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Discover the Duration of Maternity Leave in the US - All You Need to Know!

In summary,Mat Leave in the US is about 3 months.Canada has a great system where you are given 6 weeks paid leave with births or adoptions, and 8 weeks for c-sections. You get 12 weeks of unpaid leave with births or adoptions.
I am just curious - how long is Mat Leave in the US?
I believe it is about 3 months.
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  • #3
SERIOUS? Holy crow - I couldn't EVEN IMAGINE going back in a few months after my kids were born. In Canada - we get 12 months!!!!!!
In CA you get 6 weeks paid disablity for a regular birth and 8 weeks for a c-section. How much time over that is up to the job and the mom
And I can't imagine crows being holy...

FMLA provides for 12 weeks of unpaid leave with births or adoptions. Daycare centers don't take infants until they're at least 6 weeks old, so that is what a lot of people take. By the end of 6 weeks with a colicy baby, I was ready to go back to work and talk to grownups again!!!! Had I been out a year I would have A) gone crazy and B) completely forgotten how to do my job.
Yes, it is either 6 weeks for regular birth, 8 for C Section...there is no way I would have been able to go back after 8 weeks..
I think Canada has a GREAT system.
I have a friend who worked in the US but was still considered a Canadian employee. She was able to take the full year off after her daughter was born. That is really nice that you get that time with your kids. Some people go back after 6 or 8 weeks. I don't know how they do it!!
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  • #8
Really? I LOVED staying home (and I am STILL staying at home) with my kids! Everyone is different, right? :blushing:
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  • #9
Know that I KNOW what other Countries do - I TOTALLY appreciate Canada's system WAY more now!:love:
  • #10
In Canada, how much of that year is paid time off?
  • #11
I don't even think it a US thing but a state to state thing,
I live in NJ were maternity leave is considered short term disability which means you get 4 weeks before your due date and 6 weeks after for regular birth and 8 for C-section..and that is only at % of your pay..BUT I work in PA which does not offer the same disabiltiy through the state..so with my first son I got paid through a disability plan I had through my job...my second I didn't have that plan anymore and got 0....all the time off I want but no pay :(
  • #12
I dunno.Maple Leaves are 3-4" long.
  • #13
FMLA (the Family Medical Leave Act) allows for employers to give you 12 weeks off for serious medical time for you or your immediate family. They have to give you the time off, and allow you to come back to your same pay and a similar job. They do NOT have to pay you a dime. Every company (and now...I am seeing every state) is different, though. FMLA is what they MUST allow you to take and not give your position away to someone else. But...I will tell you from a friend's personal experience that it's VERY HARD to proove if they screw you over and try to demote you or not have any hours for you when you come back. Get EVERYTHING IN WRITING!!

I LOVE that you all get 12 months off! I think only 6+ weeks off for a baby is nuts...unless you (as the mother) WANTS to go back that soon!
  • #14
if i decide to have another baby(ahh!!) I will move to Canada first :)
  • #15
sk8rgrrl99 said:
I believe it is about 3 months.

Yes, Pampered Chef offers a maximum of three months leave where you do not need to submit sales to remain an active consultant. (Which is what I assumed was being asked as well)
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  • #16
ooohhh - I didn't even consider what PC does. Good to know.

I have always owned my own business - so mat lv never applied to me.

I thought a friend said they receive 80% of their wage but only for a short period of time - after that, isn't it 60%?????? That is just what a friend told me, AND I am only going by memory SO I COULD BE COMPLETELY OUT TO LUNCH!

I always thought the percentage was fairly good - but I was thinking of it from MY POV - I wasn't getting anything for my time off BECAUSE I worked for myself.
  • #17
It used to be 60% of wages for a year, now it's 50% for a year.
  • #18
pckrissy said:
if i decide to have another baby(ahh!!) I will move to Canada first :)

I was just thinking the same thing - LOL
  • #19
In terms of percentage of salary you receive while on leave, it depends on the plan provider that offers the short-term disability policy. Some companies do not offer short-term disability.

The bank I work for, for example, only offers long-term disability. I work for them as an Employee Benefits Specialist. You can bet I tried my hardest to have a short-term disability plan put in place when I found out we were expecting. Lol! Our baby girl was born 4/8/08 and I returned to work after 7 weeks of leave. The only pay I received was the sick leave I had accumulated (it certainly did not last the 7 weeks I was on leave). My Dr. technically released me to return to work after 6 weeks but I asked her to keep me out another week.

Companies have the option of forcing you to use your vacation time while counting towards the 12 weeks of FMLA as well. I wanted and needed to save my vacation time for later in the year so I did not opt for FMLA.
  • #20
I was working for a hospital when both my DS's were born (97 & 02) both times I was allowed 12 weeks unpaid. I was able to use my saved sick & vacation time though.

So all through the morning sickness & too tired to talk stages I dragged myself there the whole 40+ weeks.

After #2 though I didn't go back full-time just per-diem then eventually quit, to stay home full time.
  • #21
By law you have to be allowes 6 or 12 weeks based on the number of employees at your company is what I have always been told. But they do not have to pay you. I heard that AFLAC has an insurance policy that will pay you maternity leave. Of course I am not sure how long u have to have it before they will pay it.

I took one week vacation and 8 weeks without pay. I put money back each week while I was pregnant to help with money during those weeks without pay. I have to go back July 9th and I am so DREADING it!
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  • #22
Jennifer - on a thread a little while ago - I thought I remember you saying something about going back to work. And I thought 'WOW, so soon?' - that is why I posted this - because I thought he wasn't very old :(
  • #23
stefani2 said:
Jennifer - on a thread a little while ago - I thought I remember you saying something about going back to work. And I thought 'WOW, so soon?' - that is why I posted this - because I thought he wasn't very old :(

I only got to take 7 with Luke. I got 2 more this time b/c I had the section. I could take longer but the money will not hold out.

The good thing is I am only going to work 3 days when I go back. Tues-Thurs. And the first week I am only working Wed and Thurs the 2 days my parents keep Cole and Luke. Cole has shots on that Mon so I told them I would come back on Wed in case he had any reaction to them I would already be off.

It reallty hit me this morning that next week is my last full week and I was already about to cry. I dread having to actually go. Leaving Luke is always bad enough but I cannot stand the thought of leaving both. Plus, Luke is a mommy's boy and it will be really hard on him with me being home everyday for so long with him to. He is know for following me to the car and begging me not to go. I pray all the time for God to provide a way for me to quit completey.

Related to Discover the Duration of Maternity Leave in the US - All You Need to Know!

What is the average duration of maternity leave in the US?

The average duration of maternity leave in the US is 12 weeks. However, this can vary depending on the company and state laws.

Is maternity leave paid or unpaid?

Maternity leave in the US is typically unpaid. However, some companies may offer paid leave as part of their employee benefits package.

Are all employees eligible for maternity leave?

No, not all employees are eligible for maternity leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) only applies to companies with 50 or more employees and employees who have worked for the company for at least 12 months.

Can maternity leave be extended?

Maternity leave can be extended depending on the company's policies and state laws. Some companies may offer additional leave time, or employees may be able to use vacation or sick days to extend their leave.

Are there any other options for new mothers who do not qualify for maternity leave?

Yes, new mothers who do not qualify for maternity leave may be able to use short-term disability or unpaid personal leave to take time off for their maternity leave. It's important to check with the company's policies and state laws for more information.

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