luck!
  • #14
Personally, I've been more promoting the stoneware sale than the host promotion. I don't like the host benefit this month, yet I've still been able to book 4 January shows just based off the stoneware sale. I don't even talk about February unless they're really not interested in January.
  • #15
Paula R. Lewis said:
That's a great idea!! Since they're the same price, though, I would like to suggest that you also offer them the choice of the Large Round Stone with handles! It's the newest stone, so someone might just book in order to get a stone they probably don't already own!!

Good luck!!

I have better luck with the large bar pan for some reason!

I am only offering this special to help book the beginning of the year for me, just something I wanted to do, I wasn't saying that everyone has to do it. The large bar pan is one of my favorite pan so why not share it with my customers?
  • #16
I am promoting January as Stoneware Sale month. Except for past hosts most people don't really understand our bonus program anyway so I tell them that ALL stones are on sale to guests at 20% off and hosts can get them for free or even up to 70% off if they use their FPV or 1/2 price benefit with the guest discount.

If we aren't excited about a promotion we will not get them excited. Those people who want the sure thing just need to get a February booking and they can earn BOTH!
  • #17
I agree that this might not seem fair to hosts that can't get a show up to $500 but turn this into an opportunity! February WILL fill itself with the special that they are offering but January WILL set the pace for the rest of your year.

I try to have people concentrate on January and you might want to consider not revealing February's host special. Although at first I was not happy that HO did not reveal it sooner....I now know why!

Every one of your hosts CAN get to the $500 level. They must have help from us to help brain storm on guests to invite. By using the 40 names in 4 minutes or better yet, 50 names in 5 minutes, they can think up of enough people to invite. Yes, people are less likely to order in January as big as they did in October and November, but even if 25 people order $20 of products (which is about the cost of one stone), they will reach $500 in show sales.

Ask for a guest list and maybe this is the month to try sending the invitations if you don't already to this. (I was so timid to do this, but I am one of those that have had success!) Host coach like you never have before and assist your host in any way possible.

Those that will not reach $500 in sales are those that will not try. They are the ones that put the catalog on the table in the break room and hope that someone will order. January hosts need to know that they are special...they need to know that they need to be excited about their party and about the stoneware special. Not only will they get extra money towards free products, but they are sure to get some kind of booking for February and will then reap wonderful rewards for doing nothing!!!

January is a matter of turning what seems like a bad deal into something that is an opportunity. Also known as turning lemons into lemonaid! January hosts may make the best recruits too. They will have learned all they need to know to have a successful business by having a successful party.

Turn your enthusiasm on! :) January is NOT a raw deal for hosts. PC is one of the most generous host programs going out there without the 60% off. Make your January a good one...it is possible and it will make the difference in your business for 2008. If you promote January, your February (double incentive points month) will be a barn burner! Start looking at the benefits of January and don't compare them to February. Those hosts that are kicking themselves for not taking advantage of the September pan special are real interested in January and February specials!! I have one I am waiting to set a date for now!!
  • #18
Don't forget, too, that January hosts who don't quite make it to the $500 level can take advantage of the February bonus at bookings. So it's still in their best interest to hold their own show in January - they may surprise you (and themselves) and get above $500, and they can get 2 (or 4, or 6!) items at 60% off in February (depending on their bookings)!
  • #19
hey how do they get the entire cran collection for only $43.50?
  • #20
Based on a $500 show with that extra $50 free and using 2 of the most expnesive pieces at 50% OFf, plus the guest special 20% OFF, they can get the cranberry collection at that price!
  • #21
..I've been booking January on Stoneware on sale.

For those of you having a problem with bookings - why not offer a stone at 60% off - they are already at 20% off, then with the host discount, that will give so much more, you won't be that much out of pocket - PLUS it gets you a booking.
  • #22
That was my other thought before my FREE stone offer. ;)
  • #23
All excellent ideas!! Thanks for sharing!
  • Thread starter
  • #24
Thanks ladies -- I'm going to try and refocus... it's been a difficult fall for me (I had a miscarriage of a pregnancy I wanted very, very much and have been sick with a miserable cold now for more than 1 week and a half) and I'm just feeling really discouraged. :(
  • #25
I guess I am totally confused. Even if a host doesn't make the $500 mark for the bonus free stuff, wouldn't she still get what is free in the other catagories?

(say $450.00 in guest sales would get you the $60 free like normal?)

Is that what you all were saying and I missed it? Thought I understood the host special until I started reading this thread. It is not what I thought at all.

Glad I read on. Help un-confuse me.

  • #26
pamperedtracy said:
I guess I am totally confused. Even if a host doesn't make the $500 mark for the bonus free stuff, wouldn't she still get what is free in the other catagories?

