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Director Do other hosts struggle with remembering past guests?

Please tell me I am not alone. After 8 years in the biz, there are some hosts that I simply cannot recall. I look at the name and have no recollection. Can't think of how I met them, what they look like, was it cooking or catalog? Sure, some of this comes back to me once I look in P3 or at my host tracking sheets. Other hosts are amazed that I can remember specific things about them ie. the farmhouse sink that I loved, how their daughter was house hunting, etc. I guess I make a better connection with some hosts than others.

And I am SURE there are many hosts who don't remember me :roflmao:
Yep, I hear ya! Getting old sucks! LOL!
Amen, sisters!
I think the ones that are easiest for me to forget are the HOL hosts who book in close, and I've never met in person until the night of their show, and only see that one night.
I don't have time to develop any sort of relationship with them.
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  • #5
Chefbeckyd said:
I think the ones that are easiest for me to forget are the HOL hosts who book in close, and I've never met in person until the night of their show, and only see that one night.
I don't have time to develop any sort of relationship with them.

Yup, and if you don't get any bookings off of them and never see them again, they're quickly out of the memory banks.
Sad, but true. I especially hate getting a call where they assume I know who's on the other end! Lol
I had one walk up to a booth and say hi, I thought she was a past guest, didn't realize right off the bat that she was a past host. I was super embarrassed. But in my defense, I met her the night of the show, she closed over the phone and I hadn't seen her again since then. She scheduled the show with a different consultant who was a flake. Host had the invitations filled out when the consultant called & needed to change the time, instructing the host to just mark out the wrong time & put the new time on all the invitations. Then, after invites were mailed & RSVP's received, the consultant called on Fri night to say that she needed to reschedule the Sat show to another weekend. She promptly was fired by the Host. The neighbor called me & asked me to come do the previously scheduled show. The Host already had outside orders! Luckily, I happened to be available.

But I was super embarrassed when the host & neighbor walked up to my booth. I knew they looked familiar & did place them with PC, but it didn't click who they were until they reminded me! :blushing:
I agree, I get a lot of them mixed up in my head sometimes. I remember the super nice ones, if I see them mulitple times and I remember the awful ones too!
Sad how the awful ones stick out in our memory ... huh?
  • #10
Yep, all of the above is true. The times I hate are the times that I remember the name and the connection, but for some reason I do not recognize them at a party 8 months later. One did change her hair color a bit, but geez I feel so stupid.

LOL...I am writing this paragraph after walking down to another office at my work. One of my past hosts who subs for the school walked past me and it reminded me that she forgot what I looked like as well. I guess it can go both ways! Hopefully I left a good impression although must be not memorable!
  • #11
I was doing a Home and Garden show, and a past guest of mine walked up and started talking to me. She obviously knew pc and I asked if she had a consultant, and she said "well it is you, i get your emails all the time". I apologized and offered her a calender - and her husband said "we have your calender with your picture on the wall" and then she said"yes i spent 100 so you gave me one last week at Peggy's party". OMG I just wanted to hide under the table. One of my hospitality consultants was behind me (pretending to be invisible) and when they walked away, she simply smiled at my embarrassment. Open mouth, insert foot...
  • #12
Look at it this way ... if someone's going to forget the other, it's better that we not know who they are than them not know who we are ... right? LOL

Related to Do other hosts struggle with remembering past guests?

1. Do other hosts struggle with remembering past guests?

Yes, it is common for hosts to struggle with remembering past guests, especially if they have been in the business for a long time and have encountered a large number of guests. The constant flow of new people can make it difficult to remember everyone.

2. Am I alone in this struggle after 8 years in the business?

No, you are not alone in this struggle. In fact, it is quite common for hosts who have been in the business for a long time to have trouble remembering past guests. With so many guests over the years, it is natural for some to slip through the cracks.

3. How do I handle not being able to remember certain guests?

If you encounter a guest that you cannot remember, it is best to be honest and upfront about it. You can politely ask for their name again or try to jog your memory by asking them about certain details of their stay. Most guests will understand and appreciate your effort to remember them.

4. What can I do to improve my memory of past guests?

One way to improve your memory of past guests is to keep detailed records and notes about each guest after they stay with you. This can include their name, reason for their stay, and any notable interactions or details about them. Additionally, making a personal connection with each guest can also help you remember them better.

5. Will my guests remember me as well?

It is likely that some guests will remember you, especially if you made a strong impression on them. However, just like hosts struggle to remember past guests, it is also common for guests to forget about their hosts over time. Don't take it personally and continue to provide great hospitality to all of your guests.

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