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Do Future Host Specials Increase Bookings?

the next 2 weeks" is a common one. Even though you tell them over and over again, their past experiences really come into play.
Silver Member
I'm just wondering if anyone else finds this for bookings.

I talk a LOT throughout my show about bookings. I also ask everyone at my show if they'd like to host. Before, if they said no, not now I'd ask if I could follow up with them later. Of course, they said yes but then I'd never get ahold of them!

So now, I've been putting more emphasis on the future host specials and how much "Suzie Host" wants "X" special so she needs a friend to book. I still get a lot of no's at tally time, however, when I bring up the fact that their friend benefits in the next 6 months, they will book! I've consistently been getting 4 bookings per show this way. Now some of them are hesitant and may cancel, but I figure if 1 out of 4 cancels, I'm happy!

Has anyone else found this? I know the key is to ask everyone but I've found that even when I ask, I may have to still...push one extra step.
I get the hosts in on it, too. I give them the Do You Love a Bargain flyer from tastytidbits.net and have them circle the specials they want. I did a show in December with 9 people and nobody wanted to book (according to the DPDS), but the host told people what she was going to buy and that they already had their first order and that I make it easy by sending out the invitations and making the reminder calls. I left that night with 2 solid (dated) bookings and three others.
I do that too!! Also when they tell me "no not now" I ask no not now ever or no not next month - then take it from there - how they have 6 months to host and their friend gets the credit - works pretty good for me
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cmdtrgd said:
I get the hosts in on it, too. I give them the Do You Love a Bargain flyer from tastytidbits.net and have them circle the specials they want. I did a show in December with 9 people and nobody wanted to book (according to the DPDS), but the host told people what she was going to buy and that they already had their first order and that I make it easy by sending out the invitations and making the reminder calls. I left that night with 2 solid (dated) bookings and three others.

Yes - I started using the DYLAB and I really like it...however I need to coach my hosts on it a little more.

Do you bring it up to your hosts in the first coaching call?
I do use it on the first host coaching call. I go over each benefit of the host program and have them take out the DYLAB flyer when we talk about bookings. I give them the opportunity to ask questions AND I make sure they understand they can book off their own show and get double host specials at their second show.And, when someone says no, I ask if it is no now or no never. I just got a booking for 2 years out. I didn't get a date, but that is when she will be done with school, so that is when she wants to have a show. If someone is hesitating, I ask them what scares them. Sometimes I am amazed at the responses like "I don't think I could find the time in the next 2 weeks" is a common one. Even though you tell them over and over again, their past experiences really come into play. When I book a couple months out, they feel a lot more relaxed. I do ask for the guest list to be sent to me in a week. We can always add to it, but that guarantees their spot in my calendar.
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cmdtrgd said:
I do use it on the first host coaching call. I go over each benefit of the host program and have them take out the DYLAB flyer when we talk about bookings. I give them the opportunity to ask questions AND I make sure they understand they can book off their own show and get double host specials at their second show.

And, when someone says no, I ask if it is no now or no never. I just got a booking for 2 years out. I didn't get a date, but that is when she will be done with school, so that is when she wants to have a show.

If someone is hesitating, I ask them what scares them. Sometimes I am amazed at the responses like "I don't think I could find the time in the next 2 weeks" is a common one. Even though you tell them over and over again, their past experiences really come into play. When I book a couple months out, they feel a lot more relaxed. I do ask for the guest list to be sent to me in a week. We can always add to it, but that guarantees their spot in my calendar.

Honestly...that is one thing I'm not good at - going over the host benefits. It's silly because I'm just starting to get hosts that have NEVER hosted before and so I need to remember that they have no idea what is going on! I had one host call me and say, "what's a cooking show?" She had been looking over some things and didn't even realize that that's what she was doing!

I will definitely have to work on my host coaching skills and bring DYLAB into it.

I've been getting a lot of "I'm too busy" and they say they're too busy for the next year! How do you deal with that? I try to tell them that it really doesn't take much more time than they've spent out with their friends this everning, and they surely didn't plan this 6 months ahead...but I still get people who want to book but think their lives are so much busier than everyone else's. I know of at least 2 other ladies last night that would have booked if I could have helped them understand that they really do have time to do this.

I know not everyone is going to host but it's hard for me to let someone go when I KNOW they want to but they just don't think they have time...I really don't want them to miss out on all this.

Related to Do Future Host Specials Increase Bookings?

1. What are "Bookings" and how do they work?

"Bookings" refer to future cooking parties or events that are scheduled with a Pampered Chef consultant. These events can be in-person or virtual and typically involve a group of people gathering to learn about and sample Pampered Chef products. To book a party, the host and consultant will agree on a date and time, and the host will invite guests to attend. The consultant will then provide a fun and informative cooking demonstration, and guests have the opportunity to purchase products and earn rewards.

2. What are "Future Host Specials" and how can I take advantage of them?

"Future Host Specials" are special offers and discounts that are available to guests who agree to host a Pampered Chef party in the future. These exclusive deals are a way for Pampered Chef to thank guests for considering hosting their own party. To take advantage of these specials, simply attend a Pampered Chef party as a guest and let the consultant know that you are interested in hosting a party in the future. They will provide you with more information and help you schedule your own party.

3. Can I earn free products through hosting a Pampered Chef party?

Yes, hosting a Pampered Chef party is a great way to earn free products! The amount of free products you can earn is based on the total sales from your party. The more your guests purchase, the more free products you will receive. In addition, as a host, you also have the opportunity to purchase select products at a discounted price. Your consultant will provide you with more information and help you choose the products you would like to earn for free.

4. What are the benefits of hosting a virtual Pampered Chef party?

Hosting a virtual Pampered Chef party offers many benefits. Firstly, it allows you to easily gather and connect with friends and family from the comfort of your own home. It also eliminates the need for cleaning and preparing your home for guests. Additionally, virtual parties are convenient for guests who may not be able to attend an in-person party. Virtual parties also typically have a larger guest capacity, so you can invite more people to join in on the fun and potentially earn more rewards.

5. Can I customize the menu for my Pampered Chef party?

Yes, you can customize the menu for your Pampered Chef party! Your consultant will work with you to choose the recipes that best fit your preferences and dietary restrictions. You can also request specific products or types of products to be featured in the demonstration. Your consultant will work with you to create a menu that you and your guests will enjoy and learn from.

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