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Disappointing Show: Reflections on a Lackluster Sales Night

In Summary, the show was unsuccessful. The host booked the show off of the success of another friend's show. There were only 5 people there and no sales.
I had a show tonight that I was hoping was going to be a really good show. The host (a former coworker) booked off of one of her friend's shows. The friend had a show in January that was almost $1300. Tonight they were expecting 8-10 people....there were five people tonight including the host and her co-host (her Mom). They had collected a few outside orders but so far sales are only at $93. :cry: I usually mail the invitations myself but they just booked this show two weeks ago and we didn't know if there was time. I'm just bummed because I wanted them to have a successful show (plus of course I wanted a good commission)

I don't know what I should have done differently. Any suggestions?
The only thing I can suggest is to plan further out or set higher expectations for the host. Plus, now you can really get her going on collecting outside orders! She must know that isn't much sales.... she would be silly not to realize without you even telling her! Of course don't tell her, just encourage more sales!
Agreed with Chef Allison...keep the show open for a few days and ask for outside orders from everyone she invited plus others she did not invite. If her workplace allows it, passing a catalog with OOF is helpful.
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Both she and her mother passed catalogs at work. They do know that there are some more outside orders to come but it's still disappointing.

I would have booked the show farther out but they just called me two weeks ago and wanted the Feb. show. I did a lot of host coaching so I thought tonight was going to go better than it did.

I guess on the plus side I did get two bookings, a registry and possibly a bridal shower....but I still wanted more!
I once read somewhere how a woman had a really low show but it turned into so much money down the road. Had you not had the show you wouldn't get the two bookings (plus possibly more from those two shows) or the registry or bridal shower. It is definitely frustrating to give up so much time and only get a little out of it but as the saying goes...it takes money to make money. Hopefully this is the universes (sp?) way of taking money from you in order to make money. Keep track of this show and how much you get in return from all the others that you booked off of it. Wouldn't that be interesting? Good luck!
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Thank you! I hadn't thought about it that way. Actually one of the guests (and future hosts) would be an excellent consultant. She absolutely loves our products and was practically doing the selling for me last night. When I mentioned the opportunity she said she wasn't interested but maybe over time that will change.
I just wanted to chime in here. I was disappointed with my Grand Opening show, too. HOWEVER, when I look at the big picture . . . .

only 5 people showed up, BUT they ALL booked a show!!!!

1 of them has a daughter getting married next summer and will probably want a wedding registry!!

I also learned that one of my friends REALLY REALLY loves the products and knows a LOT about them. (I may try to recruit her . . . NO, I will try to recruit her!)

It looks like the show is really paying off!!
It will work out in the end...something good will come of it...let us know what happens!!

Maybe try getting the Cd on host coaching!
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I actually have two cds on host coaching. I thought I'd done a good job with host coaching. We were expecting a lot more people and even the host was surprised there weren't more people there. I'm hoping they get enough in outside orders for it to at least qualify as a show. I'm going to make my CCC tomorrow to my other customers and if any orders come from that I will add them to this show.
  • #10
Don't let it get you down. I know it is easier said than done. :) But hang in there, you have some good ones and bad ones. You never know what will come of this... maybe a future recruit... I say that cause I didn't even attend my MILs show- which I know was a disaster, but 6 months later, I called the consultant and after talking to her a bit decided to sign! I am sure she was not expecting that!!
  • #11
I wanted to share with you that even though the sales are low don't worry about it. I once had a show that only 2 people showed, no sales, but 1 booking. Did the second show again only 2 people with 1 booking. Did the 3rd show 5 people, 3 bookings & the host signed. So you never know what will come up in the future from this one show.
  • #12
Congratulations on a great show! You got 2 solid bookings, a possible third (bridal shows are almost always great) and a registry!! WOO HOO!! :balloon:

When I started my business the requirement for a show was $150 or 5 orders. I had a show that I drove a total of 140 miles for. The final sales were $60. I had one booking.