(say $450.00 in guest sales would get you the $60 free like normal?)

Is that what you all were saying and I missed it? Thought I understood the host special until I started reading this thread. It is not what I thought at all.

Glad I read on. Help un-confuse me.


Yes! The host will still qualify for all of the other host benefits. The HOST BONUS is usually not tied to sales, but during the month of January, they must have $500 in sales to get the host bonus. Does that help?

Interestingly enough - I've had 2 hosts this month who didn't choose to purchase the host bonus item, and that happens almost every month for me.
  • #27
ivykeep said:
Thanks ladies -- I'm going to try and refocus... it's been a difficult fall for me (I had a miscarriage of a pregnancy I wanted very, very much and have been sick with a miserable cold now for more than 1 week and a half) and I'm just feeling really discouraged. :(


I am so sorry for your loss! That explains why we haven't seen much of you here lately. Prayers for peace and comfort for you from me!
  • #28
Thanks Becky, that does help. :D

When my hosts choose not to take advantage of their host item for the month, sometimes I will take it. It is crazy to let it go to waste.

Thanks for helping me out.

Tracy :chef:
  • #29
hello all
if the show get at least $150 in sales they still get 50% more
maybe this is the Host Benefit
thank you
from Michelle
  • #30
50% more Free
  • #31
This is an extremely old thread but to go along with the current January host special, they only get 50% more when they have over $500. Please read the fine print on the host special form.
  • #32
I'm so confused! I was under the impression our show hosts would receive the NORMAL benefits if they're under a $500 show- meaning, if you have a $400 show, they would receive the normal $60 in free products. I'm fairly certain that is the case. But- if you get over $500 in sales, then they get ADDITIONAL free product value. Am I wrong??
  • #33
Oops...disregard my last post!! It's already been addressed. :)
  • #34
I am a little confused. So, if a host does not hit $500 in sales, does that mean that they are not eligible for the regular amount of free product value that is listed in the Fall/Winter Catalog? I thought our January hosts would still be eligible for the $15, $25, $40, and $60 regular free product value based on the show totals if they do not reach $500. Is this not true in January??

  • #35
They can. Disregard what you've read. It's an old post.
  • #36
I would assume that since they are having a cooking show, they would at least get
the $15.00 in free products. if their show was only $150.00.

This what our catalog says.

I also thought that since they did a show lower than $500 that they would still get
the amounts listed in our catalog, they just wouldn't get any extra added.
  • #37
This thread is from three years ago - disregard everything you read in it. Hosts for January shows will get the regular host benefit unless their show is over $500 - then they get the additional 50% free. They also get their choice of one of the rectangle pans - either stoneware or metal - at 60% off.

Yes, all hosts get the regular host benefit but shows over $500 get extra!
  • #38
Yes I said previously, this post is 3 years old, please read the current host flyer and ask your director or recruiter if you have any questions!
  • #39
Yes, as you can see from all the concerns posted here they started offering a 60 percent off item for ALL hosts in these months, PLUS the extra credit if they hit $500!
  • #40
Jan host with atleast $150 in sales can still get their pick of one of the 60%off bakers. So the 50% more is just a bonus to them. I have not had anyone complaining. Thats a good deal :)
  • #41
opps sorry I didnt read the second page of posts before i posted LOL

Related to Does the January Host Get a Special for a $450 Show?

1. What is the January host special for orders under $500?

The January host special for orders under $500 is a "maybe" special, meaning the host may or may not receive a special depending on the total sales of their show.

2. Can the host still receive a monthly host special if their show only reaches $450 in sales?

Unfortunately, no. The host must reach at least $500 in sales to receive the monthly host special. If the show only reaches $450, the host will not receive a special.

3. Why did some potential hosts choose to book their shows in February instead of January?

These potential hosts may have preferred the "sure thing" special offered in February rather than risking not receiving a special in January if their show does not reach $500 in sales.

4. Is it fair that the past host can receive a monthly host special, but the current show hostess may not if their show doesn't reach $500?

This is a valid concern, however, the monthly host specials are meant to incentivize hosts to reach a certain sales goal. It is ultimately up to the host to promote and encourage their guests to make purchases to reach the $500 goal.

5. Can you clarify the difference between a "maybe" special and a "sure thing" special?

A "maybe" special is offered when the host's show reaches a certain sales goal, in this case $500. It is not guaranteed, but there is a possibility the host will receive a special. A "sure thing" special is offered when the host's show reaches a specific dollar amount, such as $500 or $1000. In this case, the host is guaranteed to receive the special regardless of the total sales of their show.

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