That booking had $600 in sales and 2 bookings. Those bookings had $1000 and $400 and more bookings...

If I had been upset and blown that group off because they didn't order look what I would have missed.

(NOTE: I am not commenting on you or your attitude - just giving a positive spin on how we can look at something that is at first glance disappointing.)
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I appreciate everyone helping me see the positive side. I know that there are good things going to come from this show I just wanted a better show for the host & co-host. What happens if they don't reach $150 in sales? Then what do we do? (I'm sure they will though.....they said they have at least 4 more orders to get).
  • #14
tinat51796 said:
I appreciate everyone helping me see the positive side. I know that there are good things going to come from this show I just wanted a better show for the host & co-host. What happens if they don't reach $150 in sales? Then what do we do? (I'm sure they will though.....they said they have at least 4 more orders to get).

Don't count your chicks til they're hatched... see what comes in for outside orders and this may sound corny but envision your show reading at least $150. I know I'd love for every show to be $500 or more but know what... I'm happy as a clam just for a show to qualify. LOL... and if there's bookings from it, all the better! Keep your host motivated... give her pep talks and suggestions of where else she can go for outside orders. Hope for the best and see what happens! Let us know how it goes!
  • #15
I am SSOOOOO with you on a disappointing evening. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting much out of this party. It was a rescheduled party - and for both parties I sent over 40 postcards. Guess how many people she had? 6 - including herself and her mom and their spouses. It was an evening party, so she and her husband were putting their 3 year old twins to bed, but when her mom and dad got there, they woke the kids up and were playing with them the entire time. It was a chocolate bliss party, and the grandparents kept feeding the kids chocolate, which made them more hyper and made the mom/host yell at them. The kids were screaming. Every time I started to talk about a product, I just go interrupted. The host's husband was calling me out on about half of the products I talked about.

All for a $230 party. I think I spent my entire commission on postage.


Right - and she said she felt bad and wants to have another show in the early summer when more people will come.

Related to Disappointing Show: Reflections on a Lackluster Sales Night

What can I do if my Pampered Chef show is not as successful as I had hoped?

If you are feeling disappointed with the outcome of your Pampered Chef show, there are a few things you can do to turn it around. First, assess what went wrong and try to identify any areas where you could have improved. Next, reach out to your host and see if they would be willing to reschedule or add on to their original show. You can also consider offering a special promotion or incentive to encourage guests to make purchases. Lastly, don't let one lackluster sales night discourage you – remember that every show is a learning experience and an opportunity to improve for the next one.

What are some common reasons for a disappointing Pampered Chef show?

There are a few common factors that can contribute to a disappointing Pampered Chef show. These can include a small guest list, a disengaged or uninterested audience, a lack of preparation or organization, or poor communication with your host. It's important to address these issues and make adjustments for future shows to increase your chances of success.

How can I better prepare for a Pampered Chef show to ensure it is successful?

Preparation is key to a successful Pampered Chef show. Start by setting clear goals for your show and communicating them to your host. Make sure you have all necessary materials and products on hand, and consider practicing your demonstration beforehand to ensure it flows smoothly. Additionally, promoting your show through social media and word of mouth can help increase attendance and sales.

What are some effective strategies for increasing sales during a Pampered Chef show?

There are several strategies you can use to boost sales during your Pampered Chef show. One effective tactic is to offer a special discount or promotion for guests who make a purchase during the show. You can also highlight the benefits and features of the products you are demonstrating, and offer suggestions for how they can be used in everyday cooking. Additionally, encouraging guests to book their own shows can lead to future sales and success.

What resources are available to help me improve my Pampered Chef shows?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of resources to help consultants improve their shows and increase sales. These can include training materials, tips and tricks from experienced consultants, and support from your team and upline. Additionally, attending local or virtual training events and conferences can provide valuable insights and strategies for success. Don't hesitate to reach out to your Pampered Chef community for support and guidance as you continue to grow your business.

